The End ... ?? (Yuna & Turncoat's 1x1)


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC

The past several months had been peaceful but slow for a lack of better. It was, in that sense, a double edged sword. Everyone who knew of the incidents including the "Midnight Channel" were no doubt glad it was all over. This did, admittedly, include sixteen year old Naoto Shirogane. However, in the midst of everything coming to a halt, this included her own line of work. It was slightly awkward, but she had remained in the police force with Ryotaro Dojima.

Yu, Dojima's nephew, was now gone. Tohru Adachi was behind bars for his linkings with all the crimes. Everything was as it should. And yet, Naoto still couldn't help but almost feel like something was missing. Not from within Inaba, mind you. Oh no. Rather, she felt like something from her own self was missing.

Many people tried to encourage her to relax and take it easy rather than be so on edge lately. And the young detective had tried to heed the words. Truly, she had. But the task was so much easier said than done. It came with her workaholic nature and the fact that school was currently out wasn't at all helping her feel any less restless.

"Still, they are right." She mused softly to herself, glancing up towards the ceiling of her residence. "May as well enjoy the break while you can."

Break? What's that?

An inward scoff echoed throughout the young woman's head. But she knew her mind had a good point. Words like 'break' and 'vacation' didn't easily exist in Naoto's mindset. The revelation alone made her sigh and simultaneously groan.

Standing and getting to her feet, she began to head into her kitchen. A slight frown crossed her face. "Well ... that's one thing I guess." She decided, giving herself an affirmative nod as she closed the refrigerator door. Now that she had a new mission in mind, Naoto had somewhat of an idea on how to spend at least this day. Even if the task was simple in concept, it was still essential nonetheless.

According to her findings - or lack thereof - she needed to go shopping. Heading back into her room, she grabbed her wallet. Yes, wallet. Purses were too easy to lose or get stolen. A wallet, Naoto had found, was far more organized and easier to handle. Then again, she was much more like a tomboy as opposed to the stereotypical female.

Slipping the wallet into one of the front pockets of her blue jeans, she began to head out, stopping as her eyes caught her cell phone. It seemed redundant. While she did still remember all the others from the Investigation Team; Yu, Chie, Yukiko, Kanji, Teddie, and Yosuke, poor Naoto had never been good with social interactions. It was another thing many had encouraged her to work on but was also a much easier said than done task.

Still, her head wound up shaking in a no direction. It may be a mistake but she shouldn't be that long, not enough to actually need it. Her eyes then trailed up to her keys instead and pocketed those away. And with that, she opened her front door, closing and locking it after finding herself out in the streets and in view of the public.

As the sun hit her face, a hand raised to shield her dark orbs. While summer was her favorite season, she did wish that sometimes the sun wouldn't try to seem as if it were attempting her. After her sight adjusted, she began to walk towards the Central Shopping District. Not that Junes wasn't fun to visit every now and again but she had to make funds last. Not like money grew on trees, after all.
The tatsumi household had been pretty busy after the fog over Inaba had been lifted. It was like everyone in town was willing to come by the textile store, even if it proved to be a little dated. The Amagi's proved to be their best customers however, time and time again.

Kenji had been deciding to help around the store, like old times, to aid his mother with the piling workload. While his doubts about his sexuality still hung within his mind, he found himself with a new sense of confidence after the case was done, especially about feminine things. He didn't feel too conflicted about them anymore.

That said, he had pretty much taken up many things that could have been called feminine. Sowing and other fabric related activities, and it could also have been said that he may have been overcompensating for his displeasure of them. Let it never be said that Kanji Tatsumi did small measures of anything.

He'd been quite comfortable in the aftermath of the case, though like everyone else he missed Yu. Everything wrapped itself up like folded linen, and he found himself back where he'd began. Sans the school cutting, but he was still more or less the bad boy of the small town.

Of course that didn't stop him from doing his duties around the store, and that was the reason why he'd taken a quick trip down to Junes. His mother had asked something of him, and he honestly couldn't remember what. In his brief confusion, he remembered she'd written it down for him. Like always, he was a tad slow on the uptake.

He wandered around Junes, looking very uncomfortable as he shopped for his mom. The discomfort being that he had no idea where it was.

Just as everyone else from the Investigation Team wound up finding a new sense of self-confidence, Naoto was no exception to this rule. She had been allowing herself to wear more casual and typical attire. Today, for instance, was a perfect example. In place of her staying in the school uniform, Naoto was clad in a comfortable pair of blue jeans, a tank top, socks, bra, panties and sneakers. The revelation she had been given regarding her gender allowed for the young detective to avoid hiding her gender. Ergo, her breasts were actually able to be seen. They weren't anything overly .. spectacular, not in her mind or eyes. But it was a start or so she had always reminded herself. A small but still content sigh passed her lips as she took in a breath of the fresh oxygen.

As her eyes darted around, a hand raised up and ran through her hair. She had also been told to let her hair grow out. Now that she was done with the Mulan-esque techniques ... it honestly wasn't too bad of an idea. And she had wondered, even before becoming a detective, how her hair would look if it were like Rise's or even Yukiko's. Her right index finger subconsciously twirled around a few strands several times before lowering back to her side.

Multiple flashbacks - good, bad, or otherwise - began to race through her mind as she continued the trek towards the Shopping District. Most involved the Investigation Team though there were some without them, mainly regarding her parents. Her head bowed slightly. Naoto had never really mustered up much courage to visit their graves but ... maybe she was overdue for a visit? Probably if not a definite 'yes'. Her teeth gripped her lower lip slightly, helping her snap back to reality.

And in good time too, otherwise she almost never would have believed what was being seen before her. She had to blink a few times. Sure enough, a familiar face came into view. Her head tilted slightly and before she second guessed herself, the name slipped her lips.

"... Kanji-kun?"

But then, she realized the punkish man had always seemed ... uneasy around her. Maybe it hadn't been smart to call out his name?

... Well, too late. You already spoke up.

Her head bowed as her steps quickened slightly. Maybe if he didn't notice ... yeah. It'd be better that way. Wouldn't it? She had felt pretty certain about that and yet another hoped he'd notice anyways. Why was beyond her understanding, save for maybe to help improve her social skills? It wouldn't be the worst thing but .. had now been the right time to test herself out?

Well ... she'd find out soon, one way or another.
It was one of those moments where Kanji disliked doing errands for his mother. Sure, he was willing to do just about anything from her, hell, he had drove a biking game out of town just so she could sleep a bit easier. But there were some things that he truly didn't want to deal with, Naoto being one of them.

It wasn't like he didn't like her. He liked her a lot. He had almost went out on a date with her, when he was having trouble with his sexuality and everything. She was a big reminder of that trouble he was having at the time, but that wasn't the reason he didn't want to deal with her. The fact of it was, he really still wanted to go on that date. Kanji wasn't good with emotions.

He looked over his shoulder at the detective calling his name, stopping along with the shopping cart he had in his hands. It was filled with misc. things from his mother's list, and he himself was dressed in his usual punk attire. That was a given. But a faint blush was across his face. He really hoped that she didn't notice the facial gesture.

"Naoto-san...?" He answered back, not quite sure how to carry on the conversation. He didn't expect to see her there!

He noticed that her clothing was...a bit different for her. She certainly seemed more at home with her gender. That was good for her, though he hoped she was a bit better on the social uptake than he was. More than she was at least. He didn't know how to carry on a conversation with her. Everyone else, sure, but not her...

...Damn ....

She instantly felt torn to hear Kanji reply to her. It was a blessing and a curse. But she had started this. It only seemed fair to end it properly much like the old saying went. Her gaze remained away from Kanji as she swallowed softly. Finally, however, she made eye contact as her body pivoted. While she wasn't much better at all in the social aspects, her ability to think quickly more than made up for it. Besides, there had been something she'd never gotten to yet. Her head bowed politely and after allowing herself a few moments to regain her composure, Naoto finally spoke up.

"It's a nice surprise to see you again. I never got to apologize really for seeming ... invasive back when I tried to warn you during those ... incidents. So while I have the opportunity, sorry if that was an inconvenience for you. How have things at the shop been going?"

Now that she was facing him, Naoto did mentally note the crimson on his face but didn't bring it up. She was likely already making him uncomfortable enough as it was. There would be little to no point in bringing petty topics like that up. Also, Naoto had never really been one to judge people much in the first place. It was a good reason why she hadn't bothered to tease or pester Kanji on his hobbies.

More than that, it'd be hypocritical. She herself wasn't exactly the typical girl into make-up, fancy clothes, and other things of the like. No, she was - had alway been - into mysteries and being a detective. It was a rare display much akin to Kanji and his sewing. But in an odd way .. she secretly respected him for that, for choosing something that wasn't a more regular hobby or activity for adolescents his age range or gender to enjoy.
It was like she didn't want this conversation as much as she did. Heck, he was pretty sure she'd rather not have ran into him. It was a sentiment he reluctantly shared with her, not quite sure how to have a normal conversation with her anymore. Before they talked about the case, and all of the awkwardness just seemed to fade away in precedence to more pressing matters. Now that the case was over, they didn't have that same veil of comfort they'd shared once before. Kanji felt naked, metaphorically.

He was a little surprised and relieved when she started talking with an apology. It was nice to hear from her. Only natural that he made an effort to the conversation if she did. He'd be an ass not too, with the try she was giving at it.

"Things at the shop have been...busy to say the least. It's like everyone wants something from mom these days...." He spoke, offering up a weak smile. This still felt really awkward.

It was nice to see her though, and she seemed to be doing really well after the case. They'd all been a little sad for awhile after Yu went away, but there wasn't much they could have done about it. Everyone kinda just picked up the pieces from there. It was clear that everyone had became a lot more comfortable with themselves afterwards.

There were many things and what-ifs that had gone through Naoto's mind. One of the very last things on that list was for Kanji to actually reply to her. But she was glad to be wrong. It was a nice change of pace. Despite tending to come off as a know-it-all often, Naoto did like to feel .. human. And that would include being incorrect with things. The sensation was as if the world were gradually being lifted off of her shoulders. And damn did that feel amazing. She'd carried so many burdens, whether it was hers or someone elses', for so long. It was nice to get rid of the excess stress, even if only a small amount.

"Well, without anyone having to worry about disappearing after being seen on television, I'm sure people are feeling more at ease. Which is more than fair. I'd want some sort of reassurance." She noticed Kanji hadn't returned the favor of asking back. So it seemed almost unfair to try to speak as if he'd inquired on how she was doing.

"I'm ... um .... did I catch you in the middle of something? If I'm interrupting, I can let you be. I just .... don't see many of the others. So it really was a genuine surprise to have found you again."

So what if it'd sounded silly? The words were some of the most true ones she'd ever let herself speak in years. And that alone could be detected in her voice. Her ankles tensed but she didn't move away just yet.
Kanji had never been one for being straightforward with his feelings, and now was no different from any other time he was having conflicted emotions about something. But she had been so cordial with him so far, and it relieved his fears for the moment. He was pretty sure she was going to ask why he had a cart full of sowing supplies. Or why he was running errands for his mom in the first place. This was a better change of pace that he could handle.

"I was uh...getting some things for my mom..." He trailed off after that, his eyes drifting over to the cart full of the aforementioned supplies.

"...I mean, you could walk with me. It's no bother." It was a relatively simple invitation, something seemingly innocent. Just walk with him as he shopped. Wasn't like she had anything better to do.

Once again, Naoto's mind had made up a mental list. And yet once more, Kanji had gone through with taking up one of the very last options which had raced through Naoto's mind. It made an inward chuckle go through her head and the slightest hint of an actual smile appear on her face. She really had seemed to get the very wrong idea of Kanji, even from before she'd assisted out the Investigation Team. Suddenly, the usually smart detective felt incredibly naive and even a bit vulnerable. While it did terrify her somewhat, it also intrigued her. This was new and something she clearly couldn't predict or figure out very well.

More than that, she was mustering enough courage to try to work on her socializing. It was a hell of a nerve-wracking feat. But it was definitely still an accomplishment when all was said and done. And it was more than ample to make a rare surge of pride rush through the teenager.

Of all the things she had or hadn't noticed, the cart had actually been one. Her focus had been so heavy upon the man before her that only when he pointed it out did she notice an array of materials for sewing. She took the time to quietly study them for a few moments before shaking her head. "If it's no bother, sure. I'm just ... trying to get myself used to a break from work."

It was mostly true. She could always retrace her steps and head back toward the shopping district. But there were no guarantees she would or wouldn't be able to have this opportunity to improve on herself ever again. So she would embrace that while it was still around. Waiting for Kanji to take the first step, Naoto would begin to walk beside the young male beside her.

"I'm glad everything's done and all. But now it's ... kinda quiet, more so than usual. Or .. is that just my thoughts?" Hopefully, she could keep up the fast thinking. Naoto wouldn't push for Kanji to be the first between them to talk. But she did hope that, eventually, all the uncertainties between them would eventually vanish. Of course, it'd take time but that was more than acceptable with Naoto.

She could wait and be ridiculously patient when needed. And if he wanted to make that same effort, she'd continue to hold up for Kanji in return.
The world didn't implode in on itself, or explode outward as she answered him, as Kanji supposed it would. He didn't know how she'd respond to his question, but he was pleasantly surprised when she agreed to it. It was a lot better than walking around Junes alone and with a cart full of fabric. At least this way he had some company as he did so, and good company at that. A faint smile appeared on his own face as well, and he kept walking.

He wasn't good with other people's emotions either. But he was pretty sure he was seeing some internal debating there. It might have been something similar to his own dilemma, or might have been as trivial as her dinner for the night. He'd never know.

He began to walk with the cart and Naoto, leaning on the metal structure a bit, gaining a few creaks and groans from the ill used device. He looked her way as she spoke, willing to listen to her till she finished.

"It's always quiet in Inaba. Before the fog, nothing interesting every happened here. It was just one small damn town."

Kanji's guess was indeed correct. Metaphorically, a hamster was racing on a wheel in Naoto's head. Her heart raced along with her brain as she continued to take step after step beside Kanji. Even if the detective wouldn't admit it aloud, she was nervous as hell. Granted, this entire scenario was a massive work in progress. And more than that, the positive emotions that she was still feeling within herself were enough to help her temporarily forget of the anxiety. Her peripheral vision helped notice the sight of Kanji having his own slight grin on his face. That was a good sign, right? It was supposed to be, going off of common sense if nothing else.

Suddenly, Naoto felt abruptly stupid upon hearing Kanji's reply. She glanced up in thought and realized he'd been right. Even before the fog, not much had ever really gone on. Risette had been one of the most dominant and popular people, in fact, as had the select few other celebrity-ish types around Inaba. That made her think back to Yukiko and the inn that her family ran. She was supposed to end up taking over. But when all was said and done, had she actually done the task? It made her temporarily ponder the issue before she forced herself to focus on the here and now. After all, it'd be rude to just abruptly ignore the presence beside her.

"True enough." She finally confessed, her own slight blush of embarrassment forming on her cheeks. "I suppose this has always been the small town that isn't used to much if any activity. I'm ... too used to working and trying to get out of the habit." Her head shook as she sighed. "I'm sorry. I know this probably isn't anything at all you were expecting and I must be sounding like a fool to you. But these sorts of things really aren't my forte. But I'm trying to make an attempt to improve my weaknesses and make them turn into strengths."

Her head looked up once again and as Naoto confirmed her words had been accurate and correctly used, she nodded to herself. Her pulse was beginning to quicken yet again as she felt herself at a loss on what to say.

Come on, Naoto! It can't be that hard! Don't screw up now!

But ... what could she say? School would be a bit redundant when they were out and on break from it. She'd already inquired on his hobby. Maybe she could expand on that? But ... how?


She'd give anything to turn and run, feeling mortified and ashamed of herself. But Naoto was a woman of her word. And she'd reassured herself and Kanji that the detective would walk with him. No matter how embarrassed she was, she wouldn't break her promise. Nu-uh. It'd take far more than an intense feeling of awkward sensations for her to dare make such an attempt.

"What else do you like besides sewing?" It wasn't the best by any means. But it was a start, an ice breaker of sorts. Simultaneously, it was also an epiphany for herself. Her mind began to think on a reply if he asked ... and it was then that Naoto realized aside from work and solving mysteries, she didn't have many others. If one could count it, schoolwork was another. But .. that was basically it.

Well don't you sound like the most pathetic sociopath in existence? Damn, girl.
Kanji wasn't sure if he was helping. She still seemed pretty nervous and everything, though that was far from his goal. He never understood women. They were all so indirect and weird about their feelings. He liked them, but men were typically a lot more open if something was bothering them. Talking to girls about issues was like talking over a nuclear treaty. At least for him at least.

He wasn't sure if Yukiko was still taking over at the inn. She had the weight of tradition hanging over her head like a dead bird, but she often expressed the desire to leave Inaba. If so, Kanji couldn't blame her. The town was pretty boring. At least with the fog, there had been some excitement. He'd seen everyone else pretty sparingly, though he was occasionally offered to 'hang out' by Yosuke. They were politely(for Kanji) refused. And of course, he couldn't remember a single time he'd seen Naoto from after the case. Besides at the moment at least.

Was that a blush on her cheeks? Did Tatsumi make the great detective blush. That was a satisfying though. "Naoto, you can't be great at everything. I'm pretty shitty at school work, but I'm pretty sweet at fighting." It was a surprisingly simple piece of advice from him.

When her other question hit him, he took a moment to think about it. Working out, riding his bike, fighting, and the occasional task for his mother. That was pretty much his set of things he liked to do. He realized he was pretty damn close to becoming a tool.

"I like to work out I...Ride my bike around town, other stuff..." Kanji was a rather impulsively thinking person. It was likely he wasn't even thinking about what he did when he did it.

Her feet damn well nearly came to a complete stop as Kanji spoke up. Her eyes closed as she thought long and hard on his reply, hearing the words echo repeatedly in her head.

"Naoto, you can't be great at everything."

She hadn't thought on that exact concept before. Then again, there had been much she had failed to think about. A small chuckle finally left as she gave another nod. "Also true, I suppose. It's .... easy to forget such simple things, especially without someone to guide you. I envy you and the others from the team. You all have support and family."

Maybe that shouldn't have been brought up. Well ... too late again.

Still, the words were otherwise true. But they also weren't meant to get him to pity her. Far from it. Honestly, she hated those types of reactions as much as being treated like a child still.

When he went to mention his list of other hobbies, she took the time to glance at Kanji. Sure enough, his body had some hints of muscles though nothing too insane like she'd seen in magazines before. To help keep herself busy and in shape, she also worked out every now and again. But it was easy to note her upper body was by far stronger and more defined as she had faint hints, especially near the shoulders.

"It's all still something which, as the old saying goes, is far better than nothing." Naoto finally offered, hearing Kanji have his own bits of hesitation in the answer he'd given her.

That same hamster began to run faster on the wheel, her pulse matching it's new pace. The rare sensation of wanting to faint was actually trying to overcome her. Was this a panic attack? It was definitely something she wasn't used to let alone knew how to deal with. And that alone scared her far more than the talk she'd been having thus far.
It was surprising how much insight a seemingly uninsightful person could possibly be. Kanji had given her a pretty solid advice there, but what she had told him next had him a little...depressed. She was right. Everyone in the investigation team had someone to fall back on when the times got tough. Hell, Yu had Dojima and Nanako. Naoto just had herself. That sounded pretty damn depressing, at least to the biker boy.

"Look...You're probably one of the strongest people I know. You've weathered through the case all by yourself. And not really by yourself. You had us. And me I guess..." He spoke, not really expecting that to come from himself.

Kanji had taken a subtle note of her own body as well. She was pretty fit, at least from what he could see. He caught himself staring pretty quickly, and looked away just as quickly. He didn't want her to know that he was staring.

"Having nothing seems pretty sad..." Kanji noted quietly, not really meaning for her to hear it. But she might have.

A mix of willpower plus Kanji's words helped Naoto fight off the desire to faint in front of him. In place of staying conscious, however, her body began to react in a different way. Her forehead was definitely warm, a fever threatening to emerge. As far as she could gauge, it had definitely been a panic attack and was a side effect of sorts. Since she'd resisted passing out, other symptoms had begun to take over her body. Naoto wasn't sure if what she was feeling then and there was a merciful sensation or whether she should have let her body give in anyways.

Don't be stupid. You'd have looked .... pathetic to have lost consciousness in such a place ...

Right? She'd been pretty certain about that.

"... Thank you. That really does mean quite a bit, especially given some days I don't feel like ... much."

The words not only had helped Naoto come back to reality but made her almost want to cry. When had she last broken down anyways? Years ... probably when her parents died. And yeah she'd always heard it was never good to hold emotions back. But it hadn't been done intentionally. She'd just ... done so much to keep herself busy, be it with the police force or another source of work.

But now that she was feeling it again, Naoto forgot how strong it could be and how the force tried to increase when one fought against it.

"It is but ... I'm kinda used to it."

Going from sociopath to emo huh?

Nonetheless, it was another true set of words. Her head shook as a few light pants left. ".... I'm ... not feeling so good." She finally admitted, the rest of her body steadily beginning to get hot despite being in a place with air conditioning and wearing light clothing.
He wasn't too god at reading people, but Naoto didn't look particularly good to the bad boy. She looked a little sick...That was really quick to get sick. He swore she was fine just a minute ago. Maybe it was the air inside of the Junes...?

"No one is ever used to being alone. I'd go crazy if I was by myself all the time." Kanji was on a roll today. He was surprised that he had never gotten anything like this out of his system before. He just hoped he could keep it going.

But his attention shifted back to her illness that was suddenly springing upon her, as indicated by what she had spoken. He racked his mind for a response, running a hand through his bleached hair.

"Are you alright...?" Good job. Pinnacle of charisma right there.

The same urges had been going back and forth, trying to take over Naoto's body while she fought it off simultaneously. Her steps began to become less stable, to the point where she'd swayed lightly and the dark eyes were going through rapid eye movement. All of it she'd noticed and felt upon herself but was trying to keep it hidden away from Kanji. Then again, with him being so close that wouldn't be as easy of a task to accomplish.

"The better wording, maybe, is no one should be used to being alone." She managed to reply, the tone of her voice softer than it'd been. Kanji wasn't the only one astounded at how well this was going aside from the abrupt panic attack. But excluding that, the talk was otherwise going really well. And it likely wasn't showing very well on Naoto's face ... but she truly was content to have begun to made progress for the better with Kanji.

A weak chuckle managed to leave her lips as he inquired whether she was well or not. She'd just hinted the answer was no seconds ago .. and yet he was still asking. The gesture was nice, she knew. But this was one of those times where actions needed to be taken rather than double checking up.

"Not ... not really, no.."

A hand raised up to try to feel her forehead. Before it could reach it's destination, though, her hand fell back to her side. Gravity began to guide Naoto's body towards the floor as the alluring urge finally won and her consciousness began to fade.
It had been a really awkward and strange conversation so far. That was how things typically were handled between Naota and Kanji. They'd never truly got over that earlier strangeness between them, when she'd asked him out and everything. Not that he helped the situation at all. For the first time, he felt like there was something there. At least a little bit.

Then she collapsed on the ground. This day was just getting better and better by the moment. He didn't know she was that sick. She probably shouldn't have come out then. He'd seen the signs of her 4

Kanji stopped her of course before she hit the tiled ground, but it was a little surprising, having her drop out of nowhere. He held her in his arms, raising an eyebrow at her. "You're definitely not okay..." He muttered. "Can you hear me...?"

Even in her mostly unconscious state, Naoto could feel some of her instincts trying to work. About half of Kanji's speech was being comprehended into her mind despite her exhausted state. Though with only getting some of it and not the entire thing, it wasn't making as much sense as it otherwise should have.

Damnit, no. Get up. This is ... ridiculous, embarrassing ....

But of course, what she wanted and her body were two different issues.

The detective's eyes remained closed, her chest gently rose and fell to at least signal it wasn't anything worse than having passed out. Her head weakly slumped against Kanji's chest as a low groan elicited from her lips. It seemed that would be the best reply he'd get for now. She kind of heard him .. and yet didn't at the same time. But there was a higher portion of Naoto that was still out and unconscious as opposed to being more alert and awake like she should.
If that groan was the best that she could get out, Kanji supposed that she wasn't really sick. She passed out, but it was a lot better than her having something actually life threatening. From the best that he could tell. He hoped that it wasn't something life threatening.

There was also the matter of his shopping. He had already gotten everything from the list, but he really couldn't leave her there on the ground. He debated putting her in the cart, but he doubted the staff would allow him to. In the end, he just supposed that he was going to have to carry her. She didn't look that heavy after all.

His day just kept getting more and more interesting it seemed.

It took a bit of maneuvering, and more than a few close calls, but he managed to get her onto his back. Her chest was pressed against his back, but he tried not to think about that. Taking one last look back at the cart full of supplies, he sighed. There goes all that hard work.

"Try and hold onto me, alright?" He advised.

Kanji would find yet another guess had been correct. She didn't seem to be much over one hundred pounds with how easy it was to hoist her. The moving around, however, was a different story. Much like the fabric specialist, the day was going along rather ... interestingly. Naoto wouldn't have used the word 'smoothly' but it was definitely eventful nonetheless. The passing out had been an additional factor she hadn't at all intended on expecting to occur. All the same, Kanji had been correct with his earlier words on not being good with everything.

Unfortunately, this would include predicting the future or anything of the like.

The words 'hold on' managed to register well enough into the detective's mind. A hand weakly slid up and took a hold of his shoulder. True, it probably would have been smarter to wrap both arms around his neck. But even if she were more awake than current, Naoto didn't .. feel like pressing her luck? Was that it? She knew what was trying to go through her head but not quite how to word it.

Regardless, the point was she didn't want to make him more uncomfortable than was already almost no doubt happening already. But she didn't wish to fall either and it'd been one reason her instincts kicked in and obliged with the idea to hold onto him.
Kanji had held her legs from his side pretty easily, though again, the process of getting her onto his back was a dubious process at best. It took a moment for him to get on their way. Wherever that was.

They got more than a few looks as they passed out of the store, and more than a few as they actually got out onto the road. It took awhile, but his house finally in sight. He had been sweating a little, and breathed a sigh of relief. That was the only place he could think of dropping her.

He slipped inside of the humble abode quickly, thankful his mother wasn't home to ask all sorts of weird questions about the strange girl he was carrying on his back. That was what he was thankful for. Looking around for somewhere to drop her, a nearby bedroll proved to be the solution he was looking for.

"There you go..."

What's .... happening?

Not that she didn't trust the biker. But Naoto had never been fond of being kept in the dark, as it were. And when it included something directly involving herself, the feelings were all the more stronger. Her eyes slowly opened every now and again. She saw the interior of Junes, the streets outside, and ... a ... house? But it wasn't hers. So it was fair to assume it was Kanji's. The unfamiliar feeling of a bedroll that didn't register as the one from her own place finally confirmed well enough where she was.

"...Ungh ... " Another groan left as she tried to keep her eyes open. It ... was somewhat succeeding. They were staying in view for more than twenty seconds as opposed to remaining completely shut like earlier. But she still wasn't wide awake either. However, she had managed to notice one of the times her eyes revealed themselves the lack of bags behind or beside Kanji.

".. Sorry .... I made you get side tracked ... " Her hand began sliding to her pocket to reach for her wallet. Guilt mixed in with the embarrassment she'd been feeling since the urge to pass out had begun to dominate her body. The right course of action, in Naoto's mind, seemed to be to compensate Kanji. But knowing he hadn't finished his shopping because of her didn't make the detective feel good about herself. And somehow... she felt obligated to make up for that.

Unfortunately, that trait tended to be one she'd inherited, likely from one of her parents. Naoto was often very self-sacrificing. After all, Adachi had gotten to her because she let herself be seen on television and thus purposely used as bait to help solve the case. Otherwise, it never would have happened. And even off the job, she could keep and try to use that trait .. a bit too much. It'd been another thing others had insisted she should try to work on not using so much along with giving herself breaks every now and again.

Truth be told, that was definitely another factor which had helped her faint. As much as the detective had indeed tried to relax, most of her break had been spent working. It wasn't always in or with the police force but the toll had finally added up after so long.
"It was nothing, Naoto. I imagine you'd do the same for me. If you, y'know, could pick me up." He hoped she would do the same for him. Otherwise it would be pretty redundant for him to have done that. Though he honestly probably still would have.

"So uh...Rest up, and I'll make sure you'll get home later. Or would you rather try and go now?"

Kanji hated to admit that he didn't want to her to leave so soon, but if she really wanted to leave, there wasn't much he could do about it. He enjoyed her company, as strange as it was.

He looked away, a faint blush going across his face as he tried to stop that line of thought in it's tracks, slipping his hands in his pockets and sitting not too far away from her.

A smile smile formed on Naoto's face as she nodded. "Mhm. I'd ... help you somehow. I'm not sure if it'd be done by lifting but yes. I'd figure a way to help you, regardless." The words made her hand halt as it fell beside her. Now the dark eyes were remaining open, having finished the rapid eye movement battle but the detective was still lying down on the bedroll. Her hands rose once again as she began rubbing any sleep away from her eyes. She stayed quiet and began to think on the offer. It made her even more nervous to remain in a foreign place than speaking with someone she hadn't seen often. In fact, she'd never been to any sleepover before, which was more or less what this would be.

Gotta start sometime though, hm?

And unfortunately, her mind was correct. Otherwise .... she'd never get used to anything. Besides, if she wanted to compensate him somehow, it would be best to accept the offer.

Her head finally moved from side to side as she glanced up at Kanji. "No. Trying to move now wouldn't be wise. I'm not even sure what triggered that ... I've never had it happen before. So I'll ... wait, give it time."

A brief pause lingered over them as Naoto looked towards Kanji, noting his gaze averted from her. So she made as best eye contact with him. Her smile widened as she spoke again. "... Thanks again. I'm ... not used to a lot of things. I don't think I really thanked anyone properly from the investigation team for even really letting me help or join." Her mouth had opened again to continue, but she just left it at that. Naoto had already explained her case, he probably wouldn't wanna hear her rant forever and ever.

Though to be fair, she couldn't blame him. That was understandable. After a while, the detective would hear of her own self speaking if nothing else.
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