Lara Croft's Amazon Adventure (Celebstars & DeRe)

Hansen and Verth shared a glance of bemused contempt at the antics of the civilian party. It seemed like things would take much longer than planned, although considering their handsome wages this was no great issue. Rafel was already way ahead, pathfinding for the group and checking for any possible threats. The fact they were completely dependent on the stone-faced Indian unsettled Hansen more than he cared to admit, giving him an uncharacteristic sense of unease.

The heat of the day was rising fast as the cool dawn disappeared. Even the least effort left a person soaked in sweat. The two mercs were adjusted to these conditions but they still found it unpleasant enough. Fortunately a thick jungle canopy kept the blazing sun from breaking through, other than a few pillars of light that reached down to the leafy floor. Innumerable bugs had began to stir, to the discomfort of the travelers. Although the day had just begun the Amazon was already beginning to press cruelly upon them.

Checking over his shoulder, Hansen saw Lara, her boyfriend, and the hag bringing up the rear. He noticed Lara was doing fine and walking alright. She was definitely in excellent shape, he reflected. When she noticed he was looking at her Lara returned the gaze with a vicious and accusing stare. Hansen just grinned and nodded.

Then Arthur crashed into him like a bird falling from a tree. "Wha's the problem, egghead?" Hansen growled. "You going to wank off to your naked friend again, eh? I heard you last night." Glancing back over at Lara, he whispered to Arthur "Got a great fucking body, doesn't she?"
"I don't know what you are talking about!" Arthur insisted, his tone of voice seeming like he had been offended. When Hansen spoke on about her body, Arthur seemed to be lost for words as Lara was starting to catch up to the group. "Yes she does doesn't she" he replied, seeming in a trance as her hips swayed from side to side. Gulping, he broke his stare from Lara and looked to the two men. "It's the heat, makes you say things you know!" Walking past them he went to his friends.

Lara was holding her boyfriend close with her arms around his waist whilst Judith and Stanley spoke to Arthur, wondering what he was talking to Hansen about.

The trek through the jungle was harsh, the rain was coming and going, almost like someone was turning on a tap. Their clothing wasn't badly drenched as the trees above acted like a shelter. A snake slithered around a rock hissing at Lara who just stared at it's beauty before walking on.

Up top, the Indian had broke through a bush with his machete and came to a clearing. It was like a field with grass up to the knees. The sun beamed down with all it's strength and the group felt hotter and sweatier. Nearly everyone went for their water before turning the cap back on.
The noises of the jungle rang out around the party as they trudged on. Shrieking parrots, cackling monkeys and chattering crickets all combined to form a raucous accompaniment to their travels. Even the intermittent rain did not seem to stop the sounds. Hansen was more comfortable in the dry, open climate of a desert and found himself grimly enduring the humid fug. Verth was even less acclimatized, but bore his beetroot sunburn and effusive sweating more cheerfully. The pair kept to themselves, trailing behind Rafel who was out-of-sight up ahead.

"I'm sure that Indian bastard is leading us into an ambush," Hansen hissed in an aside to Verth. "Every fucking instinct I have says something stinks about him."

"Ach, you just don't trust his kind. You used to bitch all the time when we had that black tracker in Angola, and everything turned out fine. Shut up about it already." Looking back over his shoulder, the burly Swede bluntly changed the subject. "I think we should make some use of that idiot Arthur. He could help split up the civvies later, help get Lara alone, or something."

They entered into the grassy clearly, Rafel standing in the middle staring at the blue-gray sky as patchy rainclouds ran across. He ignored the others as they entered. Hansen and Verth took their bearings, had a drink, and called for a ten minute break.
The grassy plains did seem a good time to stop and catch a breath. But standing in the heat wasn't such a good idea especially with no shade. Lara walked up ahead to Rafel, he seemed like the only decent mercenary. "I don't think we should stop here, at least go over to the other side to the trees for some shade?" He did seem to agree with her and looked back at Hansen. Lara saw this and put a hand on his shoulder. "You are our leader, your leading the way. I will follow you, so will the others." Nodding her head, everyone moved on, walking past Hansen and Verth defying their orders.

The grass was very tall, rubbing against everyone's knees. Sweat continued to pour out of every inch of their skin and reaching the trees on the other side seemed miles away.

Suddenly, the floor gave way and Lara, Judith, Arthur and Stanley fell in to a large pit as did Rafel. It must have been dug at least 20 foot deep and there was no way of jumping or climbing out.

Everyone seemed fined, no one screamed but they would have done if they had seen what was coming. From everyone position, tribes people were running with their spheres towards Hansen and Verth as well as the pit.
Ordinarily Hansen's honed instincts would have alerted him to the pitfall. But his knack for smelling an ambush had been comprised by his obsession for Lara, his paranoia of Rafel, and the oppressive climate. It was a total shock to him when he saw the party disappear in front of him, seemingly swallowed whole by the overgrown green ground. The two mercs froze, their combat senses beginning to to kick in as they suddenly realized what was going on.

Shadows from the timeline suddenly burst forth as painted, yelling Yanomami ran into the clearing. At least thirty heavily armed, athletic warriors swarmed out in the sunlight in a well-prepared assault. With practiced precision the two mercs dropped to one knee and took aim with their weapons. Both of them managed to shoot down a few but the speed of the assault and the number of attackers was too much. Hansen turned to Verth, his heart pounding in angry excitement. He was just about to say they needed to retreat to the treeline, when a long thin arrow pierced right into the Swede's throat. Falling backwards, blood streaming from his neck, Verth was mortally wounded.

"Fuck!" screamed Hansen. This was bad, and he knew regrouping for a counterattack was better than sticking around to get killed. "Looking down at the thrashing, gurgling body of his friend, he said coldly "Sorry mon ami, you always knew it was going to end something like this. Give my regards to the rest of our friends in Hell, eh?" Leaving the dying Verth with a quick pat on his shoulder, Hansen bolted into the bush. Once in the trees he suddenly turned hard, circling around the clearing, his FAMAS held high and ready. The Indians chasing him disappeared off into the jungle, while he worked his way around behind them. Finding a thick clump of vegetation he could hide in, he settled in to watch developments by the pit.

Once Rafel has recovered from the momentary daze of the fall, he cursed softly to himself. He hadn't planned to join the white idiots in the hole, and his friends and cousins would tease him about it for weeks. Hearing calls from above, he yelled back in the same tribal dialect, telling the warriors where they all were. The fearsome looking Yanomami tribesmen gathered around the edge of the pit, suddenly laughing and taunting the grim-looking Rafel for being down there.

Weeks before Rafel had infiltrated the group on behalf of this tribe - HIS tribe - in order to lead them into just this ambush. Despite the embarrassment it was a real coup for him. Two of the warriors lowered down a rope and he quickly clambered out, then they pulled it up before the others could grab it. Looking down from the top now, Rafel smiled. "Looks like you not as smart as you think eh, graverobbers?"

From his hiding place, Hansen watched on, biting his lip in frustration and anger. "You little fucker," he thought. "I knew it!"
Verth wasn't the only person to suffer an injury. As they fell, Stanley broke his leg and the crunch of the bone was enough to make Lara's boyfriend vomit in the corner. It was times like this she regretted having him, she wanted a man for a partner and he just wasn't that. Putting her relationship aside she turned to Rafel, asking him to help the group. Once he started to speak in the language of the tribe she soon calmed down along with the group, thinking all was ok.

Judith was in the left corner holding Stanley to her chest. He was laying down with bone sticking out of his leg. It was astonishing that he wasn't moaning in pain but it must have been the shock.

When the pit was surrounded, the men all had bows and arrows pointing down towards the group. Seeing a rope Lara thought they were being saved but instead it got lifted up along with Rafel. "Hansen was right about you!" She screamed, although agreeing with the merc only made her hate him more for what he did to her in the shower.

The cowering boyfriend of Lara's was crying like a wimp. It must of annoyed the leader as he lifted a hand and pointed it to him. A single arrow went in to the skull and killed him instantly. Lara screamed and cried as she was going to go to his side but hearing the strings of the bows stretch she stood still.

This wasn't how the trip was meant to go.
Looking on from his concealed position, Hansen steamed in rage and frustration. His elegant, perverted plans had fallen apart worse than he could have feared. With Verth dead he had no-one to trust, and there was nowhere to run. The list of his available options had been violently cut short. But this sort of crisis condition was a natural state to Hansen, and once he swallowed his anger his soldier's mind raced to find a solution. Ironically, he knew that in order to survive, he was going to have to rescue the very people he had intended to murder.

Charging in with all guns blazing was clearly unrealistic. He had two grenades, and they would be extremely effective in dispersing the Indians. But there were plenty more of the bastards around, and they would swarm the area in minutes. Hansen knew he was going to have to trail them to their village. This was made all more the harder by the fact he was up against a tribe of Amazon Indians on their own hone turf. Curled up tight in his rathole, Hansen breathed slow and deep, watching events unfold in the clearing. He could hear whimpers of pain, and looked on as one of the Yanomami fired an arrow into the pit with a resultant scream. Recognizing Lara's cries, he smiled tightly to himself. Looks like Loverboy is done for, he thought - at least everything isn't bad.

Around the pit, two of the Yanomami lowered the rope back down again, and allowed the remaining members of the party to climb out. As soon as each reach the top, they were seized firmly and had their wrists bound tight with animal sinew. The remaining warriors returned to the clearing, admitting they had lost the one they were chasing, but brandishing the rifle and gear taken from Verth. Rafel turned to the chief, a short but powerful and muscular man slathered in warpaint. "Have no concern, that one won't last the night out here, he's an arrogant fool and the jungle take him before sunrise," he said in their shared dialect. Looking over their prisoners, he continued "The two men and the dead one will make for good eating. The older woman will be of no use for pleasure, but will make a good slave. The younger woman-" they both looked at Lara and smiled "-will provide a lot of entertainment for us tonight!" Unknown to all, Judith could speak this particular tongue, and understood all that.

With yells and whoops, the Indians and their prisoners moved off the path into the interior of the jungle, heading back to their village. One the whole force had moved on, an extremely cautious Hansen followed along in their wake.
As each had been captured with their wrists tied together, a man which held the rifle went behind each person and hit them over the head. Arthur was first, his head dropping and was his body about to fall before he was picked up by a giant of a man. Stanley, with the broken leg was next and the man lifted him up to. He carried both on each shoulder before heading off near the front. He had a large black ponytail running down his back and his body was certainly obese given his size.

Judith was then hit and it took two men to carry her as she was a little porky. Both were skinny and looked like they were in their late teens.

As for Lara, her beauty seemed a curse as she was made to walk next to the chief. Rafel was interpreting what was being said and it turned out the leader thought Lara was sent by the gods to entertain them all.

As they reached the village all of the prisoners were taken in to a hut and tied to the wall. They were left alone as everyone started to dance and cheer.

Not to far away was a river and a tribal woman was holding a jug getting some water. She had a skirt on made of tree leaves and a necklace made out of some form of animal teeth. She was slim and petite, her breasts showing with her dark areolas and nipples. Once she had collected some water in her jug, she turned around to see a white man following the rest of the tribe in. She dropped the vase like jug and it smashed on the floor.
The trip back to the village wasn't long, much to Hansen's relief. High overhead the afternoon sun was still beating down on the thick canopy. Along the way the Indians were triumphant, singing and boasting in delight as was traditional after a successful hunt. They discussed the various grisly activities they has planned for the night. It had been nearly ten years since they last enjoyed the luxuries of white man's flesh and white woman's pussy, when an attractive but unfortunate Mormon couple had their mission ended by the tribe's torturers.

Hansen trailed behind, every nerve straining with tension as he stalked the Indians. When they finally arrived he heard the nearby river, and dropped his caution for a few moments to refill his canteen. That carelessness cost him as he looked up and suddenly realized the Yanomami girl had spotted him. They both moved at the same time, Hansen splashing with giant strides across the knee-deep ford while the girl bolted off, the smashed jug left behind her. She had definite power and fear driving her pace but Hansen was larger and stronger, and he brought her down with a skilled rugby tackle between the edge of the village and the river. In a moment of almost feral fury, he climbed on her back and proceeded to bash her head repeatedly on the rocky ground. When she stopped twitching, and a bloody patch lay beneath her face, then Hansen's clarity returned.

He froze for a moment, certain of having been caught. But the sounds of celebration were deafening and no-one seemed to have noticed. The absence of the girl definitely would be noticed later on, however, and they would now know he was in the area. He dragged the girl's body to the edge of the river, rolling her into it with a soft splash. The flow took her away in moments. Then, with the frantic purpose of a hunted animal, he sought a safe hiding place that would still allow him a view of the village. After nearly ten minutes, with fear prickling his skin worse than the all-soaking sweat, he found an abandoned and nearly collapsed hut on the edge of the village. Several trees had grown through it and their canopy in combination with the old building made a natural hunter's blind, from where the center of the village was laid out like a stage.
It seemed like they were inside the hut for hours as preparations were made for their arrival. "It will all be ok" Lara said with tears down her cheeks after the loss of her boyfriend. She could still picture the arrow shooting through his neck, he didn't deserve it she thought and Lara couldn't stop blaming herself.

With her hands tied above her head with some roots and vines she looked across the hut and saw Stanley's leg bleeding out. It was defiantly going to be infected as the bone was sticking out and his whimpering cries made it hard to anyone to say anything comforting. Judith tried her best as she was sat nearest to him. She wished she could of leant him a hand to hug him but she to was tied. "Bloody Hansen, running off like that and leaving us!" Arthur moaned, his personality seeming to take a different turn. "You wait until I see him!"

"Shut up you old fool" Judith turned to him feeling annoyed. Lara just sat there and didn't even say anything, she let her head scoop down to her chest as she cried on to her stomach. Her top was became stained with tear drops and she felt as though if she didn't bang on about travelling here they would all be safe.
The village's center was roughly oval, ringed all around by their circular huts except for the river landing at one end. Seated in a large clump at the other end was the entirely of the villagers, some fifty in all. Other than the warriors there were their wives and children, as well as a few grizzled elders. All were eagerly expectant of what was coming next. After a short speech, the squat and wrinkled chieftain gave the nod to his senior warriors, and they entered the hut to get the captives. The were either carried or dragged out into the blazing sunlight and thrown to their knees in front of the villagers.

Two warriors took the screaming, writhing Stanley and bent him over a grassy stump. One held his wrists tight and pulled back, the other seized a fistful of his hair and pulled in the other direction. A third warrior then appeared with a rusty old machete, looted years before from a raided lumber camp. To cheers and applause from his family, he proceeded to chop off Stanley's head while the archaeologist struggled and shrieked. After nearly a dozen blows his agony was finally over as his head was hacked free and held high, to the delight of the onlookers.

Arthur was next. Pale white and puking, he was a blubbering mess as the blood-splattered warriors grabbed his arms. He couldn't stand and had to be dragged, babbling frantic pleas that made no sense and couldn't be understood by the Indians at all anyway. Thrown over the stump, he gazed in almost disbelieving horror at the mutilated body and head of his friend, now being quickly and expertly skinned by some young boys. Lost completely to shock, he was barely aware as the machete fell and, after a few ear-splitting cries, passed out. The warrior then finished the job by sawing the head off, throwing the remains over to the boys.

Attention now turned to Judith and Lara. A mob of women descended upon them, tearing off their clothes and leaving them completely naked before the tribe, before running off exultant at the fancy textiles they now held. Judith was pinned down spreadeagled on the ground as an Indian approached with a long, thin spear. From her studies she knew what was going to happen and it increased her nightmare a hundredfold. But her desperate screams and pleas were pointless, and the spear was slid slowly and firmly into her vagina while the tribe clapped and chanted. She thrashed about in a blind, maddened agony, blood coursing from her mouth. With a loud grunt the warriors then pulled her up, sliding the other end of the spear into a hole in the ground and fixing it in. She was impaled, dying in a few agonized minutes as she drowned in her own blood, the end of the spear emerging through her mouth.

Lara was all that was left, standing naked before the tribe. She too was pinned spreadeagled to the ground, but in her case she was tied down, her wrists and ankles lashed to small pegs into the dirt. The chieftain stood over her, speaking in the native dialect, as a group of warriors began to form around her. As there shadows fell over her, Rafel suddenly appeared, dressed now entirely in native costume.

"The Old Man says you should envy your friends," Rafel jeered at Lara. "He says they died quick, but you gonna die slow, real slow. The whole tribe here gonna fuck you, yeah? You a slave now, you stuck-up bitch. You our slave. You lie there good now, cause we's all gonna fuck you, one at a time."
As she laid there in the grass, looking up at the blue sky, she would be forgiven for thinking she would be laying in paradise in a hot location. But no, her wrists were tied with vines and pinned in to the earth below as was her ankles. Every inch of her body felt the warm glow from the sun and a slight breeze made her long brown hair blow in the wind as her head lifted up to look at her friends. The sight was enough to make someone pass out, and she hoped he would. Lara found it hard to breath, it was like she to was stabbed in the heart and a growing feeling of depression fell over her soul.

Looking around, her vision was blurry as her eyes were filled with tears. She saw these orange fleshed men and women all gathered around her like she was a prized asset. Gripping on to the vines, she tried bringing herself up, pulling on the restraints but they were imbedded deeply in to the ground.

Looking up, she saw Rafel who was speaking to her. She sucked up all the saliva she could and spat it on to his face. It was a pretty good aim and it splattered against his cheek and nose. "Come on then!" Lara shouted. "Come on!" She roared, crying as she urged them on. She wasn't thinking straight but wanted this to be over. The quicker the better.

"Hansen!" Was a surprising call from the beauty. "I'll do anything you want....ANYTHING! Just save me....please" her last word sounding teary. Of course she didn't know if he was there or not, she just hoped he was.
The tribesfolk began thumping the ground and chanting. Rafel, hissing in anger, wiped the spit off his face and declared he was going to be first. Pushing ahead of the crowding warriors, he quickly stripped naked and knelt down between Lara's spread legs. Her angry pleas and desperate tears excited him profoundly. With his rigid cock red and angry, he squeezed her tits hard and thrust in deep at the same time. Keeping a firm grip on her abused boobs he proceeded to pound her deep and painfully, stretching and tearing Lara in her most intimate places. He knew exactly how to make it hurt. The whole while he rained foul obscenities down on her in English, Portuguese and Yanomani, spitting back in her face with a jeer.

From his hidden vantage point Hansen watched on with mixed excitement and fear. It amused him greatly to see Lara being so humiliated and violated, and part of him would have let her stay there to be raped to death. But he wanted her for himself, and seeing a group of savages fucking a white woman offended him deeply - even if he did despise her. He wanted until Rafel had finished, head thrown back in pleasure as he came in Lara - then Hansen fired. "Fucking monkey traitor," he hissed, watching Rafel's head explode in a puff of pink mist. His body slumped down on top of Lara. Carefully, Hansen then began picking off other Indians at random as they ran about in panic. At least ten fell dead before they had all fled the village into the jungle.

Hansen waited a good five minutes, until the sound of the Indians were gone and the only noise was Lara's tearful shrieks and pleas. With extreme caution he entered the village, sweeping around quickly to make sure it was empty. Once he was sure they were alone, he jogged over to Lara. Kicking Rafel's corpse off her with a bitter laugh, he sneered "So then, what are you going to do for me?"
Turning her head to the side, she felt the man's body fall on top of hers. His cock had entered her private area and began humping it without so much a care in the world. Lara's screams were wild and agonising as Rafel's nails dug deep in to her breasts, leaving deep wounds which were nearly bleeding. Inside of her, the woman could feel her walls being unnaturally stretched, pushed and forced open to accommodate his meat. Clenching on to the vines with her fingers, she tried moving him off but it was no use. After a few minutes of the unbearable fucking, he would have came deep inside of her before his head popped and blood splattered all over Lara's face. "Aghhhh!" She screamed, before she saw other bodies dropping to the floor. Everyone seemed to run in different directions, choosing a path which seemed safe to them.

When it became empty, she saw Hansen stand over her. She was infuriated that he wasn't already untying her, instead of wanting something from her. "ANYTHING!!! Get me out of here!!!"
Hansen laughed even as the nervous tension pounded in his head. He knew the Indians would regroup and return within minutes, and they would be really pissed off. There was only a little time to get himself and Lara far enough away to make a decent escape feasible. As much as he would have liked to pounce on her right there, they had to get moving. He knew he had to make as much of this little moment as possible. Shoving Rafel's body off with a kick, he leered at the sight of her blood-splattered and sweat soaked body.

Gigging like a demented schoolboy, he made her promise him the foulest things. As her anger and desperation rose, she was forced to offer herself up for the worst degradations once he had freed her. She frantically agreed to be his sex slave, humiliating herself utterly before him. Grinning broadly, he undid his fly and pulled out his cock, before unleashing a stream of urine down across Lara's face and body. As she shrieked and spluttered, he jeered "Gotta clean you up first!"

Once he finished, he started at the distant sound of the Indians returning. "Fuck!" He hissed. Doing up his pants he swiftly cat Lara's wrists free, before rebinding them in front of her. Taking a nearby length of the fibrous rope he looped it like a noose around her neck. Then he released her ankles, before pulling her painfully to her feet with the noose. Tying the free end to his belt, he barked "You better keep up with me, bitch!" before sprinting into the jungle.
"You sick bastard!" Lara screamed, feeling angry and humiliated as he was pissing on her naked body. The liquid splattered against her skin, soaking her breasts and wiping the blood off. On her face, it ran up her nose, spilling on to her eyes and soaking her hair in it. The smell was foul and strong, just like the source.

Hearing him swear and putting his cock away, Lara could breath now and gasp with yellow urine all over her body. When he untied her wrists, she quickly found they were tied together in front of her with the remaining rope tied around her neck and to his belt. Running with him, her feet stepped on awkwardly shaped stones which cut in to her feet. On a normal day she would attend to the cuts on the base of her feet but given the circumstances she ran through the pain barrier. His constant movements made the rope pull on her neck, squeezing around it like a python would it's prey. She was tired and exhausted already, Lara started to slow down but found herself pulled to the ground by the rope. Her neck was being tightly held and burned before the rest of her body dragged along the dirt.
Hansen turned around as he held Lara fell, hissing sharply in annoyance. With a series of angry grunts he hefted her over her shoulder, keeping one hand firmly on her ass to hold her in place. In the other was his rifle which he rested in the crook of his elbow. "Not as tough as you thought you were, eh bitch?" he rasped as he moved on, balancing Lara's weight across his firm shoulders. "I suppose you thought this little trip was going to be just dusting broken pots and screwing your boyfriend eh?" He blinked as sweat coursed across his brow and began to drip in his eyes, while they darted about urgently like a wild animal.

Seeing the shallow stream reappear, he swiftly ran into and along it. He knew if he trailed back upstream he would eventually be near the camp. From there, they could grab some basic supplies and make an attempt to call for rescue. A trip of some three days back to the main town was the worst case scenario, and having an angry village on their tail made it much harder for them. Hansen knew that, like agitated bees, the Yanomami would have to rest and regroup, giving him a chance for a head start of sorts. Drawing upon all the powerful reserves of his endurance, he powered along the steam for nearly thirty minutes, the exhausted Lara slung limp like a wet rag.

Eventually they came upon a type of alcove, where a small pool had drained within an enclosure of jungle bush. It was like a natural campsite, as well as being secluded from all sides. Hansen dropped Lara face down in the dirt. He began to undo his belt, his hands shivering from fatigue and adrenalin.

"While we gotta a little while to rest, it's time to pay your dues, bitch. You want some water, then you're gonna have to offer up that sweet ass off yours."

He paused for a moment, listening for any unusual sounds. Secure now they were alone, he knelt down behind the prone Lara and parted her legs as wide as possible. Licking his thumb thoroughly he then inserted it into her ass, twisting and stretching her tiny asshole to allow for his huge cock. With his other hand he held her face down in the dirt to muffle her cries. When he was satisfied she was wide enough, Hansen began to slowly but forcefully penetrate every part of her previously-unravaged ass inch-by-inch.
She was grateful for him rescuing her, how could she not be. If he hadn't, she would probably have been taken by more men now after Rafel had finished. Just thinking of that weasel on top of her made her gag and nearly vomit. While resting on his shoulder, her body bounced and flopped, her arms tired as well as her legs. Lara wasn't sure she was able to move any of her limbs by choice, she was exhausted and very dehydrated given the hot climate. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, just a clear light blue open space above them with flies surrounding them nearly every minute.

When they found a secure place, Lara felt herself fall to the ground with her face first. It got submerged in the sandy earth, as did her hands tied in front of her stomach. It created a space underneath her, allowing her to rest with her legs straight but her ass up. It of course hurt her, her hands were taking nearly the full weight of her body.

Lara's lips were steadily drying, she wanted some water and the sand brushing her face made it even more torturing. Moaning as he opened her legs, she felt his finger slide in to her ass and work at it. Wiggling her buttocks, the woman moaned before feeling his hand press down on her head, meaning she could just about breath as she turned her head to the side.

By the time he had placed his cock to her tight hole, it started to stretch wide open when he forced it in inch-by-inch. Moaning aloud, Lara felt him work at her ass whilst the rope was still tied to her hands and neck.

But it was better than being with the natives she thought. She had to keep telling herself that.
Hansen had enjoyed no shortage of warped sexual experiences, but he decided assraping Lara was among the best. She was incredibly tight, the toned firmness of her buttocks amplifying his pleasure immensely. The more she squeezed and wriggled, the more enjoyable it was for him. He could feel her strong stomach muscles clenching in an attempt to force him out but the force and firmness of his cock was simply too much. A loud groan forced its way through his cracked lips and he moaned "Oh God, I'm gonna c-"

Just before he finished the last word a sharp sting hit him in the back of his neck. He thought it was a mosquito until the sudden paralyzation overtook his body, the grotesque feeling like his blood had run cold washing through him. To his horror he realized it was a Yanomami dart. Rolling off Lara, he looked up to see an ochre-splattered tribesman standing in the natural jungle gap a dozen feet away. He had fired and dropped his blowpipe, and was now reaching for the club at his belt and yelling for his comrades.

Hansen was lying on his back, now completely unable to move, as the Indian stared at them. Lara's wrist bonds had been worked loose during the assrape, and her hands were now free. With the last remaining strength in his muscles, Hansen turned slightly to her and croaked "K-kill...him!...H-help me! me!...q-qui-k-k..." The last syllable was strangled as his throat muscles seized. In the distance, the sound of more Indians grew louder. With his club held high the warrior in front of them took a cautious steep forward.
She didn't want to help Hansen, he was just raping her asshole but he did save her? Getting up, she raised her hands to the tribesman and managed to put him off. The naked Lara who was tired and dehydrated was trying her best to do whatever it took to stop him. Raising her knee, she did what all girls would do, hit the weak spot. His balls would of been struck with the force of an earthquake and he fell to the ground before Lara got on top of him. A nearby rock presented itself to her and she kept beating the man over and over again across the head. She was crying as blood splattered on her face, just like Rafel's did when Hansen shot him. Once he was dead, she rolled over on to the grass and heard the cries of the tribe. Every single one of them ran past not even noticing them.

Because Hansen had taken her in to a separate section they were untraced as the stampede of men and young boys were rushing and not paying attention to the tracks. That is how the man must of found them.

Once the noise died down Lara got up and looked at Hansen. His eyes were open but she wasn't sure if he was alive or not. Would it paralyze his lungs and heart? The woman wasn't sure but she did speak to him. "There I saved your life, we are even now" Her foot then started to kick his stomach over and over again. "And that is for raping me you sick bastard!!" Spitting on his face she then started to strip him of his clothing or take any resources she could. His machine gun was nice, and his pistol. Why should she stop there though, she took his clothes to, to keep her warm. Having to make her own adjustments to them, Lara was ready.

Walking off, she was on her own now.
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