Lara Croft's Amazon Adventure (Celebstars & DeRe)


Apr 28, 2012
Lara was excited to be going on her first exhibition. She had dreamt of finding something big, something new that the world hadn't discovered yet. Her late grandfather always told her about his past before he died. Journeys across the globe filled with his friends and what they had discovered.

Them friends today, all much older and in their late fifties and sixties were accompanying Lara on her private jet. They were heading to the Amazon rainforest to look for the lost city of gold. The thought of buildings made out of solid gold buried deep with in the trees and soil intrigued her greatly. Lara imagined her name spread across the world with what she had found and knew it would bring stardom and fame. Not that she was craving that, she already had money well beyond anyone's imagination due to her family's wealth.

The only other woman on the plane was the Historian. Her name was Judith and she looked stunning for her 58 years. Lara was only 23 and some would debate whether she was as good looking. As the pair spoke, the men were getting rowdy and arguing about the sport they followed. It always confused Lara as to why men would argue about something so unimportant. That was her view anyway.

When they landed, the party left the jet and the hot sun beamed down on to them. Holding her hand above her eyes to look ahead, Lara could see a group of men wearing camouflage outfits. They also carried guns.

"Do we really need to have the mercenaries with us?" Turning around, she spoke in her posh English accent towards her boyfriend who was also on the trip. He was very handsome and was certainly her type, although he wouldn't be many other women's. "I know there are tribes in the forest, but surely this is over stepping the mark?"

Before they arrived, Lara was told of the hostile reception the tribes gave to outsiders. It did scare her but she wasn't going to be put off by it.

Walking towards the men, she was wearing black leather boots and socks ideal for long walks. Due to the heat, she wore brown shorts and which showed off a lot of her thighs and legs. Above the waist was a green top. It exposed her soft and slightly toned tummy as well as both arms. Her hair was down by her shoulders with some over lapping towards the front, sitting by her chest. It brought attention to her necklace, given to her by her grandfather.

As she approached the men, Lara offered her hand for them to shake it. "Hello, I'm Lara."
When his handlers at Corporate Solutions handed him a bodyguard mission, Hansen frowned even harder than usual. The hardened killer despised "babysitting" runs; their glacial pace and measured diplomacy went against everything the Cape Town native believed in. Aged 40, the blond blue-eyed mercenary had been handsome once, but nearly two decades of fighting in the African sun left him with a missing eye and a burned face. The former was hidden with an eyepatch, the latter he proudly flaunted in order to shock and intimidate - two things he loved doing. A veteran of the SADF and the Foreign Legion, he had been expelled from both for cruelty and excesses in the field. Nonetheless this hadn't stopped CS, a private military contractor which was prepared to pay him twice as much for half the work of a regular squaddie. In fact his ruthless and penchant sadism were perhaps the very reason he was hired.

Despite the generous paycheck he had been disappointed to find work with CS was often more tedious than regular forces life. Weeks of guarding compounds in Iraq, or escorting diamond shipments in his native South Africa, began to drive him mad with boredom. He had volunteered for the Brazil mission just to escape the tedium, even if it pissed him off immensely. According to the brief, a team of British explorers where heading into the Amazon in search of the long-lost Colonel Fawcett and the supposed city he was seeking. It sounded insane enough to be exciting.

For support CS had sent along two other operators for support. One was an old colleague of Hansen's from his Legion days, a Swede called Verth. He was an expert killer, and at over 6' 5" was more than capable of shouldering most of the gear. Hansen respected his aggression and focus, even considering the giant (Hansen himself was 5' 10") a rare friend. That was more than could be said for Rafel, the other operator. Half-Amazon Indian, he was ex-Brazilian border guard and fluent in numerous indigenous languages as well as being totally at home in the jungle. Hansen, a staunch racist, despised Rafel and made little effort to hide it, repressing his bigotry only for the sake of the mission.

It wasn't until after they landed at the main camp and waited for a few days that they met their clients. Upon the team's arrival, Hansen's expectations of a dull babysitting op quickly disappeared. The two women in the team were hardly his idea of archaeologists. The older one at least looked professorial, but the younger seemed like she was better suited to a fashion shoot than a jungle dig. The men seemed distinctly civilian, ill at ease in the heat and raucous chaos of the Amazon. One of them appeared to be the younger woman's boyfriend or husband, which gave Hansen a potent twinge of jealousy. Never mind. he thought as he licked his cracked lips, it's better when they have to be taken forcefully anyway...

After the team had disembarked, the trio of mercs moved in to greet them. Hansen watched as the young woman came towards him, swinging her hips with a casual swagger that suggested real skill in the bedroom. Her beautiful young body was lithe and taunt, and she obviously seemed to enjoy displaying it. Despite the few clothes she was wearing, Hansen took a few moments to quite blatantly undress her with his eyes.

When she introduced herself, he met her gaze with a steady coldness. "Hansen." He said flatly. "Didn't know they let girls do this kind of job. You a hooker they bought along?"
Lara didn't like the look of the men. They didn't seem intelligent and she was sure none of them could count without the use of their fingers. Her jaw opened wide at his remark. "Sorry? Are you forgetting who is paying your wages? We can withdraw our funds and go with another company. A company that doesn't employ blind morons." The blind reference was due to the eye patch which she had just noticed in detail.

Looking around his shoulder, Lara took a glance at the other men who seemed to think it was rather rude of her to mention his disability.

The other woman, Judith, came forward dressed rather smartly. Wearing the same boots as Lara, she had sunglasses on with a white cap, which was similar in colour to her long hair. A t-shirt tugged to her slim waist and a shirt over the top covered her arms and hung down over her shorts by the knees. "No need to get in to arguments. Now lets just get on with what we are doing." Marching through with a large backpack on, she started to lead the way in to the jungle. The other men followed her, walking through the mercenaries as did her boyfriend.

Lara was left with Hansen and she gave him an evil glare before walking on through. Her tight ass in her shorts on show to all of them.
Hansen's cruel, pinched lips twisted into what could be called a smile. He matched Lara's cold glare hard with his one hateful eye, then watched her ass bounce as she strode off in irritation. Her outrage and attempt at offense had excited him in a particularly sadistic way. It was always the posh bitches who liked to be treated the worst, he thought. Watching her rock-hard buns straining against her shorts he wondered if she'd ever let a man fuck her there. He intended to find out soon enough at any rate, because the delights of Lara's lithe young body were now the primary focus of her erstwhile 'protector'.

The older woman bothered Hansen more than he wanted to admit to himself. She was definitely baggage, and he was concerned about how she'd slow down or complicate the journey. Along with the men in the team she was going to have to meet some kind of unfortunate incident. The Amazon jungle was a dangerous place, and Hansen intended to reduced the group to just Lara and the mercenaries as soon as he could. Watching her laughing and chatting with her boyfriend, he imagined what killing the guy in front of her was going to be like.

"You seem happy, chief?" said Verth cheerfully as he lumbered alongside Hansen. Look ahead up the column, he grinned his wide toothy smile and said "Oh I see, the English girl's arse! What a sight."

"We're going to see a lot more if we do this right," Hansen replied. Both men spoke to each other in the weird patois of Foreign Legionaries, a language no outsider could understand. "Starting tonight when we make camp, we're going native on this lot. Pick off the useless one by one, get the girl all to ourselves." His smile faded as he looked back over his shoulder at Rafel. "It's the REAL natives I'm kind of concerned about. The Yanomani round here are vicious cunts. We have to make sure they don't find out we're trespassing if we want to keep our heads on our shoulders."

He barked at Rafel in English, the language he usually used with others. "Hey, jungle monkey! Get up on point. Lead these idiots nice and safe through the nasty jungle. There's a good lad, eh?" He winked mockingly at the scout as he moved past, while Rafel bit down his anger and swiftly moved up to lead the column. Fleet and self-assured, he knew exactly where the many perils of the Amazon hid and was expert in spotting them. With Rafel in the lead, the group began to move much faster.
"I don't feel safe" Lara told her boyfriend, holding his arm and leaning her head in to his shoulder. Occasionally looking back to see Hansen smirking and talking to his buddy, Lara couldn't help but feel he was planning something. "I am meant to be more scared of the Amazon rather than the people hired to protect us."

Stanley, the man who was there to help translate old languages and read the markings on walls overheard Lara talking and gave his opinion. "Isn't that a good thing? If you are more scared of them than the jungle, think how scared the tribes will be of them?" Raising his bushy eyebrows, he walked on to Judith, leaving Lara to agree.....partially. Looking back again, she gave a weak smile to Hansen, hoping he would soften up and at least start to be kinder towards her.

Judith on the other hand was a bit of a battle-axe and disliked the lead being taken from her. "I know where I am going!" She grunted, walking with the stick in her hand and pushing it in to the mud with some force. Trying to keep up with the man, she pushed through bushes and plants until they came to a large stone area.

This was to be their base camp. It didn't take them long to get there despite being slow. 45minutes wasn't a bad time and now they could rest.

"I know how to start a fire!" Stanley yelled, much to the disapproval of the Arthur, the other gentleman and final friend her grandfather. "No you will not! Don't want this jungle burnt down do we!"

Between the opening in the wall was a shower and the opposite side had a toilet. Lara and Judith went to see as her boyfriend stepped in to help build a fire. The shower was lovely looking and seemed comfortable to use. Turning around, they walked opposite and made a little turning to see the toilet. It was fixed in to the stone wall and had proper tissue to use.
The damp, hot fug of the jungle lifted a little as the group entered the base. It was a regularly-used campsite and the launching point for initial expeditions. Hansen surveyed the old brick edifices with approval, noting how well-built the moss-ridden old ruins were. These savages could certainly prepare a good defensive position, he thought.

His reverie was broken by the loud bickering of the archaeologists, particularly the obnoxious older woman. Looking at the uncoordinated civilian party with distinct disdain, he ordered Verth to go over and set up his small oil cooker to warm up something to eat. "Can't have the fuckers starving to death before the cannibals get them, can we?" he said to the Swede, as they swapped sarcastic grins. Turning to Rafel, he curtly told him to help the team if he could, and check they had water and the right gear before the trip grew more intense.

As Lara shot him a weak smile, Hansen's grin grew more lascivious. His piercing blue eyes perpetrated hers are he ravished her with his mind. Speaking as much to himself as the others, Hansen said "I'm going to recce around a bit, look up ahead." He dropped most of his gear apart from his pistol, knife and backpack, then moved off into the maze-like ruins. Clambering around the crumbling brick, he sought a vantage point to spy on Lara better.
As her and Judith came back towards the camp, Lara shot a gaze at the shower and told her colleague that she wanted to cool off. The older woman patted her on the back and smiled. "You worry to much Lara dear. I will save some food for you. Don't be long!" Walking off, she joined in the bickering of the fire before the mercenary lit it up himself. "I would of done it!" Stanley shouted, feeling annoyed.

Lara giggled to herself as she heard the man from the other side of the ruin. Walking along the soft grass to the shower she looked around and saw no one, giving her a sense of privacy. Taking her boots off, she placed them to the side and filled the holes up with her socks. She didn't want any creepy crawlies finding a new home. Unbuttoning her shorts, she slid them down her long legs and folded them neatly on a rock which had fallen off the ruin some years ago. Now her green top was up, pulled over her head revealing her slim figure which was delicious looking. Her black panties cupped her ass cheeks nice and tightly. Her skin looked as soft as velvet and the thought of her boyfriend being with her would drive any man to jealousy.

Slipping her bra off she revealed her perky breasts, milky white with puffy looking nipples and areolas. Stepping in to the shower, the wooden flooring wasn't the best as it had some algae on it which made it slippery. Lifting up each foot, she took her panties off and put them on the stone with her other clothing. Turning the shower on with a wheel, the water ran and she started to wash herself.
With practiced stealth Hansen carefully shadowed Lara as she entered the ruins. He deftly crept up along a rocky ledge with the ease of a panther, positioning himself above and a little behind the shower area. Years of stalking the bush had given him an almost preternatural ability to pass undetected, even just a few feet from his quarry. Lying down flat on a long, sloped stone he had an excellent view of Lara as she began to undress.

A potent throb began in his crotch as she so carefully removed her outfit. He couldn't help but admire what a perfectly-toned specimen of womanhood she was. As Lara removed her top he watched how her rock-hard breasts quivered only slightly. The smooth mounds of her ass seemed to be thrust right at him as she bent forward to drop her shorts, the high and firm ivory buttcheeks contrastingly sharply with the black panties. Hansen breathed in slow and silent, creeping in closer with agonizing care to get a better position. Grinning with delight he got an excellent of her magnificent tits as she undid her bra, noting with satisfaction their perkiness and puffy nipples. Excellent for biting on, he thought.

When she finally dropped his panties he could take it no longer. The sight of Lara's incredible naked body, glistening with crystal beads of water streaming from the shower, had given him a raging erection that was being crushed uncomfortably into rock. Sliding off like a snake, he dropped down behind the slab, then drew his combat knife from one of his boots. Carefully he looked around the corner, with Lara washing just a few feet away. Waiting until her back was turned, he crossed the distance with a few determined strides, lunging in for the "kill". Holding the point of the knife to the nape of Lara's neck, he whispered in her ear "Room for one more?"
Lifting her head up, she let the water soak in to her face before running over her shoulders. It was then that it split in to two rivers, one trickling down the smooth ride of her spine whilst the other chose a more nerving path with obstacles such as her breasts in the way. The liquid ran underneath her round mounds and fell on to her flat tummy before forming a spiral down her thigh to the wooden flooring below.

Her brown hair became darker as it was soaked up full of water. Occasionally she had to take her hands and squeeze it hard to let out the majority of water trapped in it.

Feeling a sharp prick on the back of her neck, she stopped what she was doing and remained still. Hearing the distinct voice of Hansen behind her, Lara was shaking as the water continued to rain down on her. Once piece she had left on her body was the necklace her grandfather gave her. The knife was just below the black string.

"No" Lara said firmly yet her hands were trembling with nerves.
Water from the shower hissed as it ran over Lara's body. As Hansen moved in closer he too got wet, but dressed in sweat-soaked jungle gear it hardly mattered. He pressed the knife against her flesh just enough to be painful, but avoid breaking the skin. Fervently he glanced over the edges of the shower, in case anyone from the camp was coming, but it was obvious they were alone in the ruins.

"'No?' Now that's not very hospitable." He traced the super-sharp point of the blade done Lara's poised spine. "You're an archaeologist right?" He giggled like a demented child. "Well, I got a large bone you need to examine!".

Undoing the zip in his bush shorts, Hansen leaned in close to whisper in Lara's ear. He was barely audible above the flowing water and raucous birdsong, but she could definitely hear the violence in his words. "You're going to get on your knees. Now. Then you're going to turn around and suck my cock. Do a good job, I'll let you live and nobody has to know, eh?"

Reaching around to roughly cup one of her pouting, water-soaked boobs, Hansen hissed again "Knees! Now!"
Lara shook still as she felt the point of the knife fall down her back along the spine. Her breathing grew heavier and her chest moved more violently like she was going to have a panic attack. The adrenaline pumped through her veins, helping her stay on edge and follow his command.

The woman hated the pun he used in needing to examine his bone. She would certainly like to break one of his and cause him pain. Moaning in agony as he roughly squeezed her breasts she heard him hiss in her ear to get on her knees. Slowly moving down she sat on her knee caps and turned so she was in front of his groin. Her fingers trembled through the open zipper before pulling his cock out in to the open.

Sobbing and crying with the shower water falling over her face Lara opened her mouth and started to suck his meat with the rest of the group on the other side of the wall. Her soft wet tongue acted as a lovely cushion for his cock to rest on. She had certainly done this act before and knew what she was doing.
Hansen gave a soft, low moan as Lara took his iron hard cock into her mouth. It was cool and wet, her lips a tight seal around his throbbing rod. With one hand he kept the point of the blade pressed against her temple; with the other he ran his fingers through her wet hair and kept a firm grip on her bobbing head. The sounds of sucking and slurping melded with the soft hiss of the shower. Holding his face into the warm torrent of water, Hansen was grinning broadly.

"You're a natural at this, girl! And you said you weren't a hooker. Take-ughhh-take your time now, and if I feel even the brush of teeth I'll cut your fucking throat." He growled the words down at her. "Look at me, bitch! Look up at me. You've got really pretty eyes, even prettier when you're crying." Gripping her hair tighter he pushed her head down harder, impaling her almost on the thrusts of his iron-hard cock. Lara gagged, sobbed and choked, desperately fighting for breath beneath the torrent of water and with Hansen's meat half-way down her throat.

After months of abstinence the incredible pleasure of face-fucking Lara was more than Hansen could handle. Groaning loudly, he came in her mouth, forcing her to swallow the gushing load he fired off. Then with a long sigh, he pulled out. Wiping the last of the goo on Lara's face, he put his dick away, zipped up his shorts, and stuck his knife in his belt.

"That was good, girl! You did good." He picked up her bra and panties, stuffing them into his pocket. "I'll keep these, they're trophies of my conquest. You go back to camp now, and don't tell anyone, if you want your friends to live. Come to my tent tonight after dark." With that, he turned abruptly and headed back to the base, whistling with self-satisfaction.
She continued to slowly move her mouth up and down his long thick shaft. Listening to his moans, it was easy to confuse whether she was crying or not with the shower falling over her face and his groin. When his fingers ran through her hair she jerked and gagged as he pushed her down some more. Finding it hard to breath, she had to let him use her as a toy whilst he threatened her.

Squinting and squirming, Lara looked up at him with her eyes, she gathered he saw it as a dominant thing, an alpha male type situation. Looking in to her eyes, he must of seen her as nothing more than a pretty piece of meat.

Opening her mouth wider she shuddered and closed her shoulders against her neck when he told her he would cut her throat if she brushed her teeth against his skin. Lara hadn't so far so was scared he mentioned it, maybe looking for any excuse to end her. After he came in her mouth, Lara swallowed his seed before he slid out and wiped his cock across the bridge of her nose and against her cheek. As he walked off she sat down on the floor with the water falling on top of her.

She was traumatised by what had just happened.

After another 10 minutes of frantically washing herself clean, including the insides of her mouth, Lara re-joined the group and sat by the fire.

"Hello Pumpkin, nice shower?" Judith said, giving her the food she had kept behind. "Yes thank you" Lara said quietly, looking down at the grass and eating in silence for the rest of the night.
Hansen returned to camp with a huge smile on his scarred face. A post-coital glow hung over him and he strode back over to his team humming an old Legion song. The two other mercenaries were sitting separate from the others, sheltered within a small ruin. Verth looked over at him with an arched eyebrow, while Hansen furtively pulled Lara's black bra out of his pocket and threw them over to his surprised comrade.

"Best tits I've ever fuckin' seen," Hansen said as he gurgled with laughter. "Quality cocksucker. I am going to rape that girl raw before we leave this jungle, believe me."

"Save some for the rest of us, eh?" said the bemused Swede. He threw the bra back in irritation, then remembered who he was dealing with and handed over a mug of some brown mush. "Here, get that down. Biscuits brown in chocolate drink, just like old times."

Feeling in a better mood than usual, Hansen decided to indulge his old comrade. "Don't worry mon frère, we'll spit roast her together before the sun comes up tonight!" He gulped down a dollop of the sweet mush, then stood up to look over the wall at the rest of the group. Rafel sat alone on the other side, trying to ignore the two bastards he'd been stuck with. The civilians seemed to be bickering as usual. "I can't wait till we massacre this lot," said Hansen, his grin widening. "Just us and the beauty queen, how sweet it's going to be."

Drinking down the last of the chocolate he waited till Lara returned and joined her friends at the fire. Verth had leaned back to doze, complaining as he always did of how the heat didn't agree with his Nordic constitution. Grabbing a flask of cognac from his gear, Hansen headed over to the archaeologist's fire and sat down beside Lara, with her boyfriend on the other side of her. Taking a slug of the strong French spirit, he reached passed Lara and offered the flask to her boyfriend with a vacant smile. "Have a shot, ami! Help you get through the night, eh?" he said as he winked at Lara.
Lara had been quiet all night. No one had noticed either as they all bickered about stupid things. Her boyfriend however did come over and put an arm around her shoulder, making her lean her head in to his chest. "Everything alright?" The movement of her head against his chest told him yes, although it wasn't rocket science to work out she meant no.

When Hansen joined them, Lara was about to leave until he sat next to her and offered her boyfriend a drink. There were two options here, either she could stay, knowing he couldn't do much in front of the others but face his constant company or she could leave, but no doubt be left alone with him again. "Shall we get an early night?" Lara said to her boyfriend, stroking his hair line with her index finger.

A wide grin came across his lips thinking of dirty thoughts. "Yeah" giving Hansen his flask back, he took Lara by the waist and walked with her to their tent after saying goodbye to everyone. He wouldn't do anything when she had her boyfriend with she thought...and hoped.

Their tent was in a large area on the opposite side of their camp. There was numerous others to, but Lara's was at the back. It was as double with two sleeping bags in it.
Night fell fast and hard in the Amazon, and an overwhelming gloom seemed to consume all but the small wispy glow of the campfires. It crowded around the campsite and made the vine-covered ruins seem even more sinister and looming. Through the inky black a chorus of noise continued to ring out, as the teeming life of the jungle went on. Eerie shrieks and distant moans provided an unsettling soundtrack.

Hansen peered out into the dark as the rest of the camp retired, pulling on his flask with steady intensity. Rafel curled into a ball and instantly fell asleep, scorning the pup tent he was supposed to share with Verth. The burly Swede was grateful anyway for the space, and his nasal snores soon joined the cacophonies of the night's noise. When everyone had finally gone to their tents, and the last of the fires had died out, Hansen made his move.

He headed over to his own tent to give the impression he too was sleeping. Instead, he took up a jar from among his gear, containing a local giant centipede he had caught the day before. Nearly a foot long, it curled inside the glass container as he tapped the lid. Nervous and aggressive, the little creature also packed a nasty bite. Hansen had long been accustomed to handling dangerous creatures and had a particular fondness for the horrors that crawled and slithered in the Amazon Basin.

Silently, he crept around the tents, with the jar in one hand and his knife in the other. Dropping to his stomach he crawled the last few feet over to the tent where Lara and her boyfriend were. Lying still, he listened intently to whatever he could hear within.
"I don't want to!" Lara could be heard saying, something Hansen would of picked up outside.

"You have been nothing but miserable tonight." Her boyfriend said back, all he wanted was to have a love making session with her.

"I am not in the mood, go to sleep." Lara turned on her side, her back towards the end Hansen was at whilst her boyfriend was at the opposite side. With their faces looking at one another, he leaned in and kissed her forehead gently. "I didn't mean to push" he said, closing his eyes and trying to get to sleep.

Lara was still wearing the shorts and tank top she had on as well as her granddad's necklace. The boots and socks were near the entrance but inside.
Hansen grinned to himself in the dark as he listened to Lara and her boyfriend bickering. The mouth-rape was all the more satisfying if it had traumatized her enough to drive a wedge between the happy couple. Isolating Lara one way or another was definitely key in bringing her down. He had long been a master in psyops and terror tactics, and tormenting the civilians was almost like a childish prank to him. In the end he intended to walk out of the jungle with only Verth and a captive Lara in his company.

He waited until the voices had been silent for nearly an hour. Even the teeming noises of the jungle seemed to grow subdued as he lay there in the dark. Then, carefully and quietly, he cut an inch-wide slit in Lara's tent. Cautiously unscrewing the lid, he held the jar up to the cut and slid in the centipede into the tent. It slithered inside, immediately seeking somewhere to hide from the threats around it. Checking to see the camp remained still, Hansen then ran silently back over to his campfire. He threw the jar far away into the jungle, then curled up on his sleeping mat to await the inevitable. If it bit Lara, she would be even more vulnerable and the team would lose a top asset for at least a few days. If it bit her boyfriend, then the pain and humiliation it caused would be fitting revenge for him fucking Lara, and make it easier to kill him later.

Closing his eyes with a broad grin fixed on his scarred face, Hansen waited for the screaming to start.
Lara was fast falling asleep as was her boyfriend. Turning over she yawned and stretched her leg which touched something hard. Frowning with her eyebrows she kicked it again, this time with a nasty sting coming back her way. "Ow!" The woman moaned, picking up her phone and shining the light at it. She saw the hard shells of the centipede and it's two antennas sticking up looking at her. "Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Picking up her pillow she threw it at the creature and stood up, nearly ripping a hole in the roof of the tent. Unzipping the opening she ran out in her top and shorts waking everyone up.

Suddenly, the girl felt dizzy and light headed. Lifting her foot up she saw two marks on the side of her foot which looked angry and fierce. Lara then fell over on tot he grass unconscious. She had been poisoned by it's venom.
Hansen lay in the velvet blue dark of the night, listening to the jungle hum like a dense organic machine. He needed very little sleep, and only the occasional catnap was required to keep him alert and focused. From the nasal snores and sighs that echoed around the embers, he could tell that everyone other than himself and Verth were slumbering. Reflecting on Lara's face as she sucked on his cock, his grin widened and he recalled how good her mouth felt. He couldn't wait until he got to crush her pussy.

Precisely eight minutes after he slid the centipede in, according to Hansen's reckoning, the anticipated shriek rang out. Jumping to his feet, he hissed "Quick Swede, follow me, and keep that asshole boyfriend in check while I do my thing." As the cries and alarms rang out the pair sped over to Lara's tent, where the camp was gathering around her writhing form.

"Stand back!" yelled Hansen authoritatively, brandishing his medipack. Verth grabbed her boyfriend by his collar and hauled him aside. When no-one was looking, the giant Swede whacked him hard on the back of his head and knocked him out. The others were far too terrified to move. "I have to check it's not in her clothing", he declared. Rolling Lara onto her back, he torn her shirt off to expose her juicy, generous breasts as they bounced free. "Maybe the pants", he murmured, tearing them off next to leave Lara completely naked and revealing her clean shaven pussy. "She's clear...Aha, it's the foot!" Finally pretending to see the bite, he grabbed a syrette and stabbed in it next to the wound. It would neutralize the poison, and after a good night's sleep Lara would be in perfect health.

Slowly Lara came around as the adrenalin in the shot revived her. The first thing she saw was Hansen's leer. "Looks like I saved the day, princess! You boyfriend wimped out and fainted. Back to bed everyone, crisis over!"
Everyone gathered around the poor girl until Hansen almost bullied his way through. Judith took a step back with Stanley whilst Arthur held a hand over his mouth. Seeing the man rip all of her clothing off like she was a piece of meat made Judith feel very angry and she was going to step in before he said he found the bite. Her naked form laying on the grass caused Stanley to turn his back whilst Arthur gazed in astonishment at his young friend's body. He even held a part of his groin until he saw Judith give him an evil stare. Quickly and sharply, he turned his back on her to as Hansen managed to save her.

Lara sat up and realised she was naked. Holding her arms over her chest she crossed her legs as the mercenary's face was in hers. Judith ignored his command of sending everyone to bed. Taking Lara's arm she wanted her away from the man. "I haven't been sent to bed longer than you have been alive!" She told him, picking up Lara so she was now standing side by side. "Come on dear" the older woman said, turning her back on the man as she lead Lara to her tent. "You can sleep in with me"

"Where is....?" Looking around, Lara could see her boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. "Don't worry dear, I'm sure he just ran away, he will be back."
Hansen smiled evil to himself as Judith scolded him. Sour old bitch, he thought wryly; she'll get hers soon enough. He felt satisfied anyway that he'd humiliated Lara enough. Looking around the others, their faces glowing in the firelight, he knew the sight of the naked girl had caused the requisite sensation. In particular he was amused at Arthur's reaction, and felt it could be exploitable at some point in the future. The scarred mercenary leered at this slight archaeologist, who cowed and disappeared quickly into the night. The rest also dispersed, leaving Hansen alone by Lara's empty tent as Verth returned.

"What to do about loverboy?" He inquired flatly.

"Leave him for now," said Hansen. "He'll wake up in an hour or so, assuming we aren't lucky and something doesn't get him."

The two men returned to their corner of the camp, chuckling and muttering softly to each other. They ignored the coiled Rafel, who apparently had slept soundly through the whole chaos. Hansen and Verth lay down to stare at the stars and discuss Lara's significant physical merits. "She'll be hobbled for a good while now," Hansen rasped. "We''ll do it tomorrow, from the rear, just as planned." Both men sucked languidly on their battered cigarettes, thinking wistfully of what they were going to do to Lara.
Lara slept through that night although she never understood how. She was shaking immensely but Judith had managed to calm her down. "It is ok if you want to stop this dear. Nobody is forcing you to carry on" but to Lara, she had to continue, she wasn't going to quit on her first night in the jungle. "No, we carry on" she said, now wearing a different outfit after Judith brought her luggage.

The morning after, everyone was ready to move on further in tot he jungle. The plan today was to visit the old temple before returning to base camp late in the evening.

Lara was stood with her backpack on waiting for the go ahead. She then noticed that her boyfriend wasn't with the group. "Where is....."

"Lets get moving!" Arthur shouted to everyone, interrupting Lara as she was speaking to Judith. The two women looked around and got scared as Hansen and his men were walking up to him.

Arthur and Stanley had walked in to the bush, creating privacy for the two women and the three mercenaries. "Where is he!" Lara yelled at him. Judith held her back, holding her by her waist which would of brought attention to her tight black leggings and her curvy waistline.
When dawn came the jungle was briefly cool and quiet, a little respite from the constant intensity of the day. The three mercenaries quickly devoured a hasty breakfast, then prepared themselves and their gear for what promised to be a long grueling march. Rafel went off without a word, heading after Arthur and Stanley to take up a position in the lead. Hansen looked over at Verth, a simple glance imparting his concerns about the Indian guide. The carefree Swede just shrugged a shoulder and said "C'mon, time to move."

They walked into the civilian side of the camp, Hansen's death's head grin radiating as he approached the two women. "Seems like you recovered well-" he started, before she cut him off with her angry query about her boyfriend. For a moment Hansen wondered if perhaps the unlucky fool had been killed overnight, but then Verth appeared with a boyish smile pointing over at Lara's tent. Her boyfriend was there, emerging groggy and confused from the torn remains of the battered tent.

"Now there's a heavy sleeper!" said Hansen as the two mercs laughed. "Something has it's way with your girlfriend and you didn't even know!" He winked lecherously at Lara. "Well then, get a coffee and wake up! We're heading off. Don't get too far behind, lots of nasty things around here!"

Chuckling to themselves like lewd schoolboys, Hansen and Verth then headed off down the trail.
Lara gave Hansen the most disgusting look when he turned his back on her to meet up with the others. She then headed over to her boyfriend who was waking up. "You had me worried, where did you go? It doesn't matter, you are here now." Kissing his forehead and hugging him tightly with her arms around his neck the girl helped get him ready before Stanley arrived back from with in the bushes.

"Come on, Come on your as slow as slugs!" He laughed with his fantastic British accent. His chest was popping out proudly and his back was straight, a stance he picked up and always carried from his time in the military, although it was really just the scouts, he liked to exaggerate or lie about things sometimes.

Arthur now found himself between the three mercenaries. "I'm just going to head back chaps!" He said, holding on to his hat before being barged in to by the bulging biceps of both Hansen and Verth.
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