Sought and Found (Half-DemonXIVxTrisscar)

"An invitation would have proven much easier," she stated, glaring up at him. Nightflash would have been much more willing if she had a say in the matter. She was stubborn though, and since he insisted on kidnapping her and forcing her into this, she would resist as long as she could. Or at least as long as it took for him to realize she was far more of a free spirit than he was currently allowing her to be.

Still, Nightflash was sure that she could allow herself a bit of fun. It was a bit reckless, but she knew he wouldn't hurt her too much. She knew that in his optics, she was a bit like a treasure. She was the only predacon femme that he knew of, and so, he wouldn't do no nothing too drastic.

"You know, for such an increadible predacon, I'm disappointed that you feel you have to use force. It makes you seem like those petty Decepticons.." She taunted with a smirk of her own.
The taunt brought a surge of irritation to the forefront of his feild, but the predacon tried not to rise to the bait. He had served under the defamed Megatron for orns before he broke free from the annoying bots and to be compared to them was abit insulting.

"Hardly. Those bots had non of my power. They did not know the meaning of force."

However, his femme had also complimented him with her words as well as biting at his pride, and Predaking had to give her some credit for being sneaky. Sugar with a kick after, an interesting tactic he would admit. He would just have to wait and see what his femme thought of next. If she was trying to get him to snap it wouldnt work..but if she was riling him up as a flirt..that was diffrent.
"They may not have power," She began as her blue optics fixed on him. She wasn't trying to flirt, more so trying to make him think about his tactics. And trying to irritate him. Nightflash was a bit of a brat. "But you sure enjoy acting like them."

She knew that building up pride before making a blow tended to irritate more than just a straight blow.

"It seems that even rogues have mores confidence than you do."
Even knowing the taunt for what it was, Predaking was still growing more irritated by the moment. But. He wouldnt let the femme work him up into making a mistake. So he simply smiled toothily at the fiesty female and let her talk. And when she was done he would have his turn...and begin her first lesson.

"What you see as a lack of confidence is merely my temper. Ive a short fuse femme. It would be best not to tempt me into anger."

Surging foreward the larger predacon pinned his mate to the berth, holding both of her slender wrists above her helm and his knee spreading her thighs apart, exposing the closed outer covering to her valve. He would have it open soon enough, and then he would show her just where her place was. Pressing his lip plates to Nightflashes in a hungry, passionate kiss, Predaking used his free hand to spread his femme's legs wider to give him room to settle his larger frame between them.
In a way, she had been expecting this from the moment she had first been captured, but it didn't mean that Nightflash was ready for it. She struggled to get out from under the larger predicon, but was at the disadvantage of being both bound and smaller. As Predaking pulled her into an unwilling kiss, she managed to turn her head away to break the unwanted action.

"Get off of me..!" She hissed as she attempted to pull her arms out of his grip to give her some sort of leeway against him, no matter how small it was.
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