Sought and Found (Half-DemonXIVxTrisscar)


Mar 20, 2013
It was nearly silent over the vast nearly empty city on the edge of the habitable zone when Predaking flew over it. His wings were stretched wide to catch the warm updrafts on the early morning breeze, and the easy glide he was maintaining allowed the predacons thoughts to wander as he flew.

Cybertron was coming slowly but surely back to life as refugees from all over the galaxies flocked to their restored world, and it was because of this that the large dragonformer was currently winging his way over the still rust covered buildings twored the main landing pad for the incoming ships.

His people were nearly gone from the universe Predaking knew this, but he also held a hope in his spark that some of his species had survived the war that had ravaged the planet and had escaped to the stars. That hope was what lead him to abandon his only other surviving clone predacon companions Skylynx and Darksteel for a time in search of a female of thier kind.

Rumor on the chatter over the open com lines flowing from the numerous cybertronians that had entered the city was that the next transport carried a passanger of...special quality, one that was larger than any femme either autobot or decepticon and never changed to her second form while on the trip. That rumor had made the dragonformers spark leap in his chest plating, and now he was nearly to the landing padd where he would see if his kind would have a future or not.

Banking around the corner, Predaking narrowed his optics down at the incoming padd, where the large transport ship had already landed and passangers had begun to depart. Turning his wings and back striking heavily, Predaking hovered in the air for a few long moments, optics searching the departing crowd for the femme he had heard so much about.
It had been years since the large purple femme had last seen Cybertron. Honestly, she couldn't remember how long it actually had been. She knew she had left during the last war, not wanting to pick a side. Autobots, Decepticons, neither side appealed to her. And so, she opted to simply leaving.

Nightflash knew she was different than the rest of the transformers she had met in her years of traveling to find a suitable home. She was a dragonformer, though she did her best to keep that from being known. For the longest time, she had assumed that she was one of the last, but then she began hearing rumors of a dark dragonformer. At first she was excited, but then she heard more about what he was like. She'd prefer to be alone than with someone so ruthless.

The journey back to Cybertron had been a rather uneventful one, though she could hear others curiously chatting about her. Sadly, she was used to it. Nightflash allowed others to depart from the transport before her, as she didn't want to get in the way. Once she felt it was clear enough though, she exited and looked around at her old home, her spark filling with joy. Much of it obviously needed repairs, but it was habitable. That was the important part.
When Predaking caught the first wave of scent's from the femme departing the transport he felt a great rush of satisfaction go through his spark. This was the one he had been searching for, his queen, his mate. She smelled delightfull even from where he was perched, and she would be his.

Raising his wings high, the dragonformer opened his jaws and let loose a great bellow of a roar, proclaiming to those below that he had arrived. Tilting his body down the predacon angled his decent swiftly and swooped above the frightened autobots, wreckers, decepticons and rouges alike to land before his soon to be mate. His plating gleamed, his neck was proudly arched and the landing was smooth, his field pulsing with his prowness and his intent.

Standing in his full dragon form before his mate, Predaking let loose a much softer but no less impressive call, the deep tones suited for a welcome rather than a declaration. There was an undertone of a purr to the sound, and snaking his head foreward twored the female, the dragonformer scented her more thoroughly and an even more pleased tone poured into his greeting. She really would make a wonderful mate.
The loud roar caught not only Nightflash's attention, but everyone in the area of the transport. Several bots ran and hid at the sight of the huge dragonformer, others didn't bother hiding and just tried to stay out of his way as he landed in front of the dark purple femme.

Nightflash had turned to face Predaking, but she hadn't run. Yes, she was frightened by the much larger bot, but at the same time she was curious. She knew that in her dragon form, she would be a little larger than half his size. Still, she wondered why he had landed in front of her. Her blue optics scanned him, and noted his pleased tone. Did he know that she was like him? More so, was he the dark, cruel dragonformer she had heard about? Her spark paused at that thought, and she took a step back as she prayed for it to not be so.
He was impressed that she didnt run as many of the other bots had at his arrival. It only showed him that she was indeed suited to be his queen. She was right to be wary of him however for he had waited a long time for this day to arrive and he would not be dissuaded. As she took a step away from him, Predaking took two forewards, snaking his neck around her back and ramping up the rumbles of his purr. He was satisfied with her, and now wanted to leave.

Swiftly arching his neck, the dragonformer clamped his jaws down on the back of his mates neck where the sensitive cables and nodes were that signaled for submission; applying pressure but taking care not to harm the femme. He would wait until she gave into his control before he released her, then they would either fly away togather or he would carry her from the padd if she insisted on being stubborn.

Curling his body around the femme to discourage struggling, Predaking let loose a low rumble, one dominant and soothing at the same time, a tone for a mate. his claws settled themselves around his soon to be queen and his tail and wings flashes clear 'back away' messages at the few remaining bots around him and his mate's vicinity. They were not stupid enough yet to interfere, and that was good. For if they had...his wrath would have been unleashed apon those attempting to get between him and his bride.
As the large dragonformer wrapped his neck around her back, Nightflash realized why he had stopped in front of her. He knew what she was, and he wanted her. She wasn't sure if she should have been afraid, angry, or flattered. Maybe just a mix of all three would work for now.

Nightflash was about to move out of his possessive embrace when he carefully clamped his jaw down on her neck and further wrapped his large body around his. She panicked a bit, but didn't dare struggle too much. Her blue optics looked around at the few remaining bots, pleading for help. None moved towards them however. Some looked at the femme with pity, others ignored her and warily watched Predaking.

It was several long moments before she could calm her spark and slowly relax in his hold. She may not have wanted to be his mate, as she felt she wasn't ready to settle down, but he was giving her no choice. At least not at this moment. If she were to try to escape, she would need him to release her neck. 'Just play nice for now...' She thought to herself as she slowly submitted.
When Predaking felt his mate relax in his hold he could tell it was not a total submission and as such he knew he couldnt trust her to fly off with him. No matter, he would simply carry her away. Transfering the femme in his jaws to his front paws instead, the dragon former wrapped his talons securly around the smaller form and swiftly bunched his body into a take off position.

As soon as he knew he wouldnt drop the femme when he left, Predaking launched himself into the air, dragging Nightflash with him and flapping his massive wings hard to gain altitude. Ignoring what protests the other made, he only tightened his grip on his mate and began to fly away; making his way back over the empty plains he had crossed to arrive at the city to where his own kingdom started.
When she realized he was doing the exact opposite of what she wanted, Nightflash began to struggle again. She growled softly as anger overran her other emotions. She felt his talons dig into her plating slightly as she squirmed. He wasn't trying to hurt her, but he needed to be sure she would be secure. "Release me!" She growled just before he launched them both into the air.

The smaller femme cursed and shouted at him as he carried her away from the city, though she made sure to watch carefully so that she could navigate back if given the chance. Still, that would mean he would have to let her out of his sight. She had to hold out hope though. Maybe the rumors about him were wrong..? Or he would trust her enough to allow her to be on her own. Maybe...
The trip was a short one due to the dragonformers large wings and stamina, and when he touched down in his fortress a largely satisfied feild pulsed out around him. Setting his femme down gently to the ground, Predaking looked at her with content and gave a sharp cry to summon his two underlings to the area.

Darksteel and Skylynx heard their kings call and swiftly flew in to heed his command, the two predacons changing to their bot forms when they saw the company the king had brought.

Skylynk wistled admiringly, circling around the femme at a respectful distance of course. His companion Darksteel was more reserved, but he too eyed up thier kings mate though in a more unobtrusive way.

Predaking smiled, changing to his smaller though no less impressive bot form and strode the few feet to his mate, giving an elegant bow to the femme when he stopped infront of her.

"Welcome to my kingdom. I am Predaking and these are my right hand men, Darksteel and Skylynx. They will be your guards and protectors when I am away. What is your name."
Nightflash was grateful to finally be free from the large dragonformer, and was partially tempted to shift into her dragon form and attempt to make a dash for it, but she paused when the two others were called to the area. She watched with irritation as the one, later known as Skylynx, unabashedly eyed her. She decided right then and there that she didn't like him. Then again, with how the larger one, Predaking had already shown that he was going to be fairly possessive of her.

Her blue optics fixed on Predaking as he transformed into his bot form and instinctively took a step back as he approached her. She was surprised when he bowed, not expecting that one from the rumors surrounding him. What irritated her more was how he said that Skylynx and Darksteel would be her protectors and guards.

"Nightflash.." She stated in a slight growl. "I do not need 'protectors'.." Her optics fixed on his two underlings in a glare. It was true she was frightened by the sudden kidnapping, but she was also angry and wasn't willing to show the three any sort of weakness.
Predaking smirked at his mates firey disposition and quickly reached out and wrapped his arm around the smaller femme, pulling her agianst his body. She would be fun to tame and bend to his will, and would keep him engadged for many cycles he was sure. Plus whatever sparklings they created togather would be strong.

"Well they are yours even if you think you dont need them. This is your home now Nightflash and you will be my mate and queen."

Darksteel aproached and bowed to his king when he finnished speaking, knowing that the femme would start arguing soon and he wanted to give his leader his report quickly before the other drug his mate off to teach her a lesson. He had a feeling things would be rather more interesting around thier home for a while now.

"My lord, we have stockpiled food and supplies, and your chambers have been prepared."
Mate? Queen? Weren't both supposed to be consensual? Yes, his words caused her anger to flare up even more than it had. Had this have been an invitation to stay, and not an order, she might have actually taken Predaking up on his offer, but Nightflash never liked being ordered around. That was half the reason she had simply left in the last war.

The femme didn't argue as Darksteel quickly caught Predaking's attention with his report. That was the opportunity that she took, however, to attempt to escape. She suddenly pushed the larger bot away before she quickly transformed into her dragon form. Like Predaking, she was slightly larger in this form, but more importantly, she was fast. There was a reason she was named Nightflash.

She quickly spread her wings before any of the three could get close enough to stop her and she took off. She wasn't a fan of running from her problems, but that seemed to be her best option. At least she had a chance at escaping this way. She just hoped she would be faster than Predaking.
An angry snarl escaped Predakings throat as his mate tried to flee, she was swift, but he was not king because of any accident. In an instant he had shifted into his own larger dragon form and taken to the sky, his powerful wings beating against the atmosphere around them as he powered himself after Nightflashes retreating form.

It wasnt long before he began to gain ground on her, and pulling his fire from the depths of his belly, the predacon fired a long warning shot across her path. If she didnt stop he would pluck her from the air as he would prey, though more carefully of course and without the intent to kill.

Predaking was mere yards behind his femme now, and he opened his strong jaws to vent out an angry roar, sounding his displeasure to whomever happened to be near. He doubted he would have any chance of succesfull hunt later, but that would be his minions problem.
Nightflash knew that if she were captured again, things would go from bad to worse. Still, she had to try something to make a break for it. She slowed up a bit and allowed him to gain on her. Ignoring his warning shot, the smaller of the two took a risk and suddenly tucked her wings in close, taking a nose dive to the ground at incredible speeds. As she was meer meters from the ground, she suddenly spread her wings, halting her descent before tucking her right wing in again, sending her spinning towards the right. Just some fancy flying that she had learned over the years. It was the unpredictability of these actions that had helped her numerous times to avoid danger. That, and it was fun.
The fancy flying did indeed put Predaking off of his game for a few short moments, but he had fought decepticons and autobots that flew just as well and caught them, so he had little doubt that his mate would be harder to subdue.

Tracking her movements, the predacons optics narrowed at the seemingly random dipping and doging that she was performing. It was pretty to watch and in other situations would be flirtatious, but he knew it to be an escape attempt and so that made the entertainment of the manuevers vanish in an instant.

Matching his mates moves, Predaking came barreling down on Nightflash as she came out of the dive and cut through the atmosphere just ahead of where she was currently flying. They were too close to the ground for him to slam into her, he would have to force her back into the sky for that strategy. He didnt want to hurt his mate but she also needed to be taught a lesson in obediance. Snapping his jaws at the tip of her tail as she flashed by, the king growled his annoyance and heavily flapped, bringing him just behind her and nearly in reach of her back legs and pedes. If she didnt land and submit to him soon he would be forced to take more drastic action than simply chasing his femme.
Despite the fact that she was trying to get away, she never even feigned attacking the large predation. With her smaller, sleeker form, it would have been easy for her to zip around and attack him, yet she did not. Honestly, Nightflash didn't even consider fighting him. Possibly out of respect, or for the fact that he was like her. Either way, she focused on using her agility and stamina to escape him.

She inwardly flinched as she heard his jaws snap just behind her. She imagined the pain that would have followed if he actually had taken hold of her tail. Pain was normally something she liked to avoid. She heard his growl, as well as his huge wings right behind her, and she decided to take a risk. It would either guarantee her safety, or ensure her capture.

Gathering her courage, she darted towards the city once more. She knew he was hot on her trail, but that drove her to fly faster. Soon large, old, rusting buildings came into sight. Rather than try to weave through them, she headed straight for one, but at the last second she suddenly shot up, aiming to flip and spin back over Predaking. He would either be unable to stop in time and slam into the building, or if he did what he had to, she would give him the opening to grab her with his powerful jaw. She hoped for the first scenerio.
Instead of what Nightflash was no doubt hoping for with the building stunt, Predaking took a diffrent route. His fire built up in his throat and opening his jaws he spewed the powerfull heat blast at the dilapidated building, causing it to crumble and a shockwave from the force of the attack to spin out. It didnt affect him, he was used to his own power, but with her decoy out of the way and his ire raised just that much more; the predacon decided enough was enough.

Performing the same move as his mate had just a few seconds before, Predaking looped around and angled his accent so that he was above the smaller predacon; then aiming a few feet ahead of where she was then, tucked his wings close to his body and fell.

Just as she passed under him and he was about to slam into Nightflash, he opened his wings and let them fill, jerking him to a stop just above his mate and alowing him to wrap his large claws around her torso, trapping a wing. He was now what kept them in the sky, and Predaking growled his displeasure at the slighter femme even as he turned twored his home.
A cry of surprise and slight displeasure left her as she struggled to pull free. She couldn't use her right wing, as it was trapped against her body, and she didn't have the leverage to pull away. After a few moments of struggling, she gave up for the time being and reluctantly tucked her left wing in. She accepted that she had lost this time.

Nightflash knew that some form of punishment was to come and she tried to calm herself as they returned to his home. She just wondered what he had planned, and how he was going to dissuade future attempts to escape.
When Predaking arrived back at his kingdom he hovered above the open court that he had brought Nightflash to the first time, only now he hovered a few feet above the ground and dropped her to the ground with less ceramony. Landing directly behind her, the dragonformer pinned his mate to the chill rock beneath them with a foot on her chest and snarled lowly, the menace clear in the deep sound.

"Skylynx! Bring me the restraints I finnished. Darksteel! Hit her manual transformation switch."

His minions scrabbled to do his bidding, and while he held his mate to the ground, Darksteel searched under her spinal plating for the little switch that would keep her in her bot form. Just as the predacon found the correct one, Skylynx came hurrying back carrying a set of carefully forged manacles and a collar. Aproaching his leader, the smaller predacon offered the metal up.
Nightflash was unprepared as he dropped her to the ground. She stumbled a bit as she hit the ground, but had no time to do anything when Predaking pinned her to the ground. A soft hiss escaped her as Darksteel approached her, but she didn't struggle. She was in enough trouble already.

The purple femme hated being forced into her bot form, preferring her beast form after spending several cycles stuck in her bot form, but it wasn't like she could do much about it. When she saw Skylynx bring the restraints, she tensed, but tried to mask her fear. She knew that whatever form of punishment was planned, she would be unable to defend herself.
Skylynx quickly attatched the manacles to Nightflashes wrists and ankles, leaving the collar for his king to attach personaly and swiftly stepped away.

Now that his soon to be mate was secured, Predaking could safely transform back to his own bot form. Picking up the smaller femme with a scowl marring his face plates, the predacon held her by the back of her neck and glared. He was not pleased.

"That was foolish of you femme. Now it will be neccesery to keep you restrained and guarded until your training is compleate. There will be no more attempts to flee or I will punnish you far more harshly until you understand the futility of your efforts."

Giving Nightflash a shake, Predaking attatched the collar to her neck and grabbed the thick chain that acted as a leash, leading his femme out of the main hall area and to his quarters that had been situated in a cave several meters into a mountain side. There it would be safe for him to leave her when he had to hunt, for the network of tunnels were confusing if you didnt know them and she would become lost and unable to flee until he taught her how to navigate.
Nightflash glared back at Predaking, but was smart enough to keep quiet. She had a feeling that the training he spoke of wouldn't be anything that she would call beneficial. The restraints were already proof of that.

As the larger bot attached the collar and begun leading her deeper into the fortress, the femme did her best to force him to slow down, her optics trying to take in every detail that they could. If he wanted her as his mate, then he would have to have her. She would not change just because some ruddy bot insisted she should. If he further insisted on this treatment as a lesser, she would continue her attempts to escape.
The attempts to slow him down affected the larger bot very little and Predaking merely tugged the resistant femme along to his rooms. A large berth was situated in the middle of the chamber, with a mirror on one wall. It was spartan and very simplistic in design, after all he wasnt the type to make homey decorations. It suited his needs and that was what mattered.

Lifting his mate by her waist, the predacon sat her down on the berth and attatched her collar chain to a ring set into the wall, then stood back a short distance and looked at her aprovingly.

"Now then my mate. This is where you will stay when I am not around. Behave yourself and we will go outside once a day to the courtyard. You know why you are here I assume."
"And I assume you don't care about what I have to say on the matter," She growled as she turned to face him. She hated being so restrained as it would give her little leverage to fight back. A quick glance at the wall, and she realized just how helpless she looked. Like a pet or a slave. In reality, she was both.

A part of her wondered if 'behave' meant simply 'don't try to escape' or 'submit to me completely'. Either way, she doubted that she would comply to either for a while. She was stubborn, as she had already proven to the larger predacon.
"Not really. Youll learn to like it here soon enough."

Now that his fiesty soon to be mate was secured, Predaking couldnt help the smirk that spread over his face plates or the content humm of his field. Now all that remained was to make his pretty femme submit and then the fun could begin.

The predacon had a feeling however that this was not going to be an easy task, seeing as the display of stubborness earlier didnt seem to have diminished at all. So he would either have to forcibly subdue her or seduce her. Perhaps both. Time would tell.

Catching his femme's chin in his fingers, Predaking looked over her faceplates in carefull consideration. He liked what he saw of course, but it was the fire in her optics that was really drawing him in. No predacon worth his energon rations wanted a dull femme as a mate.

"You will be my mate, there is no escaping that. How we go about it however is up to you."
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