"Well as i said." she started as the wine was brought and glasses were poured, she took a step, "Ive traveled the world studying various forms of combat, both physical and mental, i mean not that im psychic, but there is ways and words that can be used to wage war on a persons very psyche without even touching them." She took another sip, "As i was saying, i spent a few years in a monestary in japan, studying the art of fighting with a ken po, then i went to africa to study ancient tribal warfare, then." She sighed, "To china to learn swordsmanship, and the art of ninjitsu, then i got bored, went to college, got a degree in business and economics, finished it, got bored again, tried my hand at writing, then finally landed this job with you." She pulled out a pack of cigarettes from her jacket pocket, and put one in her mouth, she patted her pockets for a moment, "Oh dammit, do you have a lighter?"