I checked out your story, I like your writing style, I was expecting something really silly when I read the punctuation heavy comment but when I opened it up I realized it was because there was a lot of dialogue, I can't see how you would avoid punctuation in that case! One thing that puzzles me a little is people post stories in the story section and obviously want responses but they don't comment on anyone else's stories, so yeah a little bit of a hint for you perhaps, comment on others and they just might return the favour.
In terms of your request thread I thought it was pretty good, I'm not into the manga scene but I found I still liked the ideas behind your characters, especially the one who can't die and was built to endure anything. Sometimes it just comes down to who is reading your thread at the time and what they are looking for, it just might take some time, have you responded to anyone else's requests to try and get something going?
As mentioned already though, they need more levels to make them more real as opposed to just being these things that bad things happen to, it is a very common theme on this site and one that doesn't appeal to me and dare I say most Role Players who actually want a story to go with their smut as opposed to a montage of smut scenes. The pre set character comment is another one which sometimes personally puts me off as I feel like someone is using a template that they have used several times before rather than creating a character to suit the specific RP.
Perhaps a better way of doing your Request Thread would be to write about what kind of RP's you like to explore and why you like RP itself? Give the reader some idea about you and how you might mesh with them chemistry wise as I believe most RP's fail or succeed based on the chemistry factor between the writers more than for any other reason.
The other problem is people bale out on each other here mid RP, so the more experienced players will look at someone's post history to see if they are suited, of course that makes it hard on newbies or people who primarily play via PM or Offsite but that's just the way it goes, I would suggest just jumping in and messaging some people and starting, it's RP no one is going to die if it doesn't go well and you will at least start getting seen about the place.
Here's a couple of links from this board that might give you some tips and insight,