RE: Silly Gothic Name Generator
Sorry for the wait Vein! But here it is, the next of the Myths! This one is not the next in order, it's actually the Dawn of the Third Age, it just seemed to fit better there than the next in line.
Hope you enjoy it!
Destiny Lullaby
That age had drawn to a close. We, the people, knew not what we had lost in those dark times, only that we were once more beset. The Dark lands waxed with power once more, drawing strength from some source that we did not know. The Great Powers were silent to our pleas, and only the spirits they had granted us seemed to hold desire to help and guide us. The beacon lit with the First Fire still warded the lands of the people, at least those that had been granted to us by the Dusk Spirit in times of antiquity. But the new lands, those brought to us beyond the Wastes, were now lost once more. The people were surrounded, the Dark Lands now encircling us, isolating us. The wealth of the larger cities was dwindling without the trade, once so rich from our neighbours. It was clear that something must be done.
A plea was made, a call to the Great Powers, that they might grant a Champion once more, someone to show them the way through this darkness, to throw back the creatures of the Dark lands, and somehow free the lands around them from the hold of the Dark. And so, once more, the Powers seemed to give answer.
Not shining with white light as the last, this Champion burned once more. Fire and wrath were the elements that showed most strongly, and once more, the people rejoiced, even as they feared this new power. So like the near forgotten Dusk Spirit, this Champion took on the task of saving the lands around them. Leading a chosen band of warriors, the Champion set out.
All the while, among the Song-Sages rested one who did not believe that the Champion was sent by the Great Powers. To say so aloud was the foulest of blasphemies, and would see them cast aside. Not willing to give up what they had built for their life so easily, but neither willing to rest all of the hopes of the people in this one being, the sage set out to discover what knowledge could be found.
Forbidden,and dangerous, but seen as perhaps necessary, the Sage began to plumb the depths of the Songs that had been granted. The Song of the Velvet Lullaby firmly in their mind, wary of what could be found at the depths of this power and knowledge, the Sage did risk everything to find what might help the people.
And so they did find what they sought.
A Song of Knowing, one to ease aside the fog of uncertainty, to illuminate mysteries. While not all powerful, it might grant the Sage what was needed. Song upon their lips, they ventured to the edges of the lands of the people. Upon reaching these lands, the fog did lift, and an answer was made clear to the Sage. Feeling a fool, they turned back to the lands, and began to set out for the Temple of the First Fire.
The acolytes there did speak to the sage, and here of the plan that had been wrought. A line of beacons, smaller than that that adorned the mountain, but enough to push the Dark back from the lands of that were even now so afflicted. Word was spread that this would be wrought and put into place. Bearing a torch lit from the First Fire, the Sage did move to light the beacons, and push away the endless Dark. In great waves did the light push back the Darkness, the purifying, holy light doing the work that all had sought. Pockets of the people that had been trapped in the Dark began to emerge, sorely tested but still defiant. It seemed that all might be set right in the lands, and teh people did rejoice.
Until the First Fire began to fail.
It's power was vast and beyond the ken of mortals, but it was not without limits. And those limits had been exceeded. The acolytes sent for the Song-Sages, needing their guidance to save the First Fire, but they spoke not a word to the people at large, fearing what panic might be wrought by such an action.
As the council of Song-Sages gathered, they began to quail before the great catastrophe that loomed before them. Without the First Fire, they would all fall back into Darkness, and likely be destroyed. Talk began of summoning back the Dusk Spirit, to seek the renewal of the First Fire, but all knew that to do so risked much. Her wrath might well lay waste to teh lands once more, and the people could ill afford such. The Sages did quail before the problem. All of them. Save for one.
Song on their lips, this Sage called for Knowing, singing the song that they knew would reveal the acts they had done. But in the sight of such choices, they could no longer guess at their path. They needed to Know. And the Song did reveal the action that needed to be taken.
The power of the First Fire was indeed waning. But it could be restored to its fullest, but only through sacrifice most dear. The Song-Sage did turn to their brethren and speak.
"Know that I did that which was forbidden. And Know that in doing such, I did find the ways to save our people. The laws of our kind say I must be punished, and that I must be exiled. But Know that I have one last task to perform as one of you. Remember that the Destiny that I now take upon myself was not one forced upon me. It was the Fate that I chose. All I have done, and may yet do, is for the good of our People."
Turning from the council, the Sage stepped within the First Fire. The flames grew around them, and all cried out in horror as they sank to their knees within the fire. Flaring brightly, the First Fire took strength from the action, growing in power, taking the nobility, the selflessness of the Sage, and becoming all the stronger for it. And so a new song was born to the people.
It is said by some few of the acolytes that the body of the Sage still remains within, not burned away even after an Age. So do wonder if perhaps the sacred nature of the First Fire might not allow it to take life, and if this would be so, then the fate of the Sage is one too terrible to comprehend. But we still sing of the Destiny Lullaby, who did give their everything to the people, to remind us that there is no greater virtue than the willingness to give your all for the good of the people.