Avengers: The Bloodstone Agenda (TheCorsair & surrealobsession)

Loki. She knew that name, everyone did. The legend who had come to Earth and revealed himself as real. Revealed so much more than that by his very existence. While she had seen his photo on the news, in papers, online, he looked so different in person. Somehow more enticing and powerful.

"Of course you are," she purred. "Who else could you be?" But he was biting her lobe, her fingers gripping the front of his suit for an instant in response. She had never found anything so erotic, so satisfying. And yet there was more and he knew it, moving around to stand behind her, his hand on her body sending heat through her that made her flush with need.

Bobby pressed back slightly against him, feeling the line of his slender body against her own. She had never taken so many before and thought it would fatigue her. But she felt nothing but a surge of energy and heat, burning brightly through her. And she knew suddenly that she wouldn't have to touch them to make it work. There was something frightening and amazing within her. She gave in to the whisper of power, and spoke above the crowd, her words breathless.

"Finish it."

The drunk died first, his head smashed into the floor. Next came the leader of the group, then two of his friends. The bartender had long since escaped, leaving them alone with the two men she had taken, standing up, bleeding and panting. But then their eyes settled on one another. With cries they ran at one another, colliding, and began doing everything they could to kill the other.

It was the most brutal sight she could have imagined. It was utter carnage, but she couldn't look away. Even as the blood pooled on the floor of the bar, she could not look away. It was proof of what she could do. While she did not take pleasure in the death, in the violence, she reveled in the control, and the evidence of what she had done.
Sbe pressed her body back against his as she spake her word of command, and Loki made a purring sound of approval as he felt the power flow through her. Chaos erupted, punctuated by the sound af flesh striking flesh abd breaking glasd and the cries of the wounded and the dying.

It was music to his ears. Literal music. He swayed to it, the hand on her hip guiding her body to move with his, letting her feel his own arousal. His free hand brushed her hair away and he trailed feather-light kisses from her collarbonr up the line of her neck. "Power," he murmured against her skin, his free hand trailing lightly over the curve of her breast before slipping lower to press lightly above her navel. "Freedom. Is the taste not sweet?"

The last living patron stood, blood dripping from wounds and from the broken beer bottle in his fist. He stared hungrily at Bobby for an instant, his one eye feasting on her curves. Then, licking his lips, he tore the jagged edge of the bottle into his own throat. "It. Is. Finished," he gasped out before collapsing in a pool of his own blood.

"No," Loki said, gently turning her face with his slender fingers and lightly kissing her cheek. "It has just begun."
Bobby watched the man take his life, the whole situation surreal, like a nightmare without the fear. There was only desire, power, control, heady insanity that was taking her to a brink she had always known was within herself but had never been named. The man behind her, Loki, he was a drug. She could already feel him coursing through her, an addiction just waiting to happen. She gave herself over to it gladly, feeling his arousal, his hands on her body which swayed along with his as though to a dance only they knew.

Turning her head easily with the pressure of his fingers, she captured his lower lip between her teeth and nibbled it gently. He tasted like everything she had ever craved. She wanted more.

"Good," she whispered back, as in the background sirens began to wail.


"I don't understand, why launch such a visible attack if it is on such a meaningless location?" Natasha was standing beside the conference table of Stark Tower, arms folded, glaring in lingering rage over the scene they had left behind. No one had been killed, thankfully, though several had been injured. Natasha herself had pulled out a six-year-old with a shattered arm, and the sound of his whimpering cries and his mother's hysterical sobbing still lingered in her ears.

"You would think that if HYDRA was going to reveal themselves they would do it somewhere worthwhile, somewhere political or at least more effective. A natural history museum that wasn't even close to half-capacity...what was their end game?"

Stark leaned back in his chair, hands behind his head as he stretched out casually. "Maybe it was a field trip. You could have ruined their special day out, you monsters."

Nat glared at him in irritation. She didn't think it was funny, but then, he hadn't been there to witness the chaos. Or the aftermath of fear. She would give HYDRA one thing, they had caused true terror, going into a place that was almost entirely families.

Fury remained silent, his one eye focused on the table before him, His fingers were drumming softly against the wood, one after another.
Steve didn't rise to Tony's bait. It was just his way, after all. And he'd clearly been struggling to cope with tbe aftermath of New York. He should probably have a talk with the man.


"Are we sure they're actually HYDRA?" he asked. Could be a false flag, trying to throw us off their trail."

"It's possible," Fury allowed. "Trouble is, HYDRA's been off the goddamn radar ever since the end of World War Two."

World War Two. Steve didn't like the sound of that. Too much like they'd expected a third.

"So," Fury continued, "we don't know, beyond what the chucklebeads in the fridge are telling us. I'm gonna assume both, until we get more to go on."

"Natasha's right, though,' Steve said. "Why the museum? It can't have been random terror..."

"Why?" Tony interrupted.

"Not enough casualties," Fury answered. "Go on, Captain."

"...so, what were they there for?"

The door crashed open, utterly in defiance of the red 'secure' light. The slight, wild-eyed figure of Dr. Banner dntered, which explained a great deal about tbe intrusion. Nobody in thr Triskelion would have tried to stop him.

"They were looking for tbis," he announced, tossing a yellow-brown sternum on the table. Something glittered jn ghe center, a crimson geam from a crystal half the stze of half a pinky naiil. *I'll stske Tinys wealth on it."
"I dunno about a false flag operation. Usually they are less...direct," Natasha said, taking a seat next to Steve. "They would have sent out intell on an attack, they wouldn't have gone through with it. They have been hiding for decades, stepping into the light for a simulation? Seems way too risky."

The terrorist attack was out as well, she agreed. But then what were they....

She jumped as the door burst open and Banner came rushing inside. When she saw the object her brow furrowed and she stood, leaning over the table to get a closer look.

"Um...no offense, Doc, but we aren't all experts in archeology. Though I guess I could be if you gave me an hour," Stark said, looking over at Bruce. "Wanna explain what this is supposed to be?"

Natasha wouldn't admit it, but she was siding with Tony on this one. She had no idea what it was he was showing them, or why a secret terrorist organization like HYDRA would be interested in it.
"I've no idea what archaeology has to do with this myself," Bruce replied with a shrug. "No, I'm looking at that little crystal in the center."

Steve pulled it over, glancing at it. "I'm no expert on gems, Bruce," he said, sliding it over to Natasha. "What's so special about it?"

Banner smiled. "It gives off tesseract radiation signatures."

He'd timed it perfectly. Tony sputtered, coughing up the coffee he'd been drinking. Fury came to his feet with a cry. Steve grabbed at the sternum again, as if looking at it a second time would make it more real, and started a little as he grabbed Natasha's hand by accident.

"And you were going to tell me this when?" roared General Nicholas Fury.

Banner didn't flinch. He simply smiled. "Just now. That's why I came back here."

Steve, meanwhile, mumbled "Sorry..." as he released Natasha's hand. His palm and fingers still tingled from the contact, and the memory of warmth. He blushed a little and fumbled for words. "Uhm... I didn't... uh... didn't grab too hard, did I?"

God damn, she's pretty...

Suddenly uncomfortable with the direction his thoughts were taking - She's Clint's girl! - he looked back at Fury's best angry expression sliding ineffectually from Bruce. "Tesseract?" he asked, grateful for the distraction. "You're sure?"

"The portable dark energy detector, right?" Tony added. "You worked the bugs out?"

Flopping down in a chair, Bruce stretched out. "Not 100%, but well enough. And it's not exactly like the residuals from the HYDRA power packs in the Vault, or like the one Loki had. But close. Very similar."

"No wonder HYDRA wanted it,' Steve said, uttering a low whistle. "What could they do with... well.." he gestured at the sternum and the chip of crystal. "With that?"

"Not much," Bruce admitted. "I think. It's hard to tell. Our best data on the cube comes from a mad, dead Nazi."

"Zola," Steve nodded. Then he shook his head. "This... this is not good."
Natasha leaned over the table, examining it more closely, a hand on the edge to turn it over onto its side and view it from all angles. It glinted in the light of the overhead glare coming from the glass ceiling, filling the room with natural sunlight. She was so startled by the revelation of what the object was that she barely noticed Steve's hand on her own. Until he apologized and she saw that look, obvious and transparent, the faint blush in his handsome face.

Handsome face, Nat? she thought to herself, surprised as she felt a tingle in her fingers where he had touched her. It had not been since Clint, several years ago, that she felt such a feeling. One that had long since faded as it became clear that the two of them would never work. Swallowing, she forced her eyes away from his, turning instead to the others as they contemplated the issue ahead of them.

"Mad, dead Nazi aside, HYDRA wanted it bad enough to burst through a public place and announce their existence to the world," she said, eying the stone once more. "They must have some uses in mind that are more than just vaguely theoretical, or else why would they risk such a blatant attack? Even if it does possess trace energy similar to the tesseract, it is taking a big risk."

She sat back down. Tony moved around the table, picking it up and examining it.

"They might have just decided to take the risk just in case, but you're probably right. They likely have some kind of plan for this thing. Other than making it into a pretty pin for their lederhosen."
Steve laughed. Fury gave him a baleful glare from his one eye. "Something funny, Captain?"

"No, just the thought of the Red Skull in leiderhosen..." He shook his head, clearing it. "But atasha's right. We need to know..."

Tony shoved the sternum like a hockey puck. It scraped as it slid. "Hey, catch Bruce."

Bruce caught, puzzled.

"Now, what's the general optimal solution for Fermat's last theoru?"

Bruce snorted. "There is no,,, wait. Yeah, hsng on, I'n gonna..." He grabbed a note pad and began sketcbing out equations. After a moment, he paused. "Holy crap," he breathed, staring zt the world beyohd.
Natasha had never been a math genius. Hell, she had never been a math anything. Or a science anything. Or an academic, for that matter. She was intelligent in her way, well trained, quick witted, and able to manipulate people with next to no effort at all. But the concept of radiation and theories and equations were lost on her. She tended to let the brainiacs deal with that, and then went where they pointed, and did what they said needed to be done.

She could tell this was going to be one of those days. Stark and Bruce were the only ones who seemed to understand what was going on. Fury bent over Banner's shoulder, frowning, trying to make sense of the scribbles. But he seemed to have no more luck than she would have, and she threw up his hands.

"Alright, someone needs to start breaking this down so the non-eggheads in the room can understand. Because if this thing is emanating anything similar to the Tesseract, we need to get it under lock and key before HYDRA and who-knows what else comes barreling in here looking for it. Not that I am disparaging your security efforts, Stark, but a six-year-old girl could break into this tower."
"Hey!" Tony snapped, offended. "I upgraded the tower last week!" A beat. "The girl would have to be at least eight, now!"

"She's right, you two," Fury snapped. "What's this "Fermat" thing?"

Tony and Bruce looked stunned for a moment, the started laughing. Steve shook his head. "It's something to do with math, sir. I couldn't tell you what it has to do with HYDRA, though."

"Nothing," Bruce said, fighting down his laughter. "And everything. See, it's a famous unproven conjecture..."

"Yeah. But, when I touched that crystal there," Tony added.

"It made us smarter, smart enough to see the proof right away." Bruce shoved the sternum away. "Angrier, too."

"I'd bet", Tony finally said, "that it augments everything. That fragment there would make a super-soldier out of me."

Steve picked it up again, curiously resting his thumb on the stone. Warmth and a sense of power flooded him, like the vita-rays and the serums Dr. Erskine had injected him with. For one breathtaking instant, he felt like he could do anything.

The bone and crystal clattered to the table. "That's... that's too much," he gasped, pushing it away and wanting to keep it. "We certainly can't let HYDRA get it."

"Yeah," Banner agreed. "Any of the pieces."
Natasha watched Steve jump away from it, looking shocked and frightened by the power that surged through him. Eying it warily. she moved a bit further from it, not wanting to feel the same. She'd had her body manipulated enough, the last thing she wanted was to feel that surge of energy, of enhancement, once again. Too many terrible memories broken through the pretend ones they had given her. It was best to not meddle in such things.

"So, what do we do with it?" she asked. "We don't have the ability to keep it in the air anymore."

"And we don't have the underground base anymore, either," came a voice from the doorway. Clint gave them all a nod as he moved over to the table, arms folded as he looked down at the glittering stone. "Thanks to Loki...and I guess a bit thanks to myself, as well. Sorry about that."

Fury gave a humorless chuckle, shaking his head. "There are other places, but nothing nearby. It will have to be transported to safety before we can examine it further. No offense, Doc, but this one might be one you need to stay away from, expertise in gamma radiation or not."

Banner nodded, smiling knowingly. "Yeah, I don't think pitting this against my, uh...condition would be a good idea," he agreed.

"That leaves Selvig, then," Natasha replied. "He's the only other person who has had any experience with the tesseract." Fury nodded to this, looking between her and Steve.

"Which means you and the Captain here are gonna have to take it to him. He is currently in Iceland, doing who the hell knows what. There is a top secret lab there, a lot of research and development for SHIELD. Think you two can handle it?"

She nodded immediately. "Sure, no question." Natasha had no doubt as to her own ability, or that of her colleague. Besides, globetrotting with HYDRA on their heels? Seemed like a lot more fun than a trip to the museum.
"Of course we can," Steve agreed. "If we're mobile, we have the advantage." He rubbed his fingers together, as if trying to wipe off the residue of the crystal, and found himself watching Natasha for a moment with a faint smile on his lips. Feeling guilty, he looked at the new arrival. "Unless you'd rather go, Clint."

"Nah," Barton decided, "I'm a guy with a bow. Not so good at close quarters. You and Nat'll be better for this.

Steve watched Clint for a moment, feeling slightly confused. Then, he chalked it up to professionalism, because the archer was right. "Good call. We'll need an insulated box for this, though. I don't want to carry it around in the open."

Tony nodded. "I've got something I can modify, yeah."

Bruce stood and stretched. "I'll get to work on building a tracker," he announced. "It's got a unique radiation signature, so we should be able to locate it anywhere."

"With enough sensitivity," Tony pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah, what she said," Bruce said, waving his hand as he headed for the door. "Once the prototype's up and running, we'll hook it into all of the spy sats SHIELD's got running."

Fury watched him leave, then leaned back in his chair. "So what's your plan for getting to Iceland? HYDRA won't - hopefully - know that the Black Widow and Captain America have the stone, but they'll know that two SHIELD agents do. Want to make a big show of it, or sneak in?"

Steve thought about it, then shrugged. "My war record is clearly full of covert action, Nick," he said with a cheeky sort of grin. "Nothing says stealth like a red, white, and blue shield. So, my plan is usually HALO jump out of a plane or the like." He looked over at Natasha. "What do you think? You're clearly better at covert action than I am."
Natasha thought about it, taking a seat and putting her feet up on the conference table, ankles crossed. "HYDRA will be expecting an escort, something official and militarized. Plenty of guys with guns, black helicopters, the whole deal. That's what they would do, after all. We'll go in quiet, just the two of us, as tourists. Take the slow way in: flight to the Faroe Islands, then a ferry into Iceland. Connect with the lab there and have them charter us in some transport they trust once we're sure we haven't been followed."

She shrugged, glancing at Steve. "People would believe we're a couple of honeymooners, and we wouldn't catch any attention along the way. The simpler we play it, the better. Just meld in with all the other travelers."

Clint was nodding, leaning on the table, and his lips twisted into an amused smile. "You two do make an adorable couple," he agreed, and she glared at him. He grinned in response, well used to her attitude by now. "You guys will need to set up some rendezvous points along the way. I don't want to have to wait until we get word from the Iceland station that something has gone wrong. You miss a single check-in and I'm coming in myself, arrows nocked."

Fury nodded at that. "Agreed. I want check ins every forty-eight hours, and a direct com link ready to be opened at all times otherwise. You two get into any hot water, I don't want you playing the heroes. It's too crucial we keep these out of the enemy's hands. You call for backup at the first sign of trouble."
The thought of pretending to be a couple caught Steve off guard. "Uhm... yeah. I guess that would work," he mumbled, concentrating on trying not to blush. And on not visualizing Natasha dressed for a wedding night. And on anything other than...

Clint was nodding, leaning on the table, and his lips twisted into an amused smile. "You two do make an adorable couple."

Well, that didn't make this feel any less awkward.

"You guys will need to set up some rendezvous points along the way. I don't want to have to wait until we get word from the Iceland station that something has gone wrong. You miss a single check-in and I'm coming in myself, arrows nocked."

Fury nodded at that. "Agreed. I want check ins every forty-eight hours, and a direct com link ready to be opened at all times otherwise. You two get into any hot water, I don't want you playing the heroes. It's too crucial we keep these out of the enemy's hands. You call for backup at the first sign of trouble."

He nodded agreement, glad for the change of subject. "No problem. It seems like everyone carries phones everywhere anyway, so communication won't even be an issue. I'd say twenty-four hour check ins, though. It's not like we're going to be in the middle of nowhere, after all." He thought a minute longer. "My shield's gonna be a problem for the plane."

"Please," Tony said, pressing his hand to the luminous disk over his heart. "I've got that. I tricked out an artist's case, so you can even pack your pencils and such along. Trust me: nobody's gonna notice."

"Right, then," Steve said, rising, "let's get started." He grinned, and managed to make a joke of the next words. "Seems we've got a honeymoon to plan."
They had left the bar rather calmly, considering the massacre they had been party to. Stepping over the carnage, she had taken his offered arm and led him through the streets to her apartment. They had only just turned the corner when police cars came screeching around it, rushing to where they had been. She had smiled to herself, knowing what horrors they would find there. The proof of their power, their beginning. Just thinking about it made her shiver in delight.

Arriving at the high class building, she nodded to the doorman as he scrambled to let them in. Bobby had spent her entire life well taken care of, her family line relics from the post-War era of growing business, their fortune exploding in the 1950's and building well into an empire. Used to the finer things, she had still unfortunately not been able to escape her tendency towards sullen boredom. Her ability came in handy, but her teen years had been full of her parents trying to cover up her exploits. Now that they were dead, she had all the money and no one but a board of directors to answer to. Which she left mostly up to her representatives.

Her dwellings took up an entire floor, and she let him in to the opulent main room before she turned to him, looking him over with a slight quirk to her lips.

"I had no idea I could do that," she admitted, stepping close so they were a breath away from one another. "I have always manipulated...I didn't realize I could actively control. You have opened an entire new world to me, you know that?"
"Of course I do," Loki said without any trace of modesty, brushing a lock of hair from her forehead. "This is what I do, Bobby - and that is a delightful name, by the way. Ambiguous, straddling the common conventions and expectations of gender."

His thumb stroked lightly along her jaw. "Not that any but a fool could take you for a man..." A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "I heard your prayers, Bobby. Your boredom, your longing for something more."

Now his fingers followed the line of her throat. "How could I not answer you?" Leaning forward, the heat of his lips was like fire against hers. "How could I refuse the cry of a goddess waiting to be born?"
Her eyes closed at the feeling of his lips against her own, a mere brush, so teasing. Her heartbeat had quickened at his slightest touch, at the sound of his voice. To find such excitement from such tiny sources was incredible. Could this be what love felt like? No, she doubted it...this was what fools thought love was. It was something so much more primal than that, less sentimental. This was attraction in its most base form, burning bright and dangerous, consuming.

Her tongue ran across his lips before slipping inside. The kiss was slow, but intense. The taste of him fueled her, the whiskey still lingering on something that was just him. Her fingers slid over his chest, allowing a little of her toxic nature warm him through her touch. He may not be swayed by her abilities, but for all she knew he could still feel them, still be pleasured by their caress.
Loki made a low sound of appreciation as her fingers trailed tingling heat over his chest. His mouth opened wider against hers, deepening the kiss. His hands molded themselves to her back, exploring her smooth flesh through the barrier of thin silk as he pulled her tight against him. One hand cupped the yielding curve of her behind, squeezing gently. The other tangled in her hair, tugging slightly as he pushed her against the wall, his tongue now in her mouth as he took control of the kiss.

"You are an enchantress," he murmured, breaking the kiss. "What do you long for now?" His kiss was hot and hungry, his lean body hard as he pulled himself tight against her. "Tell me what you desire."
She had never felt so out of control, and she thought that she would melt under the power of his kiss, under the feeling of his hands on her body. Through her life, she had always been left unsatisfied by the ease in which she took others, seduced them, whether through her power or just the influence of her personality and charm. Being under his command now, so taken with the sensations he caused in her, was ambrosia as she had never known it.

Her breath was rapid against his mouth, her body aching under his fingers, and when he pushed her into the wall it only further inflamed her. When he broke away, demanding to know what she wanted, her answer was clear in her mind as though it was screaming for it. "No one has ever had the upper hand," she panted, looking into his eyes.

"I want you to show me who I belong to, now."

He fingers ran through his hair, her eyes burning. She bit his lip sharply before soothing it with her tongue.
"You belong to yourself," Loki laughed, fingers tightening on her ass as he ground against her. With only thin layers or silk and linen between them, his erection was hard and obvious. "But I will have you."

He kissed her again, the motion of his tongue movin between her lips matching his hips as he ground himself against her. The hand onher ass slid upwards over her silk-sheathed flank to cup her breast, squeezing gently roas his thumb circled ner nipple. "Maybe right here," he murmured, voice husky. "Would you like that? Spreading yourself for me right here?"
"You belong to yourself," Loki laughed.

Bobby chuckled herself, the sound breathless and full of lust. "So you say, but I am not sure I believe it," she teased. However, he began to grind against her and she felt all thought narrowing its focus to something much more physical. Her ability for verbal sparring was being compromised by the need to get out of their clothes and to more pleasurable pursuits.

Her leg hooked around his narrow waist, and she gripped his tie. Her nipples hardened under the ministration of his fingers, pleasure coiling deep within her at the contact.

"You can take me anywhere," she told him, and she began to kiss and lick at his throat. "As long as you do it soon...and hard."
Both hsnds were on her breasts now, as her lips found his throat. He flattened them sightly against her ribs, thunbs lightly pinching and twisting her taut nipples in thim weth the movemennt of their hips. "You can take me anywhere," she growled, voice heavy with lust, "as long as you do it soon... and hard."

Loki laughed at that, the sound dark and aching. His hands bunched in the material of her dress,fingers scraping skin as they hooked in her neckline. Muscles in his arns bunched, and with a dull shrieking sound he tore her dress open to the waist.

"Oh, I will," he growled, hands cupping the smooth globes of her breasts. His lips traced one as he pushed her pack, making an offering of them. Still grinding against her relentlessly, he took one pink tip in his mouth, tongue hot and slippery on the sensitive skin.

His other hand relaeased the untasted breast, fingernails scraping lightly over ribs and belly as it drifted lower. "I will," he repeated, the lust-soaked words shockingly cool on damp sensitive skin. Then, with an animal noise, he bit down on the tender bud.
The only god Bobby had ever had in her life was herself. That was apparently something that was quickly changing. Grinning as he ripped her dress - its destruction was of no consequence - she arched into him as his lips descended onto her nipple. Fingers buried it dark hair, slicked back from his pale face. When his teeth bit down she cried out and tugged his hair sharply. But not to pull him back, rather to keep him there. She had always liked a bit of pain with her pleasure.

As his hips ground into her, she found herself becoming more impatient for relief, for action. That had always been a flaw in her, the inability to take her time. There was just too much to jump into, too much to enjoy. Her hands flew down to his pants, stalling the press of his hips as she quickly began to open them with deft fingers. Ducking her head under his chin to push it back up, she began to bite and kiss at his neck with sharp nips and a soothing tongue, just as her hand wrapped around the hard, smooth length of him.
"That's it," Loki growled as her hand closed around his shaft and she bit at his throat. "If you want something, take it." He let his words trail away in a snarl of animal lust as he thrust his erection into her fist, driving her hand and his head into her stomach, leaving beads os pre-com glistening on her skin

His hands found her thighs as he fucked her fist, sliding up under the hem of her ruined dress. Slim fingers hooked in elastic and silk, tearing her sodden underwear away and flonging the scraps to the floor. The same hands cupped her ass, lifting her up on tip-toe. His eyes blazed with hunger as he looked over her nearly naked body.

"And I want you," he growled, the last word rising to a triumphant roar of pleasure as he drive the length of his cock balls deep into the glorious sick heat of her pussy.
Things were moving in just the direction she had hoped. Standing there in the ruins of her dress, she eagerly balanced herself on her toes as he pulled her up. The first feeling of his cock stretching her, the slight sting as she grew accustomed to him within her, was bliss. She had always loved the feeling of fullness in the beginning moments. She savored it, not moving for several long seconds. Then she leaned back harder against the wall and gripped his shoulders, using them as leverage to pull both legs around his waist tightly.

He was stronger than she would have thought for his size. It was light straddling an oak tree, so unaffected did he seem to be by the added weight of her body. Her eyes were burning with lust as she used the wall behind her to wriggle herself slightly on his cock. The friction was delicious, white hot and intense.

"Fuck me," she growled, and crashed her lips to his.
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