Master and Commander: A WOW RP (Yajirobe and Elven_Lady89)

Llunau scurried to her feet as the captain quickly opened the iron gate to the cell. She wasn't fast enough and by the time he got to her, the back of his hand had forcefully struck her left cheek sending her back to the ground with an 'umph'. Before she could move on her own, he had already grabbed her by her hair and forced her against the back wall of the cell with his cold eyes locked on hers. With one hand still grasping a fist full of her dirty white hair, he used his free hand to undo his trousers and pull them down releasing his large member from its prison.

As he pulled her hair back, her mouth opened as she shouted at him, "Let me g-" but her cries were soon muffled as he entered her mouth. Llunau's hands shot up to push him away but he was much stronger than her and her struggles would prove to be pointless. She clawed, hit and wiggled against him. She wanted to bite him as well but the way he held her head restricted her from doing so. With every move and muffled cry her mouth and throat opened wider allowing her to take in all of his length. His member had hit the back of her throat causing her to gag and choke which no doubt would cause him great pleasure as her throat muscles tightened and pulsed around his cock. The only way for her to breathe would be through her nose and the lack of oxygen was making her dizzy.

With burning lungs, she calmed down in order to breathe through her nose. Her terrified emerald green eyes looked up at the captain pleading for mercy. But his angry eyes would show her none for she had been a bad elf and needed punishing if she was going to learn to behave.
The Pirate Captian looked right into the eyes with the anger that was easily noticable from the perspective of the woman. He smirked as he looked at her, "Elf slut, your going to learn your place on this island, though it might hurt you a good deal. Especially if your to stubborn to come to terms with what your new role is," he said coldly. Hlet his eyes wonder her body for a moment longer as his hand pulled back his hips pulling his member out a bit at a time. He wondered what she was thinking when he did this, if she was wondering if he had lost it or something.

He soon pressed his member back into her mouth after pulling it out most of the way, he used his hand to keep her head in place as he pretty much fucked it right then and there. He didn't hold back hardly any as he did so. He knew this was one of the best possible ways he had to put the Elf warrior in her new place as his. He kept going pressing himself hard as he used both hands on her head to keep it still so that he could continue at a decently fast rate. To the Captain it was fun, he had wondered what it would be like to take a elf, and honestly he never thought he would have this chance. Now he did however and there was no chance he was going to lose it.

The Captain felt his member start to twitch after a short period before he closed his eyes tightly and shot off his load into the waiting mouth of the Elf. He looked at her as he smirked downward slipping his member from her mouth and looking at the results of his lesson, "Now, I hope you have learned your lesson."
Llunau gagged as he pushed his cock farther into her throat. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked up at him. She squirmed against him again as he hit the back of her throat. When he withdrew for a moment, she coughed and gasped for air but he was now pumping into her mouth fucking her mouth harder and harder. Llunau's thoughts went wild as he violated her again. This man was sick, he took pleasure in her humiliation and forcing her to do things she never would have done on her own. She knew her life as a free elf was over. The sadistic man was now her master. And if she didn't please him she would know a punishment was coming.

The tears began to stream down her cheeks as she silently whimpered against his relentless cock. A mixture of drool and his juices dripped from her lips down her chin. When he finally finished off in her mouth, his seed shot into the back of her throat and she gagged and choked on his juices. Most of his salty seed was swallowed, but when he let his Meyerbeer slip out, she coughed and gasped for air as the rest of his seed that didn't get swallowed spewed to the floor.

Llunau wiped her mouth quickly then went back to sitting in her corner with her knees to her chest again. She hid her face from him as she buried her face into her knees silently weeping. The only thing that would be heard would be her sniffling as she sat there whimpering like a child who was just punished for doing something bad.
He knew from the look on her face that the woman was defeated, and that she was his. He pulled up his pants as he looked at the elf, "follow me, now," he said sternly as he turned and walked down out of the storage hold as he left the door open for her to follow, he wasn't sure if she would, but he guessed she would after what had happened only a bit before. He didn't think she would be so bold as to fight against his dominance yet again. He figured that now it would be okay to take her from her whole.

Joseph walked up the way to the top level of the ship, it was easy to see that they were sailing form this point south towards points unknown. He opened the door to his personal cabin and turned and stopped as he walked into the cabin and sat down, the cabin was decent sized with everything a man would need out at see. He looked over at the door and waited to see if Llunau would follow him into the room or if she would stay outside or if she had made a run for it somewhere along the way. He wasn't sure which but he would give her a moment before he went looking for her.
Surprisingly he had left the gate open and expected her to follow him obediently. She wanted out. An escape and she finally had a chance. The elf weakly got to her feet and waited as she watched the man leave her with a turned back. Was he really that stupid? Llunau followed bare footed up the rough wooden steps. She could feel the spray ofnthe ocean kiss her naked body when she made it to the deck and it gave her a shiver. The sun was bright and she had to block it from her eyes with one hand as she covered her chest with the opposite arm. There was no sign of land anywhere. She thought that maybe she could see the shore off in the distance but couldn't tell with the bright sun blinding her.

She knew now that the captain knew his slit elf wouldn't escape. She had no where to go except In the cold water with the sharks, whales, and other predators that wouldn't hesitate to gobble her up. She had two choices. Go back to her cell or follow the captain. If she obeyed him she could earn his trust which would help her escape at the opportune moment.

She hesitantly followed as she bit the inside of her cheeks in a nervous fashion. She could still taste his salty seed and it made her wince at the reminder of his assault. Now stAnding in the doorway to the captain's room, she breathed slowly as she tried to calm her nerves.
Joseph figured that she was thinking about running, but they were at sea, he smiled as he knew that he could see her reaction as soon as she walked into his room. He looked at her and smirked as he looked at her and then walked around her looking over her naked body, his hand pressing against her shoulder for a moment as he looked at her, and then thought about what she should wear, what would look best and would be the most embarrashing outfit for her to wear around the ship as well.

"Now, Llunau, you are in my ship, and this is a boat, it sails places, and we are off to hunt for an alliance trade ship, I am going to tell you what you need to do, but first I need to know what skills you have so I can put you to the best tasks possible, you will be used to replace those who you killed," he said looking at her as he then grabbed her ass for a moment, he slipped by and opened up a chest and looked though it, he tossed a shirt and a skirt, nothing else, "you may wear that, it is all I have for women on this ship," he said as the shirt would be to small to fit her whole chest, and the skirt was short as well. He wasn't giving her a option about her clothing either.
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