Master and Commander: A WOW RP (Yajirobe and Elven_Lady89)


Jul 14, 2011
The ship was his, he was the ruler, king, dictator, whatever word you wanted to put here would work well for how he ran the ship. He was the captain of this pirate ship, a man who had years of experience in war, and in peace, though as a pirate the two kind of were the same, except who he got paid by and what he did to make money changed mattering on what the situation was. He was a bloodsail, a man who was against all sides and who had no friends among the leadership of eitherside. He was a man in and of his own, and a man who would do what he needed to do to get by. Still his ship was faster than all others, it was strong and powerful as well.

The same could be said for himself, he was a man of power, of strength, he was a tall man, for This captain, Joseph Thompson was a man among men. He was a strong man, standing just at six and a half feet, he had a body that would fit a pro football player quite well. He was bigger than any of his crew, and his appearance caused them to know that he was in charge. He was short messy blonde hair and light ocean green eyes which were at the moment looking around his cabin. His cabin was tidy and set up straight, everything in it proper place, as he looked it over.

The captain had a feeling that something was up, he had been at a hidden port for the days before, a bit to long for his liking and he had a feeling that something might of happened. He looked over his map as he figured he would sail north for a bit as he searched for ships to raid along the coast. He didn't know that he had already taken on a person, who was after his head and to defeat him. He knew that he had a price on his head, that was rather common knowledge, he didn't care, for he believe himself undefeatable in battle, at least any battle he would get into. He knew when to fight and went to avoid battle, it was that which made him so dangerous. He was not only strong physically, but mentally as well, he was not a fool who would run into battles he was destined to lose, such people annoyed him a great deal. Standing up, he looked at the map again and marked it for the direction they would be heading next.
It was just another muggy morning in Stranglethorn Veil. It was only half passed ten and the unforgiving sun was beaming down on the young blood elf warrior causing a be a of sweat to collect at her long thin brow. The task was simple. Kill the buccaneers that had landed just south east of Booty bay. There were always Bloodsail buccaneers in the cape of Stranglethorn, but many young heroes were offered a decent bounty for keeping the pressure on them. It would not be the first time the young elf had been given this task, but it was easy gold, and the pirates didn't seem to cause her much of an issue. Her fighting skills far outweighed the skills of the pirates that gathered there. It would be surprising if she had not made a name of herself among them already.

The humid air filled Llunau's ((pronounced Loo-now)) lungs as she took a deep breath before hoisting her two handed sword over her shoulder. The small elf was unusually short for her race; only standing five foot three. However her height was unfairly deceiving, Llunau was extremely skilled and strong for her size. This was an advantage for her. Many alliance underestimated her which ultimately ended in their deaths.

The blood elf was thin and fit, with a slight golden tan which proved she spent a great deal of time outdoors. Snow white hair dangled down her shoulders outside of her back cowl she wore around her head. The only downfall to her size was the ability to wear heavy plate gear was lacking. She could do it if need be, but she felt more comfortable in heavy leathers and chain-mail armor. For this particular mission she wore mostly leather with a few pieces of chain-mail.

Two emerald green eyes looked out at the beach from the heavy foliage that was the forest. There was maybe fifteen pirates she could see. It would be easy for her. They were all spread out which made them easy targets. She almost felt upset that she didn't bring her hunter friend with her. They would have had much fun with this, but Llunau needed the money.

Without another moment of hesitation, Llunau jumped out of the thick foliage and began to charge silently towards the buccaneers. If she were wearing plate, the sand would have slowed her down but she could move easy with the gear she was wearing. Only fifteen feet to go for the first kill. The young pirate had turned around to see her only giving him the time to shout out to make her presence known. With one swing of her large sword, she sliced the human in the the gut. It was a kill shot.

Not wasting anytime making sure he was dead, the elf quickly moved to her next opponent. Now the whole group of the pirates knew she was there, which gave her no incentive to be quiet and sneaky. With every new opponent, her blade did not fail her. It was almost like watching art. She made it look so easy. If one were to watch they would have thought it was rehearsed with all the fancy turns and jumps she did to end her foes. Back arched, stance perfect, her sword came down on her last opponent drenching the blinding white sand crimson. Now all that was left was to collect the proof.

Llunau sheathed her sword, squatted down and took the Bloodsail signet from the dead pirate's belt. She continued doing this with each of her fallen victims. She may not have been watching, but her hearing was excellent. It would be very hard, if not impossible for someone to sneak up on her as she practically pranced like a deer from body to body. Her short legs jumping over anyone who laid face down in the sand.
As the captain stood there, he heard the sounds suddenly of the dying, the dead and the sounds of blades hitting each other. He knew he had a guest onboard his ship. He smiled as he reached down and calmly gathered up his armor, and his blade, putting them both on as he knew that his men would buy him the time he needed to get ready. They were replacable afterall, and fighting unprepared wouldn't be a smart idea if this person could last though and kill so many of his men, that meant they would be of some skill.

Joseph fixed his sword and opened the door silently, a elf, a damn blood elf at that, he could tell she was good looking at the distance between himself and her. He took a dart from the wall and put it in a type of powder as he tossed it right at the woman, the powder was made to cause people to warm up, to freeze mentall and be unable to focus, he figured it would if it hit, slow down the elf enough as he challenged her that he would be able to get a upperhand on her without that extreme amount of effort. It was a bit of a dirty trick, but he was a pirate, and wasn't that what pirates did after all. He came out and stood in front of his cabin as he looked the men, yeah she was skilled.

"Now, what do we have here a blood elf at sea, who would of thought it, I didn't think they let women such as yourself fight," he said with a smirk on his lips as he preapred himself for fighting this woman. He focused his eyes on her watching her ever so carefully as he made sure his feet were set and he would be able to attack and defend with each, footwork was always overlooked in a fight, if a person had good footwork it was a edge, if they had bad, it was much easier to trip or get a bigger edge on that person.
Llunau had just finished collecting the bloodsail signets and as she stood she felt a pinch at her neck, the only spot of her neck that wasn't completely covered by her cowl. The captain had very good aim. reaching up to feel the dart at her neck, she half expected some sort of mosquito or a bee. Instantly she pulled it out of her neck to examine it as a bead of blood began to trickle down her neck. Looking at the needle, she noticed the powder laden needle. She had been poisoned. With her body, she figured she had two, maybe three minutes to close the distance on whatever threw it at her and kill him before she began to feel the effects. It would be enough time for her.

When the elf heard the captain, she looked up and their eyes met. "You underestimate me, scum" she grinned back at him. He was huge. Very muscular. But sometimes that meant slow. It was no wonder he needed to poison her to counter her agility and speed. Suddenly she charged at him to close the distance, unsheathing her sword.

The poison was already starting to take affect on her. It must have been very potent. However, the perseverance of the young night elf would give her a few hits in before she would fall under the spell. Gripping the sword with both hands, she raised it as she took the final steps to her opponent. With much force, she brought the sword down. If he was not able to dodge or block her attack, it would have been a killing blow to his head.
The pirate watched her as she came at him. She was good, fast and skilled, he knew that she was someone to be dealt with. He was glad he didn't have to win the fight straight out, cause if he had, he would of had to kill her there would of been no other way to get around the fact as she was to good to stop any other way. He was faster then one would thing, and he moved away from her blade blocking it with his sword at the same time. He used his knee to try to counter.

The pirate pressed his his attack with his knee, it was aimed for her stomach, he figured if it caught her off guard it would slow her down. He smiled as he could smell her, she smelt good too. He like elves they were so beautiful, but they were all so stuck up too. He knew that this was most likely the case here too. They were to full of themselves, and this woman seemed no different. He would hopefully break her low from where she was.

He would move back from her if the knee hit or didn't hit, it would buy him space and time, his main goal was to outlast her and win the match that way. He would be able to do so. He would dodge avoid and block till she was out, When she was done, he would have his fun, he figured it was a matter of time, before that happened, before he had his victory over this woman. He smiled as he thoughta bout the coming victory as he sent that knee against her, himself very convident about his chances.
Llunau's blade clanked into his sword as he blocked her attack. She saw his knee coming but her reflexes were beginning to slow. Arching forward to try to lesson the blow, she skipped backwards a step. His knee hit, but not with the full force he had intended. However this did cause her to lose her footing. She doubled over as she backed up, almost falling backwards. The grip on her sword tightened as she lunged at him again.

Her small body began to feel weakened from the poison, her body temperature began to rise as she moved with fluidity. Her next attack came from the side, swinging her sword almost effortlessly at his ribs. However this too was blocked.

Raising her sword for another quick thrash, it hit her. Her hands, no longer able to hold the weight of the large sword, let go of the handle and it fell to the sand with a thud. Backing away from him, she could feel her body burning as if it were on fire. Chest heaving, she began to panic as she frantically gripped at her cowl, tearing it off. She felt as if she couldn't breathe, and the weight of her armor was becoming too much. The world began to spin and it became hard to focus. Her double vision made her begin to to stumble and she brought her hands to grip the sides of her now pounding head.

Her piercing eyes glared up at the large pirate with hatred. As the poison continued to take affect on her small body, she passed out, landing in the sand without a sound. Her body was so light if you weren't looking you would never had known she was down.
Captain Joseph looked at the elf as he saw the attack, hit dead on, he moved back making more room between himself and her. He had no idea what she would do, and he knew she might have some type of card or ace that she hadn't used yet. He prepared himself to defend himself however he could. He was surprised a bit as he saw the next attack, he made her walk the whole way across to him as it would enable time to pass and enable the effects of the position to take hold in a much stronger way than before. He blocked her strike, it was slower, much slower.

He watched as she fell into the sand, and smirked as he looked at her, and smiled as he saw that look of hatred, she had underestimated him, and she wasn't prepared enough for her attack. It caused her to not look over the whole ship for all possible enemies before celebrating and going for the symbol. He had her. He had her just how he wanted her and just how he had planned on as well. Jospeh watched as her body sank into the sand for a moment before pulling her out of the sand. He couldn't have her dying here, that would be pointless. She was strong, and he found her interesting.

Joseph had his men below deck clear off the deck as he undressed the elf, tossing her armor into a locked chest in his cabin. He tied the elf up to the main mast, her hands placed above her head and her feet wide, leaving her in a spot where she couldn't protect herself at all, she was also naked for anyone of the crew to see just who he had defeated. He knew that it was going to be a hell of a shock for the elf, but Jospeh figured it would make the reaction of the said woman all the more interesting.
When the captain picked up her surprisingly light body, she came to only for a second. She knew what was going on. He was taking her hostage. Before her body drifted off once more, she was able to speak two words in a whisper. "Kill me," and then passed back out.

When poison finally wore off, she groaned as she tugged at her arms which were both bound above her head. Her feet were bound too. She was completely vulnerable tied up to the mast. It took her a minute to notice that she had been stripped of all her armor and clothing. The elf tugged at her bonds but it was no use. She gave up rather quickly. Her body was still weak from the poison. She knew what was coming. There would be no swift death for her. They would use her and humiliate her. Break her even. But once she was out of the bonds she would put up a shell of a fight. Naked or not.
Joseph thought back on the words of the woman, and knew that he wasn't going to do that. It would be a waist to kill such an elf, and he knew that it would be a waist of a perfectly beautiful woman too. He waited for her to wake up, he had his men keep an eye on her as he went back to work, he would have to head south now find a place to hire more men, and then head to the shippinglanes. It would work out find, just took more time then he had first planned on it taking, was the only negative right now.

Joseph walked out when he heard that she was awake. He smirked as he saw the look in her eyes, and he said nothing as he let his men continuely get a heck of a view of the elf's body, "Well now, it seems you have lost, you were careless," he said as he looked at her for a moment. His hand ran over her body gently pressing against her soft skin for a moment, "I am not going to kill you, I know this something you most likely already expect, but that wouldn't really be all that much fun," he whispered to her as hlet his fingers contine to touch and caress her body, gently moving over her stomach, her sides, even hre arms and upper parts of her legs as he knew she couldn't do anything about it and she wasn't about to go anywhere either.
Llunau wiggled against her restraints. She watched as the crew members laughed and eyed her. They talked amongst themselves while staring at her. Their body language was obvious about the nature of their conversation. The elf pulled against the ropes again, but whoever tied her up, well they did a good job securing the lines.

When the captain approached her, Llunau looked up at him with her emerald eyes. When he spoke she said nothing, only keeping her heated glare connected to his. His rough hands roamed her smooth body and Llunau became infuriated. No man, let alone a human faithful to the alliance or not, had ever touched her in that way. Knowing she was completely bound up, that didn't stop her from fighting back. "Don't touch me human," she spat at him. Literally spat in his face.

Her chest heaved as she breathed heavily. She couldn't wait to get her hands on him. She would kill him. This she swore to herself.
He felt the spit hit against his face and smirked as he backhanded her as he slapped her across her face as he looked at her, "Now, that isn't how a slutty elf like yourself should act," he said as he then continued to press his hands against her body, letting them get a good feel of her breast holding them in his hands. He groped them aggressively, as he pressed her soft skin against his strong rough hands, he let his hands enjoy pressing against her mounts before he did so in more of a systematically fashion. His fingers rubbed against her tits as he played with them for a good moment before he lowered his mouth and started to suck on her tits taking them into his mouth and playing with them with his tongue at the same time. He moved back and forth making sure both got equal attention.

Joseph ignored her as his men started to come around to watch the action between the elf and their captain, chants and cheers came out from his men as he had his fun. It had to be something to be embarrassed like she was, but to be so in front of his crew had to be all so much worse for Llunau. He finally moved his lips from her breasts and smiled at her for a moment longer as he let his hands run along her stomach gently as he let his fingers slide over her legs near enough to her womanhood that Llunau couldn't help but to notice just how close they were to her lower lips.
Llunau yelped as he smacked her in the face. He was now groping her breasts as the shipmates watched. Llunau turned her head to look away from the captain but no matter which way she turned her head, eyes were upon her. She clenched her eyes tight as he continued his assault. When he let go, his rough hands were replaced by his hot mouth and tongue. He sucked on her nipples making them stand at attention. Had this been in any other situation, it would have been an erotic feeling. But Llunau was embarrassed, humiliated even.

Not long after, he began moving his hands towards her virgin little pussy. An uncontrollable shiver crept down her spine causing her body to convulse for a moment. She couldn't help but feel the pleasure that followed. This didn't last long however. Now fighting him, her body jerked against him more violently. She opened her eyes to see him smiling at her. A small tear drpped from an eye and she dropped eye contact with him. She was scared and humiliated.
The demon looked at her as she looked around having his fingers against her womanhood, he could watch her reactions, the boldness wasn't there anymore, she was not the same elf that she had, he continued to press his fingers over her womanhood, teasing her with this long finger as he let them rub her firmly aggressively especially as he let his finger slide over her clit. He smirked as he watched her, he was going to have her defeated completely well that was the goal. From what he could tell it was a goal that he could achieve rather easily all things being told.

He felt the eyes on him and her as he looked at her tits they were standing up a great deal, impressive looking too. He let one hand work on them a bit more as he pinched them between his index finger and thumb hard to get a reaction out of her, he looked at her, "Well, so, you think you still so high and mighty now elf," he asked with a tone that dripped in contempt for her as he looked at the woman. He knew she wasn't going anywhere so there was no reason at all to rush what he was doing that wouldn't be as much fun.
His fingers teased her, causing a reaction she couldn't avoid. Her lower lips began to moisten and Llunau tried to close her thighs to avoid further intrusion. Still wiggling in her restraints, the young elf whimprered as he continued his assaults. Her face now becoming a bright red color due to both her embarrasment and her arousal. "Let me go!" She cried out like a child.

Now he was pinching her nipples. Llunau winced in response still struggling to break free. "And you're so high and mighty? Having to tie up a woman so she can't fight back? A real man wouldn't have to do that!" She growled at him. "You're pathetic! " she added with a menacing glare.
The human could feel that the smaller elf was being effected, as his fingers rubbed against her lower lips he could feel a growing dampness to them, he smiled at this, knowing that was the purpose of the touches, of the rubs, to get this woman to feel as embarrassed form her own desires as was possible. He of course didn't let her go, but looked into her eyes and smiled at her comment, she was resulting to that now, at least had a mouth that was bold enough, "Well now, your body doesn't seem to mind at all what I am doing to it, and things I am pretty damn good at touching you," he said as he looked her in the eyes and then looked around at the crew who was gathered, "men, this is my prize, but you can watch, "Remember we are pirates we don't' do the high and mighty thing, we leave that to those who thing to highly of themselves," he said looking back at her with a smirk as his men laughed at her.

He pressed his fingertips just in, he wanted to tease her more but he also wanted to check if she had ever been with man before. He smirked as he looked at her, "so high and mighty, most likely you considered yourself to good for men, well you will learn you not high and mighty at all, really your just as not high and mighty as anyone else," he said mocking her and her own statement just moments before as he waited till she was moist enough, he knew she was going to be very tight, so teasing her would make it much nicer for himself when he took her. He knew that would be a key to enjoying it himself, that if not she would just be to tight and well, it wouldn't be as much fun for him and the teasing was causing some fun reactions from her as well.
Llunau's ears pinned back as he continued his assault. She couldn't help herself, her moistening lips began to drip as he teased her womanhood. She groaned trying to fight the pleasure he was giving her. She didn't want to give in to her captor but those skilled fingers wouldn't let up. Llunau stifled a gasp as he just barely let his fingertips inside to check her. Part of her wanted to escape, to shout and scream, and fight. But the other part just wanted to hang there, let the pleasure wash over her as his roaming hands did what they want. Yes it would be her pride, but fighting him was out of the question. She had no way to.

Whimpering, more tears cascaded down her rosey cheeks and as if letting go, her body relaxed. She didn't have the will to fight anymore. She just wanted him to get it over with. His fingers continued to tease her, and she began to moan softly between gasps of her crying only loud enough for the captain to hear. Her eyes were still clenched tightly. She refused to look at him.
Joseph watched her face as he saw the changes in it slowly at first now they were rast as he felt her body start to give into his touches, he smiled as he felt how wet she happened to be. He looked at her looking down and smiled as he felt that this woman was ready for him, he let his hand move from her and to his own pants as he slipped them down revealing his larger than average tool as he moved up closer to Llunau, he pressed and tapped her womanhood with his tool, as he lifted up her head, "Well, we will have to give you some more experience today I think," he mused.

He rubbed his member over her entrance letting her know that he knew that he had such a great effect on her body. He then slipped his hands around her and the post to some degree as he pressed himself into her hard and fast with the first thrusts breaking her barrier and ending her puriety as well. He knew that she would feel that, he stopped, she was so tight, tighter then most humans, meaning that he would have to adjust himself to her. He did so after a minute or two before he started his thrust, pressing up into her with each and every thrust growing more powerful and quicker going deeper into her body.
Llunau opened her eyes as he lifted her head up to meet his gaze. She felt his hard dick press against her untouched womanhood. Looking down at it, she knew that it would be too big for her to handle. She began shaking her head no, but before she knew it, he had closed the distance and thrust into her.

Llunau shouted painfully as her hymen tore, trickling blood down her inner thighs. She cried loudly as he continued to move inside of her. Her body jerked against him, trying everything to break free. When he stopped to adjust to her, her head slumped forward and rested on his shoulder as she sobbed trying to catch her breath. Her body began to adjust to his size, expanding to his unimaginable size. She thought maybe he had given her mercy as he stopped. But then he started again, his savage movements not holding back. She cried out loud again. There was no pleasure, only pain. She was too small for him and every thrust forced more tears out of her eyes. She couldn't take it anymore. Bringing her moth down onto his shoulder, she bit. Hard. Blood began to drip from her mouth as she sunk her teeth in harder breaking the skin.
Joseph looked at her as he paused again feeling her teeth against him didn't bother him in the least, he had a heck of a high pain tolerance and he paused as he adjusted himself to her taking her from a different angle, he then went again pressing himself into her not worried about the blood that was dripping down his shoulder at the least, the pain actually added to the fire inside him to pound the hell out of Llunau, he pressed his full member somehow into her repeatedly as he felt how tight she was squeezing him as she felt so good. He took a deep breath as he pressed in harder and harder, showing no mercy on the elf at all.

Soon he felt himself hit his limits he pressed in and started to send his juices into her body sending it all in as her body worked sure to make it all was pressed into her before he pulled himself out and moved away from her. He looked at his shoulder and ripped off part of his shirt and wiped it off, "not to bad, to tight right now, but in time, it will work, you will work, and this will be so much fun," he said with a grin on his face as he didn't even untie her as of that moment at least.
Llunau cried harder while he pounded into her harder. He didn't seem to mind it when she bit him but she didn't let go. His shoulder now just acted as something she could grit her teeth in to besides her teeth themselves. His relentless assault to her tight pussy seemed never-ending.

When he finally finished off inside of her and backed away a step, her head slumped forward and her snow white hair curtained around her face. She looked pitiful. Cheeks stained with tears, mouth and teeth covered in his blood, and the blood that was smeared all over her neck and chin had dripped down onto her chest. When he spoke to her, she looked up at him with just her now red and puffy eyes.

She closed her eyes again and let her body relax. He was done with her for now which meant she could relax. Her whole body ached. Her head pounded with an excruciating tension headache from her crying. Limbs went limp due to her struggles. Her back and shoulders hurt from being pressed and pounded into the mast she was tied to. And now her pussy was swollen and tender for obvious reasons. His cum finally beginning to slowly drip down her inner thighs mixing with the already drying blood from his abusive approach.

Her breathing went back to normal with the exception of her sniffling and her eyes felt heavy. She was exhausted from his assault and all she wanted was to fall asleep. Fall asleep and never wake up again.
Joseph's eyes scanned the defeated elf, his eyes showed no care for her, as he had no care for her. He didn't care that she was suffering cause honestly that was just part of the game. He ran his hand over his shoulder as he looked at the cuts in his shoulder from where the elf had taken a bit from his shoulder. He smirked to himself as he looked at her and saw that she was resting against the pole, and reached out and put his fingers under her chin and lifted up her head to look into her eyes, he could see signs of her defeat as he looked into them for those long moments.

Joseph step away from her body as he looked at his men again, and looked at them and gave them a look to return to work. He figured that she would be expecting for him to take her from the mast and then he would then take her to his bed or somewhere where she would be able to rest and recover from her ordeal. He wasn't going to do that, he was going to let her remain there for a the rest of the day. He went back to his wheel as he took the ship and set sail heading south as he let the woman sit on the mast for another couple of hours, he figured it would have a large impact on her as she was left to suffer there.

Jospeh had his men in the mean time prepare iron cell for the woman down in the cargo hold, he figured that he could keep the woman there until it was right to be able to let her out, once he as sure that she wouldn't be a threat to any of his people or himself, or even try to escape or think of escaping from the ship. He walked out and two hours later he had his men cut down the worn out Llunau down to be taken to the Iron Cell where she would be kept.
Llunau refused to look into the captain's eyes as he held her small chin in his firm hand. She looked down at the deck floor instead. She knew he felt a sense of accomplishment as he had kept her chin firmly in his hand for a minute or two. She could feel his smirk burn into her soul. She had been defeated. And even worse, raped and humiliated in front of his crew. When he finally left, and his crew was returning to work, she felt relieved, but the snickers and whispers about her pricked at her ears and every time she began to fall asleep, she was awoken by another cackle from the crew as they talked about the captain's new whore.

Finally just before the sun set, Llunau had her eyes closed, head drooping forward as her chest lightly moved while she breathed. She had just fallen asleep five minutes prior to the captain ordered some of his men to cut her down. She didn't have the strength to fight back, she let them take her down without a fuss and one of the men tossed her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Her long hair fell forward and swayed to the motion of his walking as he took her to her cell. Her breasts where pressed against his back and her ass was now in the air on display for everyone to see.

When they were at the iron cell, the man set her down on the floor, not harshly but not gently either. He snickered down at her as he locked the gate and walked away.

Finally, she had some peace and she just laid there where he set her. Her stomach was flat on the cold flooring and her legs were slightly bent, also face down on the floor. The position looked unnatural and uncomfortable but it was how she fell asleep and when she would wake up, she would be sore, from both the assault and the way she slept. Her face was turned towards the wall and it rested on her left hand as the other hand laid flat on the floor. If one were to look at her, they would assume she could be dead, but that was not the case. She barely moved as her dreamless sleep took over.
The next morning the captain himself came to the cage with a handful of leftovers that he put into a large pan with water and put it in front of the elf. "Here you go," he said as he put the food into the cage as he smirked as he looked at her. He watched her as he wanted to see if she tried to eat the food or if she would try something bold. He wanted to see what condition that she happened to be in this morning the morning after her defeat. He smirked as he looked at her knowing it would take time before she was ready to serve him how he wanted.

He had time though, he could wait, and he had her on the ship, all things taht wer his advantage as he looked at her with a wicked little smirk, they were headed south at that point to meet up with some other bloodsails to get supplies and to prepare in time fot he next raid on some place. He didn't care about the names, only waht they had that he could keep. He sat in the chair his hands at his side as he leaned forward reading to react to what was needed as he smirked.

"Well, none of us got your name, so we think, Elven Slut works well enough," he said as he mocked her, "you aren't very bright to not check all around you and make sure you killed the captain, realy stupid, I am guessing you have gotten by on other skills that you do to get people to agree to be killed by you."
When the captain came down to feed his new pet that was held in the small holding cell, she was already awake. Llunau was currently sitting in the back corner with her knees to her chest as she hugged them closely to her. She could hear him coming down the stairs before he even got there with the pan of leftovers. Her face was stained with the captain's blood. At this point it looked like rusty dirt smeared over her chin and neck. The same was true for between her inner thighs. The pan clanked on the ground as the captain slid it in front of the small elf.

Llunau didn't even look at the pan, her eyes fixed on his with a burning hatred for the man who had captured her. She could smell the leftovers and that was enough to know she wasn't hungry enough to eat. Her body needed food to regain her strength, but a pirate's idea of a meal was nothing compared to what she was used to. She wasn't hungry enough yet for that kind of a meal as well as being forced to eat like a dog.

Her eyes never wandered from him as she watched him relax in his chair as he read. He kept his grin as he read while occasionally looking at her to see if she was eating. When he gave her the new name, she practically growled and kicked the pan across the floor spilling the contents of it all over the floor. "My name is Llunau!" She retracted her leg back to her chest after her outburst and kept her eyes on the captain.
He smirked as he looked at her and opened the door back handing her with his heavy hand as he looked at her, "Well now I must admit something to you, Llunau, you can't speak to me like that," he said as he looked over at where the Elf laid as he grabbed her and forced her against the wall, "do you think you need another lesson in how to behave," he said coldly as he looked down at her with a cool look in his eyes, "you will learn your place slut elf, and you will do so fast."

He pulled down his pants in front of the elf, as he looked at her, "I have no problem showing you that there is always a price for such behavior," he said as he did so anyhow, pulling on the back of her head, to force her to open her mouth, he slipped his long hard member into her mouth before she could do anything to stop him from entering. He held her hair as he looked down pressing his member securely into his mouth, "now if that food over there is to good for you, perhaps you elves like other food," he mused as he was not in a good mood with her now the fact he wasnt' was easily noticable by now by the elf.
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