Batman and Sailor Moon Issue #1 (A closed crossover for blakkatt07 and batman4560)

The sound of heels clicking on the ground alerted the five men, one of witch was a youma and caused them to turn in surprise. "Shit..." The Batman muttered to himself and squeezed the trigger of his device before anyone moved. A rope launched out of the barrel and grabbed one man, then snaked across to another and pulled them together so hard that their heads collided and they fell to the ground stunned. The Batman jumped from the shadows and started to circle the remaining man. The Batman ducked a blow and countered with an open palmed strike to his jaw...
Since the remaining man was the youma of the group, his head had recovered quickly from the strike as he grabbed Batman's wrist. Instantly, the glow started again, draining Batman. At that moment, an arrow completely made of fire soared through the air to hit the youma right in the arm, causing him to let go of his hold on Batman with an otherworldly screech of pain and look in the direction the arrow came from for the source...

That source being Cosmos, her clicking heels giving away her position as she stepped into view. "I won't stand by and allow you to steal energy from the people of this city. I'm Sailor Cosmos, guardian of the stars. Prepare to be dusted Negatrash." At that, the youma made a leap towards her, causing her to block with her staff. She sent a jolt of lightning up the staff to throw the youma back.
As the blast of energy struck the Youma, the Batman swept his legs out from under him and slammed his fist into the Youma's face seven times. He turned to see a thug running out of an emergency exit. Slowly the Batman came to a stand and leaned heavily against the wall. He had never felt so drained from a simple touch. After about five minutes he turned his head to look at the woman who had helped him and seemed to know who these men were. When he got a good look at the woman's face it took everything he had to not let his eyes widen with annoyance and recognition. "What are these things?" He asked in a low toned voice, while reaching into his belt for hard wrist ties. Slowly he bound the men by the wrists and and ankles. Still he couldn't believe that Serena was some crazy woman with some sort of magic power.
Sailor Cosmos walked over to him, her eyes saying that she had seen much action in her young life. "They are Youma, creatures from the negaverse. However I have not seen them involved in an attempt to rob a bank. And definitely not of their own accord. All youma have something they try to steal that can potentially end the life of those they attack. These are some of the basic ones, they need to actually touch their victims to be effective while draining life energy. There are others that go for things that they don't necessarily need to touch a person for, just immobilze them long enough to get their heart crystals."
"Heart Crystals?" This lady was clearly insane. Bruce had seen alot in his years as a hero but never had he seen someone pull a gem out of some's heart before. And what the hell was the negaverse? If nothing else Bruce could say that this woman needed help. "Yeah...why don't you come with me and we can talk about this a bit more..." The Batman motioned for her to walk to his car. If she got in Bruce would take her to Arkham as fast as possible then get back on the trail of the man who escaped. He had a feeling that Ivy had been behind all of this and it would take alot of prep to get ready for a battle with her.
She had the feeling that he did not believe her and she could quite understand that. "Yes heart crystals. A sort of representative of the person's heart. A pure crystal shines bright with the purity of the person who holds it. But you do not believe me. I am not surprised. If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't believe me either." She reached her hand into what seemed a pocket out of thin air before pulling out a small globe. She held it out to him. "Maybe some actual proof will work for you. Take this globe. When you're alone, tap it twice and say 'Deathbusters' to see the sort of creatures of which I speak that myself and others like me encountered. If you tap it twice and say 'Dead Moon' you will see another type that went for dream mirrors in search of a legendary Pegasus."
"Sorry. I don't deal with magic artifacts." The Batman stated coldly. It was in fact very true. The last time he had, the Batman was changed to a small child along with half the League and forced to fight a witch. If he had his way then there would never be another person in Gotham to meddle with the arcane arts. "Look, thanks for the help but I don't want or need it. Stay out of MY city." The Batman commented dryly and decided to give her one day to lay low before he went looking for her.

He walked past her and back to his car. Gently flipping switches and starting the engine. Slowly the top of the car slid back and compressed down locking with the windshield and making a sound like an air lock. The lights at the front and back of his car lit up brightly and the wheels started to slowly roll. He gave the "school girl" one last look and thought to himself. 'And People Say I'm Nuts...' Then the car took off and fired a flair into the air, alerting police that the situation had been resolved.
Sailor Cosmos shrugged and put the orb away. "Your choice." She didn't respond when he told her he didn't need or want her help and to stay out of his city. She watched him get into his car and drive off. 'Not exactly like I chose to fight. I fight where I'm needed.' She thought to herself. Whoever this guy was, she could tell that if youma continued working with the criminals here, they'd be seeing a lot more of each other. She waited until the car was out of sight before using Pluto's powers to go back to the flat. She would've hopped back over but she hadn't want to risk him following her.

Once back at the flat, she looked at the time with a sigh. Dealing with the youma and that guy had taken much longer than she had expected. She de-transformed and dropped to the bed, waving her hand to use Pluto's powers of time to manipulate time around her just enough so she would have enough sleep for the morning.
Bruce stumbled into the office the next morning, trying to stay awake. Normally working late hours didn't bother him but he worked over time to figure out who the woman that worked for him really was. It seemed she was a big deal over in Japan and she was possibly here because what she said was true. Still...He didn't trust it yet. On top of that he was trying to find a way to connect Ivy or the Mad hatter to those "Youma". Mind control or power absorbing abilities were right up the ally of those two.

He sat at his desk and picked up his phone. Hitting a button on speed dial he waited until Serena answered and said only one word. "Coffee" then hung it up and rested his head on the massive oak desk. It looked like Serena would have a busy day.
Thanks to manipulating time, Serena was well rested for the day ahead. Dressed properly and her hair back in a style like what she'd had it for the meeting, she had sounded bright when she answered the phone. She rolled her eyes to herself after hearing Bruce's one word answer and finding he'd hung up right after.

It wasn't long before she was knocking on the door to his office, a cup of hot coffee in a cup holder in her hand. Along with it were a few packets of sugar as well as some little things of cream and a stirrer of course.
Bruce looked up at her with a smile and took the coffee. He gave the cream and sugar a strange little look then gestured for her to place them on the table. He wanted to down the entire cup of coffee and had done so in the past but decided against it. Silently he sipped on the cup for a moment then set it down and cleared his throat.

"You look nice today. But you really don't need to look like that every day. Just keep it clean. Skirts and button downs at the very least." His eyes roamed her body checking her for details he may have missed last night. The two women were the same for sure. "Today I just need you to make sure I am not bothered. I didn't get a wink of sleep. You can stay in here to answer phones or go about that in the office to the right."
Serena said nothing when she saw he didn't add the cream and sugar to his coffee, making note for future reference. "Yes sir Mr. Wayne." She made another note to herself to come up with other ways to style her hair to keep it out of her way besides obviously getting it cut. She blushed just a bit as his eyes roamed over her even though she didn't know the true purpose behind it.

"I'll make sure you aren't bothered then. I'll answer the calls in the other office. Wouldn't do any good for them to be ringing in here." She then smiled softly before turning and walking out of his office to go answer calls in the other one. She wouldn't question what it was that kept him up. That was his business. As far as she knew, he just had had trouble sleeping the night before. It never occurred to her that he had been up late because he was Batman. But then again she wouldn't be able to make such a distinction. She didn't know enough about either Bruce Wayne or Batman to even try connecting the dots.

Her entire work day was spent answering calls and taking messages. Finally, when she saw a hint of the sun beginning to set, she gathered all of the messages and headed back over to the other office. She knocked on the office door. "Mr. Wayne, was there anything else you needed me to do?"
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