Batman and Sailor Moon Issue #1 (A closed crossover for blakkatt07 and batman4560)


Jul 5, 2009
It was a few years after the final battle with Chaos. Serena had taken up the mantle of Sailor Cosmos, gaining the powers of the other sailor scouts, and chose to let her friends live the normal lives they had wanted. That left her to take of the rogue monster that showed up here and there as well other things she was needed for. She had finished high school and graduated and now was looking for a fresh start somewhere new.

Now here she was having just landed in the city of Gotham in the United States. Why she chose Gotham, she had no idea, just that she was drawn to the city for some reason. She'd grabbed a book on learning English in the airport bookstore and was on her way to grab her luggage from luggage claim.
RE: Batman and Sailor Moon Issue #1 (A crossover thread)

Bruce had touched down at Gotham airport only ten minutes ago. He had been if Africa visiting and helping out with a case down there...Bruce felt that maybe this "Batman Inc" idea was a bad one. Some of these people he decided to fund were not nearly trained enough to be doing what they had been. Bruce spread his arms wide, trying to get the blood pumping through his body. For the first time in what felt like years, he made a public appearance without his usual suit and tie. Today he was in a tight pair of jeans and a button down white shirt. His hair was stylized but still kind of messy. He hadn't noticed the woman leaning to grab a case in the luggage claim, and reached for her bag by mistake. When he realized he had taken the woman's bag he blushed and handed it to her.

"Oh I am sorry miss...?" He asked and apologized at the same time. He smiled and picked up his bag, it had been a few behind hers. "My name is Bruce Wayne...this is sort of awkward."
Serena hadn't been quite paying attention as well as she should trying to remember the bits of English she had learned before catching her plane. She did though end up noticing that her bag was being picked up by someone else. The silver-blond haired young woman with her usual bun and ponytail hairstyle looked up at the man with her silvery blue eyes and took her bag gently from him.

"Serena Tsukino." She supplied, her Japanese accent still quite strong. She too was in a pair of jeans but with a t-shirt with a crescent moon design on it. "A pleasure to meet you Mr. Wayne." She bowed in greeting and respect before turning to grab her second bag that was behind his.
Bruce had never felt so stupid...She must not speak much English, and here he was forcing her to do so. Bruce bowed low in respect and cleared his throat. <"Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am sorry. I had not realized you were not from here. Welcome to Gotham. Do you have a place to stay?"> He asked with a strong Japanese accent. He had spent a great deal of time there learning various forms of martial arts in the country and found learning the language to be easy. He didn't know why he was inviting her to his home but something about her caused him to want to make sure that she was safe for the time being.
Serena was a little surprised that he had started speaking to her in her native tongue, but grateful all the same. <"It is quite alright. As you said you did not know. Thank you for the welcome. As for a place to stay...No I had not worked that out yet. I came for a fresh start. You wouldn't happen to know of a good area of town that I could find a place to rent or a hotel?"> She smiled brightly and held back a chuckle. It was just like her to seem to make a new friend after barely being in a new place less than an hour.
Bruce smiled when she asked if he knew a place that she could stay. Ironically he did need a new worker to file papers and the such for him. A personal assistant at Wayne Enterprises. He couldn't help but point out the window and at his tower. <"Well I need a secretary and I am willing to take a chance on you. The job pays very well and it offers benefits like a flat to stay at and a company car. Can you drive?> Bruce was looking to give Alfred time off, he was getting older and Bruce wanted to make things easy on his friend.
Serena couldn't believe her luck! Not only did she possibly make a new friend in Bruce but it seems that thanks to him, she was also getting a job and a place to stay. <"I won't let you down. I appreciate you being willing to take this chance on me. And yes I can drive."> Her smile was wider now and it was taking a lot out of her not to jump up and down in delight at the opportunity she was getting. <"How soon do I start?">
<"Now, my car is parked outside in the front. Your first job is to get me back to the Tower. There we will get you a phone. You need to be ready to help me whenever I call."> Bruce fished into his pocket and produced a pair of keys. He offered to take Serena's bags and motioned for her to follow him to the car. He walked her out to a very old RollsRoyce and placed the bags in the back seat. Once he did, a car next to that one pulled out of the waiting lot and Bruce waved to the driver and Alfred who had drove the car to meet with Bruce. <"That car, there. It is headed to the tower. Just follow it and don't get into a wreck.">
Serena smiled and followed him out to the car. She watched him put the luggage in the backseat and wave to the driver of the other car. <"Yes sir Mr. Wayne." She answered to his instructions. <"I take it you'll be getting in the back sir?"> She assumed with his obvious position of the company that like other important people he would get in the back but she wanted to be sure first. At least he wasn't making her figure a route to the tower on her own.
Bruce got in the front seat and opened the driver side door. <"Your on the clock Serena, better hurry."> He wasn't going to be super nice to her because she was new. Now that she was working for him, she needed to understand that she needed to always be ready for work. Bruce pulled out his phone and sent a quick txt to the drive of the car ahead of him to take a long route so that Serena could see the city. The tower being at the center. Bruce looked out the window and wondered how much the city needed him at night since he had been gone.
Serena hurried on into the car and closed the door, quickly pulling on her seat belt and checking the mirrors before pulling out from the parking spot and following behind the other car. She would take glances at the scenery of the city around them in awe while still keeping her eyes on the road. Silently she hoped she wouldn't be needed too much as Sailor Cosmos since it sounded like she was to be on call for him and that might interfere with any battles she might get in to.
<"Not everyone you speak to will speak Japanese. You are going to have to learn English at some point. I hope you understand. So, Serena. What did you do before coming to America?"> The car ride lasted for nearly an hour, instead of taking a direct thirty minute drive. Bruce looked at the woman and stepped out of the car once it came to a stop. He waited with the bags in his hands and once she was outside of the car Bruce started to walk into the Tower. <"This place is open all day and all night. There is a flat on the top floor. You may stay there. Just so you know, Ill have to get a key card made for you. You will be required to wear it when you are in the building. Also I'm going to need you to change into something nicer. Ill be changing into a suit once we get up higher.">
<"I was planning to learn English sir. It would be better I think with some help though."> She was silent as she thought of what exactly to tell him in regards to what she did in Japan. She couldn't exactly say that she fought intergalactic evil. She was also a bit concerned though since she was still slightly fresh from high school. She was worried that he might not want to still have her on the job once he learned that. But she figured she might as well be truthful with him on that much. <"Well um...I'm sort of fresh still out of high school. I hope that won't bother you too much sir.">

She listened to him as they walked into the tower. She was thankful she did have some suits with her...Even if they weren't all in her luggage. But of course he didn't need to know that part.
Bruce was silent for a bit. He didn't want to tell her that he would help her with everything, if he did then she wouldn't grow as a person and he wouldn't have time for either of his jobs. Still he could offer the woman something to help. <"I can give you the number of some teachers if you need them. Ill have someone leave the numbers on the door to your room."> For some reason or another Bruce had gotten very short with Serena. He wasn't annoyed with her or angry at her for some reason but he was trying to get into the mindset of being the owner of one of the biggest companies in the world. He needed to put on that face that said "I am the boss and you do what I say."

The cars pulled up in front of Wayne Enterprises and Bruce scooped up the bags before heading into the tower. Gently he led Serena to the elevator and stood inside it. Once they were both inside he pressed a button and the elevator started to rise. <"I hope you don't get nervous easy..."> Bruce started to strip his pants off. Opening a bag of his, he reached into it and pulled out a pair of black dress pants that were pressed and clean. Gently and swiftly he pulled them on and then slid a belt through the loops. The black belt was off from his pants but barely. He then reached into his bag and withdrew a tie from it as well. <"We are going to the top floor where you can change. Ill need you to take notes on a meeting we are going to attend.">
Serena had been a little hurt when he suddenly got short with her. But she quickly realized he was doing it for professional reasons. And he couldn't have people thinking he was going to play favorites. She figured she'd get better at her English if she went back to using what little she already knew. She nodded. "Yes sir. I would appreciate that." She was grateful that her honesty about being fresh out of high school wouldn't be causing her to lose her new job so soon after getting it.

She wasn't quite expecting him to change right in the elevator like that. It didn't make her nervous, just caught her off guard. Since he clearly didn't seem to care about changing in front of her, she didn't turn away to give him privacy. But she did manage not to straight out ogle him either.
Bruce could feel her eyes on him as he changed. In a way it made him happy to know that she was looking at him. At some points he wondered if he was attractive to younger women still. Usually women were the last thing on his mind, however he had to admit that Serena was very attractive. He zipped his bag up again and stood up straight. "You are going to have to carry these bags now. I hope you understand that I can't play favorites here. If you don't think you can handle it then you can leave whenever you wish. I won't hold it against you."

The doors opened to the top floor of the tower and revealed a long hallway. At the far end was a large pair of doors made of oak. "That would be your room. Ill be waiting here for you. The meeting is in fifteen minutes."
Serena nodded in understanding before grabbing her bags. "I won't know if I can handle it until I try sir. But I've been known for not being a quitter." She stepped out of the elevator and headed down the hallway to the doors. She stepped through the doors, not wasting time to look around the place, knowing it could wait until later. She set the bags down and grabbed one of her suits from one of them. She pulled on a simple yet still slightly loose black skirt and a white dress shirt. She tucked the top in and slipped on her black heels. Quickly, she then redid her hair into one bun with the rest of her hair flowing under. The bun was held up with two traditional hair sticks rather than the way she held her odangos in place. With a sigh, she headed back toward the elevator after snatching a notepad and pen from her bag as well.
Bruce was almost stunned by the way she looked when she came out of the room. He was even more impressed by the fact that she had changed so quickly. Once she was inside the elevator he hit a button and the pair went down two floors. When they opened up the two were inside a large room that had a massive glass table and chairs made of glass as well. "Take a seat next to me. There will be paper and a pen on the table. Write down everything that you think is important. Ill be doing the same and from there you can compare what is expected of you."

Bruce walked over to the table and sat down to greet the others at the table who were waiting for him to start. "Gentlemen sorry I don't look my best. It was a long flight. Shall we get started?" He asked as the meeting started. It was a long drawn out gathering about boring things that put even Bruce to sleep. He had to do his best to stay awake. He smiled was happy to see the meeting come to its end and everyone leave. "O.K. What do you have?" He asked Serena once the room was empty and slid his own sheet of paper over to her.
Serena had stepped inside the elevator as calmly as she could. Though it was a bit hard for her to contain her awe at the room's setup, she managed without a slip. She nodded at his instructions. "Yes sir, Mr. Wayne." She had kept from doing what had become a constant smile this time, wanting to look more professional.

As they walked into the room and he greeted the others at the table, she only nodded in acknowledgement to them since she knew the meeting was to be all business. If she were ever to be formally introduced to the other men in the room, she knew this would not be the time for it. How she managed to stay awake and alert through the meeting, she had no idea but she did. Still being so fresh out of high school and having paid attention in classes during those years made it a little easier for her to at least try to determine what was worth writing down and what wasn't.

Finally the meeting ended and everyone else had left the room. She started comparing her sheet to his and was glad to see she had gotten a lot of what he had. Though there were some things she had written down that he didn't and so she was unsure if her judgement had been good on those things or not. She slid his sheet back to him plus her own. "There are some things I picked up that I'm not quite sure if I actually should have. Can you take a look and tell me what you think?"
Bruce looked over her paper and nodded his head. "Everything looks fine. It's good you have more than I do. One can never have to much information. I may have missed something that you didn't. Looks like you are a natural. I am happy to say that you may have a good future here... I will let you get settled in. Ill call if I need you for anything. OH and I will have someone bring a phone up to you. It will have two numbers in it. Mine and Alfred's. Should you need something feel free to call either of us. Have a great night and welcome to the company Serena." Bruce shook her hand and stood up. Moments later he was gone, moving slowly down the elevator.

He placed a call to the front desk to make sure that Serena had a key card/I.D. made for her, and a phone was brought to her room within the hour. Once he arrived on the ground floor Bruce was greeted by Alfred and the two returned to the massive castle like home on the outside of the city. As the sun set a massive car sped around just to show that the Batman had returned to his home...
Serena beamed with pride when he approved of her note taking. "Thank you again Bruce. I'll do my best not to give you cause to regret hiring me." She shook his hand and let him leave. She headed to the elevator soon after and headed back up to her flat. It was a very productive day over all. She got a job and a place within the day and she was happy. She began unpacking the rest of her clothes, waiting until after she'd gotten the phone before handling the stuff she'd packed in her subspace pocket.

Once everything was unpacked, she contemplated calling her friends but decided against it due to the time difference. She instead opted to freshen up with a bath. After that, she went to the window to look out at the moon in nostalgia.
East side of Gotham City, 11 P.M.-

The night life gave plenty of cover for the ten men who all converged at the same spot like a group of frat boys out for the night. A local bank was the mark. None of the men wore anything to hide their faces, weather they were worried about being caught or not was unclear. Five of the men carried tools of various sorts. The group of men spread out around the doors of the bank while one man stepped forward and pounded on the door. Years ago Mayor Hill ordered that two guards stay on duty at every bank in Gotham over night to help keep robberies down to a minimum. On this night however more than one bank was being robbed and all in the same manner. A guard on the inside walked to the heavy glass door and peered out the glass window pane. The moment the thugs could see the guards eyes a hand crashed through the glass and wrapped around the guards face.

A loud alarm went off and the guard struggled to scream while his face was covered by a hand. The guard reached for his gun, but as he did so a faint glow of light erupted from the hand of the man holding the guards face. After only a moment the guard went limp, and was dead. The killing blow was something that the men and women of Gotham had never seen before and those that were on the phone calling the police ran with fear. The ten thugs entered the bank and started to spread out, some moving for offices and five went for the vault in the back.

From the shadows a figure moved, silently, skillfully and quickly from shadow to shadow. It stalked the men that had split up, silently grabbing each man and knocking them out until only one man remained. The Batman arrived at the scene shortly after the first guard was killed. He watched and waited for the five men to get far enough apart that they wouldn't be turning back to check on eachother before the dark knight struck. With the intent to harm the last thug in the front lobby in his mind, the Batman reached into his belt and produced a small pellet. He chucked it onto the ground at the thugs feet and a thick smoke shot out of the small pellet. The Batman jumped into it and grabbed the man by the neck. During the ensuing struggle the man managed to grab the Batman's face where his mask did not cover and the light once again erupted from his hand....
As she looked out the window, Serena got the urge to patrol the city as Sailor Cosmos like she would in Tokyo. She at first decided against it as she knew she had work in the morning. But instinct won out and she decided to go. She stepped back from the window to transform before running out and leaping from the window, landing on a nearby rooftop with grace. She then moved from rooftop to rooftop, stopping to look below.

She didn't quite think of it really when she saw groups of people outside some of the buildings. She wasn't Sailor V and wasn't going to meddle with the police if she didn't absolutely have to. However, her senses went on alert as she picked up on dark energy being used. She quickly headed towards the source of the energy, dropping down onto the scene of what looked to be a possible bank robbery. She'd gotten there just in time to see the smoke erupt from the pellet.

Quickly, she'd activated a visor that flashed across her face, scanning for life forms hidden by the smoke. She gasped when the visor beeped, showing her shadows of someone starting to be drained by a youma. "Love Chain Encircle!" She called out as due to the help from the visor, the glowing heart chain wrapped around the youma tight before she yanked it hard to pull the youma away.
The Batman was starting to pass out from the life force being drained from his body, never before had he felt so weak... Just as his eyes fell closed for the first time, a chain wrapped around the thug and ripped him away from the Batman. The Caped crusader fell to the floor on both his hands and knees, gasping for air. The moment his lungs were filled with air again he lunged forward in the direction the man was pulled and struck the man in the jaw. -Five down, five to go...- He thought to himself, while he let his eyes follow the trail of the chain to the roof where a school girl was standing? -...Oh you have got to be kidding me.-

Batman dismissed the woman for now and stepped back into the shadows while moving for the vault. The thugs on the other hand were at the vault using the tools to break through the door. "God Damn it...I can't believe that this door is so freaking thick. It's gonna take forever." A thug commented, drowning out the noise of the Batman moving in on them. Once he was in range he started to put pieces of a device together. When he was finished he had a gun like device hooked up. Carefully he aimed the device between the two men on either end of the vault door.
Cosmos watched the man she had saved moved into the shadows after punching the youma. She was interested in watching the man in action but she knew it was not the time. She had to fully take out the youma so it couldn't hurt anyone else. The chain had disappeared already and the youma was already aiming for her. With a carefully aimed thunder attack, she caused it to stagger.

She then called her staff, holding out her hand as it appeared. She pointed it at the youma. "Cosmos Revolution!" The attack destroyed the youma on contact. Not wanting to take the chance that there weren't more inside, she slipped on in, trying to move as quiet as she could with her heels.
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