Mass Effect: A New World (FemShep and Nero-shadow-wolf)

(Sorry for taking so long, I've been busy)

"Shepard are you sure you're able to walk considering your injuries?" The Turian swiftly remarked as his Commander was already heading towards the doors and on the other side, the rest of her crew waiting to see if she was indeed ok. He quickly followed suite as she arrived at the door, opening the door for her as the sound of gasps and soft whispers could be heard among the crew of the Normandy, eager to see the Commander emerge.
Shepard held her side shortly after walking all the movement she's been doing in such a short time, but her pride wouldn't allow her to lay in bed all day like this. She chuckled a little saying "I'll be okay, besides it would be nice to see them when I'm standing and not lying in bed like I'm dying." When he opened the door for her, Shepard smiled saying. "Thanks Garrus." Hearing their gasps she smiled softly and stepped out to see her friends eagerily waiting to see her, but she waited for Garrus to be by her side.
"No problem." Replied the young Turian as he watched the crew of the Normandy rejoice at the well being of their commander, Joker being one of the more energetic of the crew as he pushed his way to the front of the group to see his commander in good health. "'s good to see you're ok after what happened back on Earth, we all thought we lost you." Joker said in an ecstatic tone, eager to hear what Shepard had to say.
Shepard smiled seeing her close friends and crew mates rejoicing at the sight of her. There was nothing more relaxing and heartwarming to see everyone survive the horrific final battle. But the one that made her giggle at his appearance and excitement was Joker someone who always knew how to make her smile. "It's great to see you all I'm surprised I survived...but at least it's all over now." She smiled softly and warmly.
"Same here Commander, it's a tad bittersweet to see the Reapers around...but I'm glad their paying the tab on the bill because damn...Earth looks pretty bad right now." He responded with a chuckle, holding EDI close to his side. "Speaking of which Shepard...what happened up there on the Crucible?" Garrus said as he passingly noticed the green glow over his body.
Shepard smiled seeing Joker holding EDI close to him. She remembered their romance blossoming and even seeing the doubts in their faces if they could even be together, but it warmed her heart to see they listened to her advice. Joker's comment brought a slight smile to her face, but the reminder of Earth's condition prevented a full smile. Garrus' voice caught her attention as she turned to look at him. What little smile she had faded into a troubled frown. "It's a bit of a long story..." Shepard explained in detail about what happened once she barely made it to the beam. The Illusive Man's delusions, Anderson's death, the Illusive Man killing himself after hearing her speech of defeating the reapers, how she met the child that was the ultimate weapon, and...her decision that was suppose to end her life. "...I choose the green light...organics and synthetics are one now...that's why your bodies changed...I was suppose to die...I wanted to if it meant the people I've come to see as my family could live..."
Those questions Garrus asked where the hardest to answer. She didn't know why she survived or what would happen now, thing was for sure: the Reapers are staying, but now they can help rebuild and maintain peace. Shepard didn't want to lie to them and she won't. After a moment of silence Shepard sighed softly. "I don't know why or how I survived Garrus...that destroyed my body...I felt no pain, but I knew what was happening...honestly...I think I should be dead now..." She paused for a moment and stared at her hand. Her skin was still there and even had the markings her friends were sharing with her, but there were so many questions. Now Shepard wondered...did she make the right choice? "I don't know what it means exactly...I don't know everything that will result from my decision, but what I do know is that now there won't be conflict between organics and synthetics anymore. Not like what happened with the Geth none of that will happen again. And the Reapers aren't attacking us...we need them now...they can help us rebuild. With their help our galaxy can be built again and even improved with this...I thought we could build an entire new way of life that ends the battles between us to the point everyone can live and create a better galaxy for everyone."
"Well...whatever was or wasn't supposed to happen up least we got you back Shepard, and as much as it pains me to say it...I'm happy to see the Reapers playing nice for a change." Garrus said with a sigh, looking out a nearby window to see the battle torn landscape of Earth, still frsh with the blood and carnage of the war. Joker stepped forward and spoke up. "Well may not know what to do, but I do...I say we take a vacation."
Shepard smiled softly at Garrus thinking she was rather lucky to be alive and now she could be with her friends again. At least from what she could see everyone was together again and with the Reapers becoming a ally everything was perfect. Hearing Joker's voice Shepard looked at him and smiled brightly. A vacation would be perfect! Those three years of suffering were over so now was the time to celebrate and take some time off to enjoy themselves. "A vacation sounds perfect! After all now's the time to celebrate after all these years of the war ending in a victory."
"Well Commander, I just so happen to know this little bar back on Thessia...however I think it might be rubble by yeah" Joker hobbled a bit to a nearby window with a sigh. "And I don't think Palaven or the Citadel is in any shape to handle a party." Garrus said with a bit of enthusiasim.
Shepard had to think for a moment, it seemed like all the places that they would have gone to for a vacation or party was in no condition. There was one place that came to mind, but Shepard wondered if the others would be fond of those places. "Well we could always go to Tuchanka. I'm sure Wrex and Grunt would be happy to see us, but I don't know if it's exactly the best vacation spot. At least most of the planet will be together." She suggested and leaned back on the wall sounding optimistic.
Tuchanka wasn't exactly the first place that everyone would have picked for a post war vacation spot but with most of the galaxy still in ruins, they'd all have to settle. Garrus smiled and gave a slight nod as if to agree with the commanders optimism, the redt of the crew soon followed suit with a mixture of approval. " Looks like it's settled than hmm Commander?" Joker said with a chuckle.
Shepard knew when people tried to think of a vacation or a place to party Tuchanka wasn't one of the top ten planets everyone would think of, but when it came to a planet everyone could breathe on that at least mostly wasn't in rumble it seemed to the best place. Besides Wrex and Grunt would want to be apart of this and it seemed they returned home. Seeing her crew approved Shepard gave a smile. "It seems like it has. That means we should get ready to go within a few hours, it'll be a long trip."
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