Mass Effect: A New World (FemShep and Nero-shadow-wolf)


Jul 1, 2013
The Normandy SR-2
It all happened so fast. She didn't know what would happen when she would enter that beam only that it was the only way she could stop the Reapers. Garrus...he tried so hard not to leave her side, but she couldn't allow him to risk his life. He still had a family to go home to...his father and sister....Shepard...she had no family. Her family were her friends, all of them on that ship that started it all. After what happened to her parents when she was sixteen, she refused to let anything happen to them. If anyone was going to die today, it was going to be her. No one else.

She remembered every moment leading up to that beam of light. Meeting all her friends, saving the Rachi queen and seeing her again repaying her debt to Shepard, saving the council and Wrex, making Anderson the assembler for Earth. Of course, destroying the collector base and curing the genophage for the Krogans too. Everything she did seemed to be the better of the two choices she was given. Now...she had one more thing to do. The explosions surrounding her couldn't stop her. Even to the moment her body was on the verge of death, blood soaking her short raven black hair, her sapphire eyes that used to sparkle with life now bloodshot, her lightly tanned skin covered in her own blood and open wounds. She knew she wasn't going to make it.

After all the sacrifices Shepard had to make, there was one more left. Her own life to save all her friends and the people she protected. She was given a choice by the Catalyst and she made it. She chose a world were synthetics and organics had no hate or misunderstanding for each other. To coexist as one great society. Little did she know when she threw herself into that brilliant green beam of light, that Shepard had a chance to see the world she changed in a single act of bravery.
High above the burned and blood soaked soils of Earth, The Normandy and it's crew watched as the Crucible began it's process. Some people watched in horror...others in sheer awe....most were sorrowful. Garrus, watched in silence from the lounge deck as he knew that the woman he loved was on board the Crucible, making a choice to save the galaxy...ultimately sacrificing her life. suddenly, a warning from admiral Hacket came over the intercom ordering all ships to fall back to a safe distance.
As soon as Shepard threw herself into the brilliant green beam of light. She remembered everyone taking her last moments to remember the best of times. Garrus was the one she thought about most. They been through it all together since day one. He was even there when Kadian broke her heart. She just wished she could see him and the other again. Shephard closed her eyes and accepted her fate.

A burst of green light exploded from the Crucible, going from Mass Relay to Mass Relay all across the galaxy. The light didn't destroy. Everything it washed over stopped the fighting both aliens and Reapers alike. They looked at each other and understood each other like brothers. Everyone including Reapers now had this technological pattern of light that faded and reappeared over and over, all over their bodies. A symbol of understanding and peace between Synthetics and Organics.
Watching as earth quickly disappeared from his view, Garrus could only sit and watch as a wave of energy engulfed the Crucible, slowly spreading from it's point of origin to the outer reaches of the galaxy. "Shepard...I'm going to miss you commander.." He uttered softly as he went back to the main gun batteries, his own little home away from home. He passed by Tali on his way from the starboard observatory whom could already tell that he was in great pain from his fact the entire Normandy was in pain over the loss of their beloved commander.
The sudden light that appeared disappeared as soon as it had arrived. Nothing more was hurt or attacked. The world was at a complete peace and understanding between organics and synthetics. The war was over and it just took the life of the beloved commander as a price or so it was believed. There was no way to explain it, but Shepard slowly opened her eyes to wake up not in heaven, but on Earth among the rubble and debris that was once the great city of London. She felt her chest slowly fill with air, she was lying in broken armor in a pool of her own blood. Though she was on the verge of death she felt no pain, but she had to wonder just exactly how much longer did she have before death caught up to her.
Wedged into his corner, the lone depressed Turian poked and jabbed at the keyboard in front of him, calibrating the main arms to make sure they were ready, but truly...he was trying to fill the void that was left in his heart. Eventually, even his most cherished past time couldn't help keep his mind straight as he slid down to the floor on the verge of tears. Quickly, he pulled out a photo from when he and the Commander shot at bottles from atop the Citadel, matching her shot for shot until she got the better of him. it wasn't much...but it helped ease the wounds.
Laying there in rubble, Shepard slowly grew light headed. She started to cough up blood that covered part of her already badly bruised face. Her body couldn't move, she couldn't even use her biotics. Crossing her mind was the Normandy and all her friends, no, her family on board. Everyone came across her, but when her mind came to remembering the joyful times she had spent with Garrus something in her. The next thing she knew, Shepard was raising her arm weakly and firing several rounds of a pistol she managed to grab until she heard the clicking that told her the pistol was out of ammo. Then that's when her arm gave out and her eyes started to close. Moments later she hears the voices of the squad sent to investigate.

"I think the firing came from here!"
"My God, is that Shepard!?"
"She's still alive, but barely. Get her to doctors now! I'll contact the Normandy!"

Just as the leader said, the men took Shepard's destroyed body from the scene to give her immediate medical attention while he contacted the Normandy through an emergency military signal in his Omni-Tool
The emergency hail came in a few hours after the salvage teams had found Shepard's body, in that moment the crew of the Normandy roused a hefty amount of celebration as Joker locked in the coordinates for the Earth, prompting Garrus to make his way to the bridge of the ship to inquire what all the commotion was about. An ensign greeted him and informed him that the Commander was still alive back on Earth. "Shepard....she's still alive?" His uttered to himself as he dropped to his knees in disbelief, quickly giving way to joy.
Hpurs later, when Shepard slowly woke up, she found herself on a medical table inside what was left of the medical center they had set up. Her armor was gone and her body was covered in bandages and patches from the doctors working on her while she was passed out. A thin white blanket covered her body, Shepard tried to sit up, but the pain wouldn't allow her to. Her head was pounding and she couldn't think properly. Instead of trying to get up Shepard gave up trying to fight against it and laid down back on the bed. Shepard was tired of fighting and she knew she would always be fighting, but for now it was nice to finally get some rest
For the moment the doctors wouldn't allow any visitors into the operating room that held Shepard much to the dismay of the Normandy crew. Garrus sat in the seat closest to the door, awaiting to hear the news about his beloved commander and her current status. His prayer was answered in the form of a medical officer, walking out with a data pad held in his hand. "Everyone, we've done all we can for the time being and right now it looks like Shepard's condition is slowly stabilizing, she just needs to rest for a bit longer and we can start calling guests in to see her." He Announced.
Shepard found herself resting in the medical bed, her eyes growing heavy from the exhaustion from three years of sleepless nights and non stop fighting. She could barely move, but a few hours of sleep wouldn't hurt. Since her condition was so fragile at the moment no one bothered to wake her up. Her body allowed her to sleep for three hours before it was time for her to wake up. Slowly she woke up and this time she felt the most rested then she's ever been before. She was able to pull herself up now, but her wounds wouldn't allow her to do too much at a time, but at least now she was stable, her chances of survival have increased greatly
After a few good hours had gone by, Garrus had gotten up form his seat by the door of the room that his Commander was in and slowly but surely opened the door silently. In one hand he had a box that had been specially gifted wrapped and in the other he held a rose. He quietly maneuvered beside the bed that Shepard was in and smiled a bit as he sat down in the chair beside her. "Hey Shepard..." He uttered weakly as he waited for her response.
Shepard looked to see her good friend Garrus had came to see her, but he was holding a box beautifully wrapped up and a rose in separate hands. She's never seen Garrus looking like this, he looked like he's been worried for hours. Once he took a seat by her bed, Shepard smiled warmly. "Garrus, it's great to see you again...I'm so happy to see you're okay." He seemed different, he sounded weak this time and he never showed weakness to her, even when he told her emotional stories he looked strong. Shepard hoped he was okay.
He smiled a bit at her response, happy to see that she was fine all things aside. He leaned in closer to her bedside and handed her the box and rose, both of which were plucked from the run down gift shop on the lower floors of the hospital. "Shepard....there isn't an easy way to say this...but...I...I was worried that we'd.....I'd lost you back at the beam....I couldn't stand leaving you there." He said, his sentences starting and stopping as he tried to collect himself and hold the emotions at bay at least for a little while.
Shepard smiled at one of her closest friends, but something seemed different about him. She looked down to see the gift wrapped box and rose in his talons. For a moment she looked at him curiously then took the presents from his talons almost confused. Garrus was an Turian and knew little about human culture. It was sweet seeing him with these gifts for her, but Shepard never expected to receive a rose from him. Still, she happily took the presents and listened to him. She sighed softly. "I didn't want it to end like that, but....I can't stand having the people I care about die....I was willing to die to protect everyone, including the people I care for, especially you Garrus." She smiled then looked down to her hands holding his gifts. "Thanks for the didn't have to get anything."
"Commander...I know that you were prepared to die for us....for everyone in the galaxy it's just...just...." Finally, his emotions couldn't be held back anymore as a few stray tears started to roll down from his chitinous cheeks and voice began to falter. "I just wouldn't be able to live without you Shepard....when I watched you head towards the beam...I wanted to join you...but you ordered me back to the ship....not knowing weather you were going to live or die." He stood up from his seat and walked towards the window to see the destroyed landscape of London.
Shepard grew worried seeing his tears for the very first time, she knew this was absolutely serious. She sat in silence for a moment looking at Garrus. Her heart ached seeing him like that. He was always so strong and put together, but now...she was watching him falling apart. She moved his presents to a safe spot and managed to get up from the bed, pushing herself to get up with him. She made her way to his side and looked up at him. "Garrus....I'm sorry. I...I just wanted you and the others safe. I was willing to do anything to stop the Reapers and...I didn't want to risk you going down with me. If anything you're the one out of both of us that should be alive. You have a father and a sister waiting for you're the most amazing guy I've met. You save as many innocent people as you can all by yourself. You had something to look forward to. I didn't really...I didn't know what to do with myself after all of this." She admitted looking at the ground.
He looked back just long enough to see that his beloved commander had meekly approached him. She went on about how he had everything to live for and that she didn't, it's here that Garrus interrupted her and stared into her eyes. "You have me to look forward to Shepard..." He uttered as he took hold of her hands in his talons. "Shepard....I...I think I love you and that's why I'm so....broken up over this."
Shepard stopped talking the moment she felt his talons grab her hands. Her eyes looked down to see if what she felt was really happening. Hearing his voice, Shepard looked up to meet his eyes and for a moment she was speechless about what she heard. Slowly her hands tightened their grip around his talons and her cheeks grew warm and red. "Garrus...I...don't know what to say...expect that...I'm happy you feel that way because...I might have the same feelings..."
Watching her cheeks turn a warm, rosy red, he met her gaze as the grip on her hands and his talons tightened. "Shepard...I'm..I'm glad to hear that you feel the same way about me." Garrus uttered as his voice started to regain some semblance of it's former strength. "Hold on Shepard." In that moment, Garrus lifted the frail body of Shepard carefully and laid her down in her bed.
Shepard locked eyes with the Turian, feeling his talons tighten with her hands. Her heart almost jumped hearing that he was happy about her feelings, but whatever they would talk about would have to wait. She let him pick her up off of the ground to take her back to the bed. Shepard was tried of fighting, so she decided to let him do this. She laid down on the bed next to the rose and unopened gift he gave her. Her eyes returned to him and she remained silent trying to find the right words to say.
After she was comfortably situated in her bed next to the gifts the young and brash Turian had given her, Garrus took a seat next to the bed once more and smiled a bit as he shared in the silence, calm on the surface but over joyed to have his commander back but now...I think lover would be more appropriate a word for the couple. After a few minutes had gone by, Garrus began to speak. "It wasn't easy finding a rose that wasn't wilted ya know..."
Shepard oddly enough enjoyed their silence. It gave her a moment to take everything in since everything seemed to be flying at her all at one time. She smiled feeling something warm in her heart for the brash Turian she once called her best friend. Now their relationship was becoming something more, something better then ever before. She smiled softly and grabbed the rose by it's stem and held it close to her face. She took a smell of it's sweet aroma, one she hasn't smelled in so long. "I know." She smiled at Garrus sweetly. "That's why I'll cherish it. I'll try to keep it alive as long as possible and if it does die, I'll still keep it."
He let out a soft sigh of relief as she confirmed her admiration for the rose, hoping that she didn't notice him doing so. "By the way, the rest of the Crew is outside waiting for us Shepard...Tali said something Emergency Induction Port?" Garrus said as he stood up from his Commanders bedside seat, looking out of the small door mounted window, the crew all eagerly awaiting the Commander.
Shepard heard his sigh of relief while she admired the rare rose. She knew Garrus must have worked hard to get the rose, but he sounded so relieved when she told him how much she loved it. Why was he so relieved? Maybe he was afraid that Shepard wouldn't like the rose or appericate its value. Her thoughts were disturbed by Garrus mentioning the crew and even let out a softly giggle hearing about Tali. She smiled at him and replied with "Well, better not let them stay out there worrying." Shepard placed the rose down on the end table with the unopened present where they'll remain safe. Then she slowly stood up from her bed to walk to the door.
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