Erit of Eastcris
Low-Rent Poet
- Joined
- Jan 10, 2014
- Location
- Elsweyr (California)
Hi, I'm Erit. You can call me that or Nick. I'm a part-time linguisticts student and full-time employee at a local bakery. I'm a doting dominant, living to spoil my friends and partners. I'm also a bit of a nerd when it comes to games, anime, manga, and webcomics, but my writing and RP style isn't influenced much by them; I owe most of my ability to copying Robert Jordan and E.E. Knight's styles. I'm also a highly literate individual, not in the sense that I can crank out novels on a daily basis but more that I have a very high degree of skill with English grammar and verbiage.
Self-introductions aside, I have a few things I'd like to mention before whoever bothers to read this decides whether or not to work with me in creating a fun story: my eight-and-two-halves rules/guidelines as to what my partners deserve to know going in.
1) I can play either gender, but my preference and competence lies in males; I can not write same-sex smut/romance. Not "I won't"; I am plain, absolutely terrible at writing it.
1.5) Call me a bigot if it makes you feel better, but I'm uncomfortable with roleplaying romance/smut across from a hermaphroditic character.
2) Forum rules are God.
3) I respond in accordance to the golden rule; I'll extend courtesy to you if you do the same for me.
4) I require competence in the language; I can deal in English and French, as well as basic Spanish. I won't throw a hissy-fit over grammar and the occasional typo, but if I'm getting a migraine something is wrong.
5) I don't play as canons. Fanfiction is fine, but asking me to play as an established character feels like you're telling me the author was somehow wrong to tell the story they wanted instead of the one you wanted.
6) I am have here for you my F-List. I need at least one fave (shouldn't be too hard) to enjoy any sexy parts to the RP, "yes" are things I enjoy but don't need, "maybe" are things I'm ambivalent about rather than points of negotiation, and "no" means I have to really, really love you before I'll go near most of them.
7) Include the RP's [listing] in the title of your message; I'll listen more carefully.
7.5) Ignore at your own peril, because effective immediately I won't be responding to any message that flies in the face of this stipulation. It's a three-character tag to prove you know about and believe you can handle my neuroses; how can you be too lazy to handle it and yet expect me to believe you're industrious enough to craft a worthwhile story with me?
8) Unless you say otherwise, I will shoulder the brunt of the world-building; it's just my nature. If this is a problem for you, then for fuck's sake, tell me such.
On to the pairings I've pre-baked; roles I'd prefer to be will be underlined, but I can be talked into switching; no mark, no preference. I have plot ideas for most, but if you get an idea for one, please do share it!
Will add more as they strike my fancy, but for now I have these:
[!] Flavor Of The Moment: Nada, at time of editing.
[4] A lower-key adventure/intrigue story between a travelling merchant and their pet/travelling companion. A bit of funny, a bit of sweet, a bit of tension, a bit of smut, perhaps a bit of mysticism.
[5] An Angel falls from heaven, landing in the path of a hiker who tries to stay out of matters of faith. Lacking the divine imperative, yet still feeling the urge to serve, her situation takes a turn he did not expect, but certainly can appreciate.
[0] Alternatively, if you have an idea you'd like to try that doesn't fit the above, feel free to pitch it; I'm a versatile roleplayer with a hat for any weather, and I enjoy spoiling people if they ask nicely and aren't too outlandish in the request.
Self-introductions aside, I have a few things I'd like to mention before whoever bothers to read this decides whether or not to work with me in creating a fun story: my eight-and-two-halves rules/guidelines as to what my partners deserve to know going in.
1) I can play either gender, but my preference and competence lies in males; I can not write same-sex smut/romance. Not "I won't"; I am plain, absolutely terrible at writing it.
1.5) Call me a bigot if it makes you feel better, but I'm uncomfortable with roleplaying romance/smut across from a hermaphroditic character.
2) Forum rules are God.
3) I respond in accordance to the golden rule; I'll extend courtesy to you if you do the same for me.
4) I require competence in the language; I can deal in English and French, as well as basic Spanish. I won't throw a hissy-fit over grammar and the occasional typo, but if I'm getting a migraine something is wrong.
5) I don't play as canons. Fanfiction is fine, but asking me to play as an established character feels like you're telling me the author was somehow wrong to tell the story they wanted instead of the one you wanted.
6) I am have here for you my F-List. I need at least one fave (shouldn't be too hard) to enjoy any sexy parts to the RP, "yes" are things I enjoy but don't need, "maybe" are things I'm ambivalent about rather than points of negotiation, and "no" means I have to really, really love you before I'll go near most of them.
7) Include the RP's [listing] in the title of your message; I'll listen more carefully.
7.5) Ignore at your own peril, because effective immediately I won't be responding to any message that flies in the face of this stipulation. It's a three-character tag to prove you know about and believe you can handle my neuroses; how can you be too lazy to handle it and yet expect me to believe you're industrious enough to craft a worthwhile story with me?
8) Unless you say otherwise, I will shoulder the brunt of the world-building; it's just my nature. If this is a problem for you, then for fuck's sake, tell me such.
On to the pairings I've pre-baked; roles I'd prefer to be will be underlined, but I can be talked into switching; no mark, no preference. I have plot ideas for most, but if you get an idea for one, please do share it!
Will add more as they strike my fancy, but for now I have these:
[!] Flavor Of The Moment: Nada, at time of editing.
[4] A lower-key adventure/intrigue story between a travelling merchant and their pet/travelling companion. A bit of funny, a bit of sweet, a bit of tension, a bit of smut, perhaps a bit of mysticism.
[5] An Angel falls from heaven, landing in the path of a hiker who tries to stay out of matters of faith. Lacking the divine imperative, yet still feeling the urge to serve, her situation takes a turn he did not expect, but certainly can appreciate.
[0] Alternatively, if you have an idea you'd like to try that doesn't fit the above, feel free to pitch it; I'm a versatile roleplayer with a hat for any weather, and I enjoy spoiling people if they ask nicely and aren't too outlandish in the request.