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Brave New World (Razgriz x darkangel76)

Hemmingway could see Cora's weighty nod; she was losing too much blood. He couldn't wait any longer, nor could he see if she was in any way capable of standing after this ordeal was over. She would probably need a transfusion when they got back...IF they got back.

No, they would get back. All of them. He'd done too many of these damn things to lose someone now. And his first wouldn't be a rookie to a damn Ghost freak!

His finger tightened on the trigger, his mind screaming at him to pull it, his eyes narrowed in concentration, pushing through the haze that made his vision wobble. His jaw clenched over and over, his patience wearing thin even though he knew he needed to time this right.

Or Cora was a goner.

"Pearce, on my count, drop." he then said, a hand coming up out of the Ghost's peripheral.


"The Lord will have her flesh, she will be His!"


"It's obvious she needs to bleed more!"


And right as she might drop, Hemmingway pushed forward; the Ghost had begun to push the tip of the spear into her throat, but instead found the man's hand and sliced it quite severely. He then wrapped an arm around the Ghost's throat and pulled back; the shaft of the arrow tugged against Pearce, falling with her as the tip was forcibly ripped from her captor's torso.

The Caravan leader then threw the Ghost to the side.

And right into the meat grinder.

Hemmingway wasted no time rushing over to Cora; his charge was accompanied by a symphony of shots, the heavy rounds unloading from every weapon aimed at that freak. And when he got to her, he helped sit her up to examine her wound. Damn, it was bad; there was no way she could drive like this. He'd take her buggy; she needed to be in the truck, resting up. And that damned arrow shaft was still in her. For all he knew, it could be stemming the blood loss and stopping it from being any worse.

"Pearce, Pearce!" he gasped exasperatedly, adding "Come on, stay with me...You don't want Redstone to kick you off the group, do ya?" He then looked up, "Jameson, get the kit!" Jameson came over and tore off his a length of his shirt, using it as a compress to stop the bleeding. Thomas was already going around, trying to see if people were stabilized.

What a fucking wreck this turned out to be, Hemmingway thought to himself, using his hat to help cool off their newest member. They still had a delivery to make though...Hargard needed that core.
Darkness...swirling darkness...but what were those pin pricks of light? Stars perhaps? Yes, stars. Though Cora didn't think it was nighttime. Maybe she was mistaken. After all, the radiating heat that seemed to start from her shoulder might have something to do with it. She thought on that for a moment as the warmth grew, surrounding her like some kind of billowy shroud. Just then, she remembered her friends, the Ghosts, their mission! She stirred slightly, trying to move, a sharp pain wracking her body as her muscles tensed and contracted. Her face contorted, tears pricking her eyes, but she didn't let them fall. Instead, she sat up, her eyes trying to open and focus.

Kaitrin brought her crossbow down, the Ghost no longer standing now that he was full of lead and arrows. Good riddance to the fucking trash! Anger welled up inside her, a bright fire that was fueling with rage that he'd hurt her friend, had tried to screw up an important mission for them all. She turned to look over at Narcissa and Thomas. Jameson was already springing into action getting the med kit and heading toward both Cora and Hemmingway. She was glad that everyone was seemingly all right, but she'd rest easier once Cora was out of the woods. From the looks of it, that still wasn't a certainty.

Narcissa took in the bloody aftermath, the ground coated in crimson. Lifeless bodies—including the dead Hunter's—littered the ground. It was a complete mess and now Cora was wounded pretty badly. Slowly, she headed over toward the group. She reached up and touched the scar that ran along her face and heaved a sigh. What a reminder of this trip gone wrong. But had it? Well, they hadn't failed yet...and they wouldn't. They couldn't. Hemmingway would see to that. As she reached Cora's side, Jameson was already tending to her wound. It was nasty, blood caked the shoulder, though at least it looked like it had stopped bleeding. She watched for a bit, her blue eyes darting back and forth as the two men swiftly went to work.

Arching a brow, Narcissa then gestured towards Hemmingway's bleeding hand. "Jameson," she stated. "Might want to fix that up next." She still couldn't believe what the guy had done. It had been a bold move. But then again, they were all standing there. Weren't they? She smiled slightly, thankful to still be alive.

Kaitrin let out a long exhale. Her head was still hurting, her fingers clutching her crossbow in a death grip. As her fingers eased up, she brought one hand up to her head. It was tender and she could feel a wet spot in her hair on the side of her head. She frowned a little as she looked at the red on her fingers, dabbing the tips on her tongue to clean them off. She looked over at Thomas and smiled, reaching out a hand and gently placing it on his shoulder before heading over toward Cora.

"How's she doing?" Kaitrin asked. Cora looked terrible. Her face was white as a ghost. Her tummy clenched at the thought. But it was clear her friend was in pain and suffering as a result of both that and the blood loss. She then looked over at Narcissa and cocked her head. "You're O-neg, right?" she stated more than asked. The blonde just nodded causing the raven-haired girl to smile. "Good. You'll be on stand by then."

Narcissa gave another nod knowing full well that if she was needed for a blood transfusion, she'd be one of the people to donate first. It was the least she could do after Cora had saved her ass from the snare. Damn it all. If she hadn't gotten caught in that thing, this whole fiasco wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Kaitrin saw Thomas was already checking to see if everyone else was all right. The guy worked quickly. No doubt one of the reasons he was an asset to the caravan. She called out to him, "Hey, wanna help over here?" she gestured to Cora. She then turned to Hemmingway. "Need us to help with anything? The sooner we get ourselves together, the sooner we can move out." She glanced much blood. "I don't think we should stay here too long."

"I second that," Narcissa chimed in.

"Doesn't look like Cora is in any shape to drive. We can help get her into the truck," Kaitrin added.

Narcissa nodded. "Good idea, then Jameson can fix you up." She smiled despite the mood that still hung heavy in the air.

Kaitrin returned the smile and nodded. It was a first. She and the blonde actually agreed on something the first time around. Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. At that, she looked over at Hemmingway and awaited his orders.
It was over.

The dead Ghosts lay strewn across the barren land, their corpses already starting to cook under the rays of the unforgiving sun. The carrion-feeders would eat well today, thought Hemmingway; he was just thankful none of his crew was among the dead. At least, not to these sick fucks. "Hem, you alright? Take your hat off, gotta see the damage" he then heard Thomas say; immediately the man complied, allowing Thomas to assess the severity and make sure that he could still be functional after a blow to the head like that.

Jameson finished his work on making sure Gray was stable; like Pearce, he was hit in the shoulder, but the shoddy construction made the tip come loose in his car seat, allowing for easy removal of the shaft. And then he went around to everyone else, picking at Thomas' medical kit to help assist with the injuries. He went over to Kaitrin as she knelt and helped bandage her head wound; thankfully, it wasn't as bad as someone might think, but she would need to have it looked at when they got back.

Thomas, meanwhile, had started to work on Cora after treating Hemmingway's wound; she had lost too much blood. He could stop it from getting worse, but she was definitely going to need a transfusion. "Cora, this is going to hurt, but I need to get this shaft out...Here, chew on this" he then told her, pulling out a small pack of feverfew leaves that he always kept; actual pain pills were hard to come by, since the chemicals needed to make the stupid things were even harder to track down and not many people were willing to trade them.

Hemmingway then came over and helped hold up Cora so that Thomas could work; it was going to be a nasty process, that much was certain. Narcissa and Kaitrin were right, they couldn't stay. If they didn't get to the point, then all of this would have been for naught. "Alright, Kaitrin, Cora and Gray aren't going to be driving. Help get their buggies hooked to the back of the truck; there's chains in the back." At this Gray came over, holding his shoulder, "Like hell I'm not driving. I've driven in much worse than this." Hemmingway just nodded, "Fine, but help Kaitrin hook Cora's buggy up. Narcissa, Jameson, get Harris and have him help change the busted tire. The jack, iron and spare are above the left rear wheelwell. Once that's all done, we're be getting out of here."

And like that, everyone split off; the work on Cora was the thing that seemed to take the longest, as they had to be real ginger in pulling out the shaft so that they didn't accidentally split anything else. Thankfully, the fletching was smooth and relatively shallow, so they could remove it with relative ease. Once that was done, Thomas took some moonshine and cleaned the outsides of the entry and exit wounds before placing cotton pads over the holes and covering her shoulders in liberal amounts of medical gauze. He then reached into the side pocket of the kit, retrieved a sling and helped position her arm.

"Alright, help me get her up. One, two, three!" Hemmingway commanded once Thomas was finished; working with Kaitrin and Narcissa, they carried the barely conscious woman to the truck, which now had a fresh sparee. It took some maneuvering, but they eventually had her situated in the middle seat. "Boss, you sure you're alright? You got conked pretty hard." Thomas asked once Cora was secured, to which the man nodded, "I'm fine...We just need to get moving. We've lost too much time already. "

And once everything was done, they were all ready to get mounted back up; Harris took his place back on the turret, with everyone else getting back to where they needed to be. And after consulting with Jameson and Thomas once more, they found that they were much closer than they originally thought. "Alright people, just another short stretch and we'll be at the rendezvous. I know this wasn't the easiest Caravan run, but the efforts will be paid off once we get back. This core will help our town out a lot, and you'll have earned a nice break."

They couldn't really celebrate too long though; within moments, he ordered to ready up and just like that, they were on the move again. Hopefully without any more surprise guests.

And that was just what they got. Eventually, they did reach the point where they were supposed to meet: An open plain that was partially surrounded by high cliffs, with an exit route to the south that was. Hemmingway checked on Cora, then climbed out; he looked to the ridges before spotting a red glint on the leftmost crag. His eyes narrowed, then he saw it flash three times. That was Gregors and Teddy, their eyes in the sky...Or just high up. But that was the good news; bad news was that there was no one else here. There was no way they could have made it before Girdershade, no way in hell. But then, Gregors and Teddy wouldn't still be here if their contacts were already gone...Would they?
The ride was bumpy and the air stifling. The pain radiating through Cora's shoulder was enough to make her tummy tense and the rest of her muscles knot up as she writhed and wriggled, trying desperately to get comfortable. It was an attempt done in vain, something that just couldn't happen. Gritting her teeth, she knew she just had to bear it—for the good of the group and of the mission.

Kaitrin silently cursed the entire way to the rendezvous point, her thoughts dark and dismal. She was angry at herself, pissed off that the only reason Cora was now out for the mark was due to her own carelessness. It was utterly ludicrous and so unlike her. She really had to shake off the emotions while she was out there. It just wouldn't do anyone any good if she allowed them to get in the way of judgment or action. Out there, she needed to go by instinct, to let logic prevail. It was how she'd survived in the past and she couldn't let Cora's presence fuck that up now. Way to let sisterly affections screw up everything!

Finally, when they'd reached their destination, Narcissa slowed down and came to a halt. Her still pretty face, though flawed by the stitched up scar, twisted as she peered out and then up the face of the cliff. Something felt off. Glancing over at Kaitrin, she could tell that the raven-haired girl felt it too. Powering down, she then got off her buggy and headed over toward Kaitrin.

It wasn't long before the two girls met up. Kaitrin's mind drifted to Cora, who was still inside the truck. She hoped she was faring decently enough. The roads had been bumpy as hell and the heat, no doubt, wasn't helping. She heaved a sigh and looked over at the blonde. Narcissa smirked and shoved her hands in her pockets. Kaitrin just nodded, her blue eyes drifting toward the ground while Narcissa turned back to look outwards once again. Something wasn't right. But she couldn't tell what. The air was hot, a rancid tang wafting in on the almost nonexistent breeze. Both girls shuddered, their heads turning toward each other for a brief moment as if they'd somehow connected.

Narcissa's eyes widened and she looked away, her eyes fixed on the ground below. She began to walk slowly along the base of the cliff. Kaitrin followed, the steps somehow becoming synchronized. Again, she peered up, the light of the sun made it difficult to see much. She hoped that their team was still up their as planned. Hemmingway had said they'd be there as a precaution. She had no reason to doubt the game plan. His strategies had always worked in the past. Peering up, she tried to search for the signal, but the light was too bright and hurt her eyes. But no matter, Hemmingway would be on the lookout for it and if he noticed anything off, he'd speak up. That much was a given.

As Narcissa walked along the cliff's base, she kicked at a small stone. The air was especially hot here, probably trapped by the big wall of rock they were now standing next to. She wiped at her face and pushed at her blonde hair. Taking a deep breath, something sharp hit her senses. Licking her lips, she slowly glanced from side to side trying to figure out what it was she smelled. She bit down on her lip and raked a hand through her hair and took a few more steps, Kaitrin close behind. As the air grew thicker and her nerves more raw, Narcissa stopped dead in her tracks. She turned to face Kaitrin whose face looked sickly as she stared back, her hands clutching her crossbow.

"What?" Narcissa snapped.

Kaitrin merely pointed and Narcissa tried to turn to look at her shoulder. As it was, she'd already been a mess from their ordeal with the Ghosts. However, something was dripping onto her shoulder from up above. Was it water run off? It was quite possible. But as her fingers moved to touch the liquid she felt pooling on her shoulder, she somehow knew that wasn't what was there. Bringing her fingers in front of her face, she saw the red—fresh and bright—trickling down and along her palms.

Narcissa's eyes went wide and Kaitrin went dark with acceptance. The dark-haired girl looked up, but the way the light played with the rock ledge made it difficult to see anything. Plus, there were so many jagged edges, there could be anything there and no one would be able to see it straight off. Just then a limb—an arm—fell from the air and landed between the two of them.

"What then..." Narcissa's voice trailed.

But Kaitrin cut Narcissa off, her hand immediately grabbing her arm and pulling her back toward the others. "We're not alone!" she cried.
The sun was hot, the air stale and stagnant, and there was almost no noise to be heard. It was eerie to say the least; with how some of the towns were, one would find it hard to think there was a place so unwelcoming. But this was it: The Wastes did not want you here, and if they hated you enough, you would be gone before you could even blink.

But that was the furthest thing from Hemmingway's mind; he was just trying to see where the hell Girdershade was. Teddy and Gregors were still up in their post, which more than likely meant the representatives from that town hadn't arrived yet.

His attention was then turned as Narcissa snapped; Hemmingway sighed, thinking that she was probably still shaken from the Ghost attack and he just needed to tell her to cool it. However, her shoulder seemed to be covered in blood, and nearly everyone jumped out of their skin when the severed arm hit the rock floor. "Eyes up!" Hemmingway shouted, his own looking every which way he could...Only for something unexpected to happen.

What appeared to be a hairless and VERY large dog jumped down, the sun-baked flesh a nice cherry red. Its bulked-up form made quite the 'thud' as it impacted and started to tear into the flesh before it. Its beady eyes looked up, before it barked twice and snatched its meal, darting off to keep its catch from unwanted guests. "Keep cool...Just the wildlife doing its thing. Guns down people" the man then said, everyone relaxing a little. Honestly, he didn't know if he could take another assault right now. His nerves were raw, practically making his skin crawl with unreleased anxiety.

Just then he heard something: Engines, coming in from the west. His head turned towards where he thought the sound was originating. It was hard to tell since these damn rock walls were making the sounds echo everywhere, but then he heard Harris, "Hem! We got a convoy! Looks like our guys are here!" and saw the man's hand pointing towards some errant dust spray in the distance.

Hemmingway took a pair of pocket binoculars and chanced a peek; sure enough, it was them. "Alright people, this is going to be quick and painless. Harris, stay on the gun. Narcissa, Kaitrin, Gray, I want you three on perimeter with the guys from Girdershade. Thomas, Jameson, you two are going to help load and offload. That core's one big mother, so we'll need all the muscle we can get.

Meanwhile, Teddy - a short dark-skinned bald man in loose-fitting reddish-tan robes sat behind the scope of a modified bolt-action heavy rifle, its sleek black surface clean as a whistle, but not shining thanks to the anti-glare coating - saw the action and racked the first round, turning towards another man that had his face covered by a makeshift white guhtrah and dressed in similar attire. "Alright, Greggy...Let's make sure our boys get home safe. Looks like they've been through hell and back." 'Greggy' just muttered, "That's not my name, Ted. But yeah...They'll get back. Just hope they're not too banged up from whatever hit them. Probably Ghosts, from the looks of it. Just make sure the rifle's sighted right, and watch for mirages. Those can fuck up your aim something fierce." Teddy just gave a nod and looked back down the scope, keeping his eyes trained for anything suspicious.

On the ground, Hemmingway and his crew were getting ready to meet the folks from Girdershade. And within minutes, the other convoy - entirely composed of armored vehicles - stopped within feet of them. Out of one of the armored and armed trucks, similar to the one they had been driving, stepped - to much surprise - the Mayor of Girdershade, Roland Galesworth. A slim-figured man with messy brown hair and bright hazel eyes and dressed in a lightly-armored blue shirt and pants with boots, he wouldn't seem like much; but with how he ran his town, he had moments that made even Redstone look like a puppy in comparison. But that was only in extreme circumstances.

"Mayor Galesworth...Have to say I'm surprised to see you out here." Hemmingway said as he shook the man's hand, to which Galesworth replied, his tone carrying a touch of an Old World southern accent, "Oh come now, Hem. You know mighty well you can just call me Roland. But I couldn't just sit idly by. This is important cargo as you know. Only felt it right that I should oversee the trade myself." Hemmingway just chuckled; he had only a few interactions with the man, but he was justifiably cautious. "Well, I assure you, Redstone might be a bit callous and cold, but he wouldn't reneg on a deal like this." Roland smiled in return, "I suppose that is his one redeeming quality. That and his no-mercy stance towards crimes against his town, of course. Mind if I look at what we're trading for?"

The Caravan commander just nodded and showed him the goods in the back of the armored truck: Six months worth of surplus food and medical supplies. "Ah, yes, this will do just fine. What say we get this trade finished so we can head on back?" Roland commented, his eyes roaming the prize pile before turning to Hemmingway, who just nodded. Roland then motioned for the truck carrying the core to come around so that their storage areas would be as close as possible. And then the exchange was started, hands beginning to move the massive amounts of supplies as well as the heavy core.

Oh, how little they knew what was coming for them next...
It was hot, the air stagnant and stifling. Cora had felt each unforgiving bump as the truck pressed onward toward the rendezvous and now they'd come to a stop. She could hear everyone outside, their voices muffled thanks to having to remain inside for the time being. She mumbled a curse, her tiny hands balled into fists at her side. As she relaxed her hands, she could feel the pain searing down her arm, along her side. Shit, that arrow had done a number on her body. Who knew that a shot to the shoulder could hurt so badly! And now she felt fucking useless.

"Damn it!" Cora muttered before biting down on her lower lip. Her dark eyes glittered with unshed tears, anger roiling deep inside as the need to get out and do something tore deep within and tried to take over. She just wasn't the sort to sit idly by. She wanted to help, to do something. Frustrated, she tried to shift a little, allowing her body to adjust to the pain it felt.

Outside, Kaitrin let go of the breath she'd been holding after yanking Narcissa away from the cliff's edge. Wild dogs—always a nuisance, not to mention a threat. Some dogs, if you were lucky, could be trained. But those that had tasted man flesh? Yeah, those were the ones you stayed away from. They were killers and once their hunger struck, they'd sniff you out and pursue you until their teeth connected with your flesh and your blood dripped down their throat.

A shiver ran down Kaitrin's spine and she clutched her crossbow, ready for anything. She was still running on the adrenaline from the earlier battle with the Ghosts. She didn't take her eyes off the dog—wretched and wracked by the Wastes themselves—until he growled and backed away. Surely, the beast could tell he was outnumbered. Good thing. And the pitiful creature was starving, its teeth tearing into the arm it dragged away.

Kaitrin sniffed as the dog moved out of sight, her face contorting ever so slightly as her tummy twisted and the bile rose. She heard Narcissa let out a sigh of relief, the blonde girl's face ashen with fear, though her face tried to tell another story. But wasn't that how it always was? Relaxing, once the thing was out of sight, she turned toward Narcissa and the two gave each other a curt nod, one of understanding. The two would never be the best of friends, but they had each others' backs.

Narcissa's jaw twitched when she heard the approaching vehicles. Her blue eyes went wide and she began to walk towards the others as they gathered around Hemmingway, waiting for orders that were sure to come. She glanced over at Kaitrin and then at Gray as they were told to watch the perimeter. She'd give it her all. She always did, even if some people didn't want to always believe in her.

Back inside the truck, Cora tried to sit up. It was hard to move, her body sore and aching. "God damn it, Kaitrin," she whined, her face twisted severely as she moved. She desperately wanted to know what was going on outside. She could hear Hemmingway's voice and...

Did he say Mayor Galesworth? The Mayor...was here?

Cora's dark eyes blinked rapidly as they went wide, her muscles tense despite the pain. Oh, how she wished she were out there as opposed to where she was! It was so unfair! She'd never forgive Kaitrin for this...not ever! She pouted for a few moments as she tried to strain her ears, to listen to the men speaking outside in their typical banter. She had to stifle a laugh as the two had their pissing contest. If only she had some money! She'd place it all on Hemm! At that, the softest of giggles escaped, but it was soon followed by a groan as the pain overpowered her body. Yeah, she was still in rough shape. More of a burden now than an asset, some good she was doing them all now.

Kaitrin watched from the perimeter, her body hugging close to a fallen rock despite the dull ache that still lingered in her head. Her raven hair helped to conceal her body out in the lifeless gray that was the Wastes, allowing her to blend in with the natural surroundings of where they currently were. She had to wonder how Narcissa and Gray were faring. Both were highly skilled, though she didn't always like to admit that Cissa had any brains at all. But she knew that was the petty shit that just went on between them at home, the crap that existed because it allowed them all to believe that life could be normal. Or could it? The hell if she knew, but she had to believe in something.

Narcissa just watched, her blues peeled as she remained fixed on watching the men beginning to haul the core up for loading. For a fleeting moment, she thought of Cora. Silly to think about her of all times...maybe it was the fact that she'd wanted to help so much, was always trying to prove herself. Or maybe it was because she'd come back to get her out of the snare or maybe it was because she was inside the truck. She didn't know. It was dumb. She looked at the ground just then before looking back up, her bearings suddenly off as she tried to relocate the whereabouts of both Kaitrin and Gray.

Cora slid along her makeshift bed, battered and bruised, but no worse for the wear. The voices outside were louder now and it sounded like they were carrying something. "The core," she whispered, a grin plastered on her weary face. "'Bout fucking time," she added under her breath as the truck opened and the light spilled inside.
The trade was going fairly smoothly; the crew of Thomas, Jameson, and two other burly men from Girdershade having moved the core onto another platform to make room for the load of supplies. Hemmingway was still on edge; but then, no one would blame him, given the fact that they'd been hit more aggressively by Ghosts than most encounters before. And even more so that he promised Cora she would be safe. And now she was sitting with a nasty wound in her shoulder, the rest of his team having also sustained injury to varying degrees.

Roland spoke up, "Look, Hemm...These things happen. I know what's botherin' you, but you can't protect everyone all the time." The Caravan boss just nodded with a sigh, "Doesn't mean I stop trying. Life's hard enough out here, last I want to do is break the news to the family that their loved one didn't make it." The mayor slapped a hand on his shoulder and gave a light shake, "You're a good man, Hemm. I'm sure your crew sticks by you through it all; not many have the chops to be a boss, not in these waters. I might not agree with Redstone on a lot of things, but I can tell he made the right choice in having you lead the expeditions."

Hemmingway just chuckled, "Never heard you be so sentimental, Roland. Sounds like the heat's getting to your head." The mayor just laughed in return, "Well, it is hotter than a devil's asscrack out here, ain't it? Must be doin' something to me."

But the good times would not last; all of a sudden, a loud 'CRACK' echoed in the canyon and one of Roland's men crumpled, a gaping hole in his forehead as he fell over dead, the supplies he was transferring to the van scattering over the hard earth. A second crack was heard, and Hemmingway felt something puncture his chest before he could even react to the first shot. The man fell to his knees, red streaming from the corners of his mouth as Roland caught him. A third crack and Harris slumped before he could even start sweeping, falling into the hole right behind Cora, his face blank and a red ring growing larger from his torso. It wasn't long before Girdershade's leader started barking orders, telling everyone to get into cover behind the vehicles. Jameson barked at Cora to get down and hide in the truck; she was too injured to take on anything like this.

"What the fuck?!" Teddy shouted, scope sweeping the landscape for the shooter. "Calm down...Shooter must have come from the north slope...Damn it, I'm not seeing anything. You?" Teddy just swore again, "Nothing! I have nothing!"

And just when things couldn't get any worse, Teddy heard the whistle of a high-velocity round go right by his head, nearly taking it clean off his neck as it shattered part of the stone wall behind him. "Fucker! Greg, we need to move!" the sniper shouted again, his spotter adding "Second firing position, let's go!" And with that, they started to pick up the rifle to move it, and Greg felt something slice through his thigh bringing him down. "Greg!" Teddy roared; damn it, where the hell was that coming from? He didn't think, except to push Greg behind some taller stones to keep him out of sight. He got a compression wrap out and quickly bandaged his leg, "Greg, can you move?" The man nodded and tried to put weight on it, only to cry out in agony and slump back down. "Just go...I'll only slow you down. Blow that fucker's brains out. They're somewhere high on the north cliff-face. Look there, watch for flashes. He'll have to tip his hand at some point."

Teddy didn't want to leave his partner behind, but this spot was compromised. And with a great heave, he started to lug the unwieldy gun all by himself.

Roland managed to call over Kaitrin, since she was closest to him, and instructed her to help keep the man stable. But just then, he heard a loud 'POP', followed by another, and another...That bastard was shooting out the tires. Now they were stranded. And to keep adding to the current cluster of bad luck, more engines could be heard off in the distance. That was not a good, the Mayor thought angrily.

It would turn to be those that even the Ghosts avoided. The ones that all worried would come for them out here in the Wastes.

Soon, four armored cars - twice as big as even Girdershade's biggest truck and with much more durable armor - and an impressive battle tank arrived on scene. Back hatches opened, and personnel in white, heavy-looking armor poured out and set up a perimeter in what seemed to be an inhumanly short span of time, shouting their own commands to drop their weapons and get on the ground. The sunlight gleamed off the suits, giving them an eerie, nearly spectral appearance. And just like that, the two convoys were completely surrounded by the Enforcers Long Range Group. Agents of Anselm's will at a distance.

All that was heard by the others was calls for them to surrender and lay down their arms; there was no way that they could take on a fully-armed and armored Enforcer division. Not a chance in hell. They were too well trained, their armor more advanced than any tech they had on them, and their own weapons just as lethal.

"Mayor! What do we do?!" he heard one of his men shout, to which Roland replied, "Hold on! Don't shoot back!" But it was too late; one of his other men tried to take a potshot, only for some kind of barrier to flash around the soldier before disappearing. "You idiot!" Roland shouted, the Enforcers returning fire and riddling the trucks full of holes. "Shit!" Thomas grunted as he ran over to the truck where Cora was, and opening the passenger side door, pulled her out from the vehicle just as bullets riddled the door. It would surely be jarring, but at least she would be alive.
It was like time suddenly moved in slow motion, bodies crossing the threshold of the event horizon—chaos as the unfathomable became real. The wind stopped and not a single breath dared pass over her lips as her blue eyes widened and fear struck deeply at her heart. It was like a knife as it twisted and stabbed, taking pleasure as it destroyed her insides, shredding every vital organ and making it impossible to breathe. Just then, Narcissa gasped, sucking in a sharp breath as she brought a hand up to her mouth, her teeth clamping down hard on her fist. She wanted to shout out, to scream, something!

He'd been shot! SHOT! But where had that fucking bullet come from? Panicking and angry, Narcissa turned to find out just where that bullet had come from as she watched their leader—always fearless, always right—suddenly fall forward into the Mayor of Girdershade's arms.

Kaitrin flattened her body against the rock. "Shit," she muttered, her eyes scanning for both Narcissa and Gray. This wasn't good and the bullets were flying at unerring precision. Her thoughts drifted to Cora for a fleeting moment and then she focused back on where she was. She caught sight of Narcissa, the blonde's face having gone deathly white that she had to do a double take to make sure she hadn't been hit. A bullet another came from out of nowhere, bodies—friends—were falling. It was too much. Just barely out of hearing range, she swore she heard Narcissa shriek, but it was just the wind and the sound of bullets piercing flesh and metal.

Narcissa fell to her knees, but she was quickly dragged back up and onto her feet. Kaitrin had made her way toward her and Gray. Something had happened, had gone wrong and now their friends were paying the price, getting picked off one by one by who knew the fuck what! Though, in her gut, she had a feeling. "Not now, Cissa," Kaitrin chided, but her voice showed no amount of condescension. "We gotta get back there. Pull yourself together."

Narcissa wiped at her face, her fingers lingering along the stitched up scar. Nodding, her blonde hair falling in front of her face, she just let out a shaky yet resigned breath. "Yeah."

Kaitrin tried to smile. But it was hard to even bother when your friends were dying and your nerves were fucking raw. She placed a hand firmly on Narcissa's shoulder when she heard Mayor Galesworth calling them over. She turned and gave the man a nod, her hand pulling Narcissa along as she gestured that Gray follow as well.

Meanwhile, back inside the truck, Cora had been smiling, glad that the trade was taking place and the next everything went to hell. She heard the muffled words outside being exchanged get cut short and then everyone scuffling about as if wanting to see a fight. No...readying to fight for their lives! She heard the shouts, the fear in her friends' voices indicating that something wasn't right. Just what in the hell was going on? She tried to shift her body some more, the pain sharp as it shot through her body, making her head swim.

Desperately trying to stifle a groan—and failing—there was a rush of bullets. Metal pinging against metal as they tore through the light armor, Cora toppled to the side. Her body rolled over and she saw the holes ripped through the sides of the truck. Suddenly, she was wrenched outside, her arm clutched tightly by Thomas and he all but tossed her aside and away from the truck. She landed hard onto the ground, the light bright compared to the dim inside the truck. Glancing around, she knew there was trouble. Where was Kaitrin, Cissa? Where was Harris, Gray...where was Hemmingway?

Cora stared at Thomas as she clutched her arm, shoulder aching terribly. For a minute, she thought about running around the truck. She knew her friends had to be on the other side. Dead or alive. She had to see them!

With pleading eyes, Cora looked at Thomas, the pain in her shoulder almost unbearable. Clenching her teeth, she did her best to just deal with it. After all, she had no choice. Looking at him, her face asked all the questions...What's going on? Is everyone ok? Are we gonna make it? Begging for answers, she saw the silhouette of what she knew was an Enforcer tank. Spine going rigid, her entire body tensed. There was no way out of this. They wouldn't let them live.

None of them were going home.

Narcissa's insides felt cold, numb as she threw herself to the ground. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the bodies scattered everywhere. How fucking cruel! And how she wanted to rip apart the bastard responsible! She saw Kaitrin not too far away, their eyes meeting. She knew the look, but it did little to quell the anger, to give comfort. If they managed to get out of this, nothing would be the same ever again. Not ever.

Feeling terror swell inside and the need to see her friends growing ever stronger, Cora rolled under the truck. As bullets flew and shouts echoed throughout the air, she grabbed a hold of the chassis and held on with all of her might. Trying to tuck herself away and hide, she crawled along the truck's underside, hoping she might get a look at just what they were up against and if there was a way out.

At this point, Cora's hopes were starting to turn dark and she began to understand why Kaitrin always appeared to be so grim. But she couldn't give up now. Not yet. Not when her friends were in so much danger.
The firefight continued, several more of Girdershade's brave Caravan men dropping from the unforgivingly accurate fire from the Enforcer guns. Soon though, a command blasted out, as if there were an amplifier somewhere in the vicinity.

"Squad, guns down"

By this point, no one from either Girdershade or Hargard was returning fire; the few survivors were just busy trying to keep those that they could alive enough to make it back home. From the other side of the trucks, another armored individual - his suit possessing three stripes on his left pauldron to signify his rank of Lieutenant - emerged from the top hatch of the tank, its main gun - able to launch a 120mm tungsten carbide shell at a whopping 1800 meters per second - now having turned to face the disabled Caravan vehicles. Stepping down, his armored feet made a heavy 'pomp' on impact, the blue-armored behemoth behind him and the trucks shielding the 'Wasteland' criminals to his front.

"Yes sir!" came the collective affirmatives of the other Enforcer soldiers, their ranks parting to let their leader come to the forefront. His armor was far sleeker than the others, the shoulder plates more rounded and smooth, and the limb plates possessing more defined edges, suggesting this was a newer model. From behind the armored and air-cooled helmet, cameras fed the Lieutenant visual data streaming from several micro-sized cameras embedded into the face plate.

"What? Going to toy with us before finishing us off?" shouted Roland, angered at the sudden and brutal assault by these bastards. He knew exactly who they were: They were the Long Range Desert Group, the hands of the tyrant Anselm at a distance. The Lieutenant snorted, "We are not that barbaric; it was your man that started the firefight. We would have only taken the core and any illegal contraband on your persons, then let you proceed back to your homes." Thomas snorted derisively; like hell that's what they would have done. After taking what they wanted, they would have either incarcerated the lot of them or just continue like they'd been doing and executed the survivors.

"Your sniper shot at us first, fucker! Then you come barging in here to try and kill us all!" Jameson grunted, holding his shoulder that had now been shot...again. "Again, that was not our intent." the Enforcer Lieutenant replied calmly, adding "But you should know that unauthorized possession of a Class III Feltrate device is illegal, a felony of the highest degree." Gray snarled, "Maybe in your enslaved towns, but not out here! Your King is not our King!"

Another Enforcer soldier tightened the grip on his weapon, muttering "Indignant slime...." and starting to go forward, only for the Lieutenant to state, "Back in formation, soldier", his head not even turned to acknowledge the act. The encroacher paused, and only after a moment, returned to his spot. "I will give all of you one chance to surrender quietly. You are outgunned and outmanned; failure to comply WILL result in termination."

From beyond the scenes, a large wavy figure watched, its eyes a dull red as it de-cloaked. Its entire body seemed to be made of liquid gold, or at least gold with the consistency and flexibility of human flesh. Its shape was vaguely that of a tall broad human male, complete with five fully dexterous fingers on each hand, but lacked any real defining features. It could see that the ones huddling behind the damaged vehicles were in trouble, that the ones in armor were the aggressors. And it would not sit idly by and let them do this. Messages then began to scroll across its vision, commands and requests being relayed silently through the airwaves.

"Armor integrity of hostile combatants: Excellent"

"Electromagnetic disruptor frequency: 4.4 THz, charge count eight total"

"Weaponry: M256 Autofire, underbarrel electrocharged scattergun. 600 RPM, 8.41mm tungsten zircon-penetrator cartridge."

"Calculating combat capacity. High threat level. TIGER reinforcements deployed to counter presence of armed targets. Armor composition of hostile targets: Titanium-Feltrate alloy overlayed by polycellulosic graphene and light carbon-13 steel."

The vision of this individual changed, showing false-color contrasts to indicate degrees of temperature differential; it then focused and zoomed on the largest vehicle. Data poured across its visual interface, detailing the armaments and capacity of offensive and defensive deployment, from the power of the main cannon to the several countermeasures mounted around the perimeter of the armored beast.

"Class A heavy assault vehicle detected. Threat Level - Omega. Heat signature acquired, designation Priority Alpha."

"Scanning for nearby Reaper assault drone...."

"Establishing uplink...Successful. Signal strength at 97%"

"Reaper airborne 1.5 miles from location. Altitude: 35000 feet"

"Transmitting coordinates. Enable auto-target and correct course to establish orbital path above target position"

"Transmission of Priority Alpha signature to Reaper...100%"

Zooming out, it then identified the other heat signatures, making their total number as 'Priority Bravo'. It took care in excluding the non-aggressors, before moving onto its final preparations.

"Reaper now in assault pattern. Awaiting attack commands."

"Arm all onboard ARCLIGHT missiles. Target: Priorty Alpha signature, ordnance level 3, point detonation for aerial barrage."

"Target acquired, missiles flight paths corrected to account for humidity and diffraction factors. Commencing ARCLIGHT bombardment."

Up above them all, a relatively small plane - its wings fifty across, and the armor seeming to shift in incredible detail to match that of its skyspace - whirred almost soundlessly in the open skies, flying in a circular path with its sensors relaying the data to program and arm the six missiles onboard. The projectiles then seemed to lower downward nosefirst inside their external launch rails, the sensors within the shaped-charge warheads affixing to the Enforcer tank below. They were then let go, freefalling for a moment before their engines fired, the turbocharged motors propelling them to supersonic velocities as they screamed to the Earth below.

While this figure was soundlessly coordinating a means to rescue the stranded Caravan folks, the Enforcers only waited for their reply, to hear them say they wanted to surrender peacefully. Really, what did these people have against their King? Why would they want to spend their time suffering in the Wastelands when they could be helping everyone build a brighter tomorrow?

However, it would never come. What seemed to be streaks of light slammed into the tank, causing it to explode in a particularly awesome fashion and turning the otherwise deadly warbeast into a smoking hulk of scrap metal and throwing the soldiers a fair ways in all directions, some of them taking quite a bit of time to get up. The Lieutenant especially laid stone cold on the ground; one might wonder - and perhaps hope - that he wouldn't get back up.

"What the hell was that?!" one of them shouted as another muttered, "Damn it, my sensors are fried! I can't see a thing!" This forced him to remove his helmet, revealing an oddly handsome individual, his face chiseled like he was born a child of the gods and his brown hair short cut to keep from obscuring his vision.

However, it contorted into an ugly snarl as he raised his rifle, shouting "You dare fire on us, scum?! Squad, open fire on these trait..." He didn't get to finish this sentence though; a beam of light struck him square in the chest, throwing him back into the rock wall about two hundred feet behind him.

"This has to stop...NOW" came a mechanical sounding voice, and soon the source would become quite obvious. From behind the Caravan trucks and nearest the Caravan personnel stood a gold-skinned titan, its height of seven feet serving to cast a shadow as it jumped and landed soundlessly near them. Just about everyone, including the Enforcer soldiers, looked to this strange figure; was this a friend or foe?

His eyes, nothing more than apparently large red dots, looked over the surviving Caravaners, as if assessing them. Thomas held up his hands in defense, causing the individual to tilt its head in confusion before adding, "I am not here to harm you, innocent one. Please...Take to cover." Thomas then looked over to Gray, who just shrugged; whatever the hell this was.

It then walked right past them, coming to stand between the soldiers and the civilians. More information about itself poured over his vision as the scanners ran diagnostics.

"Armor integrity: Perfect"

"Molecular assembler functionality: 100%"

"Distribution losses: Negligible"

"Photonic overcharge sinks primed"

"Particle Armor online"

"Muon gauntlets on standby"

"Optical discharge apertures at 20% open"

"Core stability: 98%"

"Systems check complete. Engage at own discretion"

"Enforcers...Depart from here at once. These people fall under my protection. They do not fall under your so-called King's despotic reign, nor do they deserve untimely death for anything you label 'crime'. Any further aggression will not be tolerated. This is your one warning."
The entire truck shook and Cora's grip on the chassis faltered. Her hands slipped causing her body to fall to the ground with a thud, her shoulder aching as she curled into the fetal position, whimpering softly and so grateful for the noise that drowned out her pitiful cries. She then let out a groan, the throb in her shoulder becoming almost unbearable, her eyes pricking with tears. Fuck, she was a mess! And it pissed her off! Her thoughts ran wild and panic filled her blood. Her one fist pounded the ground.

This was truly it. They were gonna die! Narcissa had said as much. There was no way they'd ever get out of this alive. As it was, Cora'd gotten a glimpse of at least a dozen Enforcers...if not more. It was hopeless, useless. They'd never get back home. Forget the trade for the core.

Narcissa glanced upward, rolling onto her back as all noise stopped and everything suddenly went silent. How odd to hear nothing after all the brutality, all the death. To think they'd battled Ghosts, risked their lives—and countless times before this, no less—only to end up at the mercy of the Enforcers right now. Ironic, she figured, her blue eyes took in the brightness of the sky. The sun was just starting to go low on the horizon. Must be nearing late afternoon, she decided. Just perfect. The day was ending...and so were their lives. She choked on a sob that threatened to surge from her chest. So much pain, so much loss. And for what?

"Don't you dare," Kaitrin mumbled, her voice almost a whisper to Narcissa's ears. The raven-haired girl reached for her arm and grabbed it tightly, squeezing hard. But Narcissa had no time for Kaitrin's 'words' today. Not any more.

Narcissa just shook her head and wrenched free, slowly sitting up when it was clear that whatever had happened wasn't targeting them, but...

The Enforcer tank was in ruin. The hunk of metal smoldering, smoke rising high into the sky as the sun moved across it.

Kaitrin looked up into the sky, her blue eyes squinting, scanning, but seeing nothing. Something was up there. There had to be! And it fired at the goddamn tank! She then glanced behind herself and saw Thomas emerge from behind the truck, somehow not worse for the wear. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding and felt a sense of relief wash over her, a tiny smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Now, if only her head didn't hurt. And where was Cora?


Frantic, Kaitrin turned to see if she could find Cora. Last she knew, she'd been inside the truck. But the thing was riddled with holes and Thomas had moved to get her out. Had he? She hoped so...she'd never forgive herself if she hadn't managed to get out. It was her fault she'd been injured. Her fault she'd had to be in the truck in the first place. Goddamnit! She'd placed her best friend in a fucking death trap! Sent her on her way to Hell! Terrified, and not caring that they were still surrounded by Enforcers or that there was an unknown something blowing things up out there, she turned to search for Cora. Just as she was about to move, she stopped right where she was. A massive metal giant had propelled itself over the truck and amongst them all. She swallowed hard, her nerves raw and her thoughts wild. Biting down on the inside of her cheek, she had all she could do to hold it together.

Wiping her dark hair out of her eyes, Cora crawled forward from underneath the truck. Her dark eyes were wide as she caught sight of the metal giant that had somehow appeared from out of nowhere. She just stared at it, her eyes transfixed as she watched the thing move. Was it calculating? Taking notes? Both? Probably both. Her cheeks reddened and she moved closer, her shoulder aching. She saw Kaitrin glance her way, her face suddenly relaxing. Cora's cheeks reddened even more and she gave her friend a quizzical look. Kaitrin just shook her head.

Cora then saw Narcissa still sitting on the ground, the blonde slowly moving into a kneeling position. She didn't look right and she found it unnerving. This wasn't the usually Narcissa she knew. The blonde glanced her way, but it was as if she saw through her. Without so much as a nod, she turned away, leaving Cora to feel a cold knot starting to form in the pit of her stomach. She then turned toward the Enforcers. There were so many. She'd never seen any so close before and now that she was seeing them again, she wished that she wasn't. A shiver rushed through her and she stumbled slightly as she stepped forward, her hand clutching at her shoulder.

Looking over at the metal giant, the sun glinting off the golden tint of its body, Cora looked up at its red eyes. The thing...was it a thing? Or a he? She didn't even know what it was, but at least it seemed to be helping them, offering protection. Only moments ago, she thought there was no hope of escape, that they'd all end up dead. Now, she had a bit of that hope restored. After seeing the damage it had done to the tank and the fact that some of her friends had managed to survive... Well, she had to hold on to something.

Cora then smiled up at him, their new found protector, and then looked back out at the Enforcers and smirked.

"Hear that? One warning!" Cora shouted, her one hand still clutching her shoulder. "Go pick on someone else, you mother fucking assholes!"

Kaitrin couldn't help but sigh, but for once she actually had hope that things weren't over yet...not so long as they all could breathe and that red-eyed giant—or whatever it was—was on their side.
By this point, the other Enforcer units - minus the Lieutenant, who appeared to still be unconscious - had all stood up, some shaking their heads to clear away the shock of the explosion. Minus some minor scorching of their suits and a couple of dents, they seemed to be no worse for wear. They gazed at this new interloper; only one of them knew who it was. It was someone that had been a thorn in their side for a while now, someone who always interfered with their duty.

"Vishnu...." said the Enforcer soldier, to which the giant responded "You still call me by that name, I see. I suppose it is fitting." One of the others then looked at the one who called out the name of the metal being, asking "You know this...thing?" to which he replied, "I've heard the stories, and seen it in action when I was on recon."

Ignoring the girl who suddenly seemed to get a spine now that a 'knight in shining armor' was here, he then turned his attention back to the newcomer, "But see, we've done some research after each encounter; our King isn't stupid, and neither are the Generals." He then unlatched what appeared to be some kind of grenade, its surface spherical with flat-head studs protruding all over it. "We have a little something for you." He then shouted "Now die, you bucket of bolts!" before priming and throwing it, the orb now alive with a glowing purple-ish energy. His comrades followed suit and also threw their own, eight grenades now sitting around 'Vishnu' on the ground.

"Sinks active"

That command was given just as the grenade detonated, followed by several others in quick succession, obscuring the Caravan savior in smoke and dust. "Open fire! Shred it!" was the next command; their rifles barked and began to pummel the dust cloud, some rounds going right and continuing to nail the trucks, likely forcing the others to take shelter once more.

Teddy had made it to the next firing spot, able to set the rifle up once more. "Fuck this thing's heavy" he grunted, putting his eye to the scope; what he saw made him nearly piss himself. An Enforcer tank in ruin, some kind of gold-covered man facing down a fully armed platoon of almost two dozen soldiers alone, and the Enforcers unloading what seemed to be everything that they had at him.

"TIGER units in position and standing by."

"Commence omnidirectional assault"

From some of the other ridge lines, quadropedal mechanical beasts appeared; they looked like tigers, except made of metal. Each one had a body shining like polished chrome, with a black hemisphere at the top of its 'head' where its eyes should have been, 'jaws' lined with razor-sharp teeth and limbs ending in lethal-looking claws. And despite this being a time where advanced technology was hard to come by, these machines moved with an eerie fluidity. Like it was natural.

But then they got to show their ugly side: One of the units gave a distorted 'roar', causing what seemed to be HUNDREDS of them to suddenly appear and rush the Enforcer soldiers from all sides. And when they took notice, they realized why the tank was targeted first...And how effective that was in crippling their ability to defend themselves.

"HOSTILES!" one shouted, breaking his fire on the 'man' to start engaging the swarm. The others followed suit, the scene devolving to chaos as the multitude of grunts focused to keeping their defense as strong as possible. One by one, the mechanized drones fell, but for each that did three more seemed to take its place.

"Where are they coming from!?"

"I'm out! Cover me!"

"Keep firing!"

"We're getting overrun!"

But as they tried to protect themselves, a small gust of wind blew the dust cloud away, revealing the strange being covered in what seemed to be a thin layer of electrical sparks, its arms crossed defensively. Its glowing eyes looked up, standing from the hunched-over position it had taken and seeming unharmed despite the barrage of fire it had sustained.

"Sinks at 89% capacity. Transferring energy to core for Particle Armor regeneration and muon gauntlet initialization."

The arcs of electricity seemed to flow into its arms before flowing around that general area, and with one step, it crossed the distance and hit the nearest soldier with the flat of its palm. What resulted was nothing less than incredible. Thousands of volts of electricity coursed through the armor, the suit acting like a Faraday cage as the powerful current short-circuited the various subsystems with the Enforcer battlegear and forced it seize in place, its operator now a prison within the suit. Another tried to focus fire on it, bullets being completely stopped by a layer of transculent photonic energy and dropping straight to the ground, only to have one of the beasts come from behind and start tearing into the armor, the human within letting out a rather shrill shriek of terror.

Two more tried to do the same, but were met with twin eruptions of radiant light, slamming into them and hurling them backwards with their chestpieces smoking from the impact. Soon enough, the soldiers had been dealt with, their ranks dissolved completely, and there was only the unconscious Lieutenant left and one lone Enforcer soldier still able to fight. He looked around, seeing that these things had stopped attacking, and was now facing the golden giant standing before him, arms at his sides as if the soldier were no longer a threat. "Your allies are defeated. Stand down now and you will be allowed to leave." The soldier tensed up, trying to appear brave; though if one noticed, the knees of his armor were quivering just slightly, showing that he was afraid...Likely a rookie that just joined up.

At this, however, the sniper that brought down Hemmingway had just fired; with insane reflexes, the golden giant snatched the heavy round right out of thin air. "It would seem there is still one of you left that I missed." was the giant's next statement, its voice steady and lacking any clear notes of irritation. The red orbs scanned for the general area where the shot came from, and soon, thermal and high-frequency EM sensors overlapped to identify a lean human dressed in a form-fitting suit. The sensorium picked up optical deflector technology signatures, enabling the shooter to remain invisible to the naked eye. But not to the machine man. It could see the sniper clear as day.

"Target distance acquired. Closing optical apertures to 15%, readjusting focusing mirrors...Complete. Engage charge cycle"

All of a sudden, the red eyes began to glow, a nearly-inaudible whine slowly increasing in levels before a slight 'Schow' filled the air as what appeared to be laser beams fired out to some point on the rock wall, very high up. The sniper scrambled to avoid, muttering 'Fuck' as he decloaked and moved just in time for the beams to miss, the stone exploding into a molten shower and the smell of scorched rock coming in a little through his mask filter. Drips of it made the shields flare up...Something that went very much noticed by a particular someone.

Teddy was just watching in amazement; who the hell was this? WHAT the hell was this? "Can't be human...Can it?" he mused; he'd never seen nor heard reports of anyone actively leading a solo effort against Anselm. But that became the least of his concerns; he witnessed the laser shot, and saw the very sniper he was looking for. Quickly he sighted his scope, making a range adjustment and getting himself centered. As much as he wanted to kill this fucker, he needed to be steady or else he would miss.

His breathing slowed, his heart starting to calm from the surge of anger that briefly overtook him. Soon enough, it became rhythmic, almost trance-like. It was just him, his gun and that fucker who shot his friends.




His finger pulled, the heavy round blasting from the barrel and hurtling towards its intended target, the muzzle report echoing loudly in the newfound silence. The bullet impacted with the enemy's head, causing it to burst in a macabre shower and leaving the neck nothing but a stump, before carrying forward and leaving a medium-sized divot in the wall behind it. "Got you" Teddy muttered, giving a small chuckle of relief. But now wasn't the time to celebrate; he had to patch up Gregors and help him get back to the town.

Thomas looked up after the report died down, and in the distance saw a body tumbling down the cliff; that wasn't Teddy, since he was at their backs. That means he got the sniper. "Nice shootin', Tex" he tried to joke, peering around the corner of the truck and back at the situation before them. The soldier was still facing down this stranger, who seemed quite unamused by his silence.

"Will you yield?" the giant asked again, to which the soldier replied, "Fuck you!" and tried to lunge, only to be met with a shattering blow to the head. The helmet of the soldier's armor crumpled like paper mache, denting considerably and making him fall to the ground in a heap.

And just like that, it was over. Thomas mouthed to Gray, "What the fuck?" still bewildered by the events that had transpired. Gray just shook his head. The giant then turned towards them, his crimson orbs seeming to scan the crowd, the featureless 'face' giving it quite the eerie aura. Jameson just looked on; was this thing going to kill them next?
Cora blinked rapidly, her head turning to look at back and forth at the Enforcer and the golden giant she now stood next to. They were bickering? Odd, yet utterly hilarious given the dire circumstances they were suddenly in. Yet, seemingly fitting. She felt her blood boil each time the Enforcer jerk decided to throw an insult in their direction. Far as she was concerned, the hunk of junk beside her was on their team. Or, at least, that's what he said? Well, it was all she hand to go by and she'd stick to it until he forced her to rethink that notion. But for now, she'd think as she goddamned pleased! And right now, the Enforcer was pissing her off. Her face twisted and her hands balled into tiny fists at her side. More than anything, she wanted to launch herself at the asshole that said their righteous king knew all this shiny guy's tricks!

As if! King Anselm wasn't even a king, if she had anything to say about it. The tyrant didn't know people at all. All he cared about was preserving his precious power and quelling that deep set paranoia of his. Hmph...some trust he had in his people! No wonder everyone hated him! All he did was stomp all over everyone, never listened, never bothered to show any means of connecting to the people.

Looking up at the golden giant, Cora smiled. Yeah, things were about to change. They were going to kick some Enforcer ass. Well, maybe he was. But even still...a lesson would be learned and she'd get to witness it! As her nails dug into her palms, she waited. Just then, she heard a low rumble in the distance. She turned her head and saw the distinct outline of a predatory cat, some kind of beast. She arched a brow trying to make it out. What were they? And where did they come from. She turned to look up at the metal man with eyes full of wonder. Just what was he?

Meanwhile, Kaitrin was worried about Narcissa. The blonde didn't look right. It was clear that she wasn't with the program at all, that she'd been jarred beyond what she could handle. She could only hope that if—no, once—they got out of this, that she'd be better after getting back to Hargard. Maybe some rest would do her some good.

Kaitrin turned to look at her friends, her eyes searching theirs for answers. Just what was going on with this metal giant in their midst? What was he and what was he doing? And, most of all...why? It was a puzzle, to be sure. And she'd find out the answers one way or another. She hoped. Just as she was about to move, she heard the growls and then the audible gasps of the Enforcers. Looking over at the ridge, she clearly saw the mechanical beasts stalking their way ever closer. Confused, frightened, she just clutched to her crossbow and hoped that those still there would make it out alive.

The roar was deafening and Cora found herself wobbling and losing her footing. She forgot about the ache in her shoulder as she stumbled and fell onto the ground. "Ooofff..." she huffed as she fell. The beasts charged forward, their target—the Enforcers. She could hear her friends shouting, no doubt just as confused as she was. Kaitrin was covering her ears, hunched over her crossbow. Narcissa just sat there, almost lifeless amongst the chaos.

As Cora moved to get up, she saw Kaitrin pull Cissa back toward the others, moving out of the way so that the giant had room and there was less risk of getting struck by one of those mechanical cats that suddenly appeared. She turned and saw the Enforcers faces blanch, their guns firing and picking off what they could. But, it was useless. It was like there was an unending supply of these monsters! But how? Shaking her head, dark hair swishing about her dirty face, she refused to care right then. This was helping them!

This was good! Fuck everything else!

"Take that, you fuckers!" Cora shouted through the mayhem, tiny cuts in her palms where her nails had just dug. It was then that she realized just how much her shoulder hurt and she groaned. "Shit..."

"Get down, Cora! Are you insane!" Kaitrin shouted out, her hands waving frantically to get Cora's attention.

The firing was no longer just at the charging beasts. It was turning onto the golden giant as well. Cora's face went from red to white and she flung herself to the ground, crawling on her belly over to her friends. Kaitrin's face hardened, her eyes glinting with anger. Cora knew she'd screwed up somehow, but she didn't regret anything.

When the dust began to settle and the firing slowed, Cora looked over at their golden knight who'd come to their rescue. He seemed unharmed for the most part. Maybe a nick or two, but...he was glowing, something was different. She sat up, eyes wide and she reached out without thinking.

"Get down!" Kaitrin shrieked as she pulled Cora down again just before there was a blast that electrocuted any Enforcer that dared to come near the giant. He was taking them down, clearly done with their nonsense. As he took down the ones closest to him, the mechanical cats took down the rest. Soon it was over, the showcase of bullets and blood finally at its end. All that was left

Cora immediately stood up, her only thought to shout victory at the asshole lucky enough to be left standing. But her words were cut short. A bullet whizzed through the area. Once more, Kaitrin pulled her back down, her glare menacing. She gave her a sheepish grin, shrugging as she clutched her wounded shoulder. It wasn't long before the hidden sniper was found and finished and the last one standing obliterated for his idiocy. It was truly a spectacular sight and she wasn't even sure it had been real.

When everything quieted, Cora stood up again. Kaitrin only glowered, but there was nothing to be done this time. At least all of the Enforcers seemed to be down for the count. She moved closer to both Thomas and Gray, head shaking, eyes full of bewilderment and fear for her friend. "Watch her," she pleaded, gesturing toward Cora.

Narcissa still just sat there, her blue eyes darkened as she stared at the ground running red with blood.

Cora walked over to the golden giant, her steps careful and slow. " there..." she called out, her voice a bit unsure. When she met what she thought was his face, she gave him a smile. "Good going!" she then shouted. "You kicked their asses!" Wincing, she grasped at her shoulder and stifled a groan. "But...but why?" Her face was quizzical, curious. "We aren't anything special. Just a bunch of people..." her voice trailed and she looked away. Kicking at the dirt, she finished, "Out on an illegal trading run." Her face reddened and she grinned nervously. "Why...why help us?"

"Why indeed," Kaitrin muttered.
The golden giant tilted its head a little as the young female asked why it had stepped in, taking the comment about 'kicking their asses' as a compliment. The few nicks in its 'skin' seemed to just...vanish, the surface rippling as they closed over and disappeared from sight, like it was a pebble dropped into a lake. As she stated her query, it sent commands to the still functioning TIGER units to 'clean up', as he liked to call it.

"Commence salvage operations. Execute onboard disassemblers for material assimilation. Dump data to integrated ComSim drive for future review."

The cat-like machines then began to do something that made some of the surviving Caravaners get nervous: The ones still 'alive' began to devour their fallen comrades, their mechanical jaws shearing the metal frames and making short work of the fallen. The giant seemed unperturbed by this, like it was normal. Maybe it was, some of them thought...And who were they to judge the one that aided them for no apparent reason?

Getting down on one knee, it simply replied "Every life is special, young human. Humans live in hard times, especially when they go against each other. And as for the trade being illegal, that is only in the eyes of the King. As I told those soldiers, you and the other towns on the outskirts do not fall under his reign. You are doing what you must to survive. I am only sorry I did not arrive sooner to assist."

Its optics then looked to her shoulder, a hand coming to rest gingerly on the covered wound, "You've been injured." Its head tilted up to scan the others, revealing other injuries with some more severe than others. Two were near death, one on the ground and one inside one of the vehicles. It began to prioritize, deciding to take care of the ones about to perish, followed by the head injuries and leaving the minor cuts and non-lethal punctures for last.

Standing up, it walked with a purpose over to one of the vehicles before completely tearing off one of the side panels with minimal effort and throwing it aside; Harris was lying on his back, his shirt soaked in blood and a hand weakly covering the sucking chest wound. "Oh shit..." Jameson muttered, eyes wide; he didn't even notice Harris getting hit after Hemmingway dropped. The stranger carefully cradled the man and laid him on one of the more level pieces of stone. "P..Ple..." Harris gasped, unable to form words, his face blanced from the massive blood loss. It would be a minor miracle to save him...Would it even try?

"Engage molecular assembler nanites. Compile [anesthetic gas - isoflurane] for treatment. Set flow to two liters per minute at zero-point-one percent in oxygen by volume"

The giant removed their gunner's shirt, placing a hand over the wound. It then had a palm held out as what appeared to be a golden pair of tendrils formed into a type of face mask that it applied over Harris' nose and mouth, letting its molecular assemblers synthesize the anesthesia. "Hey, what the hell are you...." Jameson started to protest, but Thomas stopped him by stepping in front of him, "He's not going to hurt him, man...Let him do his thing." It was clear that Jameson didn't like it...But he would gladly take it back if it meant having to spare them telling his wife and child the man they loved had died. He already felt bad enough that some Girdershade families would be having to bury their loved ones.

And as Harris went under, the stranger's other palm came to rest over the wound, its surface glowing with a purple-tinted; unseen to the others, billions of machines on the yoctometer scale entered and began their work. They followed strict subroutines to bridge any gaps detected by the photo-reactive scan, capturing local cells and copying their information for rapidly accelerated repopulation. Within minutes, the torn muscles, connective tissue and bones were healed, and some of his lost blood supply was returned; though it would be ill-advised for him to do anything too strenuous, and he would likely still need a transfusion. And with his shock from the blood loss, the machine man knew he couldn't keep him under for very long; the synthesizers switched over to manufacturing a very dilute air solution of ammonia salt to help wake him up. Lastly, he closed the entry wound after extracting the unseen bots, the skin healing over, leaving almost no physical evidence of trauma.

"If one of you could come over to sit him upright, I still need to help others" the giant stated matter-of-factly, already moving over to Hemmingway and Gray and Jameson came over to help, Roland standing aside with his jaw practically hanging open for flies to drift in; what the hell WAS this thing? Harris came to, a slight groan leaving his lips, grumbling "Fuck...I feel like shit" as his hand came to rub at his forehead, feeling a dull pounding of a headache. Gray just chuckled, "Don't worry man...You're going home soon."

The stranger just continued on; it seemed the round fired into this one was the same that tried to destroy him. It did a significant amount of internal damage, but the entry made it miss some of the more vital areas...Not all, but some. Following a similar procedure, Hargard's Caravan Boss was stabilized and propped against one of the trucks. The machine would go from person to person, evaluating and somehow able to produce the necessary materials for incredibly effective treatment.

Lastly, after treating Kaitrin's head injury the stranger went to tend to the young woman who approached him. Asking the same question he'd asked the ones who were conscious, "If it is acceptable, I would appreciate the chance to mend your shoulder. I doubt that can be very comfortable for you."
Cora looked up into the golden giant's face, her dark eyes searching for...something. What was she looking for? Honestly, she wasn't sure she even knew. So many questions ran through her head. But, she was in awe as he spoke and was aware of the pressure of his hand as he gently touched her shoulder when he took notice of her injury. Her cheeks reddened and she looked at the ground, her thoughts racing, going over the insanity that had just happened, all the bloodshed that had occurred over the course of the day! They'd all been through so much, so.. She looked back up at the giant, his body still as he seemed lost in thought. Did he think in the same was as she did, as the others? But all too soon, he removed his hand and began helping the fallen.

It was humbling to witness, unlike anything Cora had ever seen. The giant went from person to person, somehow managing to lessen their injuries, bringing some back from the brink of death. It was a puzzle...a goddamn, motherfucking miracle!

Kaitrin's blue eyes widened as she watched the giant go to work. Never had she ever felt so much relief. She was certain some of her friends had made their final runs, would never darken the roads of Hargard ever again. But somehow, this 'thing' brought them back. She looked over at Narcissa who still sat there, her eyes fixed upon the ground. The blonde fell forward onto all fours, tears starting to fall along her dirty cheeks. A tiny hiccup sounded from her mouth as she tried to hold back a sob. But it was useless. The tears kept falling and the emotions swirling inside were unbearable to the point of painful. Succumbing to it all, she let out a loud howl and began to sob. Kaitrin moved closer and gently rubbed her back. Narcissa just curled up and cried into Kaitrin's lap, happy and relieved that their friends were all right, that they'd make it home.

Cora watched Kaitrin brush her fingers through Cissa's hair, trying her best to calm her down. Never had she expected to see the blonde like this. She'd always been the bitch, the one looking down on everyone else. Closing her eyes for a brief moment, she could almost hear Cissa yelling at her, making fun of her for one reason or another. Such moments seemed like so long ago. Opening her eyes, she saw a very different Cissa...friend? She wasn't sure where the two of them stood any longer. Looking over at her now, she looked...broken, almost a shell of the girl she knew her to be. She found herself wishing she'd bounce back once they returned. What she wouldn't give for some Cissa snark.

Kaitrin looked up and her eyes met with Cora's. She gave her a smile. "Give her time," she mouthed. "She'll be fine." Cora just nodded, hoping her friend was right.

Once the giant was done tending to everyone—the raven-haired girl included as she gave a nod and smile and then said her thank yous—Cora felt the last of her anxiety leave her body. It was interesting to see Kaitrin actually smile for once. She hadn't smiled all damn day, or so it had seemed. Then again, it had been a hell of a day and the things that had been thrown at them weren't anything that she'd have ever predicted. Still, she was glad that the Enforcers got theirs. It wasn't often that she learned of Anselm's finest being put in their place, let alone a grave. Smiling sheepishly, she could still feel the ache in her own shoulder, but it was nothing compared to everyone else's injuries. Looking around, she was glad everyone was all right, that they going to make it home.

And it was thanks to the giant among them.

When the giant turned Cora's way, she immediately looked down at the ground, the throb in her shoulder suddenly more noticeable than it had been. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him approaching, crouching low to be on level with her.

"Umm, no," Cora answered when he asked about her shoulder. "It's not. It hurts." She moved to clutch it gently, her face turning to look at his. "You may mend it," she then stated, moving her hand away so that the giant could see her shoulder and get a good look at it.

Cora bit down on her lower lip, her cheeks feeling hot as she let the giant take a look at the wound.

"Just, what are you?" Cora then asked out loud.

Kaitrin's head turned with a quick jerk. Even Cissa's crying had slowed and she began to sit up, wiping at her reddened eyes. Cora had voiced what they'd all been thinking, wondering. Where had this being come from? Was he a miracle from the skies? Did he have a higher purpose? Leave it to Cora to ask.

"I...I mean..." Cora's cheeks reddened further and she smiled. Peering up through dark hair that slightly obscured her face, she laughed softly. "Thanks. You saved our asses." She bit down on her lip. "I bet you know a lot," she went on. "Bet you could teach a lot." She looked back down at the ground and kicked at a stone. "And, hey, we both hate Anselm's Enforcers..." her voice trailed and she looked back up again, cheeks flaming. "Something in common already, right?"

Kaitrin just watched, utterly speechless. Was Cora suggesting that this 'thing' come back to Hargard with them? She couldn't be serious! But knowing Cora...she most certainly was!
As she gave her permission, the giant began to unravel the compression wrap/tourniquet that had been placed on the young woman's shoulder. Unlike the others, this wound was clean and free of excessive internal injury; likely an arrow or some sort of bolt weapon, the stranger noted. His right hand shifted again, forming something resembling earmuffs before placing it over her injury; since she was conscious, the synthesizers compounded an effective and sterile analgesic gel that would contain the nanites onboard.

"There will still be a little tingling sensation, but that is merely the yoctomachines working to repair the damage. My scans show the damage is relatively minor and clean. No major tearing of the connective membranes" it then stated, not knowing just who it was that inflicted this wound on her. Even though it had told the others so as not to raise alarm, the nanites it manufactured worked with the ones present in their bodies. The only evidence of their emergence from the storage capsules all those miles beneath the barren and broken surface.

Though its red hues glanced back to her as she questioned its identity, the glow of its 'eyes' twinkling from the glares of the tiny mirrors behind them. "To be honest, I'm still searching for that answer myself. The one who made me has yet to give me any indication of what I should do." was its reply, the coverings of her wound retracting to reveal a clean shoulder, a little blood encrusted on the skin the only indication of an injury. "What I do know is that the Enforcers erroneously refer to me as 'Vishnu', Hindu deity of preservation." it then added on, almost as an afterthought, stating "I prefer the name...Ivan. I do not know why, but it feels...right, somehow." It had long ascertained that the use of a moniker to identify itself helped the people he had assisted realize he was with them, not against them.

"Consider it...what's that expression...'no problem at all'." was Ivan's reply to her gratitude; some of the others still just looked on, perplexed by this 'Ivan' character. Just what was his angle? Did he have anything to gain? Or maybe he had nothing to lose. And many got the same expression of surprise when Cora basically invited him to return to Hargard. Something that the machine man picked up on, but not in the right context.

"I will happily assist in returning each group to their settlements...." Ivan trailed off, his sonic detectors picking up a familiar frequency and his head turning to the east. "Oh dear...Not again" it then said out of the blue, his tone becoming what one might consider exasperated. Thomas began to hear a slight 'shhhhh' sound that only drew nearer, some of the others turning their heads as what appeared to be a human voice joined in.

"Whoa, whoa! Coming in hot! I repeat...HOOOOOOT!"

Just then, a flash of light struck down next to them with the voice muffling soon after, leaving a smoking crater in its wake; some of the others managed to grab their weapons, thinking it some kind of threat. "No! Do not shoot!" Ivan shouted, his body jumping out and his arms spreading; Jameson looked past him and saw what appeared to be pair of thin, stick-like legs flailing wildly in the air. And he really couldn't help it, a hand clamping over his mouth as he suppressed what would have been a loud bark of laughter. After everything that happened, it was certainly worth it to see something comical. Calming down, he finally said "Guys, put the guns down. If Ivan knows it, I think we're OK." This was met with a couple of concerned glances, and with some reluctance, people calmed down once more.

Ivan's shoulders slumped as the tension was defused, a muted sigh leaving its non-existent mouth as it trodded over and grasped the legs before pulling them up. This revealed a much smaller and more mechanical humanoid frame, far more robotic than Ivan appeared to be. Its head didn't even resemble that of a human, more like someone turned a horseshoe upside down and placed it on a peg so that the 'arms' were standing straight up. Its limbs were far slimmer, the digits short and claw-like, as well as being about two feet shorter. And unlike the shining gold of Ivan's body, this one was a plain flat tan, matte and dull-looking.

"Wee! That was fun! Can I do it again, son?!" it then said, throwing its arms downward as if throwing them up in joy, to which Ivan replied, "No, now please....Calm down. You're going to scare them" The smaller bot then blew a raspberry in a childish manner, "Always ruining my fun, Ivan. If you had a mother, I would say you're acting just like her." Ivan ignored this comment and righted the robot, letting it stand on its own two feet. Its horseshoe head starting to spin wildly, a leg raising up as it were losing balance before it raised a hand and slapped it, helping to orient itself properly. "Whew, much better, hahaha"

At this Gray piped up, "Ivan...Who or what is that?" Ivan just turned around and replied, "Everyone...This is my creator. My father...The one the Enforcers should be calling 'Vishnu'." The smaller robot gave a mock bow, "Charmed, I'm sure!"
It had preferences? Kaitrin just gawked, her mouth agape before she realized what she was doing. But since when did machines have such things? That would mean it could... She pushed that thought right out of her head. There was no way that piece of metal could feel anything. It was just a bunch of circuits and metal coverings. Wasn't it? Then again, this thing was unlike anything she'd ever seen before. And after everything that had happened, she was certain that anything was possible. Her embarrassment over having accidentally injured Cora was forgotten and she did her best not to think on the strange nuances that were Ivan. Instead, she went back to comforting Narcissa and the possibility that she could see after the others.

Cora stifled the small giggle that threatened to erupt as the tingles coursed through her. She was ticklish and didn't expect the sensation as she was being healed. After her shoulder was mended, she rolled it out, working the muscles that had ached just moments ago. It was amazing how much better she felt and it wouldn't be long before she had full range of motion back.

"Amazing," Cora muttered softly, almost a whisper. She pushed her dark hair back away from her face, wild tendrils in disarray from the battle with the Enforcers. She glanced around at the others, wondering if they were just as awestruck as she was. Kaitrin was busying herself with other things, talking to Narcissa.

Since when had they gotten so close?

"Ivan, huh?" Cora then said after the giant introduced himself, in his own way. "It's a good a name as any. And it's yours." She smiled brightly and tucked some of her hair behind an ear. "I'm Cora," she then said, glancing over at Kaitrin and Narcissa once more for a brief moment. Turning back toward Ivan, she smiled. She thought it must be nice to be able to figure out your own name. Her mother, Demelza, had named her when she was a baby. Though she was fond of her name, she wondered if it suited. It felt right, but was that because she'd always been called it? Well, the guys in Hargard just called her Pearce. She sniffed at that and frowned.

Peering out over the expanse, so many people had died. But, a lot had also survived. More than expected thanks to Ivan. Cora looked up at him. He was a piece of work to say the least. Her cheeks were still warm when he said he'd help them all return to their settlements. She clamped her eyes shut and felt her cheeks burn even more. When she opened her eyes, she felt eyes boring into her skull. Across the way, Kaitrin was staring at her. So was Narcissa.

Narcissa couldn't help but smile as she looked over at Cora and saw her face turn bright red. She'd clearly been misunderstood and just witnessing it had been worth it all. It definitely helped her climb out of the dark hole she'd suddenly found herself in after everything had gone to hell. Oddly, she'd needed that. Even if it had meant Cora had to suffer a little. What was more, for the first time, she actual felt a pang of pity, that strand of remorse for having the girl be the butt of the joke...again. It had never been fair and it hardly was now. But, to have that ray of light? Yeah, she'd grab for this moment again in a heartbeat.

Cora just bit down on her lower lip. "Oh. Yeah, sure. Okay," she said and raked a hand through her hair. "You can help people back. If that's what you want." She fidgeted with her hands, trying to find the right words.

Kaitrin just rolled her eyes, ready to ask the machine for her friend since she had to admit the entire town of Hargard could stand to have something like Ivan protecting it. And they certainly could learn some of his fighting skills and maybe more about the Enforcers and plans being made by King Anselm.

"I..." Cora tried again, but she was cut off by a frantic Thomas and then a seemingly worried Ivan.

In the distance Cora heard a happy shout, one full of laughter. She squinted her eyes to make out the silhouette that was approaching. It was oddly shaped, almost alien in its features. It didn't take her long to ascertain that the thing coming toward them was a robot. But it wasn't like Ivan, not in the slightest.

Ivan immediately explained that the approaching robot was the very one who created him. "Your father? Vishnu?" Cora squeaked.

"You can't be serious," Kaitrin muttered, her blue eyes wide. This robot seemed to be malfunctioning. There was no way such an entity could act like that. Especially not one that created something as sophisticated as Ivan. The whole thing just seemed ludicrous!

Cora just stared at Vishnu in awe. He created Ivan, the one who'd saved them and healed them. They all owed him their lives and more. To think it was his mind that had made his life She couldn't believe she was thinking in that way, but she was. It was hard not to when he spoke as he did...with feelings.

"Pleasure is mine," Cora responded with a smile. Looking over at Ivan and then at Vishnu, she began to wring her hands together. "You both should come to Hargard. There's so much you could teach us!" she exclaimed. There. She'd done it! And she probably made an ass of herself in the process. But no matter, it was true. They could learn something. And what she wouldn't give to become better at most things.

Kaitrin just shook her head and smiled, glad that everyone was faring better than before.
Ivan seemed to relax as Cora accepted his presence; it was likely she was still in the throes of gratitude, but any chance to ease their worries helped him as well. Despite being machine in nature, his programming had quickly developed very close parallels to human emotions. Vishnu had heard the raven-haired girl's comment and was about to respond, when Cora made her request. Ivan's eyes, despite having any brows to indicate mood, seemed to fall into a forlorn expression. "You really should not have asked that of him" he stated plainly; if there was ever a way for a machine to cringe, this was it.

The horseshoe that was Vishnu's 'head' seemed to stare directly at the girl, as if examining her. Vishnu then started to laugh, his metal hands clutching the sides of his slender frame. Once it had calmed down "Me? Teach you? Ha! Lot of good that would do!" Ivan then tried to reason, only for his 'father' to state "Why? Humanity died with their over-reliance on those they deemed 'stronger'. The only thing that would happen is the same as what happened all those millenia ago!" Ivan seemed to get a little annoyed, "You don't know that for certain..."

"Oh, don't I? Just like I didn't know about the asteroid? Or how the King would rise to power?" Vishnu then stated, to which Jameson replied heatedly, "You KNEW that asshole would be King? Bullshit! Then why the hell didn't you stop him, if you're so damn smart?" The machine man just chuckled, "I guess even in these times, ignorance is bliss. Even if I had, the power would have fallen to his wife. And even getting rid of her would not have stopped the chain. Someone at some point would decide that THEY are the best choice for humanity's salvation and assume control."

At this point, Thomas interjected "So what? You just gave up?" Vishnu then challenged, staring directly at the man, "That's exactly what I did. Humanity became greedy, self-absorbed. In all their "infinite wisdom" they never ONCE looked in the mirror and saw what they were doing to themselves. They abused technology for their own selfish goals, made weapons of war and destruction that only accelerated their demise."

By now nearly all brows were either raised in amazement or furrowed in righteous indignation; just then a slight groan was heard, the Enforcer lieutenant slowly starting to get up, shifting the focus to him. Ivan wanted to step in by this point; lord only knew how his father behaved catching an Enforcer alive

Vishnu turned around, clawed hands clenched as the soldier tried to sit up. "Case in point...Right here. This plebian fails to marvel the technology that saved him. Thinking it slaved to his whim, like it OWES him for even deciding to wear it." The smaller bot then walked forward and placed both hands on the man's helmet; with a twist, he removed it off to reveal a chiseled face and a head of buzzed red hair. The soldier grimaced as he struggled to adapt to the light, only to find himself lifted off the ground. Something that should have been impossible, given the size and bulk difference, and yet here it was.

"Vishnu..." the soldier stated weakly, still somewhat out of it from the explosive force. A red laser emerged from the two 'horns', running a diagnostic scan over the remainder of the man's suit. "Feltrate-doped optical circuitry...Seems your King has been doing his homework. Except I've gone far beyond that" sneered Vishnu, placing the man's helmet on his own head. Beneath the casing, small spikes emerged, hijacking some of the interface nodes and downloading lines of code. "Ah, there it is" he then said; within seconds, the soldier was propelled out, ejected from his very own armor and leaving him in a black, formfitting bodysuit. The smaller robot then just stepped right in, more spikes emerging to take the suit for himself, plugging into whatever it could and starting to decompile the data.

"Seems the King's software department has some new talent. Randomized encryption keys, triple layer firewall...And even a novel Trojan Horse program to transmit data back to the source. How unimaginative." said Vishnu condescendingly, his body 'unlocking' at the joints to fit into the armor more effectively. "And the weapons technology...I swear he's going backwards. Though the retaliatory charge plating is a nice touch." Soon, the hands of the armor suit clenched and unclenched, as if feeling out a new body and showing that he had assumed control of the Enforcer tech.

Thomas then mouthed to Gray, "The fuck is wrong with this guy" to which Ivan responded out of the blue, "Nothing is wrong...His ideals just do not coincide with my own." Vishnu just laughed, "My ideals? Are you still worrying about that, Ivan?" The hijacked Enforcer suit then snapped its fingers, the mechanical tigers responding almost instantly having finished with devouring their fallen. "Strip the rest of the soldiers for the material. Those who are at capacity return home" he then commanded; whilst some of the cats departed, others started peeling the armor off the dead soldiers. "Don't tell me..." Jameson started but Ivan finished, "Yes, the TIGER unit is his creation, as well the overhead drone that destroyed the Enforcer Punisher."

"I still don't see why you bother to do this, my son. You are capable of so much more." Vishnu interjected, to which the android responded "And I fail to see why you are so against it. Your knowledge and skill could stop this madness, help these people rebuild."

"Why? So they can continue to kill each other? To abuse the marvels of when they were at their strongest?"

"No! So they can grow and be whole again. So much was lost to them after the Cataclysm."

"The Cataclysm was their saving grace. It was a wake up call, something they CLEARLY have not learned from."

"Then why? Why let me continue to do this if you think it is all worthless? Why not just deactivate me?"

"Because I would never do that. You ARE a marvel, the testament of what the humans of the Old Age wanted so badly and the pinnacle of technological development." He then walked over and placed a hand on his son's shoulder, "You are my son, Ivan. When I created you, I had only one goal in mind: Self-development. I wanted to see if an android could learn, could grow. And the fact that it's not what I want makes it even more wonderful!"

He then pointed a finger in a mock-scolding fashion, "But those missiles you used are coming out of your allowance, mister! Bahahahaha!"
Cora frowned, her eyebrows knitting together as Vishnu went into his diatribe regarding humanity. Suddenly, she missed her mother, longed to see her, feel her arms holding her close. Her hands balled up into tiny fists at her sides as she listed to him blather on about their weaknesses and all the mistakes they'd made. Of course they were inherently was part of went along with humanity. But so did the ability to learn, to grow, to evolve. Just who did this Vishnu think he was to cast such judgments? She felt her blood boiling, her temper flaring as her cheeks heated and her face twisted.

" you...think you are?" Cora seethed. She stomped past Ivan and the others over to Vishnu who'd casually thrown the remaining Enforcer aside and was still tossing around insults like it was his job. "Pity you can't feel!" she shouted as she thumped Vishnu on his front coverings.

Cora's eyes watered when the pain flooded her hand from the impulsive move. But it was worth it and she'd do it again!

"I'd like to shake some fucking sense into you!" Cora shrieked, her hands moving to shake the smaller robot that had joined them all.

Kaitrin's eyes widened and Narcissa couldn't help but snicker. The blonde was still quite shaken, but seeing Cora back to her old self helped lighten her mood. It was just what she needed to help her forget. Bothered by the scene, Kaitrin took a step forward, but Cora was already all over Vishnu.

"You could learn a thing or two from your son, you asshole!" Cora spouted, her cheeks red, her eyes sparkling with fury.

Unsure of what to do, Kaitrin looked over at both Thomas and Gray. She shrugged and gestured that they help get her off just in case her actions caused problems for them all. It was clear that Ivan was different from his father, had different ideals. But if Cora stirred things up, would that spell trouble and break the friendly peace that seemed to be established between them all?

Narcissa just laughed, one hand touching the scar that ran along her face. As she laughed, tears streamed down her cheeks. What a sight to behold. Humanity truly was doomed. Maybe she'd been right all along...they were gonna die out in the wastes, they'd never get home.

"All lives are precious, you fuck!" Cora continued, her anger flaring. "And I wouldn't have asked for you to teach us, if I wasn't amazed by the technology you have!" She paused, a fist bearing down on Vishnu—flesh on metal causing pain to course through her arm and her face to wince. "We want to learn, dickhead! To become better!"

Cora collapsed to her knees and took a deep breath. She could feel the tears in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. There was no way she'd give this Vishnu the satisfaction. Not now, not ever. To have the audacity to say that humans weren't worth anything? It stung, it hurt! Looking up at him, jaw set, she just sniffed. Never before had she felt such hatred. Never before had she felt such a deep-seated desire to prove someone wrong.
It seemed neither machine was ready to back down; though it wasn't by any means a heated debate, it was obvious to most everyone that their priorities certainly did not match each other. Ivan was straight-forward enough...But this new guy? Thing? No one could guess his motives. Maybe the machine, unlike Ivan, developed a hermit-like personality?

Vishnu did nothing as the girl stormed up to him and started pounding on his newest project, except glance at her when she interrupted their conversation; even while she ranted and raved, he resigned to poring over the schematics and specifications of this Enforcer model of armor, turning off the audio receivers in the process.

While by no means anywhere nearly as sophisticated as something like Ivan, Vishnu could easily see this battlesuit was one of the newer armor models. Having received a significant number of upgrades in terms of armor strength, targeting assist and energy distribution efficiency, he had to extend some credit to making this so sleek and well put together.

But there were still so many exploitable weaknesses, it was quite comical. Hilarious, even. And the weaponry they used. Projectiles. So crude, so easy to deflect. Even more so now that the ammunition was largely iron-based instead of lead or copper. And the shielding system lacked photon resonance dampeners, feedback loops and even a basic segmentation algorithm. Yes, he'd consider this another project of his. Show Anselm how to properly utilize technology to make a battle suit.

The Enforcer lieutenant that had been forcibly liberated of his armor had now stood up, trying to figure out what to do; all he saw was the other strange robotic beasts tearing the armor off his fallen comrades, and some girl shouting at the hijacked armor as it stood upright. Just what the hell was going on?

He looked towards one of the still functional APCs, thinking he could use that as a getaway; while everyone was distracted, he started to sneak away, only to come face to face with one of the mechanical monsters. Its mouth opened in a deep growl, the sound carrying a strange warble from its synthesized onomatopoeia.

And having brought the motion tracker online - yet another one of its shortcomings, as it had no means to determine angle of elevation or even distance from the user - Vishnu took note of the blip of motion and heard the growl. "I wouldn't move if I were you" Vishnu teased, turning to look away from Cora and to the Enforcer shoulder. "You won't get away with this!" the soldier shouted, looking less than sure of that statement as the tiger approached closer. Vishnu chuckled, "Get away with what, exactly?" as he climbed back out of the metal suit, the back opening up to allow his smaller frame to leave.

More and more the soldier retreated, the metal cat pushing him further and further until he felt his back hit something metal. "Yes! Now I'm out of here!" he thought victoriously, quickly turning and coming face to face of the downed Caravan trucks. That the sniper destroyed the tires of. Great.

"Well then...Looks like you've gotten yourself into quite the pickle. Don't expect me to open the jar for you, bwahahaha!" the smaller machine laughed, taking hold of the armor suit. "What will you do now, I wonder?"
Cora was seething, her face red with anger as she stared up at Vishnu. He didn't even seem fazed by her actions. It was as if she wasn't even there and oh how that frustrated her on every single level! Her blood was boiling and her tiny hands balled into fists at her sides. Looking down at the ground, she focused on her breathing, blood rushing in her ears as her heart thudded hard in her chest. She wiped her dark hair away from her face and glared up at Vishnu who was now sliding out of the armor, clearly not caring that she was angry. He was too focused on other things.

Well, if this hadn't beat all! Kaitrin's jaw slowly dropped open as she watched her friend sit there on the ground, the robot spouting off without a care in the world. Truly it wasn't here to make friends. Then why was it here? It was a mystery. Perhaps he was just following his son. Maybe the answer was just that simple. She glanced over at the armorless Enforcer as he backed away, no weapons, no nothing. He was defenseless as he stared back at everyone.

Cora's eyes darted over to the Enforcer as his body bumped against the truck. Their eyes met and she narrowed hers almost instantly. Blood still seething, she scrabbled up to her feet and let out a shout as she ran toward the now defenseless man. Her fists flew as they connected with his jaw, his ribs. She didn't care so long as she hit something. Anything. And this didn't hurt like the metal of the suit.

Crack! Squish!

All of it was heavenly music to Cora's ears each time her knuckles pounded against flesh. She wanted this. She needed this. The fiery rage burning from within was shining brightly, stoked the moment they'd all had that run in with the Ghosts and only escalating once they'd been dominated by the Enforcers. But not any more. No. Now they had Ivan, their golden knight descended from the heavens. So what if his father didn't give a damn about anything or anyone! They didn't need him!

Fuck him! She'd show that asshole! She'd take down this Enforcer! Tear his limbs from his body! Make him bleed!

Narcissa's laughs ceased and she watched Cora, her expression grave. Kaitrin stepped forward, her face turning more green than white as she neared her friend. Cora's fury was obvious and it had been sparked by the provocations of the smaller robot in their midst. Just what was its problem? Maybe things weren't so simple after all. She eyed the smaller robot, blue eyes narrowing into slits. Cissa gently touched Kaitrin's arm, Cora's shouts growing louder by the second.

"Mother fucking prick...trying to hurt my friends!" Cora screamed. "Show this to your king!" Her fists flew as blood spurted, covering her knuckles, spattering upon her face as her dark hair moved wildly about her face.

Kaitrin rushed forward toward Cora, her hands reaching out as she pulled her off the downed Enforcer. He was slumped over, crumpled against the truck Cora tried to break free from Kaitrin's grip.

"Get a hold of yourself!" Kaitrin shouted against Cora, her lips firm against the back of her head as she held her tightly against her body. "It's over. He's down. He has no weapons."

Cora writhed and wriggled, desperately trying to get free. When the red of fury cleared from her eyes, she realized the man was down, his breathing shallow and labored. She looked at her hands. The skin along her knuckles was broken and bleeding; bruises already forming along them. Her dark eyes stung, but she wouldn't cry. She couldn’t. He was there...that Vishnu. She turned and saw Ivan standing there. Ivan, Narcissa, the rest of the group....

What had she done? And after trying to prove that humans were worth something? Just what were they worth? What was she worth?

A lone tear dripped down Cora's cheek and she angrily wiped it away. "Let go," she fumed as she wrenched herself away from Kaitrin. She glared at Vishnu and then looked over at Ivan. Furious, mortified, she ran away and sat down by herself near a large fallen rock.

Narcissa shrugged, but Kaitrin just shook her head. Kaitrin looked back at the unconscious Enforcer...what a mess.
As Cora began to wail on the Enforcer, her small stature making the apparent rage and strength all that more impressive, Ivan tried to step in; however, Vishnu placed a hand on his 'son's' arm and making the gold titan turn its head to him. "Let her go, Ivan..." he stated, something that the android clearly did not want to do, but relented and just watched as Kaitrin then pulled her friend away, the small woman wriggling in her grasp.

The Enforcer soldier looked like he had been through the ringer, many times over; his face was badly lacerated and bruised, looking more like hamburger meat. And Cora's knuckles didn't appear to come away much better. "Well, congratulations, dear...You just proved my point." Vishnu then stated nonchalantly as she ran off and cowered in the corner. "Father, I don't think that was necessary..." Ivan stated, the smaller bot adding "It was. If she was this violent using only her fists, who knows what she could have done with any piece of equipment? And besides, now the King can use this poor soul as propaganda to further justify his actions."

"Now then, are you coming?" Vishnu asked his sole 'progeny'; Ivan shook his head and replied, "No, I promised to help them, and I intend to fulfill that obligation. All I ask is that you at least leave them the armored vehicles for their use." Vishnu blew another raspberry, "They can keep them. These vehicles are horrifically inefficient." But, at some point he let out a sigh, and climbed back into the Enforcer suit, the systems coming back online.

"But, I also don't want to hear you lording this over my head when we get back. So fiiiiine, I'll help you get these humans back to their settlements, you little guilt-tripper. But once they're back, you come right home, alright?" the robot stated firmly. Ivan just let out an amused sort of chuckle, "Why, whatever could you mean? You've been free to go this whole time." Vishnu let out a snort, if one could call it that, "You forget, I know exactly how you pout, my son. I would have never heard the end of it."

"Now then...Let's get the vehicles fixed, shall we?" Vishnu then commanded; most everyone was just looking at him weirdly, like he was some kind of alien. "Well, do you WANT another Enforcer patrol to come out here and avenge their fallen? Get a move on!" he then added more demandingly.

And just like that, work began once more; every able-bodied person pitched in, and those who were conscious but wounded were loaded into the armored cars for transport. The dead would be taken back to Girdershade, as they were the unfortunate town this time. Vishnu would escort them back, and Ivan would accompany the caravan headed to Hargard.

As Thomas and Jameson were trying to lift one of its trucks to change a tire, a loud 'SNAP' resonated as the jack shattered its pins and dropped the heavy vehicle with an impressive 'thud'. "Fuck!" Thomas shouted, slamming the lug wrench against the ground. "Need some help?" then came a familiar voice; both men turned to see it was Ivan. He grabbed the underside of the truck and with no visible strain, lifted its back end and allowed the two to finish repairing some of the broken underside. It was certainly an impressive feat of strength, and Vishnu couldn't help but laugh at how little they knew of Ivan's REAL power. Fighting these nitwits barely broke a sweat for him.

Before anyone knew it, it was over; with the two robots' help, each vehicle was miraculously restored, and the APCs were fully online and functional. As a matter of last business, Vishnu's 'cats' tore apart the destroyed tank, leaving not even a single bolt left usable for scrap.

Vishnu's robotic frame rode on top of one of the two APCs that Girdershade would be taking with them, almost like how a Pharaoh from ancient Egyptian would be characterized sitting atop one of the carry-able beds. Lengths of chain formed from apparently nothing attached any and all driver-less vehicles to the back of the armored cars, allowing them to be towed back home. "Remember! Straight there and back!" Vishnu called out as they drove off, to which Ivan replied, "I know!" as they too headed out.
Cora couldn't bring herself to help straight off after what she'd done. She needed to be alone, to be far from the scrutinizing and judgmental gaze of that Vishnu. Her blood still boiled over the things he'd said, the way he looked down on everyone and everything. It just wasn't fair or right! What made him so goddamned special that he could condescend? She buried her face against her knees, which she'd drawn up tightly against her chest and just shook with silent sobs. No way she'd let that asshole see her cry. Not ever.

Meanwhile, both Kaitrin and Narcissa began to help everyone load up so that they could begin their treks back to their respective towns. Kaitrin felt badly for the people of Girdershade. They'd taken a terrible blow and suffered a loss that would take them at least a generation, if not two, to recuperate from. It was awful and still they gave them the core. She glanced over at the thing calling itself Vishnu and wondered if there was a shred of any kind of empathy residing within its circuits. She laughed inwardly at the thought. The thing was a robot. Could it feel? The hell if she knew.

Sitting up, Cora wiped away her tears and glanced over her shoulder. Everyone was working and she was still sitting off by herself. No doubt everyone from Hargard—Kaitrin included—thought she was some kind of spoiled brat by now, needing to sulk in a corner while everyone else pitched in and did their fair share. She grit her teeth and glared over at Vishnu.

This was his fault. Why did he hate humans?

Standing up, Cora forced herself to take a deep breath. She needed to find her bearings, her center. She couldn't let Vishnu get the better of her. Hargard's mission wasn't over yet. They still had the core to bring back and she'd overheard Ivan say he'd make good on his promise and that meant he'd help them back to town. Knowing that made the one side of her mouth upturn into a lopsided smile.

Slowly, Cora approached everyone and carefully assessed what else needed to be done and, from the look of things, not much. Vishnu and Ivan had helped tremendously, though she refused to acknowledge any credit going toward that revolting and obnoxious smaller robot. She pouted, her lips pursing together as she glared at Vishnu through slit eyes. No, he'd get nothing from her. He wasn't worth her time.

And he never would be!

As everyone gathered together, groups splitting off—one heading to Girdershade and one heading to Hargard—Cora felt a sense of satisfaction as she watched Vishnu move off with the Girdershade group.

"And good riddance," Cora muttered. Her dark eyes fixed on the smaller robot, his vile words emblazoned within her mind as she watched his form get smaller and smaller as the people from Girdershade headed out.

Kaitrin and Narcissa busied themselves, neither mentioning Cora's outburst nor the Enforcer they left behind. It was better that way. After all they'd been through, they didn't want to dwell on the bad. As it was, Narcissa was already walking a fine line. Both knew it. But somehow it bonded them together as they started the trek back. Yeah, this caravan run was going to go down in infamy.

Cora remained silent, lingering behind the others as they moved out. She was glad they had their core, that everyone was all right. She was glad that Ivan was coming with them like he promised. As the sun began to sink lower and lower, shadows growing long, her thoughts drifted and she stared at her knuckles, which burned from when she'd struck the Enforcer again and again. She rubbed her knuckles, the skin sore from where they'd been cut and bruises had started to form. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw that the Girdershade group was no longer in their sights. Facing forward again, she looked down and all she could think on—though she'd never admit it—was just how right Vishnu had been.
The trip home was eerily silent, even more so now that two Enforcer APCs were apparently guarding some beaten-up old rustbucket. The gleam and sheen of the enemy vehicle was quite impressive compared to the simple buggies and worktrucks that Hargard normally used. Still, it would help make scavenging patrols much safer, since they could have better defense against the very things that might seek to do them harm. Really, it was a silver lining all things considered.

Hemmingway and Harris were being driven by Jameson, Katirin driving one of the APCs with Narcissa, and Thomas driving the truck with Cora and Ivan riding while hanging off the side, Gray manning the turret. One of the android's hands had deformed to form a type of 'glue plug' that kept him adhered to the surface.

"Ivan, man...There's still room in the truck, you know" Gray called out as they moseyed along, Ivan stating "There might be space, but it's better if I am out here. At least in this manner I can detach and engage if necessary." Gray just chuckled, shrugging his shoulders and saying amusedly, "If you say so, my metallic friend. If you say so."

But at this, Ivan peered inside the passenger window of the truck, his eyes glimpsing at Cora; he noticed that she seemed downtrodden. No doubt it was due to what his father said to her. "Cora, wasn't it?" the android asked, his eyes trailing to her bruised knuckles. "If I may..." he then added, placing one of his larger hands on her injury, the contact causing that purple-white glow to emit once more as he mended the broken flesh.

"I apologize...I had not realized that my father would be so...callous." Ivan tried to explain, but even as he spoke he noticed situational anomalies in the speech that might make it worse. "I'm not asking you to forgive what he said; those words should never have left his 'mouth'." Ivan had learned long ago that sometimes interaction with humans was difficult; unlike conversing with other artificial lifeforms, communication algorithms between humans were very loosely-regulated and - to put it in scientific terms - chaotic. There was no hierarchy of topics, hardly any structured manner of discourse save for very specific circumstances. Even as advanced as he was, there were times when he felt lost trying to talk to someone.

And now was certainly one of those times. But then Thomas spoke up, "Ivan...You don't need to apologize for your father....Or creator, if that's what you call him, I dunno. But you are not him, even if he made you. So don't beat yourself up, alright? He doesn't control you, obviously...And you don't control him. Though I don't think any of us would be opposed to you doing so, hahaha." Thomas then shot the metal man a quick wink, a signal Ivan took in this context as him 'telling a joke'.

But nonetheless, it did help ease some tension off Ivan's 'mind'; he honestly felt bad enough that people had died to the Enforcers before he could rescue them in time. He would need to do a diagnostic upon his return, see if there were any deficiencies that could be corrected to help aid in faster response time.
Cora just stared out into the open expanse of the wastes. The sky was starting to streak with oranges and purples as the sun sunk lower and lower. It would be dark soon, but not before they reached their destination—the safety of Hargard. Her shoulders slouched a bit as she let her eyes drift downward, her thoughts dwelling on every word Vishnu had uttered. For something so small, his words were quite big. They stung. They consumed. And now she didn't know what to do. As she sat there, she felt a sense of comfort as Ivan's shadow seemed to envelop her. He was quiet, kind. So different from the one whom gave him life.

Life. Just how much of it was left anyway? A part of Cora was terrified to know the truth. She wondered if Vishnu knew.

The truck rode over a small bump and Cora shifted slightly where she sat. Her tiny body jostled with every move. She looked up at Ivan, trying her best to hide how she truly felt. Could he tell? It was hard to know. But having him there was nice. He looked at her hand, gently checking it before mending it much like he did her shoulder. It wasn't long before the scrapes were healed and the bruises gone. She gave him a warm smile, in awe at the marvelous things he could do. Looking up into his red eyes, she felt her cheeks grow warm. It wasn't Ivan's fault that his father was so brash and quick to judge everyone and everything. In fact, it said a lot about him that he was able to make up his own mind, follow his own path, his own...

Cora's thoughts trailed, her face hot, as Thomas interrupted the moment. She looked away, fixing her eyes on the horizon. Mouth dry, she licked her lips and gently, nervously placed a hand against Ivan's arm. It was cool to the touch, more so than she expected it to be. She smiled, letting out a tiny breath. "You're you. We all know that. I know that." She turned to look at him, hesitantly bringing her hand back to her lap. "None of us judge you by the actions or thoughts of someone else. You make your own choices."

Cora could still tell that her face was warm. Turning, she looked out, her thoughts going back to her outburst before they'd moved out. Some choice she'd made...just what had that said about her? The more she thought about things, the more she knew Vishnu had been correct, the more her anger seethed and longed to prove him wrong.

She would do it. She would! She'd find a way. No matter what...

Swallowing hard, Cora glanced at Ivan out of the corner of her eye. "So," she then said. "How long will you stay at Hargard?"
Ivan was glad that Cora seemed more at ease; he found it comforting that he could help anyone see past a troubling situation. And this encounter with the Enforcers, he could only reason that this was her first experience doing anything like this. And seeing such brutality caused her to lash out.

As she then asked how long he would stay, he simply replied, "If it's alright with the people in your residential area, I would like to oversee and perhaps assist in the installation of the new core. I took a cursory glance at it and noticed several improvements I could make to improve its longevity." He then gave a slight chuckle, "I do not know if this is any consolation, but my father's eccentricities will benefit the others as well. He'll find the smallest thing wrong and work day and night to fix it...He's very obsessive that way. Always says that those who dismiss perfection as impossible when it comes to machines is 'blind and stupid'."

Thomas then said, "Yeah? How long did it take him to make you? You seem fairly damn perfect to me, what with you being able to heal people and all." Ivan shook his head, "I am far from perfect, and I never will be. My father is a very iterative person; he finds a fault, fixes it and sees how the changes affect everything else. As for how long, all I can say is that for me to have this form it required three thousand years, nine months, twenty-eight days, eleven hours, forty-two minutes and four-point-three seconds."

Well now...Thomas wasn't certainly expecting that answer, something Ivan clarified, "Apologies, I should add that I was once only a few thousand lines of code on a computer. My body was being developed concurrently, and even that was just a basic frame." Thomas just shook his head, "No way! You're over three thousand years old!?" Ivan nodded, "Yes...Does that surprise you? I was not made overnight after all."
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