TENTAMON! Gotta rape 'em all! [tent x male/futa] [Hapto x 49_place_holder]

((I was out for new year's, but, now that's passed.))

The environment was getting more sinister, Billy could not deny that. There was no obvious path or unique objects for bearing, apart from the signs he just passed. The anticipation was slowly rising, as were his fears. The silence made his mind wander, wondering what could lurk in wait. Something with rows of teeth and laser beam eyes probably. Billy stopped completely once he was what would best be described as... tracks. Tracks that made it look like a behemoth rampaged through here. Tracks that fueled his imagination even more.

Billy took a breath, confident that his tentamon could win this for him. He only hoped that would still follow his order after that... incident, earlier. Slowly, he resumed his trek, although much more slowly, as if he expected to die at any moment. "I can't lose. I can't chicken out now. I just gotta lead 'em. They'll win for me. It's in their best interests... Doubt they wanna be eaten by the same thing that'll eat me."
The tracks continued deeper in the forest, the clamped space growing darker and colder with each pasting step forward. Though most of the cold was caused by Billy's sweat, much of the darkness by his very founded apprehension.

The forest was full of the rustling of leaves and creaking of trees, all hushed, as if listening to the seemingly thunderous sound of Billy's lone footsteps, hearing every leaf he crushes underfoot, every branch he steps on seeming to thunder his presence through the dark forest.

Then he heard it - rustling, but not the usual rustling of the trees, a much more focused, rhythmic rustling, waves of sound in time with the slow pace of something massive moving through the forest - coming from dead ahead. In the distance, barely glimpsed between the jagged shapes of trunks and limbs slashing the view ahead, he saw movement, green movement, whether of parting trees or of monstrous skin, he could hardly say. But he saw the movement all the way from the distant ground to the canopy far above, the tracks leading and shrinking all the way to where the great, plodding mass of movement, suddenly stopped.

A moment later he heard a long, bone-jarring crack, the sound of a tree-trunk being twisted and torn. Then a rush of distant movement, and he sees some of the sparse rays of light go out ahead, then relight, other patches of light nearer going out in turn, looking up to see a great shadow moving above the trees, getting steadily bigger. The tree crashes through the canopy above, spiraling down towards him with a horrible slowness, striking a nearby trunk in a shower of bark and splinters and hitting with a terrible thud only a few feet from him, bouncing and rolling to a broken stop. Its a tree - a whole tree, enough dirt to bury a small house still hanging from its dark and torn roots, the bark of its ancient trunk split and crushed into pale splintered wood, the wound spiraling around the tree nearly halfway up its length - over fifteen feet from what had been the ground.

Ahead, there was still movement: a few flashes of brown, a few rustling bursts something flung through leaves. Then nothing, no movement, no sound, just the whispered rustling and creaking of the forest, listening to his racing heart.
The trainer froze in place as the woods themselves seemed to move. Moving at the weight and power of some beast, Billy watched in amazement and terror as a tree was lifted and swatted to the side, landing too close to the boy for him to think a coincidence. He saw movement, his prize didn't seek to turn around, and was still going in the same line. Deciding he wanted to be prepared, Billy hefted a tentaball.

Chorda was called instantly. As the tentamon materialized, Billy made sure that it could see him bring his hand up to his mouth to make a quiet gesture, along with a low "Shhhhh". It was the smallest one he had, the 'thing' knew he was possibly here, but hopefully not his tentamon. He pointed a finger at the trail the monster left, then motioned for Chorda to follow as Billy kept to the tracks.
There was silence ahead. Utter silence. The wind had died down, leaving a chilly calm in its wake. There was no sound ahead, no movement. It was like the entire forest, and most of all the huge mass he had seen ahead, were both holding their breath, as Billy and Chorda crept forward towards the waiting silence.

They neared the distance he had seen the movement. Dirt lay strewn about the place, dark, fresh dirt, splattered in huge mounds splashed over the ground or embedded in trees, growing larger still and more numerous the closer they drew. They were almost on it now, the light of between the trees ahead too bright to make out anything, leaving him no choice but to continue on, and find waiting... nothing.

Empty space, his eyes slowly adjusting to the light to see its source. The canopy overhead was broken, the usual sparse beams of light nothing compared to the swatch of naked sky overhead, at least ten feet of open blue blazing bright light down on the space where a tree had been. The earth is torn a sunder, as much by the forced removal of the tree, as from whatever had torn the loose earth apart afterwards, giving the small clearing a crater-like quality. In the very middle of all this destruction, stood a single flower.

It was barely six inches tall, a vibrant green stem curling with the weight of a bulbous pink flower, the fleshy petals closed, the bulb drooping. It looked almost asleep, strangely so given the burst of light ahead, a prized commodity for the flaura of this forest available here in buffet-size. Yet the flower slept, even seemed to rise and fall in the wind as though it were snoring.

Chorda was staring straight at the flower, shaking in fear.
Amidst all the carnage inflicted on the woods, Billy was awed at whatever made the crater before him. The damage was intense and the only noticeable feature he could see now was a petite, pretty flower.

"Wait what?"

He leaned at the edge of the crater, staring down at the plant, watching it 'breathe'. Was this the fearsome creature that he was stalking and made the deforesting tracks? He glared back up at Chorda, clearly scared from the unknown. Billy now had a different idea.

"Don't worry, I won't be sending you first. That'd be idiotic. No, we need to open up hard." Unclipping another tentaball, Billy released Physophora in front of him. The monster was huge and he was confident she could take a hit. Pointing down at the suspicious flower, the trainer pointed his finger and gave a command.

"Venom Cannon!"
Physophora nodded with a ponderous slowness. She floated backwards, all her tentacles circling outwards. Droplets of venom rained from her coils, caught in weightlessness to float and spiral forwards into a neon green crystal, its lengthening tip aimed at the sleeping flower.

Chorda went nuts. Jumping up and down, shaking and squealing with as much rage as fear, desperate to communicate with Physophora. Physophora's movement slowed, the growth of the crystal waning. Chorda's squeals took on a complex pattern of speech, Physophora slowly nodding as if she could somehow understand. Chorda added a final emphatic hop. Physophora nodded, and with a deliberate movement, coiled her tentacles harder. The venom crystal grew faster, nearly doubling its size.

Chorda screamed. Physphora released. The spike shot through the flower, tearing half its petals from the ragged bulb. A spray of brown blood splattering the ground. And finally, the whole ground shook with a deep, thunderous howl, as the entire clearing started to shift and rise.
Billy grimaced for a moment at the hyperactive Chorda, but had a look of approval when Physophora overcharged her attack. He shielded his eyes at the time of impact, then leaned his body over the crater to get a look at the damage. The plant was torn, yes, but the shaking that followed felt as if the forest was having an earthquake. Billy knew better. It was stirring. It was waking. He interrupted it's sleep and now it was rising to confront him. Billy steeled himself, knowing this was destiny at work. It was already determined, he just had to get there.

"Back up back up back up! Get ready for a real fight!" Instantly he beckoned both of his tentamon to follow him as he started running backwards. He even threw out the final ball, bringing Lemni back to earth, only to motion at the creature to join the group in witnessing what horror they had just woken up.
Great swaths of earth shifted, parted away from lurid green. In small blasts of earth a few great tentacles broke the surface, their foot wide forms and the dark-rimmed spots that coloured their backs all becoming visible with a horrid clarity as the limbs arched up from the earth one after another after another after another. They all extended outwards from the crater's center, where they all joined into an immense dome of darker green, growing ever wider as it crested through the earth.

Around the dome the arches of tentacles were still rising, the foot wide limbs already reaching well overhead without their ends yet leaving the ground. It wasn't until their crests reached taller than the canopy itself that their tips wrenched free in explosions of earth. Wide, rooted clumps of the ground still stuck to their ends like maces as the limbs spiraled free, the earth exploding against trees as the tentacles smashed clean through those closest, caught in the force of the immense creature turning around.

Most of its form was above the ground now, a wide, bell-shaped crown of tentacles, cresting out then narrowing back in as most of the innumerable limbs settled on the ground, denting back into it as the limbs pushed the last of their number free. The solid green silhouette was still turning as a parting in the limbs became visible near the crown of the limbs. Shaped like an upside-down tear was a darker window looking into the limbs, a single, oily black eye staring back out. The eye bulged fiercely, swiveling in place, staring at everything in turn with a frantic drive. Until it saw Billy - then the eye seemed like it would never move to see anything or anyone else ever again.

The monstrously large jellyron came to a lurching stop staring right at him, a last shower of earth cascading off its form, now towering well above the treeline, blotting out the light. Until the great shadow leaned back, letting in a few rays, before it thrust forward, the black eye glaring and the flesh below it parting vertically into a horrid black, howling maw, the force of which tore leaves from their branches and blew the pure, howling rage right over Billy, and his shaking Tentamon.
Witnessing the monstrous creature unroot itself finally made Billy doubt the choices he made. Not just his choice of coming here, but everything. He was staring at it, the stuff of legends, and was paralyzed with fear. It stared back at him, that one single eye, as if it was looking right past him, past his soul, as if he was nothing.

His fight or flight instincts finally kicked in. He chose poorly, thinking he had a chance and stood his ground.

"Spread OUT! Chorda, Psychic Scream! Physophora, Venom Cannon! Lemni, Corrosive Slime! Go for that damn eye!" That eye. He had to stop looking at it, the eye was locked on him. Hoping his tentamon would distract the creature, he ducked behind a tree that managed to not be completely dislodged and watched, praying it didn't decide to snatch him up immediately.
Despite their fear, what had been grilled into his tentamon team stronger was Billy's commands. Acting on reflex with all the speed of panic, they obeyed.

Physophora began charging another shot, as Chorda hopped a few paces forwards, and screamed. The sound was terrifying to behold, an icy chill reaching into Billy's chest, gripping his heart and twisting it into a strangled panic of beats. And he wasn't even receiving the fully brunt of the scream, that being directed forwards, towards the towering jellyron, hitting it full in the face.

It had no effect. The stare was unbroken, the beast unshaken, its bloody already running cold but for a different reason that fear. Its eye finally swiveled, seeing the gobs of bubbling slime flung towards it. A wide limb moved, the slime splattering against its surface, steam and hissing starting as the slime attempted to burn through the thick skin. The monster stares at the hissing skin, but didn't seem to be feeling any pain, as its eye swivelled back towards Billy's tentamon.

Physophora was still charging the shot, just as large as before, the tip of the gleaming spike aimed straight for the staring black eye. Billy heard and felt a bone-shattering thud one breath before he was hit full in the face with liquid. He couldn't see, couldn't help but swallow some, wiping it from of his eyes, seeing and feeling the warm fluid covering his entire front, a clear fluid mixed with ragged strips of blue, semi-transparent flesh.

He looked up. He saw. His heart stopped.

He saw a great green limb, its weight embedded deeply into the soft earth. He saw Physophora, crumpled under the limb, broken and crushed folds of wet blue visible on either side of the green mass as it slowly reaches upwards again, leaving its dead foe to drop in pieces from its form.

Then Billy started to feel it - the same tingles he started to felt first emanating from that single, tiny barb of venom, the effects of which had left him harder and more sensitive than ever, even now. The same warning tingles now building everywhere the same venom drenched all down his front, and worse spreading out from the mouthful he had swallowed, now sitting safe within his stomach.
He was confident they had a chance, for the first few seconds. The monster was ignoring everything around if as if they were all like insects. Billy's only hope was Physophora's piercing potential. In less than a second that hope was crushed. Billy flinched as something was splattered all over his body and down his throat. Too late to protect himself, his hands were lowered and his eyes opened to see a single giant appendage driving the Jellyfree to the ground.

The trainer put two and two together, looking down at the fluids that still covered his clothes. Then the tingling returned. Billy's arousal was immediate. The human staggered backwards with tangled feed, hitting another stray tree and having his body slump down to the forest floor. All he could think of now was realizing the mistake he made as his body was rendered useless. 'This, this wasn't suppost to happen. This, this is... wrong.'
Through the mounting agony of sensitized nerves, he could barely make out the chaos before him. Chorda was kneeling. She didn't have knees, but that didn't seem to stop her from prostrating herself before the behemoth.

Only Lemni remained. He was formed before Lemni, as puffed up as he could make himself, his gelatinous form bulging with the shapes of muscle, trying to make the biggest threat possible in protection of the trainer he loved. He was pressed up close to Billy's, between his prostrate legs, backing closer to him every moment as he tried to stay as close to Billy as possible and as far away from the towering jellyron, especially after its black eye raised from Chorda's prostrate form, swiveling to stare at Billy, and Lemni's inflated, backing into his lap.

Billy's nerves were starting to scream, as much with their own existence and fragility as with a need to be touched, even as they felt how unbearable that touch would be. How unbearable it was as Lemni's gelatinous, fear-denying form backed all the way into his lap.
Billy could only see Lemni in front of him, covering the trainer in a ridiculous attempt to protect him. The human appreciated the gesture, but had to think the Slaimachoo an idiot for trying. There was no running from this. The eye focused once more on Billy, an unfeeling, horrid gaze that would keep him paralyzed in place, if he could move. Lemni was backing up still, Billy realized his body was aching for relief, the slightest bit of stimulation could make that happen. He opened his mouth to object, to pull his body away, to do something, when he felt his lap fully enveloped.

'Too much, too much, it's all too much! I can't hold it, I can't-' Lemni's touch combined with the Jellyfree venom coursing through his body forced the human to orgasm, leaving Billy leaning back with an open mouth and a dazed look on his face. His pants were stained with his own cum, and the orgasm managed to alleviate some of the hyper-sensitivity to his own body. Enough for Billy to do the last mistake he'll ever make.

"Idiot!" Lemni felt a hand slam right down on him, trying to push the tentamon off of the young man. "We're going to die! I was hoping for one of those nice clean warrior deaths and you screw it up! I get to die now saying my only sexual experience was with a thing? A blob!? Just, just friggin kill me now!" He stared down at that piercing gaze, his own eyes now full of hatred. Billy thought he had nothing to live for. He thought he had lost everything, and was ready to accept it. "FREAKIN KILL ME!"
Lemni just stared up at him, disbelief widening his watering eyes. The eyes never left Billy, and within those eyes was a tumult of emotions, as if every dream Lemni had ever nursed of making Billy happy were all playing before Lemni's eyes one after another, each dream crushed in turn one after another. It was hopeless, Billy would never love him. Lemni looked like he may well dissolve into a puddle of sorrow and shame any moment and never, ever reform.

Then something changed. Something snapped behind Lemni's suddenly focused eyes, and just as shadow cast over Billy, looming down from an immense green tentacle reached up over him, ready to descend with the force to crush him broken into the ground just like Physophora before him - just then he was thrown to the ground, the sensitivity of the impact on his back nothing compared to the feeling of liquid rushing over his wrists and thighs, solidifying into bonds holding him against the ground with a painful strength.

And the one whose body contained these bonds, was Lemni, glaring down at Billy's face with a look of hatred Billy had neither seen nor ever even imagined on Lemni's face could hold. Hatred directly firmly down at him.
Billy was certain the end had come. At that moment he was ready to die. Dying a disgrace was still a welcome death in his mind. Seeing the monster's tentacle rise up for the kill, he closed his eyes, bracing himself for agony and pain.

Instead, he felt as if he was cuffed and tossed around. He was still breathing, something that amazed Billy. For a moment, he was grateful, feeling the damp touch of Lemni pull him to safety. When he opened his eyes however, he was met with a sight that made him wish he was dead; Lemni, wearing the exact opposite expression he always wore. Billy was stunned, perplexed, speechless. All he could muster out was one word. "Why?"
Out of all the words, in every language, not one of them would have been a worse choice then that word at that time. 'Why' - the word curdling Lemni's face.

"Merlp?!" Lemni screams, his warbling voice so much higher and harder than Billy had ever heard, managing to make such a soft word as sharp as a knife. "Merlp," Lemni screamed again as he slammed Billy into the ground. Billy was already on the ground, requiring Lemni to lift him by the wrists like a broken puppet and thump him back into the ground, the first time hard, the second time fast, every time after that more frantic as Lemni's enraged face watered and his shouts turned to cries: "Merlp. Merlp. Merlp. MERLP?!" Billy has heard Lemni ask with that word before, but never like this: 'Why, why, why, WHY?!'

Lemni slammed him down one last time, knocking the last of the air out of him. Billy felt about to pass out, as much from the lack of air as from the constantly mounting sensitivity of his drugged and now manhandled body. He can see his vision darkening round the edges, feel his eyes rolling up - his cheek cracking with sudden feeling, the sharpness bringing him shooting back to full consciousness in time to feel the same touch that had slapped his cheek now holding his chin, pulling his face forwards to see the new, third hand of Lemni's that held his face, and held him staring right back into Lemni's glaring, crying eyes.

"Mwoo mlop," Lemni's face warbled, two words Billy has heard Lemni speak before - Mwoo, an exclamation - 'Oh', and mlop, a negative or denial. 'Oh no,' Lemni's low tone making it not an exclamation nor a question, but a command.

'Oh no, you're not passing out yet.'

And in the same tone of command, Lemni answered Billy's earlier, poorly timed question in two, hatefully spoken words: "Maalp merlp." Maalp - he'd heard so many times as a shout of glee: confirmed, or: I understand. And merlp - that so forcefully repeated: why. 'Maalp merlp', given as a command.

'You will understand why.'

Lemni's body pressed closer to his.
The screaming that followed felt as if it was grating his soul. Never before was Billy confronted with something so angry. All he could do was holler in pain as Lemni threw him to the ground, repeatedly. Each time his cries of anguish became weaker as he felt his consciousness slip away. When the pain stopped, the human was panting, grateful for a respite and how he was about to pass out.

The Slaimachoo kept him in this reality with a single smack. Billy had the urge to spit in the tentamon's face, he he had the will and strength to do so. All he could do is hear Lemni ramble in his own language about, something. His tone had authority, he kept mentioning why, and Billy thought he heard something that showed happiness.

Except Lemni wasn't happy.

"Whatever you're thinking... don't." Billy threatened Lemni, even though he had lost all control. Billy couldn't struggle, he could barely move. As the tentamon got closer, he began to panic again. "I didn't- just, stop. You don't want to! I mean it! Go- just leave me to die!"
"Mlop." No.

Lemni's body met his own, pressed against his torso with a sadistic slowness, letting Billy... enjoy, the warm, wet pressure gently blistering his drugged nerves, easing against him all the way from his neck, to his groin, beyond which the further contact against his legs hardly seems to matter. His groin was still rearing, impossibly hard against his clothes and now, against Lemni's yielding form too.

Billy heard a low hissing sound. He smelt the smoke before he saw it, felt Lemni's body start to froth and bubble against his own. Billy's eyes flew wide. Lemni's body was becoming acidic!

Panic wracked him, giving his limbs a sudden strength beyond his control as his every muscle tried to escape his own skin. One arm was nearly free, lifting powerfully against Lemni's own shackle-arm, nearly overpowering it - when another gelatinous shackle grabbed his forearm, two of Lemni's arms thudding down his one. The same fate soon followed his other limbs, leaving him frantically writhing in place against a fate he couldn't stop. There was no way for him to know the truth: that Lemni's acidity was deliberately, very carefully chosen to melt Billy's clothes, no his skin - especially given that Billy could still see and smell plumes of smoke, feel the frothing heat against his skin. And worst of all, it felt good. He's convinced he's going to die, and it feels impossibly good!
Billy's eyes widened as he saw his clothes corrode before his own eyes. With it came a sudden adrenaline rush that spurred the man to try and free himself, although only a single single arm managed to break free before he was restrained all over again. His act of defiance put down, all the human could do is lie down, ventilate rapidly, and watch as his clothes were disintegrated.

That and keep making the situation worse by talking.

"Damnit Lemni, stop this, stop playing games! I order you to kill me now! You will eventually. You want to. I don't know what came over you, but I think I know that look in your eye. Where did I go wrong with you, huh?"
Lemni shrieked. The sound was horrifying, a strange gurgling howl, at turns wailing, roaring, screeching, the sounds crashing over and into each other as they literally split Lemni's face apart.

When the long sound eventually ended, and Lemni's split face reformed to glare at Billy, it was with two too many eyes - four orbs glaring at Billy above a muzzled maw, the lower jaw missing, and a forest of green teeth beyond. No, not teeth. Teeth would have been better.

Aquatic tentamon existed, though their trainers were rare and pourly regarded, wearing elaborate scuba-gear to capture and fight their underwater matches. Billy had tried it, once, with mixed success, gaining Physophora but having to wait until the tied brought the rest of a dissolved Lemni back in. And it was during that brief under-sea dive that he saw an Enemonon - a strange creature, its domed red bulb of a body upturned to sprout a forest of short, rounded yellow tentacles, waves of movement rushing through them like a breeze through grass. That remembered sight was what came to mind when Billy saw the forest of short green tentacles hanging from Lemni's open muzzle, filling the space completely, so many packed so close they seemed to all writhe for room.

Behind the maw Lemni was still fuming, his body heaving with slow, heavy breaths. Billy heard a squeek, feared another shriek before he saw the source of the sound - Chorda, the tiny purple devil only a few feet away, writhing up and down with quivering glee. He knew that dance, had seen it before - Chorda was feasting on her favorite psychic meal - frustration. And Lemni was burning with frustration, everywhere but his eyes. His four, ice-cold eyes, the controlled calm there that scaring Billy far more than any rage would.

Lemni lowered his maw to touch Billy. The first touch was sudden, brushing across his collar bones, a few playful flicks of the very ends of the rounded tentacles sending sparks shooting into Billy's eyes. More flicks, then sudden licks, then strokes, touching his skin, tracing his collar bones, teasing the furrow between, licking up and down both sides of his neck all the way up to the shaking sides of his jaw. More and more touches layered one ontop of the other, finding every nerve in his neck and lighting it in turn, feeling like a dozen girls were all wantonly kissing his neck all at once. All while Chorda writhed with enjoyment.
The ear-piercing scream forced Billy to cry out in pain, pulling even more at his bonds in futility. As he watched the head reform on the tentamon, Billy yanked his gaze away from the Slaimachoo as best he could, only to have his eyes glance at Chorda. The little witch was having a buffet, from Lemni and possibly Billy.

For Billy, it didn't matter if Chorda would feed a little extra from himself; the trainer was still full of fear, but still tried to resist Lemni. He would keep lashing at the enraged Tentamon with words full of anger. All in all, it was all just a front to try and hide how truly frightened he was. "This- this changes nothing, still don't understand what you're trying to do- just stop! I was willing to share glory with y-you and you throw it away 'cause of stupid attachments!"

Then he had an idea. His head turned to look for Chorda, partially due to Lemni's maw filled with villi kept dazzling and befuddling his nerves. He couldn't stand to look at that new face. It was too terrifying, too alien. "Chorda! I know you're there. Get me out of this. Show me I can still trust you! Scream, right at this thing that's on me! I don't care if I get caught in the frickin' blast!"

The trainer finally missed that dopey stupid smile Lemni would always wear.
Chorda's eyeless form stared at him, his gaze wavering as Lemni's tongues found a particularly sensitive cluster of nerves where the side of his neck met his jaw. Chorda seemed to consider a long moment, regarding Billy, regarding Lemni's hold on him. Chorda jumped with the suddenness of an idea.

She stared at Billy. His vision blurred. Chorda screamed.

Lemni's touches writhed across him, uncontrolled, liquid, Lemni's body bubbling and rippling away from the sound and the fear it induced. Billy felt no more fear than that already wracked upon him, and instead felt sudden relief as Lemni's bonds lost cohesion around one arm, then another.

Lemni's half liquid form was flung off Billy, and no sooner had that happened than Billy's body had flung itself up by itself. Lemni was trying to reform, but slowly, low to the ground now far below Billy's gaze. When Lemni's face reappeared it was his old harmless visage, staring at Chorda with terror, and then Billy with cowed submission.

The same look the immense Jellyron wore, cowering low, flinching away from Billy's gaze. The ground thundered as it scampered back from a lash from Physophora, alive and well.

Everything was okay. Billy had won. He could hear his victory, the crowds cheering him, chanting his name.

"Bill-y. Bill-y. Bill-y. Bill-y." His vision blurred.

He was staring up at the canopy again. He tried to move, and found his limbs still secured by Lemni, Chorda still staring at him, purple arcs of psychic energy discharging from her form to earth in the ground he was still held against.

An illusion - one of Chorda's psychic illusions, an ability she had never, once, ever dared to use against Billy. Glee filled her tiny quivering form, as she felt his realization curdle to mounting frustration.

The curse he was about to spit became a loud cry out, as reality and feeling came rushing back to him all at once. Lemni had lowered his touch down Billy's body, reaching down his chest, something Billy only realized as the first few swipes flicked the tops of his nipples. He could hardly believe the pleasure he felt, mounting as the first tongues circled his sensitive skin, flicked the hardened peaks, more tongues joining in to spread the pleasure over his breasts as Lemni's touch lowered itself fully over his chest. BIlly felt the emasculation at such a distinctly feminine pleasure almost as much as he felt the pleasure itself. Until a particularly dextrous pare of tongues found his nipples, coiling around them, tugging them, forcing him to cry out again.

Lemni's pace of descent was advancing, and between sparks and stabs of pleasure against his lungs, Bily's mind told him that it'd soon be over, Lemni's touch soon passing his chest, descending lower still.
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