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The furry roommate? (Charliesweb7 & Mercenary)

"Well I am good in cities in England and Europe." Kimberly teased. She felt another blush creeping in her cheeks. "I didn't know you felt that way....but sure. I would love to go out with you." She added, smiling as she looked up to him. "Wait...does go out on a date or boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asked him.
"I have to say I'm not so good at cities, for either land." Brian said with a slight chuckle. "Really? Sweet! Well, I'd say date, and the girlfriend/boyfriend stuff is up to you. I wouldn't be against it, I'll tell you that." Brian said to her happily with a smile.
"Well I think just a date for now. I mean, I haven't been in the US all that long!" She added, laughing a bit. "Then we can see how that goes. So what do you do for dates here? Like will tomorrow be our first one?" She asked him. Kimberly like the sound of that...
"Fine by me. Tomorrow would be perfect, with going to the beach and all. I guess that's our date, then." Brian said to her with a smile. "But who knows, a movie wouldn't sound too bad afterwards." he suggested to Kimberly in thought.
"A movie afterwards sounds like fun as well! What kind of movies do you like?" She asked him. This was going to be a great day tomorrow. That was for sure. "The beach, lunch and a movie. Sounds like a great date if you ask me!" She told him, smiling.
"Good. You can pick the movie, just as long as it's not some super-girlie. I'd watch like horror or action, of even romance if it doesn't look too terrible." Brian said to her smiling. "Yes, it does sound like a great date! And you're the best part." he told Kimberly witha smile.
"Aww darn. I wanted a super chick flick marathon with Lindsey Lohan and Sex and the City..." She teased, laughing a bit. She smiled again, taking a sip of water. "Aww, you are just saying that." She whispered to him.
"Yeah, that's not happening." Brian replied seriously, even though he knew she was joking. "Well, I've gone to the beach, and ate, and I've watched movies. All of this stuff I've done before, besides you. Uh, wait, that didn't come out right..." He said to Kimberly, his face turning red, though it wasn't easy to see. It sounded like he had said she was the only thing he hadn't done. "What I meant to say is you're the new, best part of it." He told her a little awkwardly.
Kimberly frowned. "That makes me sad." She joked, but still acting. Her eyes then widened a bit when he spoke. Was it typical to have sex on the first date? Uh... no way. But when he explained himself, she relaxed a bit. "Alright." She said with a small laugh. "I was wondering if intercourse on the first date was typical here." She told him. "I am glad to hear that is not what you meant." She clarified.
Brian only smiled in response to what she said first. But then when she replied to what he had messed up saying, it showed even more how awkward he felt. "Well, sometimes it is for some people, but it isn't a given. We definitely don't have to." Brian told her, trying to esplain a little. It was evident to him that she wouldn't be doing that tomorrow with anyone. And even though Brian wasn't against the idea, he wasn't going to express that he would want it or pressure her towards it.
Kimberly nodded her head. "Alright, that makes sense." She explained to him. "The way things are done over here and back home are sometimes so different." She told him. She hoped this date went well! And she hoped that it didn't make things awkward between them. "I am really excited!" She added, then lightly standing up. "I am going to go pack at least a small bag okay?" She asked him, taking another sip of her water before taking the glass with her.
"I can tell, so I understand what you mean." Brian said to her, glad that nothing super awkward had come out of that. And a date with Kimberly was definitely worth all the awkwardness! "I'm pretty pumped myself. Go on ahead and pack your bag. I might myself for extra clothes and a towel." He told Kimberly, smiling. Brian couldn't wait till tomorrow!
Kimberly nodded her head before heading upstairs. She knew packing a bag would consist of only a few things. A suit, a change of clothes, a towel, some sunscreen and a few other things. She was literally done within 10 minutes. She was really excited for tomorrow. Hell, she wanted to go right now and spend the whole day there! But getting a hotel would be expensive. After she was done, she headed downstairs to get more water.
While Kimberly went to pack, Brian grabbed his own bag and went to his room. He grabbed a shirt, some underwear, a towel, and some snacks just in case. He put them in just a cinch bag, stuffing the contents in before laying it by the post of his bed. Then Brian grabbed the trunks from his drawer and laid them out beside his bag, ready for tomorrow. After that, Brian headed back downstairs, looking around a bit for Kimberly.
She got her water, then smiling at Brian when he came back down. "So...are we going to watch a movie today or what? I mean, there is still plenty of things to do." She told him. "Do you have video games? Like Mario Kart?" She asked. She always played that with her friends brother. It was super fun! Maybe he had it as well?
"I don't know what I'm going to do with the rest of the day, actually. I do, in fact, have an old nintendo 64 up in my room. It has mario kart, too. Do you want to play some?" Brian told her. Did she really like video games? That would in fact be awesome.
"Oh, that sounds like fun. I have only every played it on the Wii. One of my friends brothers has one and I would play over there." She explained to him with a smile. "But I would love to play. Can we?" She asked him, a wide smile on her face as she drank more water before setting it down. "So should we go to your room?" Kimberly asked, ready to go play a game.
"Well, I could only manage to get this at a garage sale, and it came with mario kart. That's all I have for it." He said to Kimberly informatively. "But yes, of course we can play! I was about to ask you the same question. I could bring it down to this TV and hook it up. The one in my room's definitely smaller, but it's already all hooked up." Brian said, letting her decide.
"Hey, that is fine. I have only played a handful of times. Well, I mean more than that but I am also no expert. I get my ass beaten all the time by my friends brother." Kimberly added with a laugh. "Um, it is up to you. If you feel comfortable being in your room or if you want it down here. I want you to decide. I don't want to invade your room." She explained. She hated when her parents barged into her room and invaded there. She figured people felt the same when they had siblings and they invaded their room.
"Let's just play it in my room then. There's not anything private in there or anything that's important. Becides, I invited you in anyway. It's all set up, so let's go. And get ready for some more ass-beating!" Brian said to her as he went upstairs, apparently not really realizing how awkward that last comment sounded.
Kimberly nodded her head, following him up the stairs. It was a little harsh but she just laughed. "I know I will lose." She explained to him, laughing a bit. She then came into his room, looking around before then going to sit on his bed and waiting for him to give her a controller. "I have never played on this before. What is it called?" She asked. She didn't understand about all video games and such. But hey, she wasn't completely clueless. Just mostly clueless.
"Probably. It's the only game I've had up here, so I've gotten pretty good at it." Brian said as they went to his room. The room didn't have anything special really. there was a closet, a dresser, a desk with a laptop, his larger bed, and a small table with a TV and game system. "It's pretty old, the Nintendo 64." He told Kimberly as he took a seat on the bed after turning the TV and game system on.
Kimberly looked to him when he spoke. "Well, just because it is old doesn't mean it isn't good." She explained to him. "Like vintage." She told him. She looked down at the controller, seeing what buttons she would need to press. "Alright, so what will I need to do?" She asked him, looking down at the buttons once again. She didn't want to lose...well at least because she didn't know know what to do.
"Exactly." Brian said, giving Kimberly a smile. He then leaned over and pointed at buttons, telling her the simple instructions of what did buttons did what. The controls were simple, and maybe even familiar to newer games, but she would be able to know how to play after the first time Brian told her what to do, especially having played a mario kart game before. "So, race, or battle?" Brian asked her, letting her decide what they would play.
Kimberly listened to each button, then lightly pressing it just to make sure she had it. When he was done, she nodded her head. "Alright, that sounds easy...." She replied to him, then looking up to the TV. "Uh...what is the difference?" She asked him, looking over to him. "Race I guess?" She asked him. What was Battle? She figured they would play more than one game anyways.
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