Dalaran's Inn (Ragnar & Alex_Fox)



Isar Vorphois was a rather common draenei, too young to join the army and probably considered too weak for it, he worked at Dalaran Alliance Inn during the nights. Barely reaching 7' and the light weight of 215 pounds, with a pale blue skin and four thin tentacles, two each side of his chin and no facial hair, his physical complexion wasn't very masculine for the draenei standards. He had two short horns, still growing, his grey hair almost reaching his shoulders and shiny light green eyes, one of his pointy ears was pierced at the lobe and tip with a thin silver chain linked to both small silver drops. He dressed the normal way, a simple white shirt and brown trousers, bare hooves. Isar liked to adorn his hair, tentacles and long thin tail with golden rings, some of them with small red gems and others with blue gems.

He used to tend the inn tables and rarely he went up stairs to get some bedroom ready for a customer. Isar even helped at the kitchen sometimes, washing dishes or assisting the cooks, which he liked more than going around the tables picking up empty bottles and glasses and unfinished food and being confused with a draenei female, something that bothered him but not enough to do something about his delicate being, though. The young draenei liked to spend his free time at the inn doors, staring at the starry sky above the floating city of Dalaran and sometimes lowering his usually wandering gaze to the people coming and going outside and inside the big Inn building.
Adamar Emberwalker was blood elf taking care of some business in Stormwind that was not exactly legal, times were tough and people needed things that others couldn't get which is when they called someone of Adamar's unique skill set. He was a known thief in the underworld that had a very good reputation for getting the job done, his business complete he decided to leave the city and visit an inn and see if he couldn't find something to amuse him, he was like most blood elves muscular but not overly so. It was a slender muscular form athletic but not bulging with muscles, like most blood elves he wore red though his was a slight darker shade to match the color of his hair giving him a slightly different look. His clothing simple hard leather good for protection to a certain extent but more importantly it hardly made a sound as he moved, two short swords strapped to the back his waist a single ruby in the hilt of each one, his hair long and silky look to it drifting just passed his shoulders, eyes green in color looking almost luminescent.

He had a stout jaw manly one could say and he was lucky enough to have been given above average looks, he couldn't say he was the most handsome in all the land but he could say he was a good looking male. He carried only a little with him, his current load a bit of food and a sack full of profits from his latest job which he promptly set on the counter "a bottle of your strongest stuff and a hot meal would do me good" he said in a smooth alluring tone that had charmed more than a few out of their hard earned objects and their clothing. His sharp eyes glancing around the inn until he saw someone that might interest him but for now it seemed there were none so he would have to be content with his alcohol and food until one showed up.
The bartender and Inn's owner called Isar who was picking up some empty pints to take them to the kitchen. He lifted his eyes for a second to let the man know he heard him, barely paying attention to him and after he got the last jar on the salver he made his way through the tables to the bar and left the salver next to him, waiting to take the new orders to the kitchen and taking a moment to study the new stranger.

It was a surprise having a blood elf like him there, even knowing some of them stayed with the Alliance, they normally wear the blue uniform, yet this one seemed to be an independent one, wearing his kin color but not really belonging to either Horde or Alliance, which wasn't really hard to imagine by the short swords, a rogue probably.

Resting his elbows on the counter, Isar slightly tilted his head, his tail moving slowly from side to side, as his eyes went up from the swords to the elf's red hair, an unusual color among his race but he found it to be very appealing to the elf. Isar's eyes followed the blood elf's back line, his shoulders, his arms, and finally his eyes jumped up to peer at the elf's profile. He leaned a bit forward to try and see the rest of his face, a hint of curiosity on his eyes, a small smile adorned his face as he found out how handsome the elf was.

But he was quickly taken away from his investigation. The inn's owner had been waiting for him to react, aparently, and when he ran out of patience he just placed an empty wooden pint in front of him banging the counter, which made the draenei jump back a little, the man gave him a not very friendly glare and ordered Isar to bring what the elf asked for. A bright blush turned his cheeks purple as he gave a short glance to the elf, hoping he didn't realize that he was staring at him and almost ran into the kitchen, forgetting the salver he was supposed to take.
Oh Adamar knew that Isar had been looking at him just as he had been looking at Isar though with a little more stealth than the Draenei server but that was to be expected from a rogue such as himself. He learned at a very young age you needed to know exactly what was around you at all times or else you could end up dead especially when you were a loner like Adamar was, for instance he had seen the bright blush come to the Draenei's cheeks making him look even cuter than he already was. He watched the server's backside as he almost ran to the kitchen finding himself interested in something here finally, now he would just have to find out how interested Isar was in him and if that could become more than just some interest.

"You there" he addressed the bartender "what is the server's name?" he asked in a curious tone, his voice a mix of smooth charm and a deep strength that suited bigger men and not an elf yet seemed to work well for him. The bartender looked as though he wasn't ready to answer such a question until Adamar spoke the right language by flipping him a coin "boy's name is Isar", Adamar liked the sound of that name it rolled off the tongue well he thought "well I'd like some time with Isar so try not to call on him too much" Adamar said confidently before flipping him another coin "and do get him out here a little faster".

The bartender wasn't one to ask why and he wasn't one to keep a good paying customer waiting "Isar hurry up with the food and drink!" he yelled towards the kitchen before making his way to the other side of the bar to leave Adamar alone. A little smile on his lips as he looked towards the kitchen intently, the second Isar came out he would see the rogue staring at him, his fingers playing with another coin rolling it over his fingertips slowly from one side to the other. He couldn't wait to see how long it would take to have Isar in the palm of his hand as he had with so many others, would he be a moaner or a screamer he wondered to himself naughtily, shouldn't count your chickens before they hatch he thought to himself playfully but he was confident anyways.
Isar crossed the kitchen door carrying a salver with the bowl of food, a black bottle and a glass, sending an annoyed glare to the man that quickly turned into a shy, lower gaze as he realized the elf was staring at him. He stopped for a second, hesitating, his eyes reaching for the coin for an instant and back to the elf's green eyes, he swallowed, feeling the burning heat of a deep blush on his cheeks. The draenei finally finished the way to the bar, he left the salver and took the bowl and glass to place them in front of the elf, his hands slightly shaking as he opened the bottle and filled the glass.

" 'Er you go" Isar spoke softly, his nervousness made his normally controlled accent to came out freely.

He took slow a view of the place, still close to the new customer, realizing he didn't have anything else to do for the moment, he saw one of the girls from the kitchen was tending the tables now, something that seemed very strange to him but he just shrugged and left the blood elf alone, trying not to be as annoying as he felt he was before, it was evident that the elf knew he had been staring at him, Isar slowly walked away, heading to the Inn's doors.
The draenei really was an adorable one Adamar thought to himself as he watched Isar's gaze fall away from his when he realized that the blood elf was staring intently at him, he said nothing as Isar lowered the items and filled the glass. He must admit that Isar's accent was amusing to here as he suspected that it wasn't something he tended to let out, it was the same with most servers trying to learn to speak proper and what not which never made sense to Adamar because everyone spoke differently so how could speaking a certain way make you proper and another make you not proper he always said. Granted as a rogue he had certain freedoms others did not, never having to bow down to others because they had some fancy title that was nothing more than a word, whether you were a peasant, a lord, or a king a short sword to the chest would kill you all the same.

As Isar began to leave the rogue's hand shot out with trained speed grasping Isar's wrist lightly but it was more than enough to keep a grip "now now Isar why are you leaving so soon?" he asked in that charming voice laced with playfulness now. A sly grin forming on his lips as he pulled Isar back towards him with a light pull "wouldn't a good server offer to keep a lonely traveler company?" he asked in a teasingly tone "this lonely traveler would certainly enjoy the company of a cute young draenei such as yourself if you would grace me with your presence". The elf's words were smooth as silk and flowed out like he was used to saying such things to everyone, rogues had a tendency to know how to butter people up after all why kill someone when you can make them work for you, "so what do you say Isar? would you be willing to keep me company?" did he mean more by that last remark it was hard to tell and he couldn't wait to see how the cute draenei responded to his brazen charm.
Isar froze, as he felt the grasp around his wrist, knowing that the only one near enough to reach for him was the blood elf, he slowly turned facing the elf as he spoke, his eyes widened, the blush spread to most of his face, his lips parted as if he was about to say something but he really didn't have enything to say, he just stood there speachless, gasping softly as he was pulled closer. Isar was taller than the blood elf but he felt somehow intimidate by him, it wasn't fear exactly, it was more like a helpless feeling at the good looking elf's features.

The elf's voice sounded incredibly nice, he loved how his own name sounded, the grin that the elf flashed made his heart pound heavily inside his chest. The draenei lowered his gaze, locking his eyes on the floor's patterns, hearing how every word came out and feeling like he was really in fault for leaving him, a slight smile appearing as he heard the other calling him cute, which made him genuinely happy, but he grew more nervous, specially with the elf's last question, the tone felt a bit diferent, but by the Naaru he was trying desperatly to find words to say.

After a long silence from him, he finally stammered a few words.
"Forgive me... I... I've been very rude at you, Sir." He looked at the elf in the eyes for a swift moment, quickly lowering his gaze again as he continued to speak. "I'll... I'll keep you company, Sir."
It seemed that Isar enjoyed being complimented Adamar thought as he saw the slight smile that came to his lips, there was a long silence and for a moment the blood elf thought perhaps he had been a bit too brazen with his words. He was just about to tell Isar he could go when the nervous Draenei spoke up saying that he had been very rude, Adamar hadn't meant for him to apologize but before he could say so Isar said that he would keep him company after all while adding a sir to the end. "Oh sir?" he asked in a playful tone before using a foot to push a chair to the side so that Isar may sit "not many people that call me sir" he said while smiling up at Isar "please sit Isar unless you'd prefer to sit in my lap" his tone left it up to the adorable Isar to decide if that was a joke or not.

"And you may call me Adamar" he said just before releasing the boy's wrists though he did let his fingers trail down the soft flesh slowly before pulling his hand away, "would you care to drink with me?" he asked before grabbing up the bottle to drink from directly. Not the best that he had ever tasted but definitely not the worst either, some people tried to pass off swill as a good drink and that kind of deception was not welcomed by the rogue which was a bit ironic since most of his job entailed deception of some sort. "So tell me Isar how long have you worked here?" he asked casually just wondering if could get Isar to open up a bit instead of being so nervous though he did find that quality nice, he wondered if Isar was the type to be nervous and embarrassed easily in bed because that was something Adamar enjoyed as they were the most fun to tease.
Isar looked at the blood elf as he asked him to sit, showing a small smile but looking away when the other joked about sitting on his lap. He hesitated for a moment, hearing the elf introducing himself and waiting for him to let go his wrist, he liked the touch of Adamar's skin but he did feel a bit more calm when he took his hand away. Isar sat next to Adamar, reapeting the blood elf's name a few times in his thoughts, liking how it sounded.

"I'll join you... Adamar" The elf's name came out slowly, his accent making it sound longer maybe, pronouncing the d as if it was double and extending the final a a bit.

He reached for the filled glass and took a few sips, he couldn't help to frown slightly, Isar didn't like strong beverages, and this one was bitter and the taste of alcohol remained on his mouth for a while. The draenei wasn't really used to drink, alcohol affected him rather quick and he wasn't fond to hangovers after a night of drinking. He drank a bit more though, before answering Adamar's question, he placed the glass away, and waited for the slight disgusted face to become neutral again before looking at him with a soft smile to speak.

"I've worked 'er for three years" He spoke shyly and slowly trying to put his draenei accent aside. He didn't like to speak much, with other than his own kin at least and he wasn't used to customers talking to him. Besides, Adamar's voice was so nice and the words he pronounced felt like a floating stream to the ears.

Isar began to relax very slowly, if it was the few sips of alcohol he drank or Adamar's kind of hypnotic way of speaking, he didn't know, yet the blush from his cheeks refused to go away. From the moment that Isar saw Adamar sitting at the bar he thought he was really atractive and sitting next to him and talk with him made him feel flustered and happy at the same time.
Adamar could tell the boy did not like the taste of the alcohol and he couldn't blame him, alcohol was an acquired taste that one couldn't get unless they drank often which the blood elf did after every successful job. "Three years?" he looked a bit thoughtful "should have come here three years ago then" he said in a playful tone before giving the blushing draenei a wink as well, "so tell me Isar is working here fun or exciting enough for you?" he asked curiously "or does your life need more excitement in it?". The elf now leaned forward placing the bottle upon the table before running his fingertips along the draenei's thigh slowly as he waited for an answer, it was an open display of want for anyone to see though no one was paying attention to them he doubted Isar was thinking straight right now.

His fingertips slowly going farther up as the elf's radiant eyes stared into the draenei's, this was a tease yet at the same time he was not teasing about the rest as the more he looked at Isar the more he wanted him. Usually he wouldn't be trying to move this fast but Isar had shown interest in him as well and there was something about the boy that riled Adamar up inside, he couldn't explain it and he could care less why all he knew is he wanted it, when the rogue wanted something he either paid for it or he took it. His finger tips so close to Isar's nether region yet they lifted from his inner thigh just before touching as the blood elf did like to tease quite a bit now th next move was up to Isar though Adamar wouldn't mind 'convincing' the adorable male some if he had to.
The draenei smiled and chuckled softly as the other said he should've come earlier, lowering his gaze when Adamar winked at him. Isar meditated for a moment, he never thought about the excitement or lack of it in his life, his job wasn't exactly fun but it wasn't a torture either. He shrugged ready to answer when he noticed Adamar's hand reaching for his thigh, Isar followed the hand, his eyes widened as he saw how the fingers reached up his leg.

"Is... just a job" He replied, still staring at the elf's hand, his own hands slowly fisting on the counter as he grew more nervous again. He bit his lip and looked up at Adamar, his hand felt good, the way the elf was glaring at him showed notorious interest on him but he couldn't help to feel very uncomfortable, it wasn't Adamar's attitud Isar realized moments later, what made him feel like that was all the people around them, the inn's owner, the waitress, the customers, it felt for Isar that the place was crowded and he quickly found that he wanted to be alone with Adamar. He swallowed nervously as he thought about being alone with the elf, and he really thought about just being alone, no other idea came to his mind, despite he knew what Adamar's caress meant, his lack of experience in that aspect made his mind to go blank.

Even when Isar wanted to leave the inn's canteen he wasn't sure what to say to Adamar. He looked around, as if he could find an excuse for them to leave but there was nothing he could use. Isar sighed and very slowly and carefully he spoke again, barely looking into Adamar's intense eyes.

"Did you get a room already?" At last, Isar did find an excuse. "I... I could settle one for you"
Isar looked completely frozen at his touch as if he were unable to comprehend the hand that was touching him, it showed the blood elf that Isar had a lack of experience and that had the elf very curious. He wondered if Isar had ever laid with another before, the idea of taking the boy's virginity was quite appealing yet he should not just assume things perhaps the draenei had been with another already, either way he was going to enjoy his time with Isar. The question of a room came up and it seemed Isar already had the answer of how they could get away from everyone else, "I have yet to get a room so that does sound like a wonderful idea Isar" he leaned in closer so he could plant a soft kiss on the cutie's lips not caring who saw and no one was paying attention to them anyways.

It was a quick tantalizing kiss meant to encourage Isar "lead the way and I'll enjoy the view from behind" he said as he broke away from the kiss to stand, he licked his lips hungrily as he wasn't teasing when he said that. He had only a briefly glimpse of Isar's backside before and it had been more than enough to arouse Adamar now he would probably watch it the whole way to the room and the second they were alone he was going to do more than just look, if one had the nose they would have smelled the arousal and lust that emanated from Adamar right now and it was only building more as he knew soon he would Isar all to himself.
The smile Isar's lips showed was covered by Adamar's lips, which made his face burn and his heart beat rise, he felt the heavy pounding of his heart almost like it was about to come out of his chest. Adamar's kiss felt good, his lips were soft and left Isar wanting for a longer kiss, as the elf pulled back he leaned a bit forward unconsciously, almost waiting for Adamar to kiss him again.

But when the elf spoke about watching him from behind he couldn't help to send a surprised glare at him. He stood up, staring hesitantly at Adamar for a moment before he started his way to the stairs, walking slowly, his tail accompanying his moves waving armoniously with the soft thuds of his hooves as he began to go upstairs.

Isar stopped for a moment at the end of the stairs, remembering which rooms were available. He turned to see Adamar behind him, after he picked the room for him. "This way" He said shyly, turning right after the stairs and walked toward the second door and oppened it and slowly went in.

"I 'ope you like this one" He said showing a smile to Adamar as he walked toward the closet where the towels should be, to check if they were there. At that moment he was just doing what he had been told to do when showing a room to a customer, focusing on the next thing he should do, he didn't manage rooms very often, he almost forgot the kiss and the glare the elf gave him before.
As Adamar walked behind Isar he saw the tail swaying with every movement and he wondered if Isar enjoyed having his tail played with, Adamar wouldn't have to wait long to find out. As he entered the room behind Isar he shut the door not caring about anything else he just cared about Isar being alone in the room with him now, "any room would be good as long as you are in it with me" he said in that charmingly soft tone before placing himself behind Isar. His strong arms wrapped around the boy's waist before pulling him in close, that luscious rear of his pressing against the blood elf's arousal now and he would feel the heat of Adamar's hands as they ran down his felt stomach slowly through the clothing.

The blood elf was well endowed though not overly so at nine and a half inches with a bit more girth all around to stretch his partners wonderfully, "tell me little Isar have you laid with another already or am I your first?" he whispered the question up to Isar. Though Isar was taller than him it was obvious who was the more experienced and who was more dominant thus his calling Isar little, his hands slipped between the draenei's legs now running over Isar's nether region slowly teasing the boy as he continued to press against him. Adamar had to keep calm as the male in him simply wanted to just strip off their clothing throw Isar onto the bed and fuck him until he came, there was more to sex than just that though sometimes that kind of sex could be quite fun, it wasn't the time for that kind of sex though he would take his time and really enjoy this.
Isar smiled to himself as Adamar first spoke, and was about to turn to show him a little shy smile when he felt the blood elf's arms around him. Instantly, his breath became unsteady and his heartbeat rose widely. He looked down, biting his lip, feeling how Adamar's hand went down his stomach and he liked the feeling but couldn't help to become very flustered feeling the pressure behind him, it seemed to Isar that Adamar had a huge member and for a moment he thought about how would it feel to be entered by it. Would it hurt? Or feel really good? Or both? Isar shivered, taken away from his thoughts, blushing heavily with Adamar's question.

He closed his eyes and made a weak attempt of moving away or thought he tried to move away from Adamar as he opened his eyes again to see he hadn't really moved. Isar gasped feeling the elf's hands reaching his legs and touching him between them. All those new sensations made Isar feel a rising heat from where Adamar's hands were and spreading through his body, and it was hard for the draenei to put words together to answer the elf's question.

He took a deep breath, trying to control himself to speak and turned his head slightly toward Adamar.
"Never laid... with no one before."
Isar's voice came intermittent, between short soft pants as Adamar's kept to press against him and touching him.
Soon enough Isar confirmed that he was a virgin which made the rogue grin wickedly, some would have found that to be troublesome but Adamar saw it as an opportunity to teach Isar how amazing sex could be. "Ah poor little Isar" he whispered up at the flustered Draenei who was letting out cute pants "you're so cute I don't see how anyone could not want you" his hands found Isar's growing arousal now squeezing it lightly through the cloth "don't worry this big bad blood elf will be gentle" he bit down on the soft flesh of Isar's neck "at first at least" he growled the last part lustfully into Isar's ear. "I'll teach you everything I know" one hand left the boy's arousal the other gripped it gently before stroking it softly through the clothes, his other hand going to the draenei's head so he could turn it back towards him now, his eyes staring into Isar's for a moment.

Soon enough Isar would feel his lips pressed against the elf's as Adamar continued to stroke him softly while grinding his own arousal against the boy's body from behind, the height difference not a problem as he had brought Isar down to his level. True Isar might be bigger but he wasn't the alpha type which was fine by Adamar as he would have fun controlling him, the kiss soft at first just their lips pressing against each other but that changed as the elf's tongue slipped out and into Isar's mouth invading it quickly so he could get a taste of Isar for real this time. Every second that passed the kiss grew more passionate and deeper letting the two of them getting a proper taste of each other, the elf could already see them doing a lot of things together as he wasn't lying earlier he would teach the boy everything he knew to make him the perfect little femboy partner for him.
"Ahh" The soft gasp interrupted his panting breath, escaping Isar's parted lips as he felt the hand squeezing him, he brought his hands to Adamar's wrists, he didn't want him to take his hands from him but he'd never been touched there and he felt a bit embarrased, but he slowly got used to Adamar's touch and began to relax, liking the way Adamar was stroking him. His twitching tail curled for a second between the elf's legs as Isar felt the teeth on his neck, shivering with Adamar's tone as he spoke. Isar looked back into Admar's eyes, closing his own as the blood elf pressed their lips together, Adamar's continiuos motions against him made him moan softly into the kiss, which felt nice as the first Adamar gave him, and soon he found himself loving the feeling of that deeper and strong kiss, his low moans slowly becoming longer and his breath heavier.

Isar allowed his tongue to slide into the other's mouth, slowly exploring it, almost imitating Adamar's tongue moves since he wasn't really sure what to do. The draenei felt how his arousal grew, recalling for a moment what Adamar said about teaching him, what made him become a bit jittery at first, Isar thought everything was feeling very good so far and he did feel curious about how would feel everything the blood elf knew.

He took a hand to Adamar's face, loving the feeling of his skin and reaching for the silky red hair, pulling slightly as, in a bigger pulse of pleasure, Isar couldn't help to buck his hips back toward Adamar with a long louder moan, his other hand slowly moving from the elf's wrist, up to the rest of his arm and down again a few times, pressing lightly with his fingertips the toned muscles.
Adamar's body always felt electrified when he found someone new to play with and with Isar it was no different, a lesser male wouldn't have been able to contain themselves when Isar kissed back eagerly like that. The boy lacked experience but he was a quick learner it seemed and he was very eager to get some more experience from the blood elf, the bucking of hips was felt yet the elf gave no real reaction to it he just continued stroking the draenei's arousal softly as their kiss deeper and hotter. Adamar pulled back only when the two of them needed to breathe, soon enough he was moving to the left just a bit so he had access to Isar's backside with his hand now "you really are a cute one" he said softly as he moved his free hand to the plump backside of his partner. He gave the cheeks a soft playful squeeze before slipping his hand into the cloth easily, the warmth of his hand now on Isar's bare flesh as it trailed down to the very area he had just been squeezing though now there was nothing stopping the contact of their skin.

"Tell me Isar does your first time feel nice so far?" he asked just as his hands reached the draenei's cheeks and he teased the soft flesh with his fingertips before trailing them down further. This was Isar's first time so he was going to take things slow and get Isar ready for him before he ever tried putting himself inside, his finger pressing between the cheeks trailing along the sensitive area inside the cheeks circling that tight entrance slowly never quite touching it directly but oh so close at the same time. His other hand now releasing Isar's length through the cloth though he was far from done with it as it trailed up to the edge of the boy's pants then slipped right in as well, now Isar would feel that warm hand grasping his arousal though he did not begin the stroking right away. His fingers danced along the shaft running along it lightly before reaching the head, a single finger rubbed along the sensitive head but more importantly the little slit upon the head was being rubbed gently as well, teasing from both directions now the elf couldn't wait to see what kind of reactions he got from Isar now.
Isar looked at Adamar with half closed eyes when he broke the kiss, controling his now very agitated breath to show a swift shy smile at him as the elf spoke, but his face burned again at the feeling of Adamar's hand on his cheeks, turning quickly and lowering his head to hide his blushed face and now wide open eyes with his hair when Adamar slipped his hand under his trousers.

The draenei's hands nervously grasped the arm Adamar still had around him when he was asked about the feeling of his first time. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing but a surprised yet not disgusted groan came from it as he felt the hand reaching lower between his cheeks, Isar shivered, feeling his entrance twitching every time Adamar brushed his fingertips closer.

"Y... yes..." His voice wasn't more than a whisper, coming out quickly as Adamar let go his member. He took a long deep breath followed by soft gasps as he felt the elf's fingers, an almost tickling sensation along his shaft before that finger that made him moan loudly and rock his hips toward Adamar's hand.
Isar tilted his head up, stretching his body, which made the curve of his back increase, pressing his rear against Adamar, moaning and unable to realize what did he like more, he couldn't help the slowly rocking of his hips back and forward toward both stimulations.
It seemed that Isar's mind couldn't decide which sensation it liked better as he rocked his hips back and forth as if trying to get more pleasure from both areas, Adamar was having quite a bit of fun teasing the draenei and he wondered how long before Isar came because of his teasing. "Do you want more pleasure Isar?" he asked in an overly sweet tone as his finger brushed right over Isar's virgin hole lightly, Adamar could feel it twitching underneath his finger which made him grin as he could only imagine how that would feel around his cock. "Do you want my finger to slip inside your little hole?" he asked as his finger slipped over the boy's hole once again teasing it, "tell me what you want Isar because I want to know" he whispered into Isar's ear before he bit at it softly, his own arousal straining against his pants but right now he was having too much fun to be concerned with that.

His finger pressed right at the center of Isar's twitching entrance pressing forward just a bit so Isar might think the finger was going to enter him yet it stopped pressing forward because he wanted to hear Isar say he wanted it. His other hand now leaving the shaft to travel down to the draenei's balls gently cupping them and then a light squeeze so he didn't hurt him, "someone is awfully worked up have you ever been so aroused?" he asked playfully before licking along Isar's ear. Soon enough he released the boy's balls and now those skilled fingers began to dance along the sensitive underside of his cock, up they went nice and slow then back down only to be repeated slowly of course as he got off on teasing Isar so.
Isar's first thought to answer that question was yes and it would've been a loudly moaned yes if it wasn't for the bashfulness that his thought unleashed on him. He bit his lip, feeling how Adamar's finger trailed once and twice against his entrance, and rocked his hips back a few times harder than before, a loud moan got to leave Isar, as the second question was made and he tried to imagine how would it feel but he didn't want to answer and admit he was yearning to find out. Adamar's talking as well as his teasing touch made Isar almost desperate getting from him a mew like low moan as the elf bit his ear.

He moved away from Adamar's pressing finger for a second before going back to his former position, as he continue to move back and forward but slightly his motions were directed more toward Adamar's finger. Tightening his grip on the elf's arm, his nails pricking the other's skin, a long whine escaped him when Adamar loose his now leaking cock. Isar couldn't hold back a gasp as the other took his balls on his hand. If Adamar really wanted him to answer, he was making it very hard for the young draenei who was trying to answer him and not yell the words out.

"No..." He finally answered weakly to Adamar's last question as he looked down at his cock almost disbelieving he could be feeling all those things and ashamed for liking it so much being teased like that by the elf.
Isar's body was very hot, he felt the sweat running down his back and chest, his breathing was agitated and he wasn't able to stop the string of moans from coming out. The only way he could answer Adamar's others questions was with his own body, he was still embarrassed, maybe more than earlier, for what he was about to do.

Isar held to Adamar's arm as if he was going to fall, closing his eyes and focusing on the elf's touch he slowly pushed back against Adamar's finger, letting the digit go inside him, as slow as he could, trying to know if it would hurt or not. His entrance pressed the finger for a second making Isar moan loudly and felt how his inner walls began to clench around the small part of the elf's finger that was inside him, he stopped then unable to control that and biting his lip to muffle his moans.
When Isar managed to mutter out a very soft no to Adamar he gave a soft squeeze to the draenei's arousal, it seemed that Isar finally made up his mind which sensation felt better as he pushed back again the finger teasing his entrance just a bit. It was enough to slip the tip of Adamar's finger into him and almost instantly the blood elf could feel how tight Isar was, of course he was already imagining that hot tightness wrapped around his cock with Isar clenching around him moaning. He groaned softly into Isar's ear at the thought "mmmm you didn't say you wanted my finger inside of you yet you push back against it like a naughty boy" he said softly before giving another nibble on the sensitive flesh of Isar's ear. "Naughty boy's usually get punished with more teasing" his finger began to slip out of Isar's clenching hole "but I'll be nice this time" he said playfully as his finger now pushed forward lightly instead, the boy's ass clenching around his finger but also allowing the elf's finger to slide into it slowly but surely rubbing along the sensitive inner walls as it got deeper and deeper.

To help relax Isar or at least make him focus less on the finger so he wouldn't tense up and slow progress even more he nibbled on that sensitive ear before speaking again "Do you want me Isar? and by that I mean do you want me to take you, to ravish you, to fuck you until your body can't take anymore pleasure and you feel the bliss of release from another man?". The hand at the front was now pulling out though it was not to stop it was to get the bothersome cloth away from Isar's body, with surprising efficiency he undid a few strings loosened up some stuff and with a simple pull down Isar would now find his pants around his ankles and a very pleased elf pressing his finger all the way into his tight but willing hole. "Better answer my question or else I'll just keep teasing you until you do" his tone playful yet oh so serious because he could do this all day, now Isar's arousal stood out looking lonely so the elf's hand came back to grasp it before gently stroking it once more though this time Isar got a front row seat to the elf playing with him.
When Adamar called him naughty Isar looked down, again using his hair to hide his face from the elf, but when he spoke about the punishment, about teasing him even more, Isar thought that would be imposible, how could the elf tease him more than he was doing at that moment. The draenei whined as he felt Adamar's finger going slowly deeper inside his body and the more Adamar reached in, the more pleasure Isar felt and he showed it by moaning loudly. The nips at his ear making him shiver and moan softly, Isar was surprised he could do such different noises and he never thought he could be so sensitive and could get so aroused by someone's touch.

Isar heard as Adamar spoke again and tried to imagine how would it be to be taken by him, if his finger felt so good, the feeling of his cock would be great, even if it could hurt and he wanted Adamar to stop driving him insane with his teasing. He saw how the elf stripped the bottom part of his body and let go the elf's arm and reached back holding himself to Adamar's hips. Isar pushed his pants so he could spread his legs, bending his body a bit, moaning as Adamar pressed his finger inisde again.

Isar put all his shyness and embarrassment aside for a moment, holding his moans inside and trying to breath deeply a few times, he turned his head just enough to look at Adamar from behind his grey hair with an almost pleading gaze.

"I want... you" Isar took a deep breath to stop a moan as his hips bucked toward Adamar once more. "I want you to..." The draenei bit his lip for a second before speaking again "Take me" Isar looked at the elf for a moment, thinking how handsome he was and how much he was enjoying but he couldn't keep his eyes on Adamar for a long time, saying what he said was almost too much for him.
The more sexual sounds that Isar let out the more Adamar wanted to hear, they were music to his ears each sounding better than the last, the pleading look from the draenei sending a shudder through his body. Though Isar may not know exactly how to handle himself he had an allure to him that could draw in male and female alike, his reactions were cute and sensual in one making a potent combination that could have turned straight males gay just so they could have Isar to themselves. Now Isar managed to say he wished for the elf to take him and Adamar was more than willing to do so, given the way Isar said that and how his body was reacting a weaker male would have just thrown him to the bed and got to the sex but not Adamar. This was Isar's first time so he was going to make it memorable not just a quick fuck between them "I will very soon Isar I promise you that" he said encouragingly as his finger slid in and out of Isar's ass slowly "no need to rush though" his tone playful as he knew that Isar's body was more than willing to rush right now.

"I want you to strip the last of your clothing off, then go to the bed and lay down on your back" he whispered the orders into Isar's ear gently "I want to look into your eyes as I take you" he growled the last two words into the boy's ear lustfully. Isar wasn't going to get any of this done with Adamar teasing him so the elf slipped his finger out slowly and pulled his other hand away from the draenei's other sensitive area, "I will soon join you on the bed to give you what you want" he said eagerly before giving the plump ass in front of him a light smack making the cheeks jiggle a bit. While taking another from behind was quite fun it was more for the rough sex which he wasn't going to be starting with, he would get to that after warming up inside of Isar not to mention he could find some fun things to do in that position as well he thought to himself as he waited for Isar to take his position now.
Isar moaned feeling the finger moving inside him and hearing Adamar's voice, saying he would take him but he bit his lip as the other said there was no need to rush, Isar thought Adamar would keep teasing him for much longer and then he spoke again and now asking him to strip in front of him and lay on the bed. He made a mental view of how he would look at the moment, his spread legs, his hips pushing back his rear against the elf, blushed face and half closed eyes, parted lips from which loud moans and pants were coming out, his cock leacking at the slow strokes, it wasn't like being completely naked could make much diference yet being in his current position it was far less embarrassing than facing the elf, showing to Adamar the lustfulness he could get from him directly.

He whined as Adamar took his finger out of him, Isar didn't want him to stop, even if he asked the elf to take him he didn't want to stop feeling what he was feeling inside him. Isar's body tensed and he let go a soft gasp as the other smacked him, it didn't hurt, just surprised him a bit. Isar bit his lip, aware that Adamar was waiting for him and he slowly took his shirt, lifting his arms he removed it and let it fall on the floor after he gave a quick glance back at the elf. The draenei hesitated for a second before start walking slowly toward the bed, his tail nervously curled almost around one of his legs. He sat on the bed and settled his body almost at the center, his eyes jumping from one point to the other on the room until they finally found Adamar's, those green eyes, resembling fireflies, that were fixed on him. The shy draenei somehow managed to show Adamar a small smile for a swift moment and his own eyes shone, as he glared at the elf, full of arousment.
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