Dark Cure; A Carpathian Romance. (Raziel99/Hana)

Alexander couldn’t help the smile that came to him at her reaction to his body, feeling her ease into him so easily, her feet curling around his, her hand taking his and lacing her fingers with his. Her words were comforting, and he nodded at her request, kissing the base of her neck. “I promise you will see it.” He whispered, feeling her drift off into sleep. He was silent, but he felt his heart swell as she turned to face him in her sleep, feeling ever closer to her.

He was silent as she slept through the night, his fingers going through her hair so gently. As the sun rose he decided to sleep, his heart slowing to a near stop, his breathing near ending. But his mind touched hers with a simple command. Be not afraid, for I still live. Thankfully, he hadn’t fully bound her to him, but he knew it would still be shocking to her.
Sybil slept better than she had in a long while. She slept so soundly and without interruption whereas she would usually wake up throughout the night regardless of how tired she would be. Her dreams were filled with beautiful, optimistic images… some she’d never even thought of before. By the time she woke up in the late morning, she’d never felt more refreshed and rested. Her blue eyes slowly opened only to meet with his slumbering face, a small smile forming on her lips as she watched him rest. It was true, he did seem as if he’d passed away but she trusted what he’d told her and didn’t panic for now. She remained in his arms for a bit longer, before she would slip away from him carefully and sit up on her bed, rubbing the back of her neck and her face to wipe away any remnants of sleep left behind. Getting up, she walked to the bathroom and began to pick up the blankets and pillow she’d laid out for him the night before and put them away in the linen closet before going about her morning routine of brushing her teeth, hair and all of that. When she exited the bathroom, she carefully walked over to the door and opened it just slightly for her body to squeeze through, not wanting to risk any light getting into the room regardless of how much they’d blocked the windows.

Once she was alone in the living room, she thought of what she should do now since usually she would spend a good portion of her mornings taking her medicine and struggling through how sick they made her feel shortly afterwards before going on about her business. Right now she had a choice to make and she had to wait until he got up to talk to him about it. If she left with him, she would have to make sure she left her things in order before just taking off. Sighing softly, she walked over to the counter and grabbed her cellphone off of it, dialing her work number and calling in sick, informing them that she would work from home today before she hung up and grabbed a quick breakfast, then grabbed her laptop from dining table and moved over to her couch, curling up with it before she got to work.

Sybil worked with computers in a security company and specialized in cyberforensics but most of the time the people used her as the IT girl when they couldn’t figure out what was wrong with their computers. The day passed by rather quickly as she worked, only getting up a few times during some breaks to get something to drink or check in on Alexander. She had peeked through one of the coverings on the windows and saw that the sun was close to setting soon so he would be coming back to her in a short while. The thought of seeing him again excited her and made her genuinely happy, even if she didn’t want to be so damn obvious about it.
Alexander slept peacefully through the day, completely undisturbed, although he felt a weight in his chest as she left him to go along with her day. But she still had a human life, and he wasn’t going to disrupt it until she was ready to let it go. And as she was suicidal until he came around, maybe she was ready to let it go soon. There was no rush, though. It wasn’t like he could leave New York until his job was done, and he had no idea when that would be.

The sun soon started to set, and he stirred in his slumber, his form starting to get rid of the day kinks in his joints, his heart and breathing coming back to normal levels. She didn’t freak out, that was a very good thing, and she was careful enough that he didn’t have any burns on his body, although he could heal those over. She did care, it seemed, and it made his heart swell.

He stretched before walking into the other room, shifting to sit on the couch, turning to face her. “Good evening, Sybil. Did you sleep well? Had a good day?” He smiled, tilting his head slightly. “I know you have a lot of questions now, and we have time for me to answer them. Please, say anything, and I will answer to the best of my abilities.”
Sybil looked up at the sound of the door opening and her heart began to pound at the mere sight of him, a sting came over her lips from them wanting to be pressed to his once more. She had to rub her fingertip over them to ease the feeling before she closed her laptop and moved to put it on the coffee table before bringing her feet up on the couch, crossing them in front of him. “I slept pretty soundly and deeply… it’s been a while since I felt so rested in the morning. I usually feel like I’d been run over by a cart or something and I’m sometimes grumpy.” Sybil joked and giggled before she heard the second part of his statement, blinking a few times before looking away.

“I do have some questions… like, What are you doing here and why aren’t you back at your home?”
She asked him, her eyes still looking away from him until she got the courage to ask what she’d been wanting to know; the answer could possibly have something to do with her decision, or not. She wasn’t sure yet. “If… I decide to be with you and allow you to help me, could I stay here? Or would I have to go live with you over in your homeland? Don’t get me wrong, I’d like to visit and see it, I just… feel nervous about the thought of moving to live in a place I’d never see before.” Smiling slightly to try and ease any concerns he may have that she was leaning towards declining his offer, she reached over and placed her hand on his.
It was a rather interesting start to the morning at least, and Alexander didn’t know how to take her questions. They were probing at least, and that was a good sign, it meant that she was invested enough to ask questions that mattered, that could change how she saw the world and him. However, if she didn’t like his answer, he doubted that she would want to stay with him. After all, it was the loosest of conections between them right now, merely a knowledge of their spirits pulling towards each other. He toyed with making the blood bond between them that night, but pushed the notion aside. He would not be breaking her trust that night.

“I’ll start with the last first.” He finally said, feeling her hand atop his, shifting it to lace his fingers with hers, his other hand to rest above hers. “I have to stay here for who knows how long on my current objective: the search and removal of the Vampires in this city. However, when that is done I will be returning back to my land for a short time. Many of my race settle down in one area, and now that I have found you I am sure I would be allowed to stay here as long as I wish after I give my report to Mikhail. But otherwise, I go around the world, doing spot Vampire destruction when they come around.

“I suppose that answers why I am here, too.” He managed a soft chuckle before shaking his head slowly. “We will return to my home, and from there, it’s possible we either go around the world in the hunt, or we stay in this city if you like that. Of course, this housing is… inadequate for a Carpathian’s living. I have a place ready when you make your choice, somewhere safe.” He shifted, leaning his head back, eyes closing. The movement seemed to open him up, pushing his chest forward and baring his neck for her, as though his body subconsciously thought she was his mate already, offering his neck for her to feed on.
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