Dark Cure; A Carpathian Romance. (Raziel99/Hana)


Dec 9, 2010
Uhh... Somewhere >.>

The room was as cold as usual, particularly the almost transparent sheet of parchment paper that protected the cushions of her seat and made a soft crinkling sound every time she would move even the slightest. Her bright blue eyes scanned the patient room briefly, trying to find something of interest to look at as she waited for her doctor to finally come in to see her. The longer he took to come in the worse her nerves got as her mind raced through endless possible outcomes; some good, others bad… mostly bad ones. It was a way of her coping with any type of bad news, she figured that if she expected it beforehand, she wouldn’t feel disappointed or crushed when it turned out that way. Finally, her eyes caught sight of a chart of the human body and she went on in her boredom to try and memorize all the fingers in the foot, a bit of unless information she doubted she’d ever need to know in her life.

After she finished with the last one, she glanced over to the sink and caught sight of herself in the reflection of the mirror. Goodness she looked terrible… She had dark circles under her eyes from the lack of sleep she’d been having lately; the tip of her nose was all red from the cold she’d been fighting for the past week which only accented the freckles she had spread over her nose and cheeks. She looked more pale than usual as well but it didn’t bother her too much since it made her natural red hair pop out that much more and it looked pleasing to the eye. Her long-sleeved red and gray sweater dress looked a bit bigger than usual on her, perhaps she’d lost a bit of weight these past couple of weeks. Usually that would make a woman happy but she felt bad about it since she used to look healthy and lean when she felt better. It made her feel sexy… now she just felt scrawny and unattractive and as soon as she thought it, she quickly tore her gaze from her reflection and mumbled slight curses under her breath. Finally she heard a knock on the door and she immediately sat up straight, placing her hand on her lap to greet her doctor.

”I’ve got your test results, Miss Winters.” The doctor would say as he walked into the room and stood in front of the young red-haired woman sitting on the examiner’s table. Almost instantly, she could tell by the look on his face that he didn’t bring good news with him and if it had been earlier in her life, she would have been devastated but at this point… she accepted it with a calm demeanor and a small, gentle smile on her face, along with a look of understanding and acceptance for her fate.

“Thank you, Dr. Cunningham… for everything you’ve done and tried. But I think I’m going to stop here. I think I’m ready to go in peace. I would rather not spend the last bit of my life feeling sick from medicines and treatments…” Sybil, as the young woman was called, remarked to her doctor who had a look of sadness and defeat on his face, though he tried to manage it so he looked as if he supported her decision regardless of his conscience screaming that he should try to convince her to continue trying. Still, he’d been seeing her for years and he was disappointed that she had taken such a bad turn even after some promising progress she’d had recently. He knew that she wouldn’t change her mind. With a resigned sigh, he would reach out to the girl and place his hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle, reassuring squeeze.

“If you need anything… please call. We’re all here for you and we’ll always make time for you, Sybil.” The older man would say before turning away and walking out of the room, leaving the girl by herself to let what had just happened sink in completely. She remained silent and still for a few moments, staring at the ground without blinking as she was deep in thought, slightly disappointed that she’d been right but trying to convince herself that this was for the best. The silence in the room was broken by a soft, scared whimper that signaled some tears that were threatening to form on her light blue eyes but she quickly bit them back and held her head high, sitting up straight and shaking her head with a determined look on her face.

No, she wouldn’t let this break her. She would continue on with the little time she had left and she would live her life as she hadn’t before, even if she had to do it all alone. After giving herself a quick mental pep talk, she grabbed her coat and slipped it on, closing the clasp in the front of her waist and wrapping the scarf around her neck. She covered her fiery red hair with a white knit cap and grabbed her purse before walking out of the room, saying her goodbyes to the nurses and leaving.


Sybil replayed that scene in her head over and over again as she made her way home, having just exited the subway and walking down the street towards her small apartment. Living in New York sure had is benefits, having had some of the best doctors she could afford and having whatever she needed for her health, but the one thing that always terrified her was the transportation. During the day she wasn’t so scared of going out alone, it was at night when everything got dark and the creeps came out. Sybil held onto her purse tightly, her hand inside of it and clutching onto a small Taser she always carried with her in case something happened as she made her way down the cold, desolate street. What could be seen of her milky, pale skin seemed to glow under the streetlamps fluorescent lights in a way that even the dark circles under her eyes were barely noticeable. After a quick look to the night sky, she had a feeling that it would probably start to snow soon, filling her with a small sense of joy that she would at least get to see it a few times before it all ended; perhaps she could even got ice skating if she still had the energy by then.

Her attention was brought back to her surroundings when she heard some noises coming out of from an alleyway, it sounded like a trashcan falling over followed by a screeching cat. She’d jump at the noise and the sudden rush of adrenaline caused her heart to beat faster and make her start walking quicker to try and get home sooner so she’d feel safe. Unfortunately for her, the quicker pace caused her to begin coughing and her head to start spinning and her body began to feel heavy and limp. She covered her mouth with her hand and stood in place, holding onto a street lamp for balance as her knees began to shake as if they were threatening to give out. The coughs were loud and sounded as if every one of them caused her incredible pain in her chest, which they did. Blood began to spray into her open hand, causing her to choke slightly as her body fell against the lamp, sliding down slightly before she gasped desperately for air.

Sybil cursed herself for having over-reacted to a damn cat in an alleyway so much to the point that she made herself sicker in that short amount of time. Mustering up the rest of her strength, she looked up over at the next lamp post, her vision already blurry before she pushed herself off of the one she leaned against and stumbled her way over to the next one, continuing like that for about three more before she heard more rustling behind her, now followed by feet stamping on the ground. Her free hand dipped into her purse and she took out the taser, clutching onto it tightly and hiding it at her side as she continued to move forward. Not ten feet later, the stamping feet got closer and quicker and the last thing she saw before she was taken down to the ground was a ground of men running to her. If it hadn’t been for the taser, they might have attacked her worse off but she must have startled them with the electricity after she shoved it in the face of one of them. During their confusion, Sybil scrambled to her feet as best as she could and screamed for help, going through a coughing fit as she ran as fast as she could.

It had been a long flight across the Atlantic to New York City for Alexander, making sure the windows of the jet were closed, human friends of his flying the damn thing. It would have been far faster to go there himself, if only for the fact a man appearing from nowhere was never a good thing to society. So he took the slow way, leaving his brothers behind in Europe because Mikhail wanted him in America to keep an eye out for possible life-mates and to keep an eye out for Vampires. Plus keeping an eye on those that weren’t mated and far away from home, probably, but Alex had his orders, and he was fine in working for them. Being a rich man coming into the neighborhood was always a good thing, as well.

The flight was planned perfectly so they would land just after sunset, giving Alexander plenty of time to scout out the area while his things were taken to his flat in the city. He thanked the servants, giving them a decently hefty gift for their work before he set off into the night, on the prowl both for a potential meal and to get to know the area. After all, he was still a Carpathian, and he needed blood to survive, as careful as he was not to drain a person. The beast within was still strong, ever whispering for him to give into such a simple thing. But he was steadfast against that vile act.

Alexander took the form of a hawk as he went over the city, carefully scoping it out. He could smell the dangers of the city, fear and anger from the populace. He had about half of the city in his mind when he heard the screams, a person in danger, and a familiar scent that made him freeze for just a moment. A woman was being attacked by Vampires. And it was his duty to stop it. So he descended quickly, a dive bomb towards where the screams were coming from. And what he saw there surprised him.

Four vampires were baring down on a woman, who stumbled in her running. Could she have been ill? He could smell the blood in the air, making him lust for her blood, but her safety was the greatest issue. Then he could tend to any wounds that she had. His divebomb turned into a drop kick as he shifted before impact, flooring the vampire that was immediately on her heels. His hand quickly plunged into the back, ripping the heart out. He ignored the burning of the blood, shredding the heart before immolating it. Alex quickly leaped onto the next closest, ripping an arm off before going for the heart, setting it ablaze inside the vampire itself. He turned in time to see the other two run, either from knowing who he was or because of the spectacle of a slaughter he just did.

He quickly wiped the blood from his hand before going to the woman, picking her up carefully, looking her over for wounds. “Are you alright?” His eyes found hers, and he found himself averting his eyes, a blinding blast of light overtaking him. What he saw when he managed to open them surprised him. Colors. It was so long since he saw colors last. He hid the surprise though as he turned back to her. “You’re ill. Where are you staying, so we can get you somewhere safe before trying to heal you.”

Sybil wasn’t sure why the men were chasing after her like that or why they’d suddenly attacked her, in fact she didn’t even know that they weren’t normal humans and just assumed they were some thugs trying to rob, rape then kill her or something. Whatever the reason was, she wasn’t going to give up so easily. Even if she coughed out a lung, she wouldn’t die by their hands. Her screams for help felt as if they had fallen on deaf ears as she saw no signs of anyone coming to help her get away to safety… that was until she heard a loud thud behind her and a horrifying sound of something being impaled. The smell of burning flesh and blood filled her nostrils and caused her to gag and feel even more lightheaded. When she turned to look behind her, the sight she caught was truly unbelievable… She MUST have been imagining it; nothing else could explain it.

She’d fallen over when she took the time to look behind her, tripping over her own feet and rolling a few feet on the sidewalk before she would lift her head up to watch the strange massacre in front of her, all the while coughing and gasping for some much needed air as she clutched onto her chest and moved her mouth. Her usually rosy lips had turned practically while from the stress on her body while it shook violently on the ground. After he dispatched with the second one and the other two ran off, she felt safe for a brief moment until the thought of him possibly going after her now came across her mind, instilling great panic from her.

’Shit! Did he kill them in order to get to me for himself? Or is he actually helping me out of the kindness of his heart… matter of fact how the hell did he light them on fire?!’

Many thoughts rushed through her mind before she felt his hands on her followed by a strangely warm and comforting feeling flooding her from the point of their physical contact as he helped her up to her feet, though she still held onto the lamp post close to her for balance when he’d turned away after asking if she was alright. Her panic had started to fade away slightly, but she could barely speak her throat was so hoarse it stung when she tried to form words in her mouth, that and she was still coughing and wheezing quite loudly. As she wiped her mouth and chin of the her blood, her blue eyes searched his face for any signs of ill will on her but she found none… just a strange sense of concern and urgency to get her to safety which frankly perplexed her.

Since she was unable to speak, she did something she usually wouldn’t have and she entered his mind with her family’s inherited ability, the power of telepathy given to them by the blood of psychics. She pushed through the first barrier, going in deep enough so that he could hear her soft voice in his mind clearly. ’I live just down the street… the brownstone with a blue door … it’s the only one down this street.’ Not only did she say that to him but she also projected the path from where they were down to her front door.

Alexander was far more worried about getting her to safety and her personal health that it showed in how easily she pierced his mental defenses. He was shocked, and he heard her voice and the way in his mind. He was silent for a long moment before he moved, literally picking her up, holding her across his chest, one arm at the small of her back, the other slid under her knees. He moved with haste, taking her to her apartment, but he spoke to her mentally along the way.

A telepath. You are an interesting find here, but maybe that is why I was sent here. I have many things to tell you, and I can heal you, but… it is going to be a great effort on both of our parts. But please, first thing, tell me your name.

He made haste to her place, the door opening of its own accord, closing and locking behind him. He rushed to her bedroom, laying her down on the bed. “You were attacked by Vampires, you are lucky I was in the area… I was lucky to be in the area…” He shook his head as his hands went over her, a warm light coming forth as his eyes closed. He did what he could inside her, closing lacerations but there wasn’t much he could do for her without changing her.

“I can save you.” He said softly. “But it means a lot of pain, and you won’t be able to go back to your current life. It… is a lot to take in, I know. I will stay for now to make sure of your safety.” He moved to the windows, looking around before closing the blinds. He went around the house, closing the windows to make sure no prowling Vampires would be keeping watch on the rooms.
She stared at him all the while he was silent in front of her, possibly deep in thought. It would be easy for her to figure out what he was thinking but she didn’t want to impose on the privacy of his mind, not to mention it was rude to do that to someone who just saved your life from some strange men. When he finally moved to pick her up, she could feel blood rushing to her cheeks, bringing a rosy color to her cheeks as she felt her heart jump at this man picking her up in a way many women dreamed of. Instead of watching him with intrigue like she felt compelled to, she closed her eyes and took a moment to catch her breath properly, easing the air into her lungs to help relax her.

Her eyes opened wide when she heard his voice inside of her head, shocked that he’d followed the path she’d made into his made right back into her own; thinking about it now, she shouldn’t have underestimated him considering what she’d just seen him do. If it had been any other time, she would have been angry and pushed him out with great force, but so long as he stayed around in a polite manner, she wouldn’t feel the need to do so. His words confused her though…. He had many things to tell her and he was going to heal her? Who did this guy think he was some sort of guru o-... hmm… perhaps she’d better not underestimate him again or else she’d be surprised once more. When he asked her to tell him her name, she looked up at the side of his face before speaking out in his mind once more.

’My name is Sybil… Sybil Winters. What’s yours?’

Sybil responded before they got into her home and the fact that the door just opened and closed on its own didn’t surprise her, mostly because she was just glad to be in the safety of her own home and the comfort of her lovely, and soothing bed. After he’d placed her down, she went to slip off her boots but stopped as soon as she heard him speak once more, this time saying something that absolutely floored her before his hands hovered over her and the light soothed her pain and the ache in her throat enough for her to be able to speak again.

“What are you talking about, Vampires? There’s no such thing as Vampires. Those are just things from movies and books right?”
Sybil asked him, rubbing her throat as she looked up at him before she thought back to the scene before and how they went up in flames… “That’s impossible…” She mumbled that part to herself before she turned her attention to the next thing he said. “Save me? What do you me-..” She was cut off by him getting up to walk around her home and secure it. Taking the opportunity that he was off and about, she slipped off her boots and got up to go to her closet, slipping off her coat, white knit cap and scarf, setting them on a hamper before brushing down the back of her dress. Her dainty digits ran through her long, fiery red hair before she moved to follow him in the living room.

“Look… I don’t know if anything you’re saying is true or what you’re talking about… But I don’t need to be saved or healed… I’m dying and I’m just fine with that. Thank you for your concern but its really not your place to make such a claim regardless of the fact that you just saved my life; Which I’m thoroughly thankful for, by the way. I definitely do NOT want to go out the way they probably had planned for me… “ Sybil said to him before she looked over to her kitchen and motioned to it. “Can I get you something to drink since you’re staying a while?”
He was quiet about his name for a long time, until they were in her apartment, mostly out of worry for her. When he was sure that she would live through at least the night he finally spoke his name. “My name is Alexander DeVaux. It is an honor to meet you, Sybil. It is my hope and wish that this is not our last encounter.” He went off to scan the house after that, sealing windows and making sure they were not infiltrated. Thankfully, that wasn’t true.

He was starting to make glyph wards when he heard her voice, and feeling like he had to explain things to her before protecting her. He turned to her, his black hair sweeping behind him. “I find it a little ironic that a Psionic is doubting the reality of Vampires. But yes, they are real. I myself… am something similar but far greater than them. I am Carpathian, of the earth. Those Vampires are degenerates of our race that turned into monsters, feasting on human blood like carrion. I am here to make sure they don’t do that.”

He turned from her, weaving in the air, putting powerful protective runes through the house. “They wanted your blood, maybe even to turn you into a vampire. But… I offer a far better solution.” He finished and turned to her. “I can save you. I can show you a world greater than you ever imagined. But I… cannot simply let you die.” He looked away for a long moment before turning back to her. “I will stay to protect you as long as you need it. But I can’t let you die. I…” He frowned, turning away from her.
After he’d explained things to her, she turned her attention to a photo frame on the coffee table in front of her tv. It was a picture of her parents and her, both of them from strong psychic bloodlines. She thought back to the stories they used to tell her when she was a young girl of Vampires, Mages, Werewolves and a race of the earth… She’d long forgotten about those stories until he brought the memories back up just now. It suddenly wasn’t so hard to believe, in fact she felt silly for not thinking about it earlier. A small smile appeared on her lips before she turned her attention back to him after he’d finished doing whatever he was doing.

Though when he mentioned wanting to save her again, she could feel her annoyance for him building up already. She didn’t want to suffer anymore… she wanted this all to end now but all she wanted was to go out on her own terms and make the best of the time she had left. “Right… yea some sort of mystic solution where I won’t ever have to suffer again, I’ll be fit as a fiddle and you’ll whisk me away on some magic carpet or whatever to a land of wonder and merriment…” Sybil said sarcastically as she brought her hands up to her temples to rub and soothe them before speaking up again. “Thank you for your concern and the offer but my choice still stands… There’s nothing you can do to change my mind, nothing you can say either…” She continued, now feeling a bit bad for being so harsh but she hoped he wouldn’t take it too hard.

Sybil didn’t question out loud his reasons for trying to convince her so much even though he’d just met her, but she was incredibly curious. Her blues eyes took the opportunity to look him over briefly when his attention was turned away from her and she found herself thinking about how attractive and handsome he was. He looked so mysterious, yet just from the look of him, she felt her heart pound against her chest for reasons still unknown to her.
Alexander could feel her eyes raking over his form even as he thought. “Yes, actually. You wouldn’t have to suffer again.” Although she rebuffed him once more, and it was starting to agitate him. Couldn’t she see anything? She could go into his mind surprisingly easy, but considering she was his life-mate, it didn’t surprise him all that much. It was just a talent and the link only half there for them. He fought showing the agitation in his form, even as she denied him.

He turned to face her, seeing the desire hidden in her mind, fire in his own. She was a beautiful thing, a redhead in soul and body. He walked towards her, his body moving with every muscle shifting deliberately, trying to show himself a little better but doing it discreetly. He walked past her, looking at the picture on the coffee table. He was quiet, pensive for a long moment, before turning back to her.

“Sybil.” He said softly, although his voice definitely took a deeper tone with it. He moved close to her, shifting his form to lower his head to her ear. His voice went a tone husky, making his own heart leap at his boldness. “Your thinking about me, but not in a bodyguard way.” He shifted, his hands going to her shoulders as he slid behind her, fingers massaging the muscles at her shoulders and neck. He leaned back down to whisper, low and husky. “I could take care of everything, anything you wanted, if you would just let me. I could ease the pain, and I could make you feel much better than you do now.”
Her heart jumped in her chest once more when he began to move towards her, her knees shaking a bit but just barely to be noticed as the image of his just taking her into his arms and ravaging her entered her mind and ran through it for a short moment before she shook herself out of it and blinked a few times. ’What is happening to me? I’ve gotta get a grip… I can’t let this guy win over my resolve. Who the heck does he think he is coming here and… Oh dear god he’s perfect… Look at those muscles and those eyes! I could just stare at them forever… b-but I won’t! He’s just some weird Carpathian dude who’s… very hot… In my living room and wait he walked right past me…’ Sybil thought to herself, making sure, or at least attempting to make sure she was away from reach his mind had on to hers otherwise it would be very embarrassing and awkward for her if he’d been listening in the whole time.

Which he was considering how his actions that came next when he turned to her and began to place his hands on her from behind. His voice was like silk to her ears, soothing and comforting but sensual… His breath against her skin when he grew closer brought goosebumps to her skin, covering her arms and legs completely as blood rushed up to her cheeks once more. Sybil couldn’t move or think properly at this moment, she was stuck in place as his fingertips left behind trails of luscious fire on her skin wherever he touched, leaving her body aching for him to continue against her own will. His words were perfect… everything she wanted to hear and all she’d dreamt of hearing… but that was just it. She dreamt and thought about it often enough that through their connection she was sure he could get a glimpse into it at the very least. In an instant, walls and barriers were brought up in her mind, shoving him out of their connection as much as possible before she brushed his hands away and she turned to face him.

“You do NOT have permission to enter my mind like that… That is an invasion of privacy and incredibly personal! I have not looked into yours regardless of how tempting it has been and I expect the same from you. Who the hell do you think you are?! You have NO right!” Sybil shouted out to him, her expressing changing to a more annoyed look as she scolded him for not respecting her boundaries. “How many times do I have to say no? This pain I have gone through has been enough! I don’t want to go through any more! You think you can just come in and make outrageous promises like that and expect to believe you? No one has been able to help me… What makes you think you could?!” Sybil had gotten so worked up, her voice broke at the last part and she had to cover her mouth as a small coughing fit came through her, causing her to lean over and tilt down slightly as her body shook. “Dammit… now look what you’ve done…” She coughed slightly as she covered her mouth with the sleeve of her dress and pressed her hand to her chest to ease her breathing.
As Sybil stepped away from him, having a coughing fit, Alexander automatically moved, a hand going to her back, between her shoulder blades. The warming light came, and he took his time to clear out her lungs and heal whatever superficial wounds came up from her fit. Sadly, though, there wasn’t anything that he could do about the disease without changing her, and she was steadfastly adamant about that. “You need to calm down, Sybil. Over exciting yourself is just going to injure yourself more. Sit down.” He shifted her easily, having her sit down on her couch before sitting next to her.

Gently his hand took hers, fingertips gently massaging the soft muscles there to try to ease her mind. “I did not enter your mind. I did not have to do so to see what you were thinking. Your relaxed posture, the flush that came to you that makes you glow, the sparkle in your eyes, that was all I needed to know what you were thinking. I respect your privacy, and I wouldn’t dream of breaching such a thing. You should trust me more.”

He shifted slowly, bringing her hand up to his lips, kissing her palm ever so gently. “I am a healer of my kind, Sybil. But what I propose to you is more than simply healing your condition, for I cannot simply heal you and leave you as a human. I would turn you into one of my kind, another Carpathian. The process… would be painful, a change directly to the core of your being. But you would be safe, and live as long as you wished to.” He leaned close, finding her ear, whispering softly, although there was a husky undertone to it. “Please… I need you. Don’t let me walk this world in darkness again. I know it feels strange, but I know you feel it as well. It’s alien to you, but I know this feeling, what was ingrained into my being. Trust me… Please… I can explain everything in time.”
He was relentless, that was certain. The way he instantly moved to tend to her and took the time to take care of her and “Heal” her as he claimed was something that was completely foreign to her. A man that just screamed masculinity and dominance from his every pore but yet here he was, tending to her with a warm tenderness and carefully trying to ease her into the sense of comfort he’d been constantly flooding over her since they’d met earlier that night. After he’d sat her down and moved next to her, she listened to him as he explained how he knew what she was feeling or thinking and she kicked herself for over-reacting and also being so obvious to the point where he easily picked up on it. But how was she supposed to know? She’d never so much as blinked before when a guy came near her and now here she was reacting like some sort of animal in heat.

He brought forth such an unknown reaction from her and it seemed so natural and complete to her. The way her muscles relaxed at his touch, the little bumps that appeared over the surface of her soft, pale skin, the way her lips quivered whenever her eyes caught sight of his lips that seemed to call for her to touch them, not to mention the pulsing she felt at pit of her womb each time he moved close to her and he spoke in that incredibly alluring voice; All of it worked together bring new and exciting feelings rushing through her body and instinctively, she wanted to share them with him. Sybil listened to him speak as he explained to her once more what he was and his proposition. It sounded good and perfect but she’d only just met him so why was he so stuck on this?

“Alexander… “ She spoke his name in a soft voice with an unknowingly sultry tone hiding within it. Her bright blue eyes found his and she felt as if her heart would burst out of her chest right then and there so she quickly turned her gaze away, placing her hand over her chest in an attempt to calm herself. “Why do you need me? You’ve only just met me after saving me from some vampires… why is it so important to you that I go with you? Tell me that… I can’t even consider such a thing without knowing your intentions and your reasons for picking me of all the women in the world…”
Alexander heard her words, the pleading tone for his answer mixing with the sultry undertones. He could see that he was getting somewhere with her finally, that she was willing to listen without being judgemental about it, although he didn’t know for how long that would last. He leaned his head down, lips gently brushing against her neck, feeling the pulse jump in anticipation, the hunger welling up inside him before he pulled away quickly, fighting it back. To want to bite and share within her was natural, but the beast’s hunger was relentless, and he had no idea what would happen if he would partake and kill her in his needs. He would probably meet the sun that morning if he did.

“It is a long story…” He said softly, turning his eyes from her as he thought of the best way to explain it to her. “The males of the Carpathians are born with their souls split asunder, and instead of half of their soul they have a hunger, the beast we call it. It urges us to the darkness, to become a Vampire in the end. We train to fight it back, but it only goes for so long. After a while we lose touch, our emotions and colors, seeing everything in black-and-white the most literal of ways. That is, until we find those with the other half of our souls. Our life-mates.

“Sybil…” He turned to face her again finally, his eyes locking onto hers, his own a window deep into his mind. Within it was only her. “When I saved you and saw you for the first time was the first time I felt anything in many years. You gave everything back to me, pushing down that beast… because you are my lifemate. You can feel it, the sudden attraction when no other man was interesting to you. The heat. The pull to me. I feel the same. And I can’t simply let you go. You mean more to me than any single person in the world.”
His lips against her neck caused exciting chills to run up her spine, making her bite her lower lip and even lean her head to the side to show him more of her neck until he spoke and she caught herself in such a willing position. She sat up straight and brought her hand up to her neck to cover it before looking up at him when he began to explain himself some more. At first, her initial reaction was to call him a kook and not believe him but the more he explained, the more intrigued she felt by all he said to her. As he told her about how when he saw her, he felt the instant connection, she couldn’t help but feel flattered though she had to admit he couldn’t have come at a worst time. Sybil tore her gaze from his once more, looking down at her hands as they fidgeted nervously in her lap and she took a deep breath.

“I’m not sure if you’re being truthful right now… I’m not even entirely sure this isn’t some sort of hallucination or something, but… “
Sybil paused for a moment as she looked around her apartment and saw how empty it felt… If she rejected him right then and there again, she would be alone for the rest of her time she had left to live but if she went with him, who knows what sort of changes she would have to make. What would he be like, what sorts of things would happen? All these things ran through her head and while she had to admit, the unknown excited her, she couldn’t bring herself to continue living alone while sick.

“I just want to enjoy the rest of what little time I have left… I’ve already made my decision on that. If you’d been here sooner then perhaps I would have been more optimistic and willing to try anything but… You found me at a time where I’m at my lowest and… I just want it all to end.”
Sybil said softly, a sad tone to her voice and her eyes filling with somber emotions. The young girl remained silent for a short while before her eyes looked up to meet his, a small smile on her lips. “But… I guess its not just about me anymore now... right? So… with that said, if you can at least show me what my life would be like with you before any type of big changes, maybe I’ll be more willing to allow you to help me. Don’t you think that’s an ok compromise?” Sybil asked him before her hand reached out on its own and placed itself over his.

“Its just you can’t expect me to jump right in and be all honky dory about this. You have to give me time…”
She was far easier now, listening to him, willing to give into his words. She relaxed visibly, being attracted and turned on by him. She tried to hide it, but did a bad job of it. He managed a smile as he heard her first words, turning his head slightly to her more. “If you do not believe me, look into my mind. See for yourself the world before and after you. My words will ring true then.” He could see that she was getting excited about his words and wants, but she held back on it.

“You can have more than a little time left, if you let me take care of you. I want to make you feel better, emotionally and physically.” He was silent as she continued talking, and it wasn’t long before he felt her hand on the top of his. His hand shifted slightly, flipping over and gently taking her hand in his. “Sybil.” He said the name softly, a lot of emotion in his voice. “The transformation that will save you will take time before it can finish, and if you fall too ill it could become too late. But I understand wanting to have some time to think it over, but I don’t know how much time we have to spare…”

He was silent for a long moment, before he moved closer to her, pulling her closer with a hand at her hip. His lips found hers, a soft embrace, his eyes closing as he enjoyed the brush of his lips against hers. He had to take it slow when there was no time to spare, and it tore at his insides. But he didn’t let that show on the outside, although his mind showed it perfectly. “Sybil…” It was almost desperation in his voice.
Sybil wasn’t sure why she was being so calm with him right now. Usually, her hot head attitude and stubborn ways would have told him to get the hell out of her house. It annoyed her that she couldn’t be like that with him right now and she wasn’t sure if it was because of this lifemate thing or because deep down she wanted to believe him… For now she would chalk it up to stress and her being so tired from the hectic day she’d had that day and just ease her troubles by at the very least complying right now. Besides, if he was willing to give her the time she needed to sort out her own issues and all, why shouldn’t she at least give it a try? If anything it would be an opportunity to experience things she never even dreamed of and go to places she’d never before seen… It could be a very exciting chance to live life more than what she’d been living thus far; not to mention he was a devilishly handsome man who just from meeting her seemed devoted right away and wanted what was best for her… she’d have to be completely mad to not give that a chance at the very least.

She’d been snapped out of her thoughts when she felt his hand on her hip and she caught sight of him moving closer to her, his face growing nearer until she could feel the heat from his breath against her face and finally the soft, velvety feeling of his lips pressed against her own. It caught her completely by surprise and she just sort of sat there, staring at him for a moment before her body took over on autopilot and her eyes closed while her hand reach up to his cheek, cupping it and gently rubbing it with her thumb. It felt incredible… It was perfect and sweet and the connection she felt as soon as their lips met filled her every nerve ending with an enjoyable spark and exhilaration flooded over her. The barriers she’d put up in her mind to try to block him from her came down enough to show him that she would at least trust him for now, giving him this much so that he could patient with her so he wouldn’t feel like he’d gotten nothing from this compromise.

Even if she didn’t completely agree with it, she wanted to at least try… When they broke apart, she found her body screaming and cursing trying to urge her to take hold of his lips with her own once more but she remained in place as her eyes scanned over his face, her hand running down to his shoulder with a gentle squeeze before it slipped down his chest and returned to her lap. “I’m pretty exhausted… I’m going to take a shower and get ready for bed… Make yourself at home and get as comfortable as you like, ok? We can continue discussing this later or tomorrow when I'm much less tired.” She spoke with a small smile on her face, her cheeks still flushed as she got up from the couch and gave him a small wave before heading over to her room, closing the door slightly behind her before she reached up the sweater dress up enough so she could slip her leggings and black panties off, tossing them in the hamper. Sybil walked over to the bathroom connected to her bedroom and she left that door open a bit, turning on the light and walking over to the shower to get the water running at the right temperature. It was a fairly large walk in shower with a glass door and a waterfall showerhead, one of the fancy kinds that she just HAD to have when she first bought her apartment. The bathroom began to steam up from the warm water as she grabbed the bottom of her dress and slipped it up over her body and over her head, tossing it on the ground just before she reached up in front of her and undid the clasp that held her black bra together; releasing her full, perky breasts from the confines of the silky fabric leaving her nipples unguarded to the warm air that began to fill the room.

Sybil stood in front of the mirror, looking over herself with a slight frown as she turned from side to side. Since she’d gotten sicker, she’d lost a bit of weight so she didn’t have as much of the curves she usually did and it bothered her to no end. Mumbling softly to herself, she brushed her fingers through her hair before walking to the shower and closing the glass door behind her as her body slipped under the warm water and soaked every inch of her body in a matter of seconds. “Mmm I needed this so badly… This feels amazing!” She exclaimed softly with a light squeal, enjoying the water cascading down every curve of her body before reaching out to begin washing her body and hair.
Alexander was reluctant to break the kiss, but he did, knowing that bringing too much too quickly would be a bad thing, scare her off or something. And yet he could feel her wish to continue with it, to push further into his body and just fall into the bliss that was his awaiting arms. He half wanted to pull her into it, but knowing how stubborn she could be, he decided against it. He could feel the barriers in her mind coming down for him, and he brushed against the edge, letting himself share emotions with her, his care for her but also his need for her.

Alexander was quiet as he heard her words, watching her walk past to her room, not quite closing the door so he could see her movements, her undressing partially before moving completely out of view. He stayed within his own mind until he felt her move another room away, the warmth in the air from the running water coming towards him. He smiled to himself, eyes closing and head lowering as he let his mind connect to hers, although he didn’t go into looking at her physical form. That would be rather rude of him.

You left your doors open, Sybil. His voice was soft, teasing, as he did what he could to ease her mind, to help her relax in the water. I hope you don’t take too long, because I would enjoy a little more time with you before you sleep. I’ll need a room that light cannot get into to keep myself safe. Alex stood, looking around the house, cleaning up a few things while she washed up, not wanting to seem intrusive to her.
Sybil was slightly startled when she heard his voice in her head while she’d been showering but she quickly relaxed at the gentleness that came with him entering her mind. His emotions flooded into her and she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with the need to reciprocate those feelings for him, even if she wasn’t quite ready to. It seemed her heart and body were already connected to him while her mind still fought to remain independent. When he mentioned that she’d left her doors open, she smiled softly as she shook her head and began to finish up washing her hair.

’I’m sorry, I’m used to living alone and not having any company over so I just left them open without thinking twice about it. ‘ She explained while she rinsed her hair out and resumed washing the curves of her body, spending particular time with her breasts and thighs as she spoke to him once more. ’As you can see, my apartment is pretty small… the only place I have space for you with no light is my bathroom and that would be uncomfortable for you, no doubt. My room is the only one with one window that I can block with several layers of curtains or some blankets…. I’ll sleep on the couch so you can have the bed as my guest.’ Sybil smiled to herself before she went ahead and finished up the rest of her shower and got out, wrapping a towel around her body after drying up briefly and she walked out to the bedroom rubbing another towel to her bright red hair to dry it. Sitting down on her bed next to her nightstand, she grabbed a bottle of lotion and began to rub it all over her arms, legs and chest before getting up and moving over to her dresser to pick out her night clothes and get dressed once more.

A few minutes later, she walked out to the living room to see him again wearing a white tank top with a pair of dark blue short shorts and some ankle socks with her hair up in a ponytail. “There we go… all clean and refreshed.” Sybil commented with a slight giggle before walking over to the kitchen to grab herself something to eat before heading to bed. On the counter, there were a lot of pill bottles of medicine she had to take; she stared at them for a moment before shoving them into the trash, mumbling something about not having any point to taking them anymore before she grabbed a sandwich out of her fridge and a can of juice. While she ate standing up, she looked over at him and began to try and make conversation with him.

“So where exactly are you from? Do you have a lot of family that are… you know, like you?”
As she spoke, she couldn’t tear her eyes off of him and she knew full well of it. Her eyes just scanned over every detail of his face and body she could down to the way his chest moved when he took in a breath and how his clothes fit on him. It made her body tingle with a sense of anticipation and curiosity for what exactly lay underneath the fabric.
There is no need to apologize. I just didn’t know if you had a purpose, is all. Alexander shifted on the couch, laying back with his head on the arm of it, letting his eyes close and whole body relaxing, letting himself sense only with his mind at the moment. I do not need comfort, Cara Mia. I simply need a place to rest where I know I will not die in my sleep. The bathroom will be more than fine. But I must warn you, my kind go into a deep, trance-like sleep. It may seem like I am dead, but I promise you I am not.

Alex heard movement in the other room, but it was simply her coming out of the bathroom. With the door partially open he was able to see her slightly at that angle, seeing the curve of her back as she put lotion on her skin. He couldn’t help the surge of heat, the erection and his beast screaming at him for him to move in, to join her and take her as he should, as his right as his lifemate, but he knew that was a dangerous choice. With her illness and her hesitance with him, it could be serious.

She came out of the room, looking stunning in thin clothing and her hair up. Alexander suddenly felt overdressed in his own clothes, and hot. Slowly his arms shifted, sliding the cloak off of his shoulders and throwing it on a nearby chair, leaving himself in black pants and white button up shirt. He watched her movements, throwing away medicine while getting food. Did she do this because of a death wish, or a subconscious choice to be with him? He didn’t know either way.

She ate standing, and he could feel her eyes moving over him, his erection bobbing painfully in his pants, a little too obvious, and almost as much so as he didn’t try to hide it, splayed out on the couch as he was. “I have two brothers, they are still in eastern Europe at the moment. Both are like me, yes, although I’m the eldest of the two.” Alexander’s eyes took a moment to go over her, that perfect body, before raising back up to her. “Raphael has already found his lifemate, although Zalera is still searching.” He bit the inside of his lip lightly as he looked at her. “What about you? What happened that made you come here to live alone?”
Her eyes watched at how comfortable he seemed on the couch before they caught sight of something; a bulge in the front of his pants and she found herself shocked that he would have reacted in that way so soon, but somehow it didn’t really surprise her. If anything she was glad it didn’t show as obviously as for him when her arousal was as high as it was now, though she had a feeling he already knew. Trying to keep her mind out of the gutter a bit, she listened to him as he talked about his brothers while she finished up the last of her sandwich and drank half of her juice before cleaning up and putting everything away. When he asked her about herself, she looked over at him and just simply shrugged her shoulders.

“I just prefer it better this way… my parents are long gone and I’m an only child so its not like I have any immediate family. They both came from long lines of powerful psychics but I wouldn’t know where to find them and even if I did, I wouldn’t. “ Sybil spoke as she walked around the counter and to the living room, resting her hands on the back of the couch and looking down at him as he laid there, careful to keep her gaze to his face as she continued to speak. “With my illness, I preferred to live alone so people wouldn’t worry about me. I work with computers so I can do my work on my own and I rarely really go out. A few months ago, I had promising news about my health, I was doing much better and I felt great; I’d started to make a list of all the things I would do once I got a clean bill of health but… as you can tell, I was told today that it wouldn’t be like for that.” Sybil smiled softly, though her eyes were full of disappointment and sadness as she quickly turned away to go clean up the bathroom and prepare it for him. Regardless of what he said, she was his guest and she wanted him to be comfortable so she put several layers of blankets on the ground for him to lay on and grabbed one of the pillows she used for him to rest his head on. She even left a towel by the door so that he could easily push it in the gap under the door in case any light were to get in through there.

When she exited the bathroom and came back into her room, she grabbed another blanket and walked to her window, draping it over the curtain rod and hooking it closed so the room was even darker now. Once she’d finished, Sybil reached out to his mind and spoke. ’The rooms are ready, I don’t think there’s gonna be any light getting in here. You can come in and check if you like.’ She offered as she moved over to her bed and sat down on the edge of it, putting her one of her feet up on the edge to rest her chin on her knee and wrapping her arms around it.
Alex felt saddened by her story, a life of lonliness did not sound like a good life at all. He wanted to ease her pain, to help her through her current situation and into her new life, but he didn’t know how she would take it. And through it all he was ever so slightly distracted by their mutual needs beating at their bodies. But even as she shifted, letting him look straight up to her, he could feel it. Love. “Your illness is holding you down, but you fight against it valiantly. I am only so lucky that I got here in time to help you be saved from it.”

He watched as she moved away, heading off to fix his room in the bathroom. He almost called out after her not to bother, but he knew she wouldn’t listen, and he simply let her go on. He sat in in the couch, waiting quietly as he tracked her movements, watching her through her own eyes at what she did. Her words in his mind were soft and made him smile, and he spoke aloud so she could hear him through the house instead of in her mind. “I am certain anything you did to my comfort is more than satisfactory, Sybil. You had no need to do anything, but thank you.”

He stood slowly, leaving his cloak on the chair as he headed into her room. He saw her, sitting on the edge and bundled herself up, looking nervous. He walked to her slowly, shifting to kneel in front of her. “Thank you.” He said again, his voice much softer, before he leaned in, kissing her once more. This one was a little more intense, and he had no intention of pulling away from it for a long while, unless she threw him away. Sybil… His voice was soft in her head. Please, let me save you. Let me show you a life worth living.
Once he entered the room and moved over to her, her eyes followed him as he kneeled in front of her and thanked her. Before she could even say ‘you’re welcome’, his lips were pressed to her own again and once again he’d taken her by surprise as the comforting warmth spread throughout her body once more, her breath stolen by the wonderful kiss. It definitely was different than their first one, it had some more passion behind it and it certainly ignited her body into a desperate need for his hands to be on her. Her lips pressed back to his tenderly and timidly, unsure of what to do during a situation like this but attempting to just go by instinct and what she’d seen in movies. Sybil felt a bit silly for being so inexperienced in this sort of thing and she wondered if he would be disappointed in her because of it.

’He’s so… sure of what he’s doing and I’m not… Maybe there was a mistake… Maybe I’m not supposed to be the one for him. Why would he want me, anyways?’ Sybil thought to herself, her uncertainty in herself quite apparent. Even after he once again asked her to let him help her, she still didn’t think that she should accept such a thing. Her hands reached out and found his arms, running up them slowly before reaching his shoulders to give them a light squeeze before they snaked around his neck and held onto him. Tilting her head to the side, she leaned more into the kiss and blushed at how into it she was when her tongue slipped out on its own and brushed up in between his lips with a slight, shy prod before disappearing back into the confines of her own mouth once more. Needing to get some fresh air, she briefly pulled away from the kiss, keeping their faces still relatively close to each other before she opened her eyes to look at him. “Just give me a little time, Alex. I just need to be sure… You will have an answer soon…I promise you.” Sybil whispered softly before she pressed her forehead to his and tore her gaze from him, not really wanting to see if he was disappointed in her or not… For some reason, the thought of that pained her heart already…
Alexander was overtaken with emotion in the kiss, feeling how everything went in her mind, from reluctance to acceptance to absolute need. He felt her lips move against his own, her hands shifting to slide behind his neck and pull him closer. He felt the slow path of her tongue, and was about to accept it when she pulled back. His own tongue moved tentatively, flicking against her lips in a request for entrance before pulling away. She pulled away to breath, and he found himself also breathless, taking a moment to get his mind under control just as he heard her words.

He couldn’t help the small frown that came to his face, but he covered it back up quick enough. “Sybil…” It was a soft request of words, his fingertips finding the line of her jaw, shifting her to look at him. “I am not trying to force you to choose me. And I respect your wishes. Just… promise me you won’t die soon.” He couldn’t help the soft, lost laugh that came to him from those words. “Sleep well tonight, Sybil. If you wake up before sunrise I’ll be awake, but after then I will be out until sunset.” With that he moved, heading back to the couch in her living room, set on reading or simply waiting until the sun was ready to rise.
She was reluctant to let go of him after he’d so generously told her he respected her wishes and was ready to wait until she was ready. IT brought a lot of weight off her shoulders to know that he wasn’t trying to force her… at least not for now. Before he turned to leave, she grabbed onto his hand to get his attention for a short moment. “I won’t be dying anytime soon… I’ve got a few months left at the least and you will have your answer before I get too ill. I promise…” Sybil smiled reassuringly before her hand let his go and she moved back onto her bed, shifting under the covers and watched his back as he exited her room. After he’d left, she took a deep breath and a soft sigh of relief before a burst of excitement filled her, granting a soft squeal from her before she moved to lay down on her large bed. Grabbing onto the covers tightly, she closed her eyes and tried to drift off to sleep by calming her mind and body but after the events of that day, she found she was having quite a bit of difficulty.

Her thoughts kept coming back to all she’d encountered with Alexander that night; All that he’d told her and offered her… She wondered if she should really trust his word but he hasn’t really given her a reason not to nor did his mind give any indication that he was being deceitful. As she laid there in bed an hour later, tossing and turning, she grumbled about how could she possibly be so tired and not be able to sleep?! Sighing softly, she looked at the clock and saw that it was only a couple of hours after midnight… He would still be awake surely.

Sighing once more, Sybil turned so she was resting on her side facing towards her door and looking towards the living room. Her mind reached out to his as she began to play with her hair subconsciously out of habit. ’Alex…’ She began, her voice drowsy and tired but unable to find rest she so wanted. ’I can’t sleep… tell me of your home… I want to know what to expect, maybe that will help ease me and calm my mind up so I can finally sleep…’ She requested of him, wanting to hear his voice again and feel the soothing wave of calm it brought over her whenever he slipped into her mind to speak with her.
Alex was surprised when she stopped him from leaving the room immediately, suddenly worried that he pushed too far with her. But then he heard her words, and a wave of relief came over him. From how he had found her, he was worried that she had a matter of days, if not less, to live. The fact that she had more than enough time to think it over and still be changed was a weight off his shoulders. He still didn’t want to push relations with her, though, knowing that she could damage something with such exertion.

Alex managed a smile as he left her to sleep, moving to sit in the living room. He managed to find a book, reading quietly for the next hour, every so often looking in to see Sybil, tossing and turning in her bed, unable to rest. He kept out of her mind, though, not wanting to aggravate her more than he did earlier that evening. However, when her mind entered his he looked up, his eyes locking to hers, and he couldn’t help feeling drawn to her.

Alex put the book down, moving and blocking the windows the best he could before moving to her room. The door was closed, the one window heavily blocked before he went to Sybil. He pulled the blankets away, moving to lay down behind her before rolling onto his side, an arm draping over her hips lightly, comfortingly. He held her to his form, hoping to give her ease of mind. His own connected to hers, washing her with a soothing feeling to help her sleep.

My home is in the mountains, overlooking the forests of the Carpathian Mountains in SouthEast Europe. It is cold, but it is a beautiful area, with earth’s beauty all over. My brothers live in the estate with me, Raphael manages house defenses and Zalera is a tech geek, using his computers to track information flow and keep our kind out of the knowledge of others.
She’d just been expecting for him to tell her about it from the living room but deep down she was happy he’d decided to come into her room and lay down behind her. As soon as she felt the heat from his body against her own and felt his arm drape over her, she let out a small sigh of relief and comfort as her body moved on its own towards him. Her feet moved to entangle themselves with his seeking more of a connection with him before she finally closed her eyes and relaxed on her bed. This never happened to her before. Usually she was able to get to sleep with no issues but now that he was around, she didn’t feel comfortable or calm when she laid in her bed anymore… It bothered her because she didn’t want to be so dependent on him so soon but it was inevitable. She nestled her head against his shoulder and listened to him as he told her about his home and his brothers so more.

’…I want to see it, your home. I’ve never really been anywhere else. I’d like for that to be the first new place I’m in.’ She said to him as her arm that she laid on came down and held onto the hand he had on her hips, her fingers tangling with his and rubbing his hand gently as she began to feel the lull of sleep coming over her, calling her to rest. ’This… feels really nice. I feel safe.. Thank you, Alex.’ Sybil could tell her cheeks were turning red from her saying that but luckily part of her bangs draped over her face and hid it from him.

Soon after that, she would fall asleep in his arms next to his body but she’d turned around in her sleep so that she was facing him now, her face pressed into his chest and her arm around him so that her hand clung to the fabric of his shirt while her body curled up to his.
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