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Line of Potential


Dec 19, 2013
Okay, so I had an idea a long time ago to create a story about the apocalypse. However, the apocalypse would be as follows: A godlike Persona descended from the sky and announced that the world should be reconstructed.

Thus, three factions were created. The Hollow - mindless, soulless programmable zombies that are out to plainly do what their masters say - usually the Persona. And usually they're told to kill every Potential they see. The Potential - souls that haven't been corrupted by the previous influence of the Hollow, people that survived the Event (To be named...) and have gained powers to be able to fight against the Hollow and the Corrupt. Finally, the Corrupt - souls that were corrupted by the Hollow, they have gained extreme power compared to the Potential, but the weaker ones have lost free will and the more powerful ones are slowly building a monarchy based on survival of the fittest.

Corruption seems to be a random process, but chances are larger if the Soul has been around many soulless. It would mainly depend on how creative and how numbed the Soul was. Soulless could be considered the gray mass - seemingly programmed in their usual life as well - eat, work, pray/mingle pointlessly, sleep, repeat. The worse a Soul is influenced by that gray mass, the larger the chances of turning Corrupt. Thus, Potential aren't bound to being Lawful or Good. A potential could be Chaotic Evil as much as a powerful Corrupt could be Neutral Good. The only thing a Corrupt couldn't be would be Lawful Good.

Powers would have to be useful in battle, but a bit weak at first. For example: if you pick pyrokinesis, there's a range you can use it the furthest and you could only use it if you had a source of it available in hand - a lighter, a torch, an open fire... Evolution would come from defeating Corrupt - Corrupt still hold Light and Darkness within their soul. Potential tend to have pure Light and absorb the Light that leaves the body of a dead Corrupt, but if one suffered extreme emotional trauma to the point of changing their morality to that of mistrusting both Light and Darkness, a Potential can absorb the Corrupt's Darkness as well, increasing their power further. HOWEVER, a Potential that has absorbed both Light and Darkness must be extremely careful not to lose control of either side since they become similar to outcasts. If Darkness becomes too strong inside of them, they become Corrupt. If Light does, the person becomes the center of a small cleansing nova, killing all Hollow and cleansing the Corrupt in a radius dependent on the amount of power one had. Thus the name - Line of Potential.

That's about it for the world's rules. Powers are purely open for choice, but they have to be able to evolve and change to fit the user.

I'm open to suggestions and critique, but I'd love this to turn into an open roleplay based story.
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