So, how do you feel about the question of honesty and the necessity of anonymity on the internet?
It's a difficult matter to summarize in my opinion, but I'll try to answer all the questions in the first post to elucidate my thoughts on the matter.
Do you consider it shameful when people hide who they really are?
Absolutely not. Just like I am entitled to my own, they are entitled to their privacy.
How far is too far, in your opinion, when it comes to someone hiding their identity?
When they ask you for information about yourself they are not willing to share themselves.
Are you ever scared about being victimized?
I'm 4'11" and 98lbs. Of course I am. That's just being sane. It doesn't stop me, however.
But the truth is, you have no clue, do you?
That's true. I don't unless I really want to dive deep into the inner lining, go fetch your IP, prod it for all the information its worth, find your identity, delve into your personal life... so like, 3 days of work. It's a needless hassle, really.
But lying about yourself doesn't automatically mean you're one of "them", those predators, does it?
Not until you're using it to obtain something from the other person.
I mean, let's assume pictures are never shown, numbers are never traded, money is never touched or exchanged; the only thing is the person you've been talking to has been telling stories about who they are. If you never find out and still maintain a friendship with them(let's say you both play games together and you like gaming with them), was what they did to you wrong?
Objectively, it is deceitful and therefore wrong, but it's not the end of the world. A small wrong.
Even if you did find out, would it be enough to completely reject them and stop gaming with them forever, even though nothing they ever did affected you negatively and really didn't affect what you enjoyed about them most, namely, playing games?
I would say yes here, not because I don't understand, but it means our "friendship" was predicated on dishonesty. If you don't want to share the truth, just tell me you'd rather not say instead of making me imagine a different person. I'd respect that, personally.
Where do you draw the line?
If you lie to me about yourself, but intend me to be honest in turn? Line drawn.
Stealing pictures seems to be a big deal breaker for some but I admit to having done it before. And even knowing that others could do it to me, I share my photos online without a second thought(mostly because I seriously believe you could find better models for your persona out there and would feel flattered if chosen to be your "mask"). Does it make you pause for a second before sharing if you know that there are those out there who may right click on your images and take them for their own?
There's a reason my face seldom appears online and I delete my IRL pictures shortly after sharing them.
What do you consider a bad reason for lying?
Sharing false information to obtain something from someone else.
Protecting your life or those of your loved ones.
Back when I first joined Blue Moon, I lied about my gender because there is a serious prejudice on adult role-playing sites towards certain genders wanting to play the opposite side. If I made a thread in the females request section right now, with this male-themed name and male themed everything and said "I'm a guy but I'd like to play a female character" how many PMs do you think I'd get from horny guys looking to role-play a smutty story with me?
Can't say for sure, but as someone who prefers playing a hermaphrodite opposite a female character, I don't really care what the other writer has going on in their trousers.
I don't give credence to the belief that all women are bisexual, but it is more likely to succeed based on open-mindedness alone.
Have you ever lied about anything online?
I used to pretend I was cis-female online when I had a complex about the way I was born. I realized it just didn't matter in the end and nobody treats me differently regardless.
Have you ever felt bad about it or did you feel entitled for some reason?
Well, sure, it felt wrong. I was lying about myself because I disliked a part of myself. How could I feel good about that?
Is it important to you that people always tell you the truth about everything online?
I'd rather they refuse to disclose than lie, yes. But if they feel in danger, for some reason, I can understand the desire to lie.
When, if ever, is it not important to you?
When you're explicitly playing a character.
Have you ever had an experience where someone lied to you and you found out?
Often. It's very easy to find out people's information through their IP addresses, which is itself very easily accessible. I've stopped doing that kind of stuff because its equally immoral, but you know... I used to.
How did you react and why?
They dropped in my esteem and I usually left them to their own little fantasies. Their life is not my business, anyway.
What made it okay? What made it totally not cool?
Little white lies are always fine. If you don't feel like talking so you tell me you're going to sleep but I see you online on steam in two hours, I'm not gonna jump at your throat for that. I get it, you were socialized out and didn't wanna offend me. But if you tell me an outright lie like; "I'm actually a 17 year old girl named Jennifer and need help with my first tax document, could you come over?" when you're actually Mikael, a 42 year old amateur taxidermist with young women in your basement waiting to be your next project? I'm less forgiving.
Have you ever been conned out of money by someone on the computer? Has this changed your view of the truth and how readily you part with personal information?
Yup. Young Sue was a dumbass. I lost 50$ to a "flash sale", with the item never showing up.
What do you do when a friend asks for personal information?
Depends how personal. If I'm uneasy with the information, I'll usually go with the old childhood "share yours and I'll share mine", and if they're unwilling? Well; they're not a friend for asking of me something they wouldn't share themselves.
What criteria does someone have to fill out to be okay and trustworthy?
Everyone is trustworthy until they prove themselves otherwise. Usually, this is by lying.
Is a phone call, photo, Facebook profile or Skype call enough?
No. All of those are easy to fake.
Come on, Blue Moon, let's talk about it. Be... honest.
I'm down if you're down.