Mass Trouble (Javorek-SweetSin)


Feb 9, 2013
SweetSin- Holly Whitaker, Alliance Special Forces and powerful biotic. Her job was to go in alone and extract an Asari held against her will by Cerberus. The Asari was said to have perfected the substance known as red sand, a chemical that enhanced someones biotics to unheard of levels. Of course Cerberus wanted this to themselves, and would either get it from the Asari, or kill her so no one else could have it.
The Asari was being held on a massive Cerberus space station deep within the Terminus System. Using the latest stealth systems, Holly moves her ship within range of the station and leaps onto the station. Wearing her Blood Dragon Armor, she is able to cloak herself using her biotics and heads towards an opening in the venting system. Finally inside the station, Holly hacks a computer and finds where the Asari is being held. Armed with a Chakram Launcher, Holly finally finds the prison ward and dispatches the guard with ease. "Hold on a second, we'll get you out of here." Holly says as she walks up to the Asari and uses her omni tool to open the force field holding the Asari in her cell.

Javorek- Nyxanna Myaiia had been working in her lab two weeks ago, attempting to apply the finishing touches to her refined version of Red Sand, when Cerberus troops had stormed her lab. Luckily she had managed to destroy most of her files and samples before they could get their hands on it. It set her work back quite a bit, but it was worth it; she kept most of the information she needed anyways locked inside her mind. Though...that little stunt had -really- pissed off Cerberus and they had kidnapped her and jammed her into this cell. Not only had they stuck her in a force field in order to keep her from getting too uppity, but she had been outfitted with a biotic shock-collar. Every time she even tried to use her biotics, the accursed thing delivered a painful shot to her system. She didn't know what was worse: the horrible migraine from not being able to use her biotics, or the electrical shock when she did. Good thing she was stubborn and kept her mouth shut. She wasn't going to give up any information to Cerberus, they were just going to kill her after she told them what she knew anyways; they all hated aliens. A large explosion drew her out of her thoughts and she blinked. "Thank the Goddess..." She gasped as she was dropped down from the field and onto the ground on unsteady legs, a lot weaker than she had anticipated.

SweetSin- "Come on, we need to get out of here." Hollys hand glows as she grabs the collar off of Nyxanna's neck, crushing it and throwing it to the floor. "Holly to Alliance, I have the Asari, send the war ships through the Relay." The plan was to get the Asari out of the station then blow the station into deep space. "We have five minutes to get you out of here before this place is blown to shit." Holly puts her arm around Nyxanna and helps her out of the holding area and down the hall. While reaching the vents where Holly came through, Cerberus troops storm the hallway and threaten to shoot if they move. "Follow the markers on the vents, it'll take you to my ship." Holly figures the Asari will use her biotics to protect her from the lack of oxygen in space. "I can handle them, get moving." Holly turns back around to face the men, holding her hands up before her eyes begin to glow and she lifts the men up, slamming them back onto the ground then down the long hallway. "Pathetic." Holly turns back around and heads into the vent.

Javorek- Nyxanna breathed a deep sigh of relief when the shock collar was torn from her neck. Her bared neck was covered in dark purple electrical burns from the shock collar, nothing a little medigel wouldn't fix. Well...maybe -a lot- of medigel. Her biotics flared, blue light shooting down her arms and balling at her fists before dissipating, just enough for her to get rid of that migraine before she was scooped up by the redhead. Nyx hobbled along beside the soldier as she got used to using her legs once again. Slowly a bit more of her strength was returned to her now that she was allowed to move and she was able to walk on her own. Weak and unable to fight, she did as she was told and ducked into the vents. She followed the markers until finally they brought to an Alliance ship.

SweetSin- Holly makes short work of the Cerberus soldiers and heads to the vent before more show up. "Come on, we'll get you out of here and to the Citadel." The door to the ship is opened and Holly helps Nyx inside before the ship turns around and speeds off. "Come with me, lets get you to the med bay." The soldier helps Nyx to the elevator and down to the medbay. "So how did you get yourself into this situation? How did word get out that you were working on a biotic enhancer?" Holly was curious, there has to be better things for Cerberus to do.

Javorek- Nyx let herself get manhandled by the big soldier, she was too tired to fight off her help anyways. And after being stuck in something that was pretty much like solitary confinement anyways, she actually liked the bit of contact, even if it was with a human. She hopped up onto one of the medbay beds and rubbed her neck a little bit. It felt so strange to have the collar off. She cringed a bit as she hit a tender spot. "Could I have some medi-gel, pease?" The Asari asked as she adjusted herself to get a little more comfortable on the hard table "They came in and stormed my lab Horizon. I was working with several human scientists to test my biotic amplifier on other species. It already works perfectly on Asari...but our physiology is a little different from yours. I of them must have been working for Cerberus and tipped them off that we had a major break-through in getting the amp to work on humans." Nyxanna shrugged. For the life of her, she couldn't think of who the traitor could be. All of the scientists had been so professional and nice, it was hard for her to think of them as low-life Cerberus scum.

SweetSin- "I'll get you some medi-gel then let the doctor look you over." Holly does as she said and gives the woman some much needed medi-gel before she leaves to let the doctor to her examination. The soldier goes back to her room and puts her armor away. After a quick shower and much needed scrubbing, Holly puts on her casual wear and heads back down to the Medbay. She had her long red hair curled and draping over her shoulders. She always had a hair tie around her wrist just in case she needed to get her hair out of her face in a hurry. "Feeling better Nyxanna?" Holly asks as she opens the medbay doors and walks inside. "While I was away I had a scan done of your old lab, Cerberus killed most of your staff and I'm guessing the two that survived are your traitors." Holly hands the files of one Maxwell Orget and Tiffany Zetler to Nyx. "Any strange behavior out of these two?" She asks as she pulls up a chair for herself.


"Thank you." Nyxanna murmured before Holly left and the doctor came in. The older human poked and prodded the maiden with a variety of devices to check her vitals. Nyxanna was more or less okay; a little shaken and a little dehydrated was all. So she was administered an IV treatment that was full of vitamins and minerals to help replenish what had been lost during her time in lockdown. After the doctor finished treating her and applied another dosage of medi-gel to the electrical burns around Nyx's neck, she left the Asari alone so that she could rest in the med-bay for the night.

Not like it mattered whether she was left alone or not, she couldn't sleep. The med-bay bed was hard and uncomfortable; the room itself had that sort of hospital smell that she hated, and this ship was so strange... it was always difficult for her to fall asleep in new places.

She propped herself up a bit when she heard the doors hiss open. Then sat up all the way when she saw that it was her rescuer. The human looked so much different out of her heavy armor...much smaller, more delicate; definitely a lot more feminine. It was hard to believe that such a tiny little thing had caused such a ruckus inside of the Cerberus facility.

"Everyone's gone?" Nyxanna felt her heart tinge a bit with grief. The scientists she had hand picked were all very was hard to believe that so much potential had been snuffed out of existence. She took the files when they were offered to her, shaking her head a bit. "Max and Tiff? No...not really. They're engaged...they seemed quite nice. Maxwell was much brighter than Tiffany...but I didn't have the heart to separate them and hired them both. Are you sure?" Nyx glanced over the files; she had already read them before when she had been holding interviews for positions in her lab. And even then, at a second glance, nothing seemed particularly odd. "They could always be forgeries I suppose...Cerberus does have enough resources to create convincing identities."
Holly nods as she lets Nyx have the two files. "Cerberus will go to the greatest lengths to turn someone into someone else. For all we know the couple was normal until Cerberus got ahold of them and either forced them into being traitors or they brainwashed them." Holly knew of Cerberus and knew them well, they would kill whoever they needed to get what they wanted. "We're going to try hacking some of the Cerberus networks to see if we can come up with an answer. Depending on what we find, it'll either be a rescue mission or a man hunt to find these two." Holly steps back, putting her hands behind her back.

"If you're not up for sleeping in the med bay, there are dorms on the level above us. The beds are bigger and comfier, if you're looking for more privacy, there's always my room. It's secluded and quiet, I'm not in it much so you're more than welcome to use it. I will probably be in the cargo bay." Holly leaves the offer up to Nyx before walking back out of the med bay, if she needed to find the redhead she could find her in the cargo bay on the lower level.
Nyxanna nodded a bit as Holly told her about what would happen next. She hoped that Max and Tiff weren't really Cerberus operatives...but one could never be certain in this day and age. Cerberus was growing frighteningly strong and bold in their moves. The galaxy was becoming restless with rumors of Reapers and Collectors. While it was mostly just speculation at this point, Nyx was content to just work on her research and keep her head buried in the sand. Who knows, perhaps her amp would be vital to an upcoming war. Or maybe it would just help armies stifle terrorist groups like Cerberus and Terra Nova.

The maiden was developing something so revolutionary for all biotics; it might be even bigger than the L5 implants!

"I...perhaps your room would be long as you have a computer there I can use." The asari said before the human left. If the captain of this ship wasn't going to use her personal quarters, Nyxanna would love to get into them in order to continue working on her amp in private. There were just some more calculations she needed to get down...if only she could figure out a proper formula for humans. She thought she had had the answer in her lab, but alas, it still was not perfected.

And so the asari bumbled her way about the ship. Human vessels were more or less all designed the same. It didn't take her long to find the central elevator that took her up to the captain's quarters where she sat down at the desk and began to work.
Holly goes down to the cargo bay where she sits down and works on some of her weapons. She picked up a few mods before the rescue mission and never got a chance to apply them to her assault rifle and sniper. Although she didn't use her guns a lot, she did need them in case she was feeling off with her biotics. Hours pass as Holly works on her weapons then she heads up to her room. She figured Nyx was inside so she walks in and finds her at the computer. "Hard to tear you away from your work huh?" She asks as she walks over to the closet and steps inside. "Are you still working on the amp?" She calls out as she begins to remove her casual wear and slides on some shorts and a wife beater to sleep in.

"Rumors had it that you tried the amp on a Krogen and it killed him, is that true? Like he began to bleed from his eyes then his own biotic rage ripped him to shreds." It was a horrible rumor, but science nowadays was more dangerous with all the energy needs and tools needed to produce such inventions. "Tell me, what do you hope to achieve by perfecting this amp?" She asks since some would sell it for personal gain and some would try to make a difference with it.
"Hmm? Oh...yes..." Nyx hadn't even noticed that Holly had come into the room until the other woman had spoken directly to her. She blinked a few times, then rubbed her blue eyes a bit. She'd been staring at the screen for so long, her eyes were starting to get all tired. Hearing Holly rustling about and getting changed, she didn't turn around in her chair, trying her best to offer the human some privacy.

"That isolated incident." Nyxanna said after a moment. She didn't do well with death. She knew that accidents and miscalculations happened; people died: it was part of science. But the way that Krogran had bled out and torn himself to had been absolutely horrible and had made her want to pull the plug on her amp all together. "I was hoping that I could make this amp work for all species, but that apparently is not the case. Many people think that Asari and humans share a common ancestor and that is why our physiologies are so similar. It would explain why the amp works for Asari almost perfectly and for humans decently. Humans are slightly more variable...that is why my amp is not safe to use on your species yet. The side-effects are not as bad as the Krogan's, but I'd hate to have anyone suffer such an adverse effect."

Nyx tried her best to stifle a yawn. She actually realized that she was quite tired...but didn't wish to go to sleep yet. Not now, not when she was so close... Though she always felt like this, always felt like she was so close and yet never made any progress. "I'm sure you've heard rumors of Collectors attacking human colonies...its only a matter of time before they start to target other species. I want to help..." Nyxanna wasn't much of a fighter. She was a talented biotic but she preferred to be in a lab rather than on a battlefield.
Holly nodded as she adjusted her wife beater, "Krogen aren't exactly known for their biotics, but I guess if you could get it to work on them then that would be a feat worth bragging about." Holly walks over to her bed and pulls back the covers, bending over to grab one of the pillows and tossing an extra pillow to the other side. "I don't take up much space, you are more than welcome to sleep on the other side." Holly was just naturally nice when not in battle, though in battle she could be a major bitch. "I heard about the collectors, even read some top secret documents on which colonies they've attacked so far. It's unknown why they're doing it, but there's a crew investigating it." Of course she was referring to Shepherds crew.

"You can keep working, although you should probably get some rest. I will set you up with a more permanent place to sleep tomorrow." After looking back over at Nyx, Holly crawls into her large bed and lays back, looking up at the ceiling as she always did. She slides her hands behind her head while getting lost in her thoughts, the noise of Nyx working on her amp fading out into silence.
"Alright...thank you. I should not be any trouble...I do not really sleep much." Nyx nodded her thanks to the human and then turned back around in her chair. It was true that she was used to pulling all-nighters when it came to her research. appeared that her stamina was lacking after having spent two weeks in a holding cell. She could only stay up for about an hour longer before her eyelids became so heavy that she could barely keep them open. She sighed softly, so tired that she thought that she was just going to fall asleep in the elevator if she had to go back downstairs. And even then, she lacked the mental capacity to navigate her way about the alien ship at the moment.

Well...the Captain had offered her her bed and had assured her it would be no trouble. What was the worst that could happen? They were just going to go to sleep after all. And so Nyxanna got out of her chair was quietly as she cook. She stripped off her labcoat and under clothes until she was left in nothing but a bra and panties for bed. Then she crawled in next to Holly.

Although the young maiden started far off towards the edge of the bed, she eventually had managed to roll over until finally she was nestled up against the Captain. Her arms wrapped about the redhead as though she were a nice, warm, stuffed animal.
Holly didn't even know Nyx crawled into the bed until she felt something rub up against her side. "Huh?" Torn from her thoughts, Holly looks at Nyx and was about to push her off until she saw how comfortable she looked and content. "Damn." She mutters before laying her head back into the pillow and looking up at the ceiling again. The captain always got lost in her own thoughts, thinking about the past and different paths she could have taken. One path being Cerberus, the Illusive Man coming to her, or more like summoning her and giving her an offer to join Cerberus. He had promised her wealth, power and the chance to create her own crew. Some would be surprised to know that Holly really did consider the idea, she was moving up the ranks slowly in the Alliance, mainly due to her small size and first impressions she made on higher ranks. Yeah she was a whole five foot four but she is a tough little she-devil. But, in the end she stuck with the Alliance and it turned out to be the best decision she ever made, now being she has her own ship, power and even a few dollars saved away. Yep, it all worked out for Holly, in some ways.

After laying in the bed for what seemed like hours but was only minutes, Holly finally falls asleep and while in her slumber she ends up curling up against Nyx. She had her back to the blue woman, her ass firmly pressed against her crotch and her back against the womans breasts. Nyx was much taller than Holly, which made it a better fit for the smaller girl.
The asari maiden just about purred in her sleep as she felt Holly's body press more firmly into her own. She leaned forward, burying her face into the human's silky hair and nuzzling Holly as she dreamt. She always did find human hair quite interesting, as well as their skin. Asari skin felt more like soft leathers...while humans felt like flower petals. At least, the females did. What a strange species humans; there was so much sexual dimorphism.

Oh and Nyx had a tendency to sleep with her hands cupping breasts. It was just...a habit, not like she meant to do it on purpose.

"Mmm..." Nyxanna murmured as she slowly began to wake up at around 5am, ship time. She didn't want to move, she was so comfortable and there was something so warm beside her; and her hands were full of squishy, warm flesh... What...? Blue eyes blinked opened, startled. This wasn't her bed in her lab! Nor was this the cell on the Cerberus station. And she was...fondling Holly in her sleep. Her cheeks turned dark purple as she blushed, trying her best to move her hands and back away without waking up the human.
Holly had squirmed in her sleep when Nyx first cupped her breasts, but being as tired as she was, she never woke up. Normally the captain was a light sleeper, but with the mission and staying up later to upgrade her weapons, she was super tired and knocked out. But when it came to waking up in the morning, well at 5am since mornings were for those living on a planet. Holly's eyes flutter open and instantly shoot down to her breasts where she sees a blue hand cupping her breast. "So, get a little too comfortable last night?" She teases as she rolls over onto her back then slowly sits up. "I'm guessing you're touchy in your sleep, cause my dream consisted of me being molested and like I could really feel it." Holly laughs lightly as she turns so her feet were off the bed. "I need some coffee." She mutters while sliding out of the bed and walking over to the intercom. "My usual, Steven. Oh, and send an extra." She sends down to the mess hall before sitting down at her desk to check emails.

"You're more than welcome to use the shower, if you need clothes I'm sure we have something you can wear. I doubt you can wear any of my clothes since you're a bit taller than men." Holly looks over her monitor at Nyx before looking back down at her computer. "We're meeting with the council on the Citadel, so we'll need to meet a man named Anderson before going." She shuts off her computer before walking over to the door as the bell rings. "Thanks private." Holly takes the two mugs then walks over to Nyx. "It's pretty strong, but it'll wake you up quickly and have you ready for the day." Holly hands Nyx the extra mug before taking a sip of her own.
" has been a long time since I have had company in a sleeping area..." Nyxanna blushed a tad harder but did like the playful bit of banter that Holly was throwing her away. "I apologize, Captain, I did not mean to 'molest' you, as you so colorfully put it. But judging by how hard your nipples are, you either liked it, or it is very cold in here." The asari smirked and then stretched out a bit on the bed to crack her joints and stretch her muscles. Then she slowly crawled out of the bed, rather reluctantly. For a military issue bed, the Captain definitely did have a nice one that was much softer than the cot that Nyx used to sleep in her lab.

She moved to tug on her clothes and boots that were resting by the foot of the bed while the Captain checked her e-mails, though stopped when the redhead mentioned that she could use the shower here. The asari perked up a little bit. "That would be wonderful if you truly don't mind." She -hated- public showers and knew that that's what the grunts on this ship would be subjected to. Probably some open-area bathroom with zero privacy. Blech.

Nyxanna hopped up from the bed and stepped over to Holly, taking the mug of coffee that was offered to her. She pulled a face when the bitter black liquid coated her tongue; scrunching up her nose in disgust at the harsh taste. humans could drink this stuff on a daily basis was beyond her. But Nyx knew that the drink would indeed get her feel awake and refreshed rather quickly and so took another sip of coffee.

"How long until we're at the Citadel? And what is this meeting for?" She looked at the human curiously, wondering why she needed to have a talk with an Alliance military official.
"Anderson wants to make sure the council doesn't pull funding to your project, he knows how close you are and if Cerberus is willing to kidnap you, then that means it's worth funding still. So he's going to play as your lawyer pretty much, Udina is on your side, but he's an asshole and I doubt the other council members even like having him ON the council." Holly shrugs before holding onto her mug as she walks to her closet. "Do you have a place where you have clothes or was the lab pretty much your home?" She asks as she pulls out some casual wear. "If not, then while we're on the Citadel we can do some shopping so when you're relocated to a different lab, you'll have what you need. Until you're put into your new lab, I have to escort you everywhere." Holly finds what she wants to wear and lays it all out before sliding off her wife beater and shorts.

While standing naked in her closet she chuckles at the comment from earlier. "Usually when someone fondles my breasts, my nipples do get a little hard, they're somewhat sensitive you know." Holly looks down at her chest, grinning at her still hard nipples. "You did good though, they're still hard." The Captain laughs as she pulls on a pair of boy shorts.
"I see." Nyxanna frowned slightly. She hadn't even thought that the Council would ever pull the funding for her project. They spent their money so frivolously on other research projects, why not just keep sending money towards hers that was actually getting somewhere? But she'd go defend it if she had to. She knew that Councilor Tevos would be on her would just be the problem of convincing the very cheap Salarian and Turian councilors that her research was worth the risk.

"No...I do not have anything. Just some credits in my bank account; hopefully, unless Cerberus decided to try to drain my accounts to break my spirit." If they had hacked into her bank account, that would definitely be the straw that broke the camel's back. She could deal with people trying to steal her secrets (it happened quite often since biotic amps were quite lucrative), but once they started to invade her personal life and not just her career, Nyxanna wouldn't be able to stand it anymore. At least the Captain was being very nice...offering to take her shopping and all.

"I assur you Captain, I do not need a body guar-..." Nyxanna's sentence just trailed off as the human began to undress infront of her. Blue eyes roamed over the pale flesh that was toned with muscles; so much power in a small was quite tempting to inch a little closer to the human for a better look. Feeling a little more brave since she had just survived a Cerberus attack on her lab and two weeks in a Cerberus prison, Nyxanna felt like she didn't have much to lose by hitting on the petite captain. "Well...Captain, I am glad you enjoyed my attentions last night. Perhaps you would like to come join me in the shower then? I bet you I can do much better on other areas." Nyx smiled into her coffee before downing the last of it, then she retreated to the safety of the bathroom to strip down, secretly hoping that Holly would take the invitation to join her.
Holly wasn't a shy person, she was proud of her body and had all the self confidence in the world. So stripping in front of the Asari didn't bother her much. After hearing the offer coming from Nyx it didn't take long for Holly to have an answer. Usually the Captain wouldn't take up such an offer from a stranger, but it has been far too long since the redhead has been touched, or even looked at in her naked form. "I shouldn't, it would be frowned on by the Alliance." She tells herself before smirking. "Like I give a shit." With that said, Holly walks out of her closet and to the bathroom, opening the sliding door that leads inside. "Mmm, I couldn't say no to such a tempting offer." While naked, Holly was on full display for Nyxanna, her toned body, C cup breasts naturally bouncing around as she walked. "Have room for another?" She asks, biting her lip sexily as she leans against the shower door. From the front Nyxanna couldn't see the massive tattoo on Holly's back, but she could see the red tattoo just above her pussy. No pubic hair since it was removed with a laser and hair never grows there anymore, but there was a red heart in its place.

Vagina Tattoo

Back Tattoo
Nyxanna was built like most asari: large breasts, curvy, flaring hips and an enticing fleshy rear. Her soft skin was a lovely shade of light, cerulean blue that complimented her innocent blue eyes quite nicely. She was lightly muscled all over because she was a talented biotic and used her powers often; but wasn't quite so defined in her build like an Asari Commando would be. She definitely sported a more graceful, delicate body of a researcher, or maybe even a dancer.

She turned on the water and set it to a perfectly warm temperature. And grinned as Holly came into the bathroom and leaned up against the shower door.

" might have to stay very close though so that we may share the water." She said, looking as innocent as possible although her intentions were everything but. Nyx reached out, coaxing the smaller human into her arms and stepping under the stream of hot water. She pulled Holly a bit tighter to her curves, molding them perfectly into one another so that they could both get equal amounts of water. "You have some very interesting clan markings, Captain." Nyx said as she peered over Holly's shoulder and down her back at the very large tattoo that covered it.
Holly huffed and puffed since she realized that she was much shorter than Nyx, and being up close made it that much worse since the taller Asari could look right over her shoulders. "Not clan markings, more like much deserved rewards for hard years work. The one on my back I got a year after taking some nasty shots to my chest, it was supposed to be a peace mission but turned out to be much more." Holly did love her colorful tattoo on her back, and being as small as she is it did take up her whole back. "So this is what an Asari feels like, I've shaken hands with one but as for actually getting this close, never happened." The Captains hand slides up the blue girls back, tracing her hands back down and feeling every little curve of her skin. "It's tight, like a lizard, but softer." Holly snickers as she realizes she called Nyxanna a lizard. "I mean, it's as smooth as a babies bottom." She retorts, laughing again as she steps back from the scientist.

"This one though, I got on a drunken night with another soldier, it was back in the day though. She got a tattoo as well but not here, I had her puts hers on her ass. She's a commander now, she's the one going around trying to figure out what the collectors are doing." Holly puts her hands just above her pussy, highlighting the heart tattoo. "I was a sex fiend back in the day, I won't lie since it's hard to lie to your species. So the Commander told me to put on here after I bet her to put hers on her ass." Holly did like the heart tattoo, it made her feet sexy when getting intimate.
The Asari groaned happily as strong hands ran over her curvy form, gliding along her slick skin and sending chills down her spine. Nyxanna chuckled, not taking any offense to Holly's statement. She supposed Asari were indeed very different from humans in how their skin felt. After all, humans were covered with tiny little hairs all over their body with even more silky strands ontop of their head. And even though Holly had apparently had the hairs atop her tattooed mound removed, Nyx still knew that there should have been a downy tuft of hair right where the ink was. It was a curious thing that she had specifically had the hair taken away, and all of a sudden she wished to touch the human a bit more intimately; to explore her body further.

"What a terrible dare to do to your friend while drunk." Humans were so silly in the way that they marked their bodies permanently in symbols that sometimes had no meaning at all. "But a sex fiend hmm?" Nyxanna grinned. Despite being a scientist, she had done a few wild and crazy things in her early maiden stage before settling into a career a bit earlier than the average Asari would. Perhaps that was why she still had a bit of a wild streak in her; one that made her bold enough to reach out to run her fingers over the tribal looking heart tattoo on her mound. "So I take it, you're not a sex fiend anymore Captain?" The Asari purred as her fingers traced lower, along the slit of the shorter woman's sex.
Holly removed her hands from her mound, letting Nyx move her hands closer and trace the heart. "It was a fun night and we both needed to unwind, it was a much needed break from commanding soldiers and getting our hands dirty." Holly sucks in a tight breath as she feels Nyxanna trace her fingers down her slit. "No long a sex fiend, but I do find time for myself, whether it's a jet in the shower or I send my finger on a much needed exploration between my legs." The Captain snickers a little before looking at Nyx. Slowly the redhead moves her nips forward and back. "Come on Nyx, don't be gentle with me, I realize I'm a tiny human but I can take a beating." The woman smirks as she steps closer to the blue girl. "So I have a question, does this scientist protest to using any sort of toy to reach sexual gratification?" Holly soon pushes Nyx against the wall, pressing her tiny body against the Asari.
She couldn't help but want to be gentle. The last thing she wanted was for the Captain to lash out at her for overstepping some boundaries. Though...they were in a shower together, boundaries probably went out the window as soon as their naked bodies had touched. Nyxanna shivered as her back ended up pressed to the cool tiling of the wall, contrasted with the Captain's warm body pressed against her front.

"A toy?" Nyx's hands came down to grab onto Holly's tight little rear, using this new grip to help pull the Captain even closer to her. "I hope you mean a sensation-transmitting strap on. Those are my favorite." she replied with a grin. Asari physiology was more or less like a human female's. Even though they didn't -need- penetration in order to get pregnant, Nyx still liked getting fucked from time to time. And she'd love to see what this little Captain was made of.
"Mmm, how did you know that I like my ass grabbed? Reading my mind, Asari?" Holly grins as she leans up, standing on her tip toes to brush her lips across the blue lips of Nyx. "Your lips are soft." She whispers before taking a step back from Nyx. "I will show you what I have." Holly steps out of the shower even though she didn't. When she comes back she has a strap on around her waist. "Is this what you were talking about?" Holly had the special strap on on, with a push of a button she groans as the device attaches to her own nerve endings and the strap on feels as real as a human cock. "I have to admit, I've only used this one other time." The little redhead was as horny as a school girl now, her pussy dripping with juices as she stepped back up to the Asari. "What do you like to do with these sort of toys?" She asks as she presses her body back against Nyxanna's, spreading the womans legs before stepping up closer with the tip of the dick against her blue slit.
"So are yours..." Nyxanna whispered back as Holly so teasingly backed away from their almost-kiss. She had to admit, the human was very seductive for belonging to a species that was so young. A little nod was given to the Captain as the other woman moved to leave. Nyxanna stepped under the warm water while she waited for the redhead to return, sighing happily as she was enveloped in heat.

"Well, Captain, since you are going to be guarding me...perhaps we can get a little more use out of that toy for you." Nyx grinned. If Holly was indeed going to be her keeper for the time being, then she'd love to spend a little more personal time with the human, especially if this encounter went especially well. Judging by the marine's muscled form and the large toy strapped to her pelvis, Nyxanna was pretty sure this was indeed going to go well. She let Holly move her about and rested her back against the wall while a lovely blue leg wrapped around the human's narrow waist, opening herself up better for the toy.

"Mmm..." Nyxanna arched her back, biting her lower lip as the head of the fake cock nuzzled against her entrance. She was dripping wet in anticipation and couldn't resist bucking her hips forward, just enough so that the thick tip eased itself into her hot folds. "I like to get fucked hard with these sorts of toys." And with another, more forceful thrust of her hips forward, she managed to take more of the cock into her tight slit, groaning loudly as her pussy was stretched and filled.
Due to the intense electrical pulses shooting through her nerves, the toy that looks fake feels like a real cock sliding deep into the moist slit of Nyxanna. "Oh shit, it's been a while since I've used one of these." Of course the Captain had the sensitivity level set on high, she loved the powerful orgasms she received from the strap on. "Feels like I really have a cock." Holly leans forward, grabbing the back of Nyx's legs and pulling her off her feet so she falls down to Holly's level. "Oh goodness." The fake cock was as deep into Nyx as it could possibly go and Holly was already nearing a fearsome orgasm. "Okay, Okay." Breathless, the Captain begins to slowly thrust into the blue alien, pulling the whole shaft out before slamming the rod back inside. While Holly's hips does the work, the redhead leans forward and latches her soft lips onto the darker blue nipples of the Asari, suckling gently as her muscular arms holds the taller woman off the ground. "Fuck Nyx, your pussy is really tight.' With a mouthful of Asari nipple, Holly begins to ruthlessly thrust into the dripping sex of Nyxanna.
Nyxanna squeaked as Holly tugged her off balance and forced her down to her level. She was surprised that the human was supporting her weight so effortlessly for being one that was so small. But she remembered that the Alliance had put her through such a rigorous training regimen that Nyxanna probably wasn't that heavy to her. "Goddess!" Nyx cried out as Holly rammed the entire length of the toy into her tight sex. It had been such a long time since she had had sex. Her research had taken up most of her time recently and she couldn't even remember the last time that she had allowed herself to just go for a roll in the hay with a stranger.

Her nails dug into Holly's back as she wrapped those pink pouty lips around one of her sensitive nipples. The maiden began moaning louder, bucking and trying to bounce her body onto Holly's fake cock as best as she could. She tilted her head back, her blue eyes swirling black as her mind craved to reach out and link thoughts with Holly. "M-meld?" She stammered out the question. She could orgasm without the meld, but it was so much better if she connected her consciousness to Holly's.
Holly was fucking Nyxanna like an animal, her hips were bucking like a bronco and the sharp sensations of pleasure shooting through her were enough to make her eyes roll back into her head. "Oh fuck!" She moans out while slapping against the inner thighs of the blue Asari. The captain could barely hear anything as her hips overtake the moment and tears into Nyx's tight pussy. "Such a tight pussy, I could fuck you every day." Holly was fucking Nyx so hard that her eyes began to glow blue, she was using her biotics to give her extra stamina as she drilled the alien.

"M...Meld? You want to mind meld with me?" She asks after it finally registered with her that Nyx even said a word. "Fuck yeah, meld with me you blue bitch." Holly was a rough partner, if it didn't hurt, the sex was boring and right now her hips were on fire from the non stop thrusting. "Kiss me, slut." Holly grabs Nyx after letting go with one arm, grabbing the womans throat and kissing her hard while the Asari was pressed against the wall.
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