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Justice Party Universe - Patriarchy in the UK

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Dominica Potestas

Aug 11, 2009
Warning, fantasy sexism ahead! I am looking to play an variation on male or female characters or GMs, and I don't care what gender you are in RL. Looking to roleplay on IMs.


In 2016, the fragile recovery from the 2008 crash suddenly collapsed, plunging the world into the deepest and most severe recession experienced. Banks go under, loans are called in. By sheer luck more than anything, the United Kingdom, China and Canada are the only G20 countries that avoid defaulting on debt, while most other major economies spiral into chaos.

In the UK, the 2015 general election had resulted in another Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government, limping and hanging on. However a fringe party, the Justice Party - once denounced as a ragtag bunch of fruitcakes, sexists and fascists - are suddenly making very big waves. Campaigning on traditionalist family values, they are characterised as sexist as the openly blame feminists for the Depression, as many women were running governments and banks in 2016. To counter sexist allegations, they run a woman in the 2016 London mayoral election - and win.

Media mogul Alex Taylor is an important supporter of Justice. Originally making his money from porn, he bought up the British remnants of News Corp when it folded in 2016, making good investments to be in the position where his British New Media corporation own the largest TV channels (ITV, Channel 5, and the former Sky Sports and News), the largest tabloid newspaper (The Comet) and largest broadsheet (The Herald). For saving The Times and allowing football to continue by buying Sky's contract, he is considered a saviour.

The output of his media promotes and exploits the sexualisation of objectifcation of women. A whole generation of women are brought up in a society that values women only as sex objects, and in which increasignly violent or misogynistic porn is becoming more mainstream.

The Justice Party do well in local elections and the 2019 European elections show Justice to be a real force to be reckoned with. By the 2020 general election, Justice promise a populist message of leaving the EU, cutting the UK's welfare budget by at least 50% and creating jobs by cutting through employment law, as well as radically redefining the state's attitude to the family. Even so it is a shock when Justice win 41.3% of the vote, and 466 seats in the 650-seat House of Commons. Justice leader Jonathan Roberts becomes Prime Minister.

In September 2020, there is a massive explosion in Parliament Square, disrupting Prime Minister's Questions. A policeman is killed. The government quickly identifies a Canadian-based feminist group as the culprits and uses the explosion to start their concerted programme of stripping women of their civil rights.

Women are exploited and oppressed at every turn for the next five years. Yet despite this, in 2014 a referendum is held to strip women of the vote - 82% vote yes. Justice win an increased landslide in 2015 with new all-male franchise.

What follows a series of articles written by feminist writers based in Canada, describing the reforms that take place in the UK in detail, preceeded by a timeline of the Justice Party Universe.


MAY 2015 The Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition wins another term in the general election. Labour forms the official opposition. The newly formed traditionalist Justice Party shows well in the South.

SEPTEMBER Stock markets crash around the world, triggering the Third Great Depression.

A year of tremendous shock as the world plunges into economic chaos. The UK, China and Canada are the only G20 countries to avoid defaulting. Most banks go under, and it is noted that a lot of them are run by women as a result of feminist pressure after the last crash.

JANUARY 2016 News Corp. folds. This takes The Sun, The Times and Sky out of British media.

FEBRUARY The assets of News Corp. in the UK are bought up media mogul Alex Taylor, best known for producing pornography. He creates a new company, British New Media, promising to marry old and new media technology. He is considered a saviour of the industry for saving The Times and allowing the Premier League to continue by buying up Sky’s contract.

MARCH BNM launches the Daily Comet and The Herald, and rebrands Sky as Universe TV. Meanwhile, the Daily Mirror, Daily Express, The Independent and The Guardian all cease printing.

APRIL BNM completes its purchase of Channel 5.

MAY In a shock result in the London mayoral election, the Justice Party candidate wins on the second round. Interestingly, that candidate is a woman, Sandra Byrd. Polls show that not only are Justice a major party, but most people don’t consider them sexist. Within a few years, the Justice Party is considered the best thing to happen to London politics. Meanwhile, Justice wins 20% in the local elections.

NOVEMBER The US presidential election is won by Sarah Palin. The world markets groan and the United States is downgraded again to C.

FEBRUARY The first series of Page 3 Idol concludes on Channel 5.

MAY Votes in the local elections are split evenly between the Tories, Lib Dems, Labour and Justice.

SEPTEMBER The IMF warns that Britain will have to reduce its welfare bill by 50% in three years.

MAY The Justice Party wins big in the European elections in the UK, running on a Eurosceptic platform and winning 40% of the vote. Elections to the national assembly are suspended by Westminster as the UK government decides it needs total control of spending in the Depression.

The first elections to the new upper chamber, the Senate take place. This is a much more mixed result, and because the life peers are being allowed to die off no party controls the chamber.

JANUARY A poll shows that a majority of schoolgirls aspire to be famous rather than professional, with glamour modelling the most popular career choice.

MARCH The first televised, combined and cross-promoted BNM 100 Sexiest Women concludes on ITV1.

MAY General election. In a shock result, Justice actually win a majority. Justice gets 466 seats, Labour 118, Tories 33, Lib Dems 13 and others 20. Justice won 41.3% of the vote, Labour 23.4%, Tories 19.7%, Lib Dems 10.5% and others 5%. Jonathan Roberts is appointed Prime Minister.

JULY The House of Commons Recall Elections Act passes, making it possible for 10% of electors to recall their MP.

The Marital Reform Act is passed, pleasing traditionalists and the Church of England. It makes divorce harder (for the woman) and sets up Family Courts to rule harshly over alimony and child access.

SEPTEMBER The UK withdraws from the European Court of Human Rights. The Human Rights Act is heavily revised.

There is a ‘feminist’ terrorist attack in London.

Parliament passes the Parliamentary Sovereignty Act, restating parliamentary sovereignty and giving British law primacy over European law, to much support.

OCTOBER As a response to the feminist terrorism, the Criminal Justice Act is passed, making it easier for police to lock people up and making a whole range of rights – including trial by jury, right to counsel, right to silence etc – ‘discretionary’. As far as the public is concerned this is about feminist terrorists and also a battleground for a popular rebellion against the EU.

The Capital and Corporal Punishment Act comes into force to much support. Under the terms of the Act, hangings and canings will happen in prison, but grants BNM exclusive rights to broadcast video and pictures.

NOVEMBER The Currency and Credit Reform Act is passed, after years of propaganda about female bank bosses in 2016 and how females got the world into debt. This requires women produce 50% or £50,000 of their debt on demand as evidence of the credit worthiness, and bars access to bank accounts, loans and mortgages to women who can’t produce £1 million up front.

DECEMBER BNM is allowed to complete its purchase of ITV by the government. Alex Taylor announces plans to move most of the popular and mainstream shows on C5 to ITV1, including Page 3 Idol.

JANUARY 2021 Employment Act 2021. Minimum working hours for women, maximum working hours for men. Minimum wages and a guaranteed minimum income for men, maximum wages for women.

FEBRUARY The Credit and Currency Reform Act creates massive female unemployment and homelessness. This is treated with by the Welfare Reform Act. This turns JobCentres in Offices for the Direction of Female Labour (ODFLs) and allows companies to create hostels out of derelict buildings. Instead of benefits, the female unemployed get mandatory ‘work experience’ with these companies with no health and safety of minimum wage concerns.

MARCH The government recognises the Female Performers’ Union as the professional body of female entertainers. Membership is now required for women to appear on film, TV or in music. It is effectively controlled by BNM puppets.

The Hate Crime Act comes into force, making incitement to gender hatred a crime.

MAY A referendum is held on the UK membership of the European Union. After an 85% vote to withdraw, the UK leaves the EU.

Justice wins 90% of the new elected chief constables due to the Byzantine qualification process and the short notice of the elections.

The Criminal Justice Act comes into force, overhauling the justice procedure and destroying civil rights for women.

The Tax and Pension Reform Act comes in. Among other factors, it increases the retirement age for women. Women are taxed according to their contribution to the economy, so the less a woman earns the more she is taxed, up to 90%. Hostel girls are taxed at 100%, basically meaning the companies just pay the government for the cheap slave labour.

JUNE The Legal Aid and Sentencing Act comes into force.

Sexual Offences Act outlaws lesbianism, prostitution, female adultery and ‘sexually provocative behaviour’ or ‘incitement to rape’.

SEPTEMBER The FPU introduces new membership requirements and mandates a topless photo shoot to get in and a minimum of one sex scene a year.

The Judicial Reform Act makes all judicial appointments political, and in Justice’s favour.

JANUARY 2022 Employment Act 2022. Legalises sexual harassment by staff and customers, and places a total ban on any woman having any responsibility over a man.

FEBRUARY Page 3 Idol Rosie Lee reveals she was raped and she loved it.

The first hanging in Britain in over 60 years takes place, to much public interest. After a sucession of hangings, each with the naked corpse published on the front page of the Comet with the headline ‘DIE YOU CUNT’, many commentators clamber for more public and bloody spectacles.

APRIL Is She Cheating on You? – televised Family Court hearings in a TV studio – debuts.

SEPTEMBER The Capital and Corporal Punishments (Female and Public) Act comes into force after much public pressure. Now only women can be executed or caned (although no men ever were anyway), and judges are free to make the punishments as public and depraved as possible.

JANUARY 2023 The Transfer of Family Assets Act comes into force, removing all property from women and giving it to their Legal Male Guardians (closest male relative), and making it impossible for a woman to open a bank account, register to vote or leave a job without approval from their LMG.

The Head of Household Act makes men mini-dictators in their own home. They can set dress codes and codes of conduct for all who reside in his house, especially women, which are enforceable by law.

The Public and Private Dress Codes Act makes it legal for any person, organisation or local authority to set dress codes for women on their property. This effectively legalises strip clubs by the back door.

APRIL Debuts of shows such as Pain Threshold and Ultimate Wipeout. Injury and deaths of unwilling hostel and prison girls now a regular sight on TV.

The Pornography Act legalises almost all porn that does not feature death. However it is legal to view snuff that has been made illegally or abroad. Torture and rape are now common elements of porn.

MAY The referendum of whether women should be allowed to vote is a massive win for the No campaign, 82% to 18%. The Female Suffrage (Abolition) Act passes through Parliament.

Justice wins a big majority in the Senate elections, which finally becomes a working majority once all the women are expelled.

FEBRUARY 2025 The Supreme Court rules that blatantly anti-female laws are ‘fair justice’, and that proof of innocence is not sufficient reason to release a female inmate.

MAY Justice wins another term in a landslide election victory.
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