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Kage's Kinks and Urges (Pacific Rim and Night Vale!)

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Dec 8, 2013
UPDATED: 12/8/13

I have some free time over the holidays, so now looking for new RPs! I'll do anything from non-sexual to light to extreme RPs, just check my preferences to make sure whatever you want to do isn't one of the very few things I won't do. :D I roleplay via message boards, IM, and Tumblr. I'll update this thread as more ideas come to me.

If you see an idea or a fandom that you like but want to change up the plot, I am completely open to negotiation, so don't be afraid to ask!

Roles in orange would be played by me.
Plots marked with !!! are the ones I have a particularly painful craving for.

Fandom Ideas

!!!I am Not a Groupie (Pacific Rim)(M/M)
Sexual Aspects/Triggers: Vanilla, hurt/comfort, monsters/tentacles
Roles: (Canon characters) Newt x Hermann (also open to doing just about anything in this world with OCs)
Details: Even though the Breach is closed, there's still plenty of fresh Kaiju carcass around for Newt to study. But a few weeks into his research, he starts to notice foreign voices in his head and flashes of terrifying images. He's tapped into the Kaiju hivemind, and the worst part is, the changes are physical as well. Newt has always been fascinated by the Kaiju, but he never fully grasped the earth-shattering horror of their existence until he became one of them.

This RP involves the consequences of Newt and Hermann's drift with the Kaiju brain. I figure he's still tapped into the hivemind on some level, and so something he gets into during his study of the Kaiju remains recognizes him as Kaiju, and starts to genetically engineer him into one of them (since the Kaiju are clones, I figure there has to be some kind of bioengineering going on). I'm very attached to alienfirst's Kaiju-spliced Newt design (here and here), so Newt's transformation would be loosely based on that. I'm looking for someone to play Hermann as he witnesses Newt's transformation and experiences his own repercussions (partner's choice what those might be). We can keep it non-sexual or have them end up in a relationship, I'm game either way.

!!!Weird At Last (Welcome to Night Vale)(M/M)
Sexual Aspects/Triggers: Vanilla, hurt/comfort, monsters/tentacles, mild BDSM, potentially torture
Roles: (Canon characters) Cecil x Carlos; Cecil x Earl Harlan (no personal preference; will play any of these characters)
Details: I really don't have a specific plot in mind, I just have a Night Vale itch that needs to be scratched. I like the idea of Cecil as some kind of eldritch abomination, so tentacles will almost certainly be a part of any plot we do. I also got turned onto the Cecil/Earl Harlan ship by the wonderful nazi-nurse, who designed an adorable ginger version of the scoutmaster. So I'd like to do pretty much anything involving these characters, how they met, maybe something to do with re-education, Desert Bluffs shenanigans, mute children dragging people into burlap tents, whatever. Plots can be discussed beforehand.

What I look for in a roleplay partner (Please read, it's not that long!)
  • I like my partners to be relatively literate. A typo here and there won't bother me, but a good grasp of English grammar is a must. So far, it seems like most Blue Moon members don't have too big an issue with that.
  • I don't have a strict post length requirement. Sometimes, one short paragraph can be good enough. I personally like to limit myself to 1 - 3 paragraph posts, depending on how much is required for the particular plot, to allow my partner to respond before I start rambling. I value quality, not quantity, when it comes to post length.
  • PLEASE don't leave me hangin'! :-( I don't expect a billion posts per day, but at least one per day would be nice. More would be awesome, but I understand that life gets busy and that people have things to do (I'm job-hunting at the moment, I can relate). I just ask that if you know ahead of time that you won't be responding for a while that you'll let me know; same goes if you suddenly decide not to continue the RP. I won't be mad as long as you tell me. :)

Please PM me if you are interested in any of these! If you're interested in the fandom in general but not these specific ideas, PM me and I'd be willing to work something out. I'm just very into these fandoms as of late. :D
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