Under One Banner (kuro_bara x Broomhandle45)

"...What do you mean?" Han asked after a moment. "I'm very capable of being relaxed, you know." He meditated fairly frequently, trained often and in his spare time, he enjoyed helping with the camp when he could. It kept him in shape and satisfied Nidoking's need for him to do anything to keep himself fit. But clearly understanding social cues was something he had lacked, but as a warrior...he didn't often need them, as a husband?

He was starting to feel a minor twinge of frustration build up at his constant lack of knowledge, perhaps that should be his next pursuit.
Her lips twitched slightly at his response, his lack of understanding making it difficult to keep a straight face. Eri was very proud of herself for managing to keep her expression thoughtful though Absol was making it very difficult since he was howling with laughter inside her mind. "I think...perhaps you should ask your father what his logic behind a wife was." She managed to say in a gentle, soothing tone. She could see he was beginning to get frustrated but she wasn't sure what the cause was.
"I don't think that would give me any clearer insights," Han said dryly, tapping his forehead. "Lord Gren has always enjoyed me finding out of my own accord...no matter how lost I may be." Given how Nidoking also felt great amusement at this manner of learning, he doubted he would get much help there either. That did, however...pose a very unique question...just why did Lord Gren decide to give him a wife?

Was it so he wouldn't have these situations in the future? To ensure that he had strong children? The drier side of his mind guessed that Lord Gren had a...enthusiastic sense of humor, and no doubt found the thought of his adopted son dealing with the trials and tribulations of a wife far too hilarious to pass up. In any case, the only progress truly being made was dinner...which was starting to smell wonderful as Han dumped the slice potatoes into the large stew. While he did admittedly have more things in his repertoire...he was still a man of practicality. Soup could be stored cold, and was generally very filling as well.
Eri sat cross legged across from him, her stomach rumbling from the smell of the stew, as Han spoke of his father's humor. Absol spoke up, his voice bemused. 'Does he really not understand the purpose of a mate?'

She bit her lip in an attempt to smother a laugh at her partner's comment. 'I think you are oversimplifying things, friend.' She replied, mentally shaking her head at him. She could hear Absol chuckle but he remained silent after that.

Eri opened her mouth to ask when the stew would be finished but was interrupted by the tent flap being pushed aside. A young soldier cleared his throat keeping his eyes cast down as if worried he may have interrupted something, this gesture made Eri laugh softly and cover her mouth politely so as not to wound his pride.
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