Under One Banner (kuro_bara x Broomhandle45)


Feb 4, 2013
A small group of warriors dressed in padded clothing and light, battered armor stood before the sprawling encampment of Arwais Gren. A huge tent drew every eye to the center of the camp; it was decorated with colorful banners and flags from past conquests. The flags fluttered in the seemingly ever-present breeze on the plains. Fighters, families and Pokemon all mingled among the mass of smaller tents, many having stopped to stare at the small group. Most of them looked unconcerned by the appearance of a group of armed men, as if it were an everyday occurrence in their small village. There were often armed men wherever Arwais Gren was found.

The Raiku fighters looked uncomfortable, some looking outright angry by their surroundings. They were present as an escort for the leaders of their clan and their daughter, Raiku Eri. After several small skirmishes with Arwais Gren’s men the leaders of the clan had decided outright war with him was far too dangerous to their people. He had already swallowed up three clans with great cost to life on both sides. The Raiku were taking a different approach. Eri was easily discernible from the rest of the group. Her long black her was pulled up in an ornate design and clipped with glittering crystal pins. She was dressed in beautiful blue and white robes with flowing sleeves and a more fitted design commonly seen further East. Finally there was a silver chain around her neck from which dangled a black crystal, shaped vaguely like a heart. It was almost as valuable as she was in this offer.

Eri’s face was a mask of ice as an Arwais warriors approached to take only the leaders and Eri further into the encampment, leaving the Raiku to wait outside the barricades. Up close the central tent was even larger and more ornate than she expected though she kept her face entirely unreadable. She would never forgive her parents, her people or the Arwais for what was about to happen here today. Being sold like livestock to a monster as a means to secure their peace instead of fighting like the warriors they were. It was disgraceful. The Arwais warriors led them to the tent’s entrance and waved them inside with a single command to wait. Just inside was a passage way that sectioned off the entry from the rest of the tent with another set of closed flaps at the end and two more warriors standing guard. Eri stared straight ahead and stood incredibly still as they waited to be summoned before their, apparently, future leader.
The man that shifted through the tents was none other than Arwais Gren, from nothing...he made something. He made unity, he made power. At any cost, he had done what his father had wanted...what his grandfather had wanted. And he had done so by his rules alone, even if he had gotten on in years as of late...he was still a physically imposing man with shrewd eyes and a faint beard that he scratched idly in thought. His loose, faintly unimpressive robes hid little of a figure of a warrior and his posture told of a man of intellect as he sized up the finely dressed woman and the two people with her. A posture of a warrior...and that crystal around her neck...fascinating...

"Lord Arwais," Raiku Ji said, stepping forward with a light bow and a clearing of his throat. "Forgive our intrusion into your camp, but we have seen that your might is to be reckoned with...and we wish to shed no more blood."

"A fine choice to make, Lord Raiku." he said easily, smiling. "I am glad to see that you have come to reason, yet forgive me for saying so...but who is this beautiful woman?" he asked easily. He pretended not to notice the subtle nudge of an arm against the daughter's back to move her forward. Oh ho...the faint little look in her eyes...he liked that.

"If it pleases you, my lord...our gift to this alliance is my daughter," he murmured. "She is our most precious jewel, and one that you will find great happiness with."
Ji waved her forward despite the small nudge her mother had provided, giving his daughter a look that quite clearly said ‘behave’. Eri took a graceful step towards imposing man fighting to keep the rage out of her face. Controlling her emotions was something she was very bad at and the more unjust the situation the harder it became. Nothing felt as wrong as this did causing her anger to simmer under the surface barely contained.

When Eri didn’t immediately bow to Lord Arwais, her mother cleared her throat and made a gesture. She did as her mother indicated but stubbornly met his eyes as she bent at the waist, her submissive posture entirely at odds with the look in her eyes. She tried not to grit her teeth when her father spoke of her like a precious commodity to be gifted to this warlord.
The expression on his face was a fair bit unreadable, but faint amusement seemed to trail under his eyes as Ji seemed all too quick to speak in her stead. Gren's warriors moved to step forward as Ji moved, but he waved them off to relax. He could already feel his little shadow's eyes baring down on him. If she truly wanted to kill him, he was rather curious of how fast they would need to be to stop her. Faith in his men was one thing, faith against stopping a warrior who could align with pokemon was another.

However, his little shadow seemed adapt at being around when he thought he was needed.

"She means no disrespect, my lord-" he started quickly, as Gren laughed, making Ji both...nervous and confused. He did not live so long as to be ignorant of a woman and her fury...far from it, he tended to prefer women who shown less...spirit. His plans would not last very long otherwise.

"She is beautiful!" he remarked. "But I wonder if your beautiful little flower wants her petals to be touched by a man, hm?" he said casually, reclining back in his pillows. "What say you, girl? Do you let your father speak for you on the day of your wedding?"
Ji cast a nervous look at his daughter and groaned out loud when he saw her expression. Eri’s face was contorted in a look of rage and hatred that she no longer made an effort to hide. “I let no one speak for me!” She almost shouted at Gren, taking another unconscious step towards the man, her hands balling into fists as if she wanted to hit him.

“Eri!” Her mother cried in horror. “Do not act so rashly!”

The younger woman gave a start and straightened from the aggressive stance that she had taken. Eri took a deep breath and reined her temper back, fixing and icy stare on Arwais Gren. “However,” She said in a softer voice, only a slight note of anger still there. “If this is the method in which my people have chosen to protect themselves I will accept it.” She turned a vicious look on her father causing the man to wilt. “Though I do not agree with it.” She stated in a cold tone that was obviously directed at her parents. Both of them looked completely mortified by her behaviour but made no effort to stop her because Gren had seemingly spurred her on in the first place.
Gren could faintly hear the half step behind him, and he smiled easily. "I see," he stated plainly as he glanced to her composing parents. Such was the world as it stood, it was a fair trade...it was more than fair, actually. He scratched his chin again before speaking, hand casually waving toward the crystal around her neck.

"I would be a fool to waste a marriage on you, Lady Eri. However, I am not so much of a fool to ignore what is being offered. Your value would be better suited to me on the battlefield, not bearing me heirs...but I will not tarnish your Clan name by not accepting your offer." he said. "Han."

At that, a man stepped out...perhaps a boy. But his face was faintly youthful, if not for the expression in his eyes. A scar trailed along his cheek and what little they could see of his chest and hands spoke of the harsh training of the the Guruden tribe. He did not have a crystal on his neck, his was attached to a worn bracer of leather and steel that glimmered a dark purple that spoke of a powerful pokemon within. He regarded the woman more than a little bit warily, his brown eyes focused faintly on her posture.

If it wasn't for the faint hints on his exposed skin, no warrior would be able to read a stance of a man ready to act at a moment's notice.
Her parent’s stood behind her almost completely ignored at this point. His words caught her off guard and her anger faltered slightly. It sounded as if he was accepting but he wasn’t at the same time. His intentions became clear as more youthful man walked out; he too carried a crystal similar to hers. Eri turned her icy stare on him though it softened just a fraction. He was not the target of her hate or rage and was probably being thrown into this as much as she was.

She could hear a sigh of relief escape her parents when Arwais Gren accepted their offer. “Ah, Lord Arwais, we are very grateful that you have accepted our daughter into your…” Raiku Ji paused and looked Han over very quickly. “Household.” He finished. “We can discuss any conditions that you require at your leisure.” He said bowing again.

Eri remained where she was looking Han over more closely while her parents spoke to Gren. He had clearly undergone some harsh training and he didn’t appear to actually be part of the Arwais clan. She had heard rumors of the Arwais stealing children from the other clans but never expected their almighty leader to resort to such a thing. She watched his eyes focus on the way she was standing and shifted her posture ever so slightly, placing her in a stance that typically signified an impending attack. She was curious to see what he would do if he thought she was a threat.
"Lady Eri, I'd like you to meet your husband. Guruden Han." he said, and for once...Gren saw surprise register on Han's face for a moment as his posture relaxed curiously before smiling easily. His...wife? There had been no information regarding this before, in fact...he was here purely to ensure that his Lord was kept safe from these other warriors. Now that one of them bore a crystal, he was wise in coming. Any false move could have caused more problems than the guards would be able to handle.

She was...beautiful, though. He couldn't deny that in the slightest, she had an elegance to her movements that spoke of a serious danger. It was...a wife that a Guruden could be proud of. If Guruden would consider other clans worthy enough to marry into.

"My conditions are simple, Lord Ji." Gren said formally, shaking Han out of his thoughts. "So long as the marriage between Han and Lady Eri is sustained, our people are in alliance. Should any resistance be met, then you will no longer have a Clan to call your own." he murmured. "A simple proposal, I trust? In return, you will be welcomed here with open arms...and I will provide your clan with whatever you may need under the condition that any able warriors that you have will fight. Those who do not fight will work."
The surprise was obvious on her parent’s faces but Eri had suspected Lord Arwais was planning to pawn her off the moment the other man appeared. Her eyebrow twitched just slightly when Han relaxed and smiled at this sudden announcement. At the very least he was more handsome then Arwais was and appeared to be much stronger though it was hard to tell at a glance. The Guruden were known for being excellent fighters.

Something Gren said pulled her attention away from her future husband. He had specifically said any resistance, meaning if she or her clan put up a fight they would all be doomed. A glance at her parents confirmed the thought; they were no longer so sure about this proposal if it put her obedience into question. After a moment Ji shook himself and gave Lord Arwais a broad smile. “Yes of course we can accept those terms.” He said staring straight at Eri. “Our warriors are at your disposal and we have many workers who would be happy to do as asked.”

Eri wanted to growl with frustration as the figurative noose tightened around her neck. There was no escaping this fate without putting people in unnecessary danger. All she had to do was be a good wife to the man before her and fight for a Lord she despised. After Gren finished laying down the terms and her father hastily accepted them, she padded over to Han and looked up at him. “I will do my best to be a dutiful wife.” She murmured in a surprisingly demure tone of voice, considering the pent up anger that still bubbled behind her eyes. Even her parents looked shocked at the tone of her voice.
The expression he gave her was more than underwhelming, as he could only blink faintly in mild confusion. Admittedly, Han knew...little about these sort of affairs since he had been taken under Lord Gren's wing. His purpose was battle, and that was what he...lived for. That was what he knew he was capable in...this? He hadn't any idea where to even begin...and he was merely going along because his Lord had seem him suited for the task. What exactly was a good wife? He wouldn't be so stupid as to embarrass his Lord by asking such a question...but perhaps whatever she did, would be a good wife?

"...I suppose I should show you my tent, then." Han murmured, his voice respectful and quiet. "Come with me," he instructed, giving a bow to his Lord and her parents before exiting without a word.

Gren would have to personally apologize to the boy later, he saw the look in that woman's eyes...and that woman was a danger to just about everyone around her like this. Hopefully, they could come to some kind of agreement. Two warriors with their powers? It would be a sizable tool in his diplomatic arsenal.
Eri gave her parents one last withering look before following Han out of the large tent. She remained a few steps behind him, her eyes roaming over the various tents and people present. When they passed a large corral of ponyta however, she stopped in her tracks and approached the fence with a look of interest. One of the fiery little horses approached the wooden fence and pressed its muzzle into her hand presumably looking for some sort of treat. Eri ran a hand down the side of its neck with a tender smile on her face. Pokemon were something that were constant throughout their world and she loved spending time with them when she could. Perhaps it had something to do with her bond to the absol sealed within the crystal around her neck.

The ponyta whickered softly before trotting away to join the rest of the herd in the corral. Eri had been told the Arwais were strongest in cavalry and seeing the Pokemon they used in battle had been about the only thing she was looking forward to about coming here. With a sigh she turned to continue after Han, her brief expression of happiness already replaced by the icy mask she typically wore. When they arrived at his tent it seemed her small satchel of belongs had already been deposited there just inside the entrance. Still feeling uncomfortable and out of place she hesitated just inside the opening, peering around at his home.
Han didn't really look back at her, but he supposed he should have. He supposed that there were certain appearances that he needed to keep about their...marriage, that they were happy together or that this wasn't something neither of them knew what to do about. What did he know about marriage? He knew combat, he knew war...he knew that he would never be deserving of a wife after what failures he had done.

Yet still, here he was with one. He was the first to step into his tent, and he was painfully aware of just how unsuited a single tent was for any kind of marriage whatsoever. It was clear that he was a Guruden man, judging by the large assortment of hunting victories and weapons as war trophies. There was only one spot that could be considered a bed, the bundle of furs at the back. It was...homey, if you were into hunting gear and weapons.

"...Make yourself at home," he finally said.
Eri gazed around at the trophies and weapons, a small smile sliding across her lips before vanishing. He was probably worried she would dislike it but she rather approved, he had an impressive assortment of weapons. She glanced at her incredibly out of place robes with a frown before staring at his back as he moved about the tent. “I need to change.” She declared, biting her lip as the words left her mouth. Already she was sounding overly demanding, she had never heard her mother speak to her father that way. As an afterthought she added a half-hearted. “If I may?” It was a feeble attempt to sound a bit more subservient. It just wasn’t in her nature to be that kind of person.

Turning to dig through the satchel of belongings, she pulled out a much more practical outfit. A quilted robe that went to the knee was a blue so dark it bordered on black. It was trimmed in pale yellow and had what looked like stylized electric bolts in the fabric, a subtle reminder about where she had come from. It also had a matching sash that wrapped around the waist. To go with it she pulled out a pair of leggings in the same pale yellow, also padded for warmth and a pair of knee high, soft leather boots that were trimmed in some sort of fur. She held the clothing in her arms staring at him and wondering if he would leave or if she would have to change with him standing there. The thought made her eyes narrow with anger.
"...You don't have to ask me to change," he said after a moment, moving closer. "...But don't we need to..." he didn't know the word, but the intent was probably clear by the hand on her hip. "Since...we're married?" That was the normal thing, right? To...to do that?
The flat look she gave him and way her body stiffened was about all the warning he got before she snarled at him and punched him in the gut as hard as she could. Considering how scarred he was she doubted it bothered him at all and that only served to infuriate her further. “I don’t have to ask to change but I should let you mount me like an animal!” She shouted at him, her eyes glinting dangerously, and oddly the crystal around her neck flashing in response to her anger.

She knew full well it was a required part of this marriage but the idea of just letting him have her like that made her shudder. There was also Gren’s ominous phrasing she had to think of…the bastard probably knew how difficult she would be to deal with. With a growl she paced away from him and angrily began stripping the ornate robes off and letting drop to the floor in a heap. Instead of immediately dressing in the other ones she turned around and glared at him, standing with her arms crossed under her chest and her left foot out to the side in a stance that clearly said ‘well come and get it then…if you can.’
He probably should have expected that, but then again...he didn't exactly know what he was doing either. He knew only what he saw, and what he heard...but he had to admit. That punch was impressive, it was right in the stomach and he felt some breath escape as he shifted back on his heels. Well...that was one mistake he wasn't allowing again. He shifted regardless, if it hurt...he was good at hiding it.

But then he saw her, all of her. She was...toned, fit. Like a proper warrior, faint scars danced across her body that spoke of experience. And he had to admit...he found that faintly more attractive than normal men probably did. Her posture spoke of arrogance, and challenge...and what pride he had left as a Guruden warrior boiled for conquest, for a victory. But what would that accomplish?

Another miserable person sharing the same tent.

"...Sorry," he replied idly, turning around to give her privacy.
Something flashed across his face and disappeared before she could get a grasp on what it was; a flash of the warrior underneath the seemingly passive exterior. Her jaw dropped in surprise when he apologized and turned around, the gesture completely threw her off and she was left staring at his back in confusion. She had expected anger, or at the very least a show of dominance but for some reason he backed down. Her expression turned thoughtful as she quickly dressed in the simpler clothing, clearing her throat when she was done.

Eri gave her new husband the closest thing to an apologetic look she could manage. She absolutely wouldn’t apologize for being who she was but…she had attacked him mostly unprovoked and it had been a bit of a low blow for someone who called herself a warrior. “I am sorry I hit you…” She said, wrapping the sash around her waist and looking up at him. “It was uncalled for.” She admitted.

“I…” She chewed her lip for a moment before speaking, his behavior had come as a shock and it had softened her anger at the situation. It was obvious he was as lost in the situation as she was, he simply reacted differently. “I think we got off on the wrong foot.” Eri said in a softer tone. “Perhaps…we should start again.” She held out her hand, the way she had seen many of the warriors greet one another. “I am Raiku Eri, I am pleased to meet you Lord Guruden.”
"...Perhaps we should," Han replied with a light sigh, hand running through his hair as he turned to face her again. Now she was dressed, and that put things on a level he was familiar with and more comfortable about. So, he took her hand and gave it a firm squeeze. His hands were rough and scarred.

"...Guruden Han, likewise." he mumbled. "...I am...not familiar with marriage," he said quietly. "I apologize if I insulted your honor."
Eri gave him a friendly smile and laughed softly, her hand lingering on his a bit longer than necessary. “If I may offer a bit of advice, it is not the woman’s honor that is typically the concern in a marriage.” She titled her head to the side and regarded him thoughtfully. “But I very much appreciate the sentiment and I hope that I have not insulted you in any way either.”

She gathered up her fancy clothing and folded it neatly, looking around for a place to store things. “Hmm…I should have brought a chest.” She muttered to herself, setting the clothing on top of her bag. Eri needed to find something to distract her from the situation; both of them were stumbling over formalities that they should have been taught prior to marriage. Her family had been in such a rush to sell her off in the name of peace they hadn’t bothered with teaching the proper etiquette though she had a general idea. Han didn’t seem to have any idea and Lord Arwais hadn’t been given much notice to teach him. “Lord Arwais…isn’t quite what I imagined.” She mused out loud, wandering around the tent to inspect the weapons up close.

As she walked past a pile of clothing her lip twitched. Many of them were torn or ripped from fights and had yet to be repaired. She gathered a few of them up and dug a simple sewing kit from her belongings before dropping onto the pile of furs with her legs crossed. She had wanted a distraction, this would do for now. At her own camp she could recall many of the wives gathering in the evenings to talk and do chores like this, though many of the warriors were quite capable of sewing their own clothing. She always thought it a boring past time preferring instead to train with the warriors and hopefully she would still be allowed here. It sounded as if Lord Arwais had plans to include her in his battles because of her ability. Her eyes wandered to the jewel in the bracer on Han’s wrist. “Your Pokemon, what is it?” She asked, expertly threading a needle while looking up at him.
Lord Arwais was...not the man that anyone expected. Nor was he someone that he had thought would take him under his wing. He didn't really know what to tell her in the slightest about it, either as he watched her move around her tent like a miniature whirlwind. He was about to say something about what she was doing, but then again...wasn't...she supposed to be doing that? It wasn't as if he didn't want to tend to his own clothing, he just didn't have the time.

Here, he was out of his element more than he had ever enjoyed. He knew how to fight, he knew how to do everything he needed to do to sustain himself. Outside of Lord Arwais, he was considered something of an oddity for their clan. He was adopted only because of his power, they always told him. That what had happened, no respecting parent of the Guruden would ever see him adopted. He owed his lord that much...giving him a life of conquest and victory. That was enough, wasn't it?

"...Nidoking," he finally said, hand slipping over the jewel almost self-consciously. "...It was my fathers." As he was explained to, almost daily...by both Nidoking and his clan.
Eri listened attentively to him speak, working on the shirt in her hands at the same time. She paused and set the clothing down when he mentioned the crystal belonging to his father. She took this to mean his real father and not Lord Arwais. She noticed his hand slid over the jewel in a self-conscious manner and decided against asking more about the topic. It seemed to make him uncomfortable and she had certainly done enough of that for the day.

If he was bonded with a Nidoking though, that explained why Lord Arwais had taken him in. It was a powerful Pokemon and partnered with a strong warrior like Han would make him quite the fighter to have in any army. It may also explain why he had chosen Han over any other warrior to be her husband. She touched the crystal around her neck affectionately. “My partner is Absol.” She explained with a smile. Eri couldn’t help but wonder if Lord Arwais knew what her partner was…pairing her with Han in a fight could make for a potentially lethal combo to throw at his enemies.
"Absol..." Han murmured faintly in thought before nodding and deciding that he would at least sit across from her, legs folded. "...I see, that must be why Lord Arwais did not wish to fight your Clan." His lord was a shrewd man, who understood the many different clan superstitions and legends. There were many from his own clan and others that saw Absol as ill omens...to fight one? It would likely be damning enough to morale.

"It is wise that this was done, then." Less bloodshed, more warriors...everyone benefited.
Eri shrugged slightly at his comment, keeping her thoughts to herself as he sat across from her. She suspected the Lord had other reasons for not wanting to fight her clan and bring them in peacefully though she had never considered the possibility Absol and herself might be looked at as a bad omen. Absol were particularly sensitive to disaster and often appeared near them and because of this they were considered bad luck.

She tilted her head and looked at him with a thoughtful look. "Are you happy with this arrangement?" She asked. "It was forced on you as much as it was me."
"I do as my lord wishes, as I owe him for saving my life." he replied smoothly in turn. "A warrior adapts to any new situations that are presented to him."

...But to be honest, he didn't know if it made him happy or not. What did he have to base his happiness on? His life was one of chosen hardship, his suffering was his own that he would forever strive to improve. But even he was not such a fool as to think that what he had said was little more than an attempted dodge at her question. He shifted faintly at that, fingers lightly tapping on his knee.

Was it...a bad situation? He supposed not, just a new one. One he didn't know how to deal with.

"...But if I am to be a husband, I have been given a wife that hits like a warrior of her Clan should...and that is...that is good."
Eri actually laughed out loud at his response. Not in an offending way, just a good natured soft laugh. If beating him was all it took to make him happy than they were going to have a long happy relationship. She was very bad at controlling her emotions, particularly her anger and he had already given her more leeway than any man should have or would have so it was likely encounters like earlier would happen again. "I cannot promise that won't happen again..." She said still laughing slightly.

In all seriousness, Han was probably the best match in a husband she could have hoped for. He was close to her age, he understood about the bond, he was as lost as her in the situation and his placid nature hopefully would balance out her fiery one. She smiled warmly at him as she continued working on his shirts with a slightly renewed vigor. Her mood was much improved by his comment and his personality in general. Some might see him as bland or even withdrawn but she had seen the flash of the warrior beneath. There were subtleties to him that she respected and she would wait patiently for him to open up to her.
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