Saving Souls (Avengers) Zamello/Moon

He noded alittle when loki asked if he believed the 'shit' he was saying. Ofcourse he did. And he knew that no one ever taught him that lesson. That alone ticked the doctor off alittle. How can no one teach him that?

He decided against telling him what a home meant and needed. He.didn't think the god.would be very happy if he told him that home is where your friends and loved ones are.

He was completely shocked when he told him he would accept his help. Ofcourse the god had to add that he would watch him fail. But he didn't care.
"i will help the best i can. But you got to promise me something, that you won't try to kill yourself. Okay?"
Loki studied the doctor for a moment and then he sighed, he hated how much this human was getting to him... how much he, liked the man. "if the voices come back, i will kill myself. but until that time, i promise to do no further damage upon my person." he promised. it was a good promise, and it explained a little bit about why Loki did it in the first place. he was frightened he would hurt more people, and believed that Death was the only way he could stop himself. "i'm still thirsty. please. something cold to drink would be welcome." well at least Loki was being nicer now.
He smirked alittle. He finally got the god to relax. He didn't like that he promised to kill himself if the voices came back, but its a start.
"good, it's a deal then"
He nodded.

He looked around for a second.
"where is she, she should be here with a drink." He rolled his eyes.
"i will be right back, with a cold drink. "
He ran off quickly, he the nurse alittle, but not to harsh. He came back with a drink of water and jello.
Loki huffed a little. "i don't like you." he complained, annoyed by how falsely happy the doctor was. there was true happiness in there, Loki could tell, but most of it was fake. Loki didn't like it. he was too weak to hold the glass himself, William had to help him drink, but he was able to manage the Jello by himself once the restraints where undone. "i quite like this." Loki stated as he prodded the last square of Jello with his spoon, making it wiggle and jiggle. "what is this called again? it's delightful." Loki admitted with a slight, very tiny, but honest smile. Loki was clearly fascinated by the human inventions, no matter how much he said otherwise it was pretty obvious that Loki was fascinated by humans themselves as well. Loki laid back down once he'd finished his last bit of Jello and sighed as he closed his eyes. "why am i so tired?" he wondered. "i've never been so pathetically weak before. how long will it take me to recover from this?" he was really starting to regret trying to kill himself now.
he was confused when he said he didn't like him.
"why don't you like me?" He asked, giving him a confused look. He took of the bonds so he can drink but loki didn't seem able to. So he helped him, loki drank the whole glass of water.

When he gave him the jello he seemed to love it. He guesses.that if he went to 'asgard' that he would be amazed at and culture too.
"it's called jello. That is cerry flavor. Ill give you orange flavor later."
He smiled at him. He didn't tie him back up. he didn't seem to have too. He couldn't really move anyway.
"it will take a few weeks for you to recover completely." He said. "do you need anything else?"
Loki's eyes narrowed at the doctor. "you smile when you don't mean it." he stated with annoyance. "if you do not want to smile, then do not smile, it makes you look a fool." he bit out, scathingly before focusing on his Jello. "Cherry, yes i like Cherry... it is a Vegetable is it not?" he asked curiously. "we have such things on Asgaurd, tiny red things that grow in the ground and have large pits, but they do not taste sweet like this." he admitted simply as he laid back on the bed, relieved that he wasn't going to be tied down again. he hated to be restrained. "no, i need nothing now. thank you. i'm just going to sleep..." and he did, he slept the rest of the night, not even waking when the nurse came in to give him fluids since Loki couldn't drink and eat enough to stay hydrated. he woke in the morning, feeling much better, and was able to walk himself to the bathroom, though he had to rest for several minutes before he could make it back to the room. there he settled himself into a chair instead of the bed, and watched the world pass outside, watching the green 'park' that the hospital had for the hospital patients who could be outside.
He gave loki.a weird look. He was about to say that he wasn't faking it, but he was the god of lies. He couldn't lie to him. He noded alittle but he didn't stop smiling he just didn't smile as widely.

He laughed alittle.
"cherries are fruits. Not vegetables."
He told him, he saw that he was going to sleep so he left.

A few hours later he came back to see if loki woke up and saw him on the chair. He smiled alittle. He.was happy he can get up now.
"how are you feeling?"
Loki studied the new smile and then nodded, pleased that the man was at least making an effort not to make such false smiles. "vegetables, fruits, what's the difference?" he asked with a lift of the eyebrow. "they are edible and that's all i truly care about." he stated with a smirk. "i am sore." Loki admitted when the doctor came in. there was a tray of breakfast on the table, a nurse must have brought it. Loki didn't seam to have had any trouble eating every last thing on the tray, save to two pieces of toast, which only had one chunk bitten out of it. apparently the God of lies didn't like toast. "my stitches itch." he admitted, lifting a wrist. "that infernally chipper woman told me i wasn't to scratch." he stated with a sneer. "she smiled when she said it and she meant it. she's far too happy, i don't like her. i demand a new attendant." either Loki was being verbally abusive again, or he misunderstood what a nurse was. considering he was a God, it was probobly both.
He noded alittle.
"yeah you will be soar for while. Do you want me to give you a drug that will take the pain away for a bit?"
He asked. He didn't like to see his pactiants in pain. He walked up, behind the chair. He also watched outside, he did it often. On his break.

"she is always happy, she loves her job. And I'm sorry but she is your nurse now. After the other one decided to take her vacation a month early. Please relax she just wants to help like me."

He looked out again and then looked at loki.
"when you feel strong enough we can go out there. We don't have to today, you look tired. But when you want to i can take my break and go. Okay?"
Loki shook his head. "Pain does not affect me like it does humans." he stated simply. "i am not bothered by the ache, it is the ITCHING..." he grumbled, flexing his fingers, as if that would help the nagging sensation and the urge to rub his wrists against something. "i don't like her. her smile makes my head hurt, and she talks too loud." he complained with a scowl. "she stinks as well. i hate that stuff she sprays on her face..." he grumbled. "i do not want to go outside today." he stated simply. "i feel sick just from walking to the bathroom." he grumbled. "i'm bored." he finally stated, looking at the doctor, "that Wench made a box talk to me, but that was also boring. have you anything else for entertainment?"
He noded to.him.
"okay, I'm stop for the itching. I can rub some cream on it if you want?" He asked.
He got a tub of cream, just in case he says yes. Setting it down next to the end table.
"yeah i don't like that smell either. But she thinks it smells good so" he said smiling.

He looked around for something to do. He finally smiled and looked at loki.
"do you know what chess is? It's a board game. We can play if you want, i have time" he said nodding alittle.
Loki studied the doctor before nodding and reached his arm out tot he other, letting the man undue the thick bandages wrapped around the stitches. the cream soothed the itching burn, which was proving that Loki was indeed healing, and he sighed a little. "the woman is insufferable, and i shall bite her again if she sticks her hands in my face again." he warned with narrowed eyes. "i am insane, i will get away with it." ah, Loki WAS the god of mischief, he would know how to use being in the mental ward to his advantage. "Chess?" he asked, looking curious as he studied the board. "no, i don't know how to play, but i have heard of it. Bruce Banner likes to play this game." he muttered as he picked up a pawn and examined it. "this is a Pawn? yes? and... a knight." he muttered eyes scanning the pieces. "i do not know the names for the others." he muttered. he was calm, and almost pleasant as William showed him how to play, and he didn't even complain when he lost, he just smiled, as if amazed that someone would take the time to show him some attention, and laid back in bed for another nap. he did not bite the nurse, thankfully. though he did give her a massive tongue lashing that left her in tears. not much better, but hey, she was a nurse, she should be used to being verbally berated.
The doctor smiled when he was undoing.the bandages, being very careful. They were healing, that was good. He slowly rubbed the cream on them, not wanting to hurt him. Finally he took new bandages and rapped them on there.

He rolled his eyes.
"dont bite her. You wouldn't why some one to bite you." He with a smirk.

It was fun playing chess with the God. At first he didn't know what he was doing, letting the doctor when every time. Finally he was getting better. But he still didn't win.

Loki got to tired to play. So he helped him get to his bed. He didn't strap him down. Again there was no need. Before he got to sleep he told him about the button on the bed that will call him or a nurse. He didn't want him yelling again.
Loki watched the man's hands, not in suspicion, but in curiosity. as if he was fascinated by how the bandages where taken on and off. "...well, actually i rather like to be bitten." Loki stated, his tone sly and full of Sexual innuendo. "especially when there's a cock buried in my.." here he paused and stared at the door where the overly happy nurse had dissolved into bundles of giggles and gone as red as a tomato and fled. "...clearly, there is something wrong in her head." he grumbled, glaring after the nurse. it was her own fault that she got a verbal beating, asking those silly questions and waving her hands in his face like he was some sort of toddler. he slept for a good long while, and curiously examined the Call Button when he woke. he wanted some more Jello, in orange like William had promised. but he was a little hesitant about pushing buttons. the last button he'd pushed had sent Thor to his death... granted, the god of thunder hadn't died, but it had been a very close call. he finally pushed the button and smiled when the Doctor appeared. "interesting... if i press it again, will another doctor appear?" he asked, examining the little button again. "i desire more Jello. of the Orange color." he demanded imperiously. "and i need to use the Water closet again." he admitted, looking a little put out. he would have walked there himself, but if he collapsed, he didn't want to be laying on the floor for hours. he managed to get there by himself, but had to have help settling into the chair next to the window again. the annoyingly happy nurse had left a book for him this time, in case the doctor was too busy. Loki was curious about the book at least, so William could do his rounds and deal with other patients without having to worry about Loki trying to do something bad to his nurses, again.
He was very surprised with what the God said, he was cut off by the nurse. He rolled his eyes when she ran off. It doesnt matter, everyone thinks he's crazy anyway.

After that the God went to sleep. And William went back to doing his job. He heard that loki had yelled at the nurse again. She had it coming to her though.

Later on he heard a beep. He looked at a small box that told him what room it came from. Ofcourse lokis room, 037.
he walked in the room quickly, he didn't know if there was something really wrong.
"no, its only me." He said, smiling at his remark.
"okay ill get you the jello after i help you with the bathroom." He said. Loki got to the bathroom easily. But he almost fell when he went to the chair next to the window. He ran out to go get the jello. He took alittle longer then he wanted because someone needed help. When he came back he looked tired, it was already night time so he brought him dinner and jello.
"here, sorry I'm so late." He says, lazily. He was way to tired for this. He saw the book loki was reading. It was a book they gave to most people here.
Loki nodded at the promise of more jello, it was a good thing the god loved Jello so much, because it was about all he could eat at the moment. his throat too fragile to handle any solid foods, jello and shakes where about the only thing he was going to be allowed for some time. he never even bothered to get annoyed by the Doctor's late return with his Jello, he was so absorbed in the book. it was a rather poor choice by the nurse, one of those trashy romance novels that little old ladies loved to read, but Loki was so busy reading, that he didn't even seam to notice that the Doctor had returned until he spoke, Loki's head snapping up to blink at the doctor. "late?" he asked, blinking stupidly. "oh, right, you are forgiven." Loki stated, tucking a bookmark into his place so he wouldn't lose it. "i verily like the book." he admitted. "have you more? i've almost finished with this one." he admitted, prodding the cover. he only had three or four pages left. he'd practically devoured the book. "there are not many such things in Asgaurd, books purely for the pleasure of reading." Loki admitted. "i greatly enjoy it... very much so in fact." he admitted with a smile. "Midgaurd has always had such fascinating ways of entertainment." unlike Asgaurd, where the only entertainment was fighting, fucking, and Ale.
He gave him the cup of jello and a glass that had a fruit and vegetable shake in it. It seemed that he didn't know that he was gone for so long. Good. Again, he didn't want to get on the Gods bad side.

He looked at the book that he was holding. Of course the nurse would give him that book, she has been taking about it for the last week.
"i will talk to her about it, she probably has the sequel." He said lazily. He needed to sleep. He decided to sit on the end of the bed, to rest.
"what do you guys do on..Asgard?" He asked. "do you have doctors like me?"
He wondered. How many differences did they have?
"how different is it there?" He asked.
He felt stupid for asking so many questions but he wanted to know.
Loki chuckled a little as he enjoyed his Jello, watching the Doctor with his head tilted. "Asgard is all about brute strength and stubbornness." Loki said after a long, long silence. "they Value bravery over everything else. in Asgard only Women learn anything other than how to smash heads in with various weapons." Loki admitted, bitterness in his voice. "i was always a bit of shame upon my family because of my skill with sorcery. Odin was always SO ashamed that his precious second son would go to such lengths to learn magick and spells. to the point where i would even steal books." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "Asgardian's bear injuries and scars proudly. one god, Tyr... he had his entire hand bitten off by my son Fenrir. he doesn't even wear a claw hand, proud of the wound of his bravery." Loki snickered. "for a people so proud of ther Bravery, no one else was willing to put their hand n Fen's mouth... they are hypocrites to the extreme." Loki admitted simply as he watched the Doctor. "there is no technology there... i have to admit, Earths technological advances are rather impressive. much of your abilities are... pathetic, at best. but other things, like your Cellphones and internet, that is a marvel." Loki admitted. "your Sorcery is impressive in some places even i have to admit that." Loki admitted with a smile. "our creatures are vastly different as well. you have over hundreds of thousands of various species... we have hundreds, at best." he admitted with a shrug. "it's dull there as well, there aren't any forests or gardens, just massive monoliths made of stone. we like Color, but not Nature apparently."
Asgard seemed so different. They care about strength here but not like that. It seemed to him was better. But it was his point of view, he never saw.Asgard.
Loki seemed alittle disappointed in himself. He didn't understand why magic.was such a bad thing.
"i think magic is pretty cool. Why did your dad not like it so much?" He.asked. He realized it was probably a stupid question to ask.

He chuckled.alittle.
"not here can live.with out a phone. They treat it like.a kid."he said rolling.his eyes. He wondered what medical supplies and technology they had on Asgard.
His eyes widen when he said there was no natural color.
"is there trees, and flowers?" He asked, it couldn't all be stone.
"... Magic is for Women. for the weak." Loki explained with a shrug. "he conveniently forgets that as a Jotun... even if i didn't know it at the time. Magic is in my blood. in Jötunheimr... that's the land of the Frost giants, Magic is a rare, but powerful force. those who can use magic in Jötunheimr are respected above all else." Loki admitted. "Magic is born into a person there, there is no 'not' doing it. Odin decided to just ignore that and pretend i was completely Aeser and tried to make me give up what i was destined to do... what i love to do." he scowled and looked at his wrist. "he bound my magic when he cast me onto earth, and that is more cruel than he could ever imagine." Loki admitted, voice pained. "it would be as if i made you stop healing people, all people." he admitted softly. "i can still feel my magic, but i can't use it... it would be like you standing there watching a child suffer and be unable to help them." there was a pause. "well, alright your situation would be worse, but it's a close enough analogy." he admitted with a shrug. "there are trees, but they are dull in color. and there is not many flowers. mostly it is bushes, also dull in color, and tasteless grass." he admitted. "that is why there is so few creatures on Asgard. Midgaurd is much more beautiful in my opinion."
He bit his lip alittle. He already didn't like this 'Odin'. Why would he take away such a feature? He wondered. He understood that he was trying to make him like their people, but to cast him out and take that away. He was mad just thinking about. He was about to ask but he gave himself the answer. Magic can help but it can also hurt. And what he did in New York showed that. Odin wouldn't let him use it again, he understood. There was still a hate for the fact that he couldn't use it but he decided to keep his opinions to himself.

"Asgard seems boring" he said, hoping that he got out of the other conversation. He didn't want to make the god even more depressed.
"Did it ever have color, or did your nature always look so plain?" he said with a slight laugh.
He thought for a minute.
"Well, when I get you out of here i'll show you some real beauty, okay?" he asked, grinning.
Loki snorted. "Asgard is just fine for people who are as dull and tasteless as the Aeser are. Thor is a prime example. give him something to smash and he's as peachy as a kid." he scoffed again. "a retarded human is more intelligent than the lot of them." he stated simply. "the only place with true color in Sgard is Valhalla." he explained. "heaven for the mortal warriors who died honorable, glorious deaths in battle. people who sacrificed themselves for others are also there, though they tend to 'ascend' to Vanir... those are like Guardian Angels of a sort." he admitted. "there used to be a lot of people who would ascend to the Vanir. humans i mean, but finding a human in Valhalla is quite the rarity these days." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it's a beautiful place there. it used to be my favorite place. but as soon as the voices..." he smiled sadly. "evil is not allowed in Valhalla, and while i was not yet evil at the time, the voices where, and i found it's gates closed to me." he admitted. "it's a simply gorgeous place. like the most peaceful, grassy, flower meadow you could ever think of. with a bright shining sun and soft sounds that make you feel at peace with everything in the world." he admitted with a small smile. just thinking about Valhalla made him warm and happy. "they say that when Valhalla was created, it sucked out all the natural beauty of Asgard to create it." he blinked at the other for a moment at that last comment. "i doubt i will ever get out of here." he admitted, looking amused. "and even if i did, i would have nowhere to go. i have made only enemies during my... very few visits to earth." he pointed out. "i am not a person who finds it easy to be Nice to people after all."
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