Saving Souls (Avengers) Zamello/Moon


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was just an average day for the people in Chicago, just another normal average day. The hospitals where even having a calm day, not a whole lot of people needed the emergency services, maybe that was why everyone noticed when the Ambulance came, with the half naked young man inside. Some of them might even recognize him from video feed after the massive battle in Manhattan. It had gone worldwide, the story of the Avengers and the massive battle to protect the earth from alien invaders. Loki Laufeyson, Prince of the Frost Giants, traitor of Asgard, trickster god and would be ruler of Midgaurd. He was in pitiful shape to say the least, though what he was doing back on Midgaurd was a mystery. Not even S.H.E.I.L.D or the Avengers knew he was there. No warning had been given that Loki had escaped, been released, or been banished. It was probably only luck that he wasn't in Manhattan, where the Avengers would lay down their own form of punishment.

It was hard to look at the young God, who was so pale he was white, and not feel sorry for him. He was filthy, covered in dirt and muck, his hair was in dirty tangles around his shoulders. He had clearly not bathed in well over a week, though he didn't stink, thank goodness. He was missing his shirt, showing large bruises across his shoulders and back and belly. As if he had been letting someone hit him where it would hurt the most. The most shocking thing though, was the fact that he had clearly slit his own wrists, and they where still bleeding, as was his neck, where he had tried, and failed to slit that too. He was staring with blank eyes of emerald green... which was wrong. The one honest picture everyone had of Loki, his eyes had been a pale icy blue hadn't they?

It took well over four hours to stabilize him. To get his heart beating properly. They'd had to resuscitate him three times, and every time he was conscious... he told them with a dead voice, to leave him alone so he could die in peace and finally pay for his crimes. It was clear to anyone who worked on him, that the rumors of Loki being bat-shit insane was true, and so when he was finally stable, he was moved into the high security mental ward, mostly because they weren't sure if he was a danger to others as well as himself. He woke slowly and sighed as he realized he wasn't in the depths of the endless abyss that he had expected to end up in when he died, and he wasn't in Hel either. Which meant he was not dead, and he had not paid for his crimes. “...where am I?” he was expecting someone to be nearby, because he was laying on a bed, and his very sore wrists, where chained very tightly to the bed-handles. His chest, hips, and legs where strapped down too, making sure he couldn't even so much as twitch.It was just an average day for the people in Chicago, just another normal average day. The hospitals where even having a calm day, not a whole lot of people needed the emergency services, maybe that was why everyone noticed when the Ambulance came, with the half naked young man inside. Some of them might even recognize him from video feed after the massive battle in Manhattan. It had gone worldwide, the story of the Avengers and the massive battle to protect the earth from alien invaders. Loki Laufeyson, Prince of the Frost Giants, traitor of Asgard, trickster god and would be ruler of Midgaurd. He was in pitiful shape to say the least, though what he was doing back on Midgaurd was a mystery. Not even S.H.E.I.L.D or the Avengers knew he was there. No warning had been given that Loki had escaped, been released, or been banished. It was probably only luck that he wasn't in Manhattan, where the Avengers would lay down their own form of punishment.

It was hard to look at the young God, who was so pale he was white, and not feel sorry for him. He was filthy, covered in dirt and muck, his hair was in dirty tangles around his shoulders. He had clearly not bathed in well over a week, though he didn't stink, thank goodness. He was missing his shirt, showing large bruises across his shoulders and back and belly. As if he had been letting someone hit him where it would hurt the most. The most shocking thing though, was the fact that he had clearly slit his own wrists, and they where still bleeding, as was his neck, where he had tried, and failed to slit that too. He was staring with blank eyes of emerald green... which was wrong. The one honest picture everyone had of Loki, his eyes had been a pale icy blue hadn't they?

It took well over four hours to stabilize him. To get his heart beating properly. They'd had to resuscitate him three times, and every time he was conscious... he told them with a dead voice, to leave him alone so he could die in peace and finally pay for his crimes. It was clear to anyone who worked on him, that the rumors of Loki being bat-shit insane was true, and so when he was finally stable, he was moved into the high security mental ward, mostly because they weren't sure if he was a danger to others as well as himself. He woke slowly and sighed as he realized he wasn't in the depths of the endless abyss that he had expected to end up in when he died, and he wasn't in Hel either. Which meant he was not dead, and he had not paid for his crimes. “...where am I?” he was expecting someone to be nearby, because he was laying on a bed, and his very sore wrists, where chained very tightly to the bed-handles. His chest, hips, and legs where strapped down too, making sure he couldn't even so much as twitch.
"you are in the hospital."
A soft voice replied to the gods question. William
just got done doing tests on Loki. So far he is
stable and it's apparent that he could talk.
"how are you feeling, you shouldn't talk just yet." He
gave him a small smile but didn't really get
anything in return.
It.wasn't really surprising. He just.tried to commit
suicide and failed. He must be depressed.

He got up from the chair that was in the other side
of the room and walked over to the bed loki was on.
He took the file that was having on the end of the
bed and read over it. It didn't say much. At the
moment not many people knew who he was. So
there was no name. Just a few notes on the
damaged of his body. He was wondering why he
tried to do it.
Why did he try to commit suicide. Last time he was
seen he looked so confident in himself. Now he
wanted to die.

He decided not to ask the question yet. Loki was a
god, that is. He didn't want to get on his bad side
just yet.
Loki turned and stared at the man who had just spoken, handsome for a human and entirely too cheerful, smiling like that. it was disgusting. he remained stony faced and silent as he returned to staring at the ceiling for a long moment, contemplating what had happened. clearly the pathetic human scum had ignored his orders for death. he didn't want to be here, and he didn't deserve to be here. Earth was a place for people to enjoy, not to be punished, and Loki wanted very badly to be punished. when he had realized that he was still a bit of an immortal, and the lack of food, soft places to sleep, and warmth had not bothered him in the least, he'd decided that going to the realm of Hel would get him the punishment he deserved. he had clearly failed. still, he had heard stories about the awful things that happened in hospital mental wards, which he was fairly sure he was now in. he could stay here for a while before escaping to try again. they where only humans after all, how hard could it be to escape such a simple place?

"i do recall demanding you to leave me be." Loki stated, his voice as cold as the arctic seas themselves. "why must you human's interfere in everything? all i want is to die and go to Hel where i belong." he stated. "i must suffer for the crimes i have committed, and the human realms are poorly suited for that..." he complained with a small scowl as he studied William. "do not look at me like that you fool."
He gave a confused face to the god. If he thought that his crimes were so bad, why do them. Loki is confusing him, greatly.
"why do you want to die so much?"
Well, to bad. He knew that this question wasn't going to help him get in lokis good side but he needed to ask.
"all we are trying to do is help you."

He tried to give him another smile. He quickly takes the smile away when loki told him not to look at him like that.
Like what?
"uh I'm sorry, do not look at you like what?"
He put the file back were it belonged and walked to the other side of the room. Grabbing the chair and putting it right beside the bed, sitting on it.
Loki sneered at the doctor. "so i can go to Hel you miserable Quim!" he stated with a roll of his eyes. "why else would i want to die!? stupid... why are humans so stupid!?" he demanded, more to himself then anything else. "i must pay for my crimes, and there is no paying for them here. the Goddess of crime and punishment will see me properly punished, i just have to die before i can get to her." he stated simply. "i am a God after all, a mortal death will not kill me, not permanently anyway." he stated simply. "i would simply be taken to Hel, where i belong now." he admitted before he sneered at the Doctor again.

"you look at me with PITY!" he hissed. "as if you feel BADLY for me." he scoffed. "you look as if you wish to HELP me but i am without help!" he stated, yanking on the bonds than held his wrists still. not that it did any good, all it did was make him hurt all over and feel even more tired than he already had. whatever was leading Loki to try suicide, it was clear that he was still as insane as he had been when he'd been defeated by the Avengers. "do not touch me either, disgusting human. you're probobly crawling with diseases." Loki grumbled, examining the thing that had dared save his life. "be gone. i tire of you and your pathetic gaze." and Loki hoped if he yanked on his bonds enough, he'd break all his stitches and bleed to death. not that he could do it now, with the doctor watching.
He ignored the gods demand for him to leave. He couldn't really. He was told to stay here and watch over the god so he didn't do anything stupid. Though he was getting alittle annoyed with the gods action.
"My job is to help people, good or bad. I will do my job, even if you don't want me to."
He was going to hold him down, but his comment about him having ' diseases' stopped him. He need to stop this guy from hurting himself though
"I have a question for you."
He said while taking a needle out. The liquid in the needle should make him calmer. Not asleep, just calm. He slowly poked him with it and pushed out the liquid. It was going to take a few minutes.
"if you think its so bad, all the crimes you did were that bad that you should be murdered for them, why did you do then, hm?"
he sneered at the doctor again. "how noble. disgusting." he grumbled, yanking on his bonds again, he wanted to be free, he wanted to be dead, he... honestly he wanted to curl up ina corner and sob and then just sleep and never wake up again. but he was a god, and gods did not show such weaknesses. Odin had been a crappy father, but he had taught Loki that much at least. "i do not answer questions from pathetic mortals!" he spat, trying to jerk away from the needle, but he was strapped down too well, and there was nowhere to go, and soon he felt... floaty and he stared, rather blank at the ceiling. he no longer had the desire to fight, or be mean, he just wanted to sleep. " crimes... they are without punishment. there is nothing i can ever do to make up for what i did." he whispered. "they where in my head you know. whispering to me in the darkness..." he muttered softly. "they twisted my thoughts, only i didn't know it. i let them in, and they took control, and all i could do was sit there, and watch while they used me to destroy." he whispered, his voice shattered with emotion and grief. "i tried to kill my brother, i nearly killed my father, i hurt my freinds and i slaughtered innocents..." he whispered, laying there, broken on the bed. "no one ever wondered why, even now... your the only person to ever ask why, but you do not understand, how could you? the voices in my head... how could i have known? how could i have understood?" he asked softly as he looked at William. "don't you see?... they have held me captive since the beginning... and i can never be punished enough, for letting them have that control."
William was in shock. He didn't know if he should believe the god or to think he's lying. He is the God of lies. And if this was a God it was.a good one.
The God was laying there spilling out all his emotions to him. And he didn't really know what to say or do to help.
"loki, who did this to you? Who was controlling you?"
Maybe, just maybe he can help him. He can understand why he would want to die if it was his fault. If he knew it was going to happen. But the way he's hearing loki's words, he didn't know what was going to happen.
"you shouldn't die for what someone else made you do. You have no fault. You don't have to be punished."
loki laughed, the sound was almost hysterical, the sound was painful. "who do you think you pathetic waste of flesh!?" he demanded, his voice a hiss before he relaxed again. "it has no name, but it has always been... your people called it the Tesseract." he whispered softly. "it burrowed into my mind, and took control." he whispered. "i was used to kill, and murder. i deserve punishment. i am a god, i was raised to be strong, and it took me over without a fight... i couldn't fight. how could i?" he asked softly, staring, blank at the ceiling. "how could i fight what was already in my mind? jealous of my brother, who would be king. angry at my father, for never understanding... hatred of humanity, who was everything i wanted to be..." he whispered before closing his eyes, exaughsted from his outburst. "it was all there in my mind, and it fed on it... and it made it real..." he whispered before falling asleep, unable to fight anymore. he was human now, and most humans wouldn't even be able to talk after the way he'd mangled his neck.
He jumped alittle when he laughed. It was something he didn't expect. Not after he drugged him. He listen to him, trying to understand.
The Tesseract.
He heard of it, after the attack in new york. No one could of hid the...he doesn't even know what it is. But it had power, lots of it.
But he didn't expect it to be able to take control of someones mind.

Then he...understood. Well he thought he did. He can guess that this Tesseract, can fed off of hate. How much hate can he have. He understands family issues but can that make you hate this much.

He looked at the know sleeping God. He had other people to see. But he would be back with food, maybe that would help alittle.
William got up and walked out, quietly. He would come back in 4 to 5 hours. He should be up by then.
Loki was filled with much anger and hatred, fury even. Odin hadn't truly meant it, but he had always preferred Thor, the warrior son. ever since they had been children, and Thor had eagerly latched onto the warrior stories, while Loki was much more interested in magic and trickery. the slight feelings of being neglected had turned to anger, and anger had turned into rage, and rage had turned into Hatred, and when the truth had finally come out, hatred had turned into loathing... and fear. Loki slept peacefully for a few hours, waking only when a nurse came in to check on him, he'd been so still she'd been worried he'd died. her hands where too close to his face, he didn't like it, so he did what he'd used to do as a child when one of the warrior's three thought to sneak up on him in his bed... he bit her. she of course shrieked about it and fled the room. he didn't know what she was so freaked out about, he hadn't even left an indent on her hand. it was her own fault for hovering near the crazy person. "Mewling Quim." he grumbled as he closed his eyes, wishing that the doctor hadn't drugged him, now he had a headache that could have killed a guttersnipe.
The nurse told William what happened. He told her that she shouldn't of put her hands to close to his face. She finally disappeared in the halls. He sighed and walked over to the room. Before opening the door he relaxed himself and got ready to deal with the God. He finally opened the door. He saw the God of mischief laying on the bed.

"why did you do that?"
He asked, taking a syringe out. He needed to take some blood from loki. There were some tests he needed to perform.
"she was just trying to help, you know?"
He said, taking the blood quickly.
he snorted. "she was in my face." he complained. "she startled me." he grumbled. "i do not like things in my face." he stated, his eyes narrowed at the doctor. "your stupid sharp thing has given me a headache." he growled. "and the incessant whining of your woman has made it worse, i demand you fix it at once!" well Loki was certainly grumpy. "don't you dare poke me with that you Skint!" he demanded, trying to get away from the needle, not that he could. he glared furiously at the doctor. "that is MY blood! how dare you! you bring that back and put it back where you got it!" he demanded, yanking on his bonds. "don't ignore me! that is MY blood you damnable bastard! give it back!" well, grumpy AND possessive, never a good combination. though, why he was worried about it now, instead of when he was bleeding all over the street was a mystery. "i will see you all DEAD for this!" he hissed before turning his head away, stuck his nose up, and sulked. "idiot humans wouldn't know what to do with a Gods blood anyway." he grumbled heatedly. "and i have to relieve myself! release me at once so that i may make a visit to the water-chamber."
"the headache will wear off soon." He said while holding lokis arm down to take the blood.
"i need to take this to do tests, i am sorry"
He ignored the insult that loki shot at him, and took the blood. He paused alittle when the God said that he will see him dead for this.
"why would you kill me for doing my job?" He smiled alittle. He didn't really think he was going to kill him.

"i will need to follow you, i can't have you roaming around." He said, finally taking the bonds off of him. He kept an eye on him, hoping that he didn't do anything stupid.
he huffed a little and tried to thump his hand against the bed, he would have demanded something to make his headache go away but honestly, talking just made his head hurt more. "no, your going to use Dark Magic to bind me to someone forever, don't lie to me. i know what blood is used for." he hissed at the doctor. Asgaurdian's did not use blood, or take blood from others, ever, because Blood of a person could be used to curse, bind, or control another person. not that the Doctor would know that. "because i desire to!" the God hissed at the doctor. "you are an annoying PEST!" he growled before he paused as he realized that he was actually being untied... he could escape now!... no, no he couldn't, he couldn't even stand up on his own. as soon as he tried he crumpled to the ground with a look of such shocked horror it was almost funny. he stared at his legs, looking stunned. "...i've never been so...weak before." he muttered softly. "i can't even... stand..." he muttered, looking simply horrified. so horrified that he didn't even fight as he was helped to his feet and practically carried to the bathroom attached to his room. though he did punch the doctor when he was about to be strapped back in, not that it hurt. Loki was so weak from the bloodloss and the drug that he wouldn't even leave a bruise. he fell asleep again, resting off the effort it had taken to make it to the bathroom and attempt to fight off the cruel human who held him trapped there. he woke three hours later, bitterly complaining that his throat hurt, his head still hurt, and that he was going to rip the building apart, brick by brick and incinerate every creature he ever found wearing a white lab coat.
He have him the most confused look.
"bind you to someone? What? We don't do dark magic."
He laughed alittle. "we just do tests on blood. Nothing with it."
He was about to help him get up but he got up on his own. Not for long though. He crumbled to the ground. He looked up at him helplessly. Shocked. Horror.
He called himself weak. He helped him up and walked to the bathroom.
when he was strapping him up again the God swung a punch at him. It didn't really hurt. It was quite weak.

Loki feel asleep after that. He was at peace for awhile until he heard the God bickering about something.

He went over to the room and put in a slight fake smile. He does this all the time. Helps him get through the day.
"whats wrong loki?"
He said, while taking the file again. Looking what the blood samples said. He was looking fine so far.
"do you need food?"
Loki didn't seam to beleive the doctor wasn't about to practice Dark magic on him, but he didn't say anything else. it wasn't like he could get sick, magic-less, powerless or not, he was still a God, and his body could not catch human diseases. he woke in a miserable mood and wanted to make sure everyone else was miserable too until William walked in and he studied the Doctor, his eyes narrowed. he was the god of lies, so of course he could spot a fake smile with ease. good, he wasn't the only one miserable. "my throat hurts, my head hurts, my nose itches, my stitches are pulling, you have me strapped to a bed when i want to die, and you 'doctors' are nothing more than terrorists!" he complained, scowling at the doctor. "...can you turn off those ungodly lights?" he finally asked now that he'd bitched at someone. "they burn my eyes and make my head hurt." sensitive to florescent lighting, a lot of people had that. "and something to drink would be nice, something cold..."
He kept the smile up even when the God was complaining.
"i am sorry about all of that, but we doctors are not terrorists." He said while taking a bag of liquid out, he put it on a pole. It had.a tube in it, on the end there was a needle.
"this will stop the pain do keep your arm still please."
He grabbed his arm anyway, just in case, and stuck it in. He put a piece of tape on it to keep it there.

He went to the door and shut off half of the lights there.
"I'm sorry i.can't shut them all off. Is this okay?" He asked. Food and water should be getting there soon. Unless the nurse is scared to go into this room again.
"a drink will be here soon."
his eyes narrowed at the doctor. "you are poking me with sharp things, and holding me against my will, is that not the acts of terrorists?" he demanded, lifting an eyebrow at the other before scowling at the needle. "...just proves me right. you are always sticking things in me." he grumbled. he didn't fight the needle this time, he looked like he wanted to, but even a God as stubborn as Thor could realize when a struggle was a pointless waste of energy. he sighed when the lights where turned off and he relaxed into the bed. "much better, yes...." there was a long silence and then. "thank you." he muttered. he didn't want to thank the doctor, but he knew the man could have refused to shut off the lights. "i never got your name..." Loki stated suddenly, examining the doctor. "why do you help me anyway? surely you saw what i did..."
"you are calling me a terrorist? What you did to new York isn't acts of terrorists?" He said, snapping back alittle. He calmed himself quickly. He didn't want to be angry. It isn't a good look on him. He put the fake smile back on his.face.
"im sorry, i have to do this. Its my job."

The god seemed happy and relaxed when he shut the lights. He even shocked William alittle when he thanked him. Loki wasn't someone he thought would say thank you. But he was happy he did.

"my name is william. You don't have to call me doctor william like everyone does." He said with a more genuine smile.
"and i am helping you because you need help. And that's my job. To help."
surprisingly, Loki flinched at the accusation and he nearly curled into himself as if he had been struck. "that was not the act of a terrorist... that was the act of a deranged madman." Loki whispered softly. "it was not an act of terrorism, it was an attempt at extermination and i will pay for my crimes..." he muttered, his tone almost dead as he resumed staring at the ceiling. "William, that is a strong name, a warriors name." he muttered softly. "you should not have helped me, you should have let me die. anyone else would have let me die..." he looked at the Doctor. "helping me won't do any good. the Voices will return, they will have me again, already they try to creep into my mind to feed on my hatred and my fear. they will take me, and they will use me, and i will kill more people, no matter how much i fight it, there is no going against it. i cannot fight it..." he closed his eyes. "i just want to die, so i can never hurt another thing again."
He saw the difference of his look quickly. What he said hit him alittle. Maybe alittle too hard. He looked down alittle, he didn't mean to make the god sad. He pretended it didn't happen. In this business, you had to learn How to do that. He laughed alittle when he called his name stong. He was everything but strong.

His laughing quickly stopped when he told him the 'voices' would come back. He would kill again? No william, remember it was not him it was whoever controlled him. He stayed in silence for a while until he finally told his idea.
"this thing feeds off of fear and hatred, yes? I know my suggestion is hard. But what if you stopped hating? I understand what you hate but you need to move on. You are on earth now, you can live a new life. I can help you if you want."
Loki stared at the ceiling, he knew the Doctor hadn't meant what he said... but it tore at Loki, because he knew it was true. for a moment he had thought the Doctor had left, nothing but silence in the room, and Loki considered the idea of trying to pop his stitches, then the Doctor spoke and Loki had to laugh. "stop hating!? how am i to do such a thing!? Hatred is all i have ever known, since childhood i have hated..." he looked at the Doctor, a tear slipping down Loki's face. "Hatred is all i have, what more is there for me? Earth is not my home, Asgaurd is not my home, the Frost giants abandoned me... what is there for me?" he demanded, closing his eyes. "there is nothing." he whispered, his voice harsh. "how can i let you help me, when the only thing anyone has ever done is use me, and then toss me aside like a piece of trash!" he looked away from the doctor. "you too are using me. you feel guilty, so you are using me to not feel guilty anymore. i am your penance, and when i am 'better' you too will leave..." he swallowed thickly. "you will help me, yes... but only for your own selfish gain."
Right when he finished talking loki lashed out. William stepped back alittle. He wasn't scared of him he just didn't expect that as an answer. His doubt turned into innocence. Loki didn't understand there was more life out there. How could you only see darkness. It.was true he felt sorry for him, but that was not why he was helping. And he was Not.using him.
"okay you got it all wrong..everything. Number one. Your home is where ever you make it.
Number two. There is more to the world and to life then hatred. Someone should of taught you that.
And number three. I am not using you. I am helping you and that is all. Whatever i have to do is what i would do to help you. Do you understand that?"
He was breathing alittle hard after saying all of that. He hoped that he got through to him.
Loki stared at the human, for a very long moment, wide eyed and looking astonished. "you actually beleive the shit that spilled out of your mouth." he muttered, still astonished. "you really do think that..." he blinked again and then. "there was no one there to teach me anything." he finally stated. "Odin was no help, and Thor didn't understand, and the other Gods avoided me simply because i was not one of them... who was there to save me from such things?" he asked, scathing again. "i've never had a home, so i wouldn't know how to 'make one' even if i had an instruction Manuel and as for you helping..." here Loki paused and he studied the doctor for a long moment. "...i suppose i could let you try. i don't know how you intend to help me, but i suppose i could enjoy laughing when you fail." well... at least Loki was willing to let the other try...
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