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Vampire RP!!`

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Phoenix Rising

Like the phoenix rising from the ashes.
Sep 25, 2012
I know I've tried this quite a few times but this one is completely different the ones I've tried before, Well I don't really have a lot of details but I'll say this much. This rp will not be based off Twilight or any vampire romance novel, yes it's possible other characters will exist but not at the beginning. Think of it as a Boy meets girl or Girl meets boy, boy/guy stalks girl watching her every move. Showing up in her dreams that type of thing, I don't know if you wanna base it off of something go with Dracula. Maybe the vampire stalking her thinks she is the reincarnation of his former lover, well yeah. It could go one of two ways.. A male vampire could think a young woman is the reincarnation of his former lover or a female vampire could feel the same about a young man, the age would between I don't know. 19-25 Perhaps, well Other things can be worked out in Private message if that's not enough detail.
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