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Warded Mentally (me and Kiki)

She kissed him, and he smiled, kissing her softly. Though, deep inside, he knew he didn't deserve this. What had happened because of him. "I have no right to accept this from you." He whispered, closing his eyes.
She heard his words and paused. Looking up at him she blinked. "Why? What's wrong?" She asked tracing her fingers along his cheek.
Her soft voice, her worried tone, her soft fingers brushing over his skin, it was something that he didn't want to lose. But now that he said something, he knew that it was lost now. He sighed, before saying "I'm a murderer."
Did she just hear him correctly? Looking up at him in disbelief her eyes widened. Slowly standing she looked down at him. After pursing her lips for a second she took a deep breath. "W-what did you just say?..." She asked.
She stood, he was afraid of this. He was laying down, looking rather weak and somewhat frail. But he repeated what he had said. "I'm a murderer."
"So what he said was true...." She said softly. But looking down at him it couldn't possibly be true. "Who did you kill Alexander?" She asked her gaze softening.
Alexander couldn't give her eye contact anymore, his head turning, facing the couch back. "My brother." He nearly whispered. "But... he killed my mother. The glint in his eyes was dark, and, and, and... i just got so upset, and angry..."
"So he did lie....Julian said you killed your whole family..." She said kneeling at his feet. Looking up at him she almost felt bad for him. "Why did your brother kill her?"
Alexander shrugged as he heard her question, noticing that she moved to sit closer to him. "I don't know. He was unstable, that was for sure. But as for why... I don't know. But because my whole family was dead besides me, it all was put on me, even if the only murder was self defense."
She just stared up at him. She honesty didn't know what to say at this point. This was quite the discovery and the fact that he was so up front with her about it was truly something. Moving up to where he was she sat beside him and leaned on him. She didn't say anything she just put her head on his shoulder.
...She was still there. She didn't call security, or curse and spit at him, but instead moved onto him, laying against him? It was a miracle of itself, and he smiled softly, eyes closing ligtly after the shock of it opened them. His arms wrapped around her, holding her tight to him, afraid that she was going to run off.
She smiled softly as he wrapped his arms around her. Closing her eyes she rested against him just laying there. She just wanted to comfort him for now. Sure he had killed someone, but in his eyes it was for good reason. She would explore his feelings during the situation at a later time. Probably tomorrow...
She nuzzles against him, and he smiled, his fingers slowly stroking over her skin as he kissed her forehead. He got her clothing in order, shirt buttoned, panties back on right, before he looked at the clock. "Wow, still have a hour left."
"Well we kind of got right down to business as soon as you got in here." She said with a small laugh. "Not that I minded of course." She finished kissing his cheek.
Her comments made him laugh softly, and he kissed her cheek lightly, holding her a little closer and cuddling against. "Yes, we did. But I have no complaint about it."
"I don't have any either." She replied giggling as she cuddled against him. "I'm so glad you opened up to me though."
Her giggle made him smile, and he kissed her after he heard her last words. "I had to sooner or later. You had to know."
"I understand." She said softly as kissed him back. "I hope you'll continue to do so...." She then pasued and smiled "I've.....I've really taken a liking to you you know." She finished blushing.
Her confession made him smile and blush, and he pulled her closer, giving her a deep, enthralling kiss. "And You've caught me in a grip i do not want to escape from."
She kissed him back lovingly. When he broke it and confessed his liking for her she blushed. "Well I'm glad the feeling is shared." She said giggling softly.
He smiled at her responsiveness to his touch, kissing along her neck to her shoulder. "So, what should we do with this hour we have?"
He shrugged at her response. "I don't know. That's why I asked you." He ksised her softly on her lips before sitting up, pulling her to sit on his lap.
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