Assassin's Creed: The New Apprentice (FemShep x Jugger82)

"As long as we do this before the actual auction starts...I think thats when we can free all of the slaves. If we do it during the auction, there will be some people who won't get free and even then guard duty would be heavy..." He frowned and crossed his arms. "The other bit is...Well...What then? After we free we just let them run off into the night only to be caught or what? We need a place to tell them to lie low..."
Eleanor knew he was right. They wouldn't be able to save everybody, but they'll have to do what they can to free as many as they could. Then there was the matter of what to do with them after they were free. That was the tricky part, they couldn't just free the slaves without giving them a place to stay so they wouldn't be forced to live in the streets and risk getting recaptured. "That's a good idea, the less witnesses the better so the only thing we have to worry about is the guards. There will be a lot of them guarding the area, but I think we can do it. As for where the slaves go....I heard there were places that kept freed slaves safe and give them what they need until they're ready to leave. I can see if we can find those places if not...I guess they'll just have to stay here. I suppose we could build small shelters and we take care of them, but that's probably not the best idea." She looked at him wondering if he had any better ideas or anything he wanted to say.
"I don't know...As much as I like the idea of making this place seem like a slave-owner's land just to fool the Templars...I don't think Connor would very much like us putting on heirs and acting like slave owners to Africans who are supposed to be free. But if there is no other way..." He sighed. "Maybe some of the people on the Homestead can begin making the shelters...We've got plenty of land for them to make into a small shelter..."
Eleanor sighed, she didn't want to act like a slave owner. It was the last thing she wanted to do, but if all else fails and it meant the slaves could be free then so be it. Hopefully Nathan could explain the entire plan to the free slaves in their native tongue so they'll understand why they have to act like slave owners when Templars are around, but nonetheless, the free slaves will be treated fairly. Maybe they could even get recruits for the Colonial Brotherhood if they wish to be an assassin. "It's the least thing I want to do, but if we can't find any other solution that might be our only choice. If we collect enough supporters maybe we can have the people on our side help by making shelters. It'l be risky, but it's worth a shot."
"We might have to teach them how to defend themselves at least rather than induct them into the brotherhood..." Nathan replied with a frown and crossed his arms. "You should go and make certain with Connor that this is okay...I don't...Want him to feel remorse over us doing something this large with his land without his approval."
Eleaor sighed softly and replied "Of course. I won't make them join if they don't want to, but teaching them to defend themselves would be good. Just in case something goes wrong. I was going to ask Conner before doing any of this. It's his home and it would be disrespectful to just move people here that he doesn't want here. Besides....I haven't seen him in awhile, it would be nice to see my mentor again." She sighed softly then looked at him for a moment. "I'll go talk to him now while I have the chance." She said softly and started to walk up the stairs to see her mentor again.
He nodded and followed her upstairs, though he let her have her private time and went outside. He saw the mailman begin to drive by with his carriage and Nathan ran over, handing him a small letter and telling him the address to which the letter should be sent to. With that, the mailman was off, and Nathan returned inside. "Hey. Is everything alright? Everything good to go? We should get going as soon as possible if we're going to save those slaves."
Eleanor went to talk to Conner about their plans to rescue the slaves and hoped to bring them here. Of course Conner wasn't too sure about the idea, but Eleanor explained that they'll get as many supporters as possible to help them and help build new homes for the slaves they released. This will take time and they'll have to be careful, but if they do everything just right and buy enough time they just might get the work done. Conner took a few seconds to think and sighed eventually agreeing to allow this to happen. Eleanor gave him a smile and thanked his generosity. Aside from that she worried about his health. Each day he only grew worse, she had to be ready if anything happened to him, but it got harder each day to take in.

Soon enough she made Conner some tea, before stepping out to see Nathan. She was silent for a second, her mind still worried about Conner, then gave a nod. "Conner said if we need to we can use the land for the slaves, but I promised that we'll get supporters to help us as soon as possible like we planned. It might be difficult, but I think we can do it. You're right. We need to go as soon as possible. Get whatever you need to bring we need to head out now." She directed him with confidence.
Nathan had gone out to ask some of the fellow townsmen to help aid them in building them some stables to put some refugees, and they agreed so long as they were paid for their services. When Nathan returned, he would see Eleanor coming out to meet him and heard her explain the situation."Alright. Good...Good." He smiled and looked to his hidden blade and made sure he had an ample supply of rope darts. "Alright...Ellie, I'll follow behind you. You've got the plan in mind so I'll just follow your lead. Tell me what needs to be done and I'll make certain it'll be done if it means we can get those slaves to safety."
Eleanor wasn't aware of Nathan's movements to gain supporters to help them, but nonetheless the help would be more then helpful to have. Money wouldn't be a problem to gain. After all being part of an assassin was to pickpocket and steal from the Templars. It might not be an honest pay, but it was money and these days nobody cared how you got it as long as you got it. After checking her hidden blades, poisons, smoke bombs in case of an emergency, and a few rope darts she was ready to go. She looked at Nathan as he spoke, not too fond that he had a plan without telling her, but she trusted Nathan enough to leave it to him to handle. "Just be careful and I trust your plan won't cause any problems that'll prevent our success. All we need to worry about is staying hidden and kill as many gaurds as we need to. There should be a carriage heading down to the place they sell the slaves. If we can't get them then we'll have to get them at the auction. We'll use a carriage to escape putting the slaves in the back and make a hasty escape. Any questions or objections?"
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