Assassin's Creed: The New Apprentice (FemShep x Jugger82)


Jul 1, 2013
The Normandy SR-2
The New England town was bustling with it's residents. All seem normal, nothing out of the ordinary, but that only means Eleanor was doing her job right. Like a blur she jumped from rooftop to rooftop, avoiding the Templars from spotting her. Using her speed and cover to hide from the evil soldiers from spotting her to kill her. Her multiple layered assassin uniform that followed the style back long ago from the Italian style back long ago. Her face was shadowed by the hood she kept covering her head. The words of her teacher Conner echoing in her mind as she found a safe spot on the roofs to look down on the people below. 'Find a your own apprentice. My time is nearing it's end and the ways of the assassin must carry on. There's still evil being committed by the Templars. Now it's your turn to prove that you are ready.' She sighed softly and whispered to herself "I won't let you down Conner."

There was a new threat rising from the dying Templars attempts to rise their way back to power. The heartless demons were still taking the natives and turning them into slaves, what was left of them that is. Also the arrival of slaves from Africa were being brought to suffer the same fate. Eleanor did her research, she hid and watched how the slaves were being sold and treated like animals. It was sickening. This monstrous act had to stop, but she couldn't do it alone. She was the only one Conner taught so now it was her turn to pick a new student, but who would be worthy of mastering the arts of the assassin?
Before her would be a cage full of Africans, still dressed in their tribal clothes of rags and loincloths. Some of them actually wearing European clothes, which could be assumed to have been given by their captors because they may have been completely nude when they caught them. They were all chained up, about eight of them. They walked with their captors, ten white men all armed with rifles except for the man at the very back who had a pistol aimed at the slaves if they tried anything. They were probably on their way to a slave auction to make some coin, but their operation had been stopped when suddenly a nearby cart of oranges exploded. A man in the distance had shot it with a pistol. He had hidden a barrel of gunpowder within the oranges and used the explosion to his advantage. As the slaves and slavers were disgruntled and trying to figure out what was going on, a man with a ragged brown cloak rushed in and began to cut down slaver after slaver with a cheap looking sword. He managed to cut three down, and used a fourth as a body shield from a rifle shot before he pushed the shield into his enemy and rushed in to pierce both of them with his sword...which unfortunately broke from the handle as he tried to remove it from their bodies. Five slavers remained, and the slaves were too freightened and confused to fight their captors. The slavers surrounded the man, and managed to get him into the ground and start kicking him relentlessly.
Eleanor caught view of the slaves being transported with the armed white men giving them no hope of escape. She was waiting for the right moment to strike. She was going to assassinate the men in the back first and work her way to the front. The random explosion of the cart of oranges not only startled her, but she knew instantly that this wasn't random, someone blown it up. She saw the white men were attacked by a strange man in a brown cloak. Who was he? What was he thinking attacking armed men like this without much armor and a toy of a weapon!? Just as she expected the man was taken down, but she was surprised to see he had some fighting skill. Seeing the man being kicked relentlessly, she decided to act. Jumping from her hiding spot she jumped to the roof closest to the men. Finally she jumped down with her twin hidden blades ready. On her way down she stabbed the two men below her through their necks. Her blades retracted, freeing them, then she pulled out her steel sword that costed a pretty penny and started attacking the last three men.

Taken by surprise the three men jumped back reading their swords and circled around her. She waited for the first man to attack. The man behind her attacked, hearing his footsteps she quickly turned and blocked his sword with hers. Then she grabbed his arm to grab him and use him as a shield as the man with a rifle tried to shoot her. Once the shot was fired into his ally she threw the body at them knocking down one of the men. She jumped up and stabbed her sword through his neck then quickly she sliced the last man's neck as he tried to attack her. Once his body fell, she put away her sword and returned to the brown cloaked man. She out stretched her hand and asked "Are you okay?"
As Nathan recovered from his beating, he slowly began to reload his pistol. He weakly and slowly reloaded it, and took her hand when Eleanor offered it to him. "The slaves..." He murmured weakly as he walked over and shot at the chain binding them together. It was now broken, and slid right off all of their cuffs and simply left them with the cuff links, which weren't even connected to one another so they were merely decoration now. "Go...Run...Hide..." He began to speak in their tongue, to the African's surprise...and they ran off into the distance after a few of them gathered knives and swords off of the dead bodies. Nathan then collapsed over, succumbing to his wounds.
Eleanor was so focused on the cloaked man and saving him she almost completely forgot about the slaves. She watched as the man took one shot to free them only to be surprised he spoke their native tongue. This man...he somewhat knew how to fight, did good keeping his appearance in cover, and fought for the same cause she did. Maybe this man was the apprentice she was looking for. When the man collapsed she didn't waste much time picking him up to stand and one arm over her shoulder. Putting two fingers in her mouth she made a whistle. A brown and black maned horse came trotting down the street to her side. With a bit of struggle she moved the man onto the horse first then quickly got on behind him. She let his body lay limp against her as she grabbed the reins and started to head towards the abandoned mansion Conner and her stayed at. It would be a bit of a ride, but it was the safest place she knew of to help this man and his wounds. She tried to travel fast, but enough to keep the man on the horse with her.
When Nathan awoke, he would find himself in an unfamiliar setting and in a bed of all places. He leaned forward, and held his body in pain. The kicks to his body really did a number on him. "Agh...Fucking slavers did a real number on me..." He murmured and stood up, wondering where he was. "Uh...Hello?" He called out through the house. He didn't dare leave the room however...for some reason he was compelled to stay. "Is anyone here?"
Downstairs, Eleanor was explaining what happened to her and the man back in town. Of course Conner was wondering more about the man, but Eleanor knew next to nothing about him, only what she saw. She saw something in him. She looked up the stairs hearing his voice. "Well, he's alive. I bet see if he needs help." She told her teacher, still wearing her assassin outfit, but her hood was down. Now her long chocolate brown hair with a red tint and slightly wavy and matching brown sparkling eyes was exposed. She came up the stairs and into the room where the man was. "Take it easy, you're still hurt. That move you made back there, it was good effort, but foolish for someone like you." She told him and led him back down to the bed to lay down
He realized everything suddenly. It was obvious just by looking at her. "Assassin..." He stepped back slightly, worried that she was going to kill him. But she seemed to be non-hostile. Even so, he did not let his guard down. He stepped back to the point where the bed was the only thing left to get on if he wanted more distance between himself and her. "Why did you save me...? Why did you bring me...Er...Here? Wherever this is?" He eyed her cautiously. "Where is my sword? Oh wait..."
She wasn't surprised by his reaction, most if not all people reacted like him. It was something an assassin had to get use to. She calmly and softly told him, "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. Not unless you make me of course." She stopped to give him some distance hoping he won't be as frightened towards her if she kept her distance. "I saved you, because I can help you. You can fight and we're fighting for the same cause. I can teach you to be an assassin. I brought you here, because this is a very safe spot and it has everything we need for me to teach you." She explained as best as she could and keep him calm
"Wait wait wait wait wait!" He was confused and everything was happening so fast. She was an assassin of all people! And she rescued him?! And now she wanted to teach him...Why? What purpose is there in teaching him? He gulped, and sat down on the bed as he looked to her with small caution in his eyes. "Why exactly are you willing to teach me something I did not even ask for? You make it seem like you just brought me here to teach me...Wait...Is this how the assassins gain their followers? They force them into the brotherhood or kill them...!?"
Eleanor realized she was forcing this on him rather then making it sound optional. She sighed and paced the room a little saying to herself out loud. "Great start Eleanor, Conner's gonna be so proud that you messed this up." She turned to face him and took a breath. "Look, I'm not use to this, so let's just take a step back. I saved you, because you needed help. You were being attacked by the Templars and you probably would've been killed for what you did. I saw how you fought and I thought that maybe you could be a great assassin. I'm not gonna force you into it, but at least consider it since we are fighting for the same thing against the same people. I'll just simply let you go if you just want to leave." She tried to do better at explaining the situation, but doubted she did any better then before.
He didn't leave, however...He figured this might actually be an opportunity of a lifetime. It was a great way to get a vaster amount of experience and become an even better assassin. "Wait...Wait wait..." He said silently and seemed to calm down more. He seemed confused as he spoke, but spoke confidently. "If I were to train under you....Would I be able to better my skills and save those slaves that the Europeans keep bringing? It isn't right...slavery. I learned their tongue so I can tell them what to do after I save them. These uh....Templars, were they? They've took slaves as well...and I aim to free them." He stood up and looked at her with a smile, hand outstretched for a handshake. "I'll train under you...but I better be able to better myself in doing so. I'll need a place to stay though...Uh...I used to"
Eleanor looked at him slightly surprised at what he had to say. Honestly she thought she had blown it and costed herself to loose a possible student, but to her surprise he actually seemed interested in what she was offering. "If you want to be my student, I can improve your skills far above what they are now. I saw you fight and no offense, but you could use some work. Actually I was hoping you were wanting to free slaves, because that's my goal as well. It's sick the way they treat those people. With your knowledge of their native tongue it would be easier to speak to them afterwards which has been my problem." She looked at his out stretched hand then looked back at him. She smiled at him and shook his hand firmly and replied "Don't worry, if you want to you can stay here with me and my teacher Conner. He's already willing to take the students I gain in if they need it."
'Conner...' A very, very miniscule smile was hidden as he heard this name. "Consider me your first student then. Everyone else afterwards is below me in rank. Alright?" He joked with a smile. "Now uh...I sort of need a new weapon since I broke the sword I had before. It was a piece of shit I found in a blacksmith's recycling barrel before coming to save those slaves. I don't exactly have the coin to pay for anything." And just as he said that...his stomach would growl. Loudly. He was hungry.
Eleanor couldn't help but smile at his joke a little and replied "Of course, that is if my next student isn't better then you." She joked. His sword would be an issue, but she would be able to get him a better one, there were plenty of swords available for him to use. Just as she was about to reply she heard his stomach growl. She chuckled a little. "Well, it looks like you're hungry too. After you eat, I'll find you a much better sword for you and then we can see if the uniform fits you. If not we'll have to we'll make adjustments." She smiled and started to walk out of the room. "The kitchen's downstairs. I'll see if I can make you something, unless you can cook."
He smiled and nodded. "I can't cook but I'll wait in the kitchen." He headed off, going downstairs and not noticing Conner as he passed on through to wait in the kitchen. He couldn't believe it was this easy to get into the Brotherhood...Or at least be trained under them anyway. He must have really proved himself when he tried to save those slaves earlier that day. Now he would be the next assassin for the Colonial Brotherhood...He wondered where this would take him exactly? Only time would tell...
It might be easy now, but that's already because he had skill already. Eleanor was just light footed and quick so it was all the more difficult for her. Conner really made her work her ass off. It took blood, sweat, and tears to become an assassin. The true challenge was making it through the training. Conner saw the man following his student and didn't seem impressed at all. "Eleanor I hope you know what you're doing. This man doesn't look like much." Conner's age was getting to him, he could barely run and had a slight limp in his step as he followed them to the kitchen. Eleanor walked to the kitchen and grabbed two rabbits that were freshly hunted by her and started skinning them on the counter. "Conner, he has potential. He doesn't look like much, but once I'm done with him, you won't even recognize him."

A few months had passed. Nathan was trained to the breaking point each day. Eleanor taught him everything she knew and supplied him with equipment and a home. She taught him how to hunt, climb trees, hide, eavesdrop, assassinate, everything he could possibly know. Normally it took an assassin years to master the ways of an assassin, but Nathan seemed like a natural. He learned everything quicker then Eleanor thought. As each day passed she grew closer to him emotionally. She felt lie they had a bond, he wasn't just her student, maybe he was a friend too. She never told him that she thought this way, but it was clear to Conner. He was honestly surprised she hasn't tried to make a move on him. While everything was nice and going seemed Conner was getting sicker by the day. As much as she wanted to worry about Conner she couldn't, she had work to do.
Nathan came downstairs one morning, having decided to make some tea for Connor in hopes that it would help soothe his aching bones. "Here, Mentor...I hope this helps." He handed the old Native American the cup of tea and moved to make a cup for Eleanor. Nathan was now fully an assassin, having blended into the Brotherhood perfectly and learning their ways easily. He had really taken a liking to the Sheng Biao, or Rope Dart, and the hidden blade. He carried many rope darts on him...often loving the sensation of publically hanging his victims to help scare away minor threats and to deal with the more ballsy ones. "How are things, mentor? Do you need me to head to Boston for medicine or anything?"
Conner knew he was in bad shape, but his pride was too great. That and he believed in death coming naturally, that there was no point in prolonging it when it's going to grab him sooner or later. He gave a faint smile at Nathan having some respect now because of how well he was trained and how quickly he became an assassin. He couldn't be more proud of Eleanor either after all she was the one to train him. He took the tea from Nathan and replied "No, I'll be fine. Just a little tired that's all." He smiled trying to look like nothing was wrong with him. "How's the freeing the slaves been going?" He asked to change the subject. In fact right now Eleanor was preparing to take him on their first actual raid.
"We've barely done anything. I've been to busy training lately...Learning everything that you taught Eleanor and anything that she picked up herself." He laughed lightly and sat down in a chair on the opposite side of the table that Connor sat. "We're actually heading out today...They've got a huge slave auction happening in New York. We've got to get there and stop it before any slaves are sold, and bring them someplace safe." He sighed. This was the hard time before the Civil War before there were any true free states or true slave states. Anyone was free or a slave, depending on how well they hid or if they were 'owned' by the right people. "Have you seen her lately?"
He sighed softly knowing soon enough they would go and start the fight, but he worried. Things like this were so sensitive to the government and the people that going to this auction to free the slaves might start a war. If things get too escalated who knew how far it could go. Hopefully both Eleanor and Nathan could get out alive after the fight is over. "I don't know where she is, but she's been busy planning every single detail. She doesn't want anything to go wrong that's for sure. Maybe she's in the basement either training or planing." He shrugged softly and took a drink of his tea
"Alright. Good day, mentor. I'll go find her and help out with preparations that must be done." With that, he went over and pulled the candle on the wall to open the secret entrance to the basement...and walked down to see if Eleanor was down here. "Eleanor? Are you down here?" He called out as he descended down the flight of steps. He could see the many different assassin uniforms lined up along the wall, many of them belonging to Connor and Eleanor. "Elly? You here?"
Conner gave him a faint smile and a nod watching him leave to find Eleanor. In the basement, Eleanor stood at a table with a candle light being her only source of light. She was studying a detailed map she created after scouting the place out and drawing exactly what the area looked like. Markings of black ink of places they could use to hide in, possible paths they could take, places good to make silent assassinations, everything they would possibly need. Hearing Nathan's voice she looked towards the stairs and saw him coming down. "I'm here Nate. How is everything? How's Conner doing?" She asked, it's been awhile since she'e left the basement. She only left to sleep, eat, and go to the bathroom.
"He's the same as he has been lately. I made him some tea, hoping it'd soothe any pain for him." He looked at what she had been marking on and examined it closely. "You've really prepared what to do for this mission...I mean after all...This is going to be difficult. If we aren't careful, we can spark a civil war here between those who want slaves and those who want freedom..." He frowned and crossed his arms. "Are you certain this'll work? Can you run the plan through to me in words so I can help understand all these markings you've got here?"
Eleanor sighed softly, Conner wasn't doing well. She prayed he'll be okay, but she had to be strong. His death maybe near and she had to be ready for it so the pain wouldn't be so horrific. She didn't have much doubt about the mission, but she had to be as prepared and as careful as possible. Moving to the side a bit so he could get a closer look. "Well, the circles along these places are possible places we could assassinate some guards if we can't kill them in our hiding spot. The lines are paths we can take to make our way towards the slaves. We could use the surrounding trees and bushes to make our way around. I see our most logical way is to move quickly and quietly to kill as many guards as possible and free the slaves. Do you have anything to add or have a different idea?" She asked him wanting to see his opinion
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