A Necromancer's Illusion ((Elder Scrolls, Charlie_Death & Shikokudarkstar))

Shavir flicked his tail in thought as he watched the bosmer walk off. He hated knowing that the bosmer had cut him off from his alpha. It was perhaps stupid since he knew he needed the space but he couldn't get over that rule. However he didn't have much time for debate as he took off through Skyrim and found a town with the supplies he needed. He had gotten the wagon without fail but the harness had to be crafted and had taken longer than he wished it would have. The harness adjusted to his size easily however and had a muzzle bridle that the hybrid couldn't exactly look at without shivering. Perhaps he could get the bosmer to use it upon him when he was in wolf form? He could see that going down well in his mind but it was a fantasy. Away from the bosmer's influence however he felt enraged. His Nordic and Altmer sides were enraged that he had allowed himself to be dominate and having to deal with the apprentice made him even more so.

It wasn't the girl's fault he knew. Shavir tried to be as courteous as he could but he hated the distance. He watched the female load up the cart with a snort. "He'll have to come out here and put the harness on. As for the weight, it shall be no issue. I got a light weight cart and got a secure harness so I have more space to pull. And it's not exactly like I'm going to be pulling it like this." He shifted fully into his werewolf form, sniffing the air in impatience.

Shavir watched the apprentice leave. He wasn't real interested in her. He wanted to see the man who had dominated him. He was a wolf not a dog and although he wasn't planning on showing that just yet, he was more than a little annoyed that the bosmer had forgotten. "You've been avoiding me." He stated plainly when he saw the man in question. His muzzle opened wide in a yawn to show teeth as he let the elf put on his harness. "Why?" Shavir asked plainly as he flicked his tail aside for some of the straps. Once he was settled inside the straps he huffed, at least until he saw what the bosmer had found.

The bridle. If werewolves could blush he knew he would be showing it. "When I got the special harness I had to say it was for a horse." It was the only explanation given and quite frankly, just seeing the man with it in his hand had gotten his cock to plump up inside its sheath. He really hoped that the man didn't put it on or they weren't going anywhere for a while.
Amalea was revolted and terrified at the man's shift into beast form. It was something that she regarded as unnatural, an odd thought given that she had turned her life to pursuing the dark arts of raising the dead. But that was different, when magic is involved, it is because it is from the person's natural abilities, to be able to change one's physical form so thoroughly, it was at the will of another, more powerful being. A being that cannot exist within their world, but its own realm in Oblivion. Until Shavir's rampage into their hideout, she had only thought werewolves to be legends. After all, the book by Lentulus Inventius seemed to suggest that no one really had anything other than rumor that they existed. It was not something she could see herself getting used to.

Seeing their master approach them, she shied away and went to make sure that nothing was forgotten. She didn't want her master's new "pet" to maul her because she forgot any notes, gems, or ritual items. Gwinduin, on the other hand, had a confident stride as he approached the werewolf. He spun the bridle in his hand, amused that it was something that had been procured. He hadn't thought that the man would have had it made and brought along. It was amusing to think of pulling the lycanthrope in any direction he wanted, to control his movements without spells.

"You know why I have been avoiding you. If you were in my presence, you would accomplish nothing because your mind will be elsewhere and I need your focus." Gwinduin spoke, answering the question he knew would be the first out of the man's mouth. Or rather, the wolf's mouth as he spoke in a gargled, unnatural voice. It would be interesting to study just how a lycanthrope can talk with different vocal cords and mouth structure. Did that change or were the cords the same for both forms? He shook his head lightly to disperse the numerous questions that keep coming up in his mind. Shavir really was something worth studying.

"Well then, I can't say I am disappointed. You did well getting everything that I need." He walked alongside the cart, running his hands along the wooden frame. It looked sturdy, wasn't too bulky and given how quickly it was received, they should get to ancient ruins within only a few days with minimal stops, unless the guards in the area were suspicious in their movements which will require detours off the main roads to avoid detection. "We should have everything ready to leave within the half hour. All that seems left is to put you in the harness and determine where we will be making our camps." He pat a rolled up map that was tucked into the belt of his robes. "I mapped it all out and alternate routes." He had reached the front of the cart and stared down the werewolf, or rather up at him as he was a bit taller than he had been in his original form. The Bosmer was relatively half the creature's height, irritating him even further that he had to have been born of an unusually short stature.
Shavir huffed at the bosmer's answer. He understood the reasoning if he didn't really agree with it. His wolf was unhappy with the distance and while he was a man, he was lead strongly by the instincts of his wolf. The werewolf stretched out his body, much like a dog would after a long nap. He moved around to place himself in front of the cart on all fours. Which it was more of a crouch than standing, he arched his back to leave room to buckle the straps. "I imagine the guards will be out and about but no more than the usual." He watched the elf as the man moved close. That was when he struck. After being left to his own devices for a time, the werewolf instincts wanted to be close to his alpha. So he pressed his head into the man's chest while he was buckling straps and worked his muzzle into the bosmer's pants. He lapped at the elf's member, trying to get the elf's attention on breeding again.

This was why he had been kept away and he had warned the man about getting too close while he was a wolf. Of course the necromancer had probably thought that he meant he would attack. Of course his wolf wouldn't attack an alpha. Of course it wasn't until he heard a noise from the girl that he stopped. Ears perking he whipped around at the apprentice and bared all his teeth. No one could see the necromancer's arousal. His wolf wouldn't allow it. He growled lowly at the girl before his attention was brought back to the necromancer. He stopped growling when he looked back at the elf before huffing. He supposed it was up to the alpha what he wanted to do.

That didn't mean however that he was going to share the elf with anyone. Not that the girl was any real threat. The necromancer hadn't really seemed like the type to really have that much of an interest in the living. The werewolf huffled, nosing into the necromancer's chest. It wasn't like the man was telling him no right at the moment so he supposed he would keep pushing his luck. After all, he was a wolf, not a dog and he wasn't one to blindly follow ever order.
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