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Irlandais' Lair

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Nov 29, 2013
GMT - all you need to know.
I'm temporarily no longer looking for more RP partners as I have started a few RPs and want them to settle in before adding more. If this changes I will edit this out and bump, thank you.

What I’m looking for:

Hi all, for any of you who have read this thread before you’ll probably notice a massive change to it, this is just to keep more in style with other request threads I’ve seen on this site during my time here – that is to say shorter and more succinct. That’s a win for everyone right?

This is my long term search thread, so the ideas on this page are more plot based than pure smut. Don’t get me wrong, this is an adult forum and smut can be very fun, just not all of the time –In other words: I need some thinky before my kinky. Anywhere between 80/20 to 50/50 in terms of plot to smut would be fine. I do also have a shorter term more smutty thread – check my signature if that’s what you’re looking for, there is a link.

Also I’m gonna get it out of the way, I have rules. Please read them, it’s a short list. It’s basic stuff that is just here to make sure we don’t start an RP that one (or both) of us ends up not enjoying, so here they are:

My rules:

I usually post between two to four medium sized paragraphs with a minimum of one and maximum of six. I’d like my partners to be capable of something within this range also – in good English.

Everyone has things they do and don’t like, just be respectful of each other’s boundaries, no always means no. Equally if we have something we’d like to try in mind, be honest and let each other no, I hold a no judgement policy so the worst you can get is a “Thank you, but that doesn’t interest me”. I have an F-list in my signature for this purpose.

So I know you’ve actually bothered to read my rules, if you send me a PM first please put the word ‘elephant’ in it somewhere. Bonus points awarded if you actually make it fit in a sentence.

I will only RP by thread or PM, please don’t even try to convince me otherwise because the answer is a flat out no.

Being rude OOC is just not tolerable; this includes being impatient, aggressive, or derogatory towards someone else’s tastes or writing. Try this with me and I’ll drop you by the roadside faster than you could believe possible, even if I do leave a note explaining why.

Plots: Red = currently taken.

Home is Hell: Caught between two parents in the middle of an ugly divorce their only child decides that it is time to move out at least until the storm has settled. A few weeks down the line problems strike and the job that was paying for their place to live falls through. Fortunately a kind family friend recognises their struggle and offers a place to stay for the time being until they can get back on their feet. Before too long it becomes apparent that there may be more than just a sleeping arrangement in mind.
In this one of us would play the kid (aged 16+) and one the family friend (age negotiable but assumed at least a few years older) as main characters. I’ve no real preference for which I play but I had a possible plot twist in mind if I was to play the family friend.

Unnamed plot #1: I’ve seen lots of plots where people are interested in ‘bimboification’ which is basically taking a woman and making her into a mindless sex slave as I understand it. To me that seems rather pointless but it gave me an idea, why not try it the other way around – going from abused sex slave with a kind partner to reintegrate them back into society?

In this you would play the (ex) slave and I’d play the rescuer. You could almost think of it as a knight in shining armour kind of scenario but with less of a ‘happily ever after’ ending and a more realistic ‘actually she’s kind of fucked up right now, someone better deal with that’ finish. This could either be a modern or a medieval setting. It’s hard to explain the details of this one without going into a massive wall of text so if you’re interested then ask and I’ll explain further.

Unnamed plot #2: A young (18+) Nephalem*acts as an envoy between heaven and hell, which after a failed attempt at assassinating an escaped demon on earth result in him/her losing one parent in the fight and then being forced to work with the other in a vengeance / redemption mission.

The pairing is either between the Nephalem and the surviving parent (an incest plot) or between the nephalem and an unrelated demon but with the parent still present – the former would be my preference. It can be played either way around with either you or I as the demon and again there are two different plot directions I have in mind depending on which way the pairing goes and who takes which role.

*I mean this in the sense of an Angel and a Demon for parents, not the in the biblical race of giants sense.

The Kingkiller chronicle: This one is an idea that borrows its setting for two characters from the world in the book series the kingkiller chronicle (can’t wait for the last one to come out – supposed to be in 2014 sometime) and although the setting is borrowed it would be between two characters that don’t appear in the books (OCs). I was hoping to play a character that is a graduate from the university in Imre under employ to go and retrieve a cache of books for one of the Masters and you would play basically whatever character you wanted who was also hired to go with him.

Most of the plot in this one comes from the fact that they likely won’t have an easy time getting there and perhaps there might be something of a race in it as someone else might be trying to beat them to it. (Yeah I realise that sounds a bit thin, but I think this is more of the ‘work it out as you go along’ ones).

Themes I'm currently craving but lack plots for: if interested in these send me a pm and we can try and work something out together. * = big craving

Parent / Child incest - either way around. It's something I've wanted to try for a long time but few takers seem to come up for it.

Virginity - on either side. A more 'tender' approach, taking things slowly, experimenting with what feels good. Can be worked into most any plot.

A combination of the above two*

Contacting me:

By far the best way to contact me is by PM, as if I'm online I'll likely notice it right away and get you a quick response. Feel free to message me about any of my plots or a suggestion of your own, looking forwards to it -


p.s. I'm currently on vacation so I'll probably have a lot of time to think of and add more plots.
Time for a bump and a new plot:

Pairing: Pince x Princess

Genre: Medieval / possibly fantasy.

Plot: Your character is the daughter of a king, however when her older brother is poisoned she is the only suspect as she stands to inherit the kingdom of after him. Nobody assumes for a second that it could have been her sweet younger sister who truly had her eyes on the throne. Despite being innocent of the crime she is banished and has to flee her home country to the relative shelter of a neighbouring nation, one ruled by a man who has long despised everything your characters father has done to him and his country.

Quickly she is found, captured then recognized. A plan is hatched to marry you off to the prince of this neighbouring country (my character) so that your character and the prince will be next in line to inherit, one day leaving the prince as the ruler of both nations. The foreign king is a cruel and harsh man, not asking for your consent or caring for your opinion on the matter, but his son, the prince, is different. He truly cares for his new bride after spending time with her, when they return to your characters home country the plan might not quite go as expected if the prince takes your character’s side…
Time for a quick bump I think, almost finished work for the holiday and going to have quite a bit of free time.

I'm still looking for partners for all of the above plots and as ever I'm always interested in hearing other peoples ideas, so if you have something you'd like to try feel free to drop me a message.
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