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The count to a million game

_ ____ ___ __
/ |___ \ / _ \ / /_
| | __) | | | | '_ \
| |/ __/| |_| | (_) |
|_|_____|\___/ \___/
Revnarh said:

How can we make this game more interesting?

This is my Time Crossword Puzzle for the morning. I like to wear my warm fluffy slippers into the kitchen, make coffee, and then as I take my first warm sip; oh, I get to try to crack the unsolvable secret codes of the count thread. I'm still pondering it right now.

Mm. M? M! M? Ah! Nope. Hey! Shoot. Got it! No, wait. Got it again!


Then I do my fluffy slipper empty coffee mug dance.

I think the answer to Ms Nicole's crossword clue was "eviscerate", but I'm sure the next number is 1212. I wish it were 1215, but there I go getting ahead of myself as usual.
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