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The count to a million game


You forgot your number, darling.

Not powerful enough? I could bend reality and become a relative of your family. Yes, I'm too op, but only as long as nobody - not even nobody - finds out about my weakness.

Where can I find the name of your master? In one of your threads?
1 0 1 6
Brother dear I'm thinking about dropping out of the family challenge. Lack of posting is feeding a lack of interest.
1 0 1 8
I've posted and nothing. I can't do anything else until he does answer. So I'm just hanging out by the front door. lol. Any chance of another family being created or something like this? He had a great idea, but there's just no time spent on it.
1 0 1 9
Well we could be assholes and create another thread and piss him off..... probably result in the creator of the thread being banned. unless it was someone not originally involved.... there would be interest for the noe open role, but we just really keep the same profiles.
1 0 2 1
Well I'm giving him today. I'm not a very patient girl, and you have to admit the rp is sllllloooooooowwwwwwww to move.
1 0 2 3
I just told him i was pulling out. i can't do something with someone who isnt on every day... even though that'll be me here in a month when i start working at a camp... but still
and even then i'd be on at night.
One thousand and twenty-four. 1024.
Night posting is better than no posting. Once a day at least, doesn't matter when.
1 0 2 6
An hour a night to make a post? Still more than he's doing. We need to find another girl. Maybe even another set of parents, or are we just gonna be horny sibling while mom an dad are away? lol. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Nah an hour during the day then some more at night.... I say we keep us three and the mom..... we could do that hehe.... how do group PM's work ;)
1 0 2 7
One thousand and twenty-eight. 1028.
We'll discuss new plot details once we know for sure TW isn't going to be posting a lot.
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