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Safety in the Colonies [(SweetSin x Javorcek)

Holly looks at the extra smoothie before shaking her head. "Nope, they're both mine, I neeeeeeed them." The toned woman snorts a little laugh before handing Olivia the other glass. "Yes, you're going to need your energy and these things are packed with nutrients and protein. The milk is goats milk and doesn't taste too bad." Sure it's now cows milk, but you had to live off what you could get and goats were of plenty and easier to handle. "I changed my mind of the scavenging, I will help search and as soon as we find a part we need, I will watch your back while you retrieve it." Holly had a little time to think earlier and Olivia said she was a scavenger so why not let her be the one to take the part, plus Holly was a better shot. "So we have a plan, now we just need to gear up. If you don't have the right gear then don't worry about it, I have plenty. I'll outfit you a harness for your weapons plus a few more holsters, like one around your thighs and one that goes around your ankle so you can carry a knife." Holly had a plan, it was a good plan too.

"Finish up your smoothie and meet me in the armory." Holly leaves Olivia to finish her smoothie as she opens the book case and starts to lay out some harnesses and weapons. She lays out two heavy assault weapons and a specialized handgun, all of which she had built herself. Not to lose touch with the old world, she lays out an old bowie knife. "I think I got everything." Just to make sure she can do some damage, Holly grabs a belt of grenades. "Now I have everything." While waiting on Olivia she begins to put on her gear, a pair of black camo pants along with combat boots. After pulling on a long sleeve shirt she slides on an old army vest. "Lets go!" She calls out to Olivia while she packs the pockets of the vest with all sorts of different tools and first aid.

Assault 1

Assault 2


"Pfffft! You don't need both. It's just going to go straight to your tits." Olivia teased with a grin. Holly was so skinny and in shape...except for her breasts that looked absolutely delicious. Ugh...I really am hungry, even her breasts are looking like a good meal. But she was happy that Holly was only pulling her leg. She really was starving, it had been a week since she had had real food. A few berries and nuts from the forest as well as small game did not make for the most well balanced of meals. Olivia eagerly gulped down her smoothie, not even cringing at the fact that it was tangy with goat's milk. Her colony had raised a few cows, mostly because their milk was better for children, but all the adults drank goat's milk.

"Alright, sounds like a good plan to me. We'd both probably get killed if I was watching our backs." As much as she was joking, she was also a little serious. Olivia tended to scavenge by herself because she was an excellent runner and could usually fleww from mutants...and she was pretty sure she could outrun Holly and get back to safety while the mutants were busy chomping on her new friend.

But now that their plans had changed, she went ahead towards her backpack. She had to empty out a couple of things...a lot of things. Extra supplies were dumped out onto the ground into a corner of the room to be dealt with later. She just packed her little first aid kit, her plasma cutter, welding goggles, a small saw, and her lock-picking set (just because you never know when you'd happen upon a store that just needed a good lockpicking to get into it's fortified defenses!) Olivia wasn't going to spend her time carefully taking apart whatever she found...she'd just cut off more than she needed and then separate it properly when they were in a safe zone.

Now that her scavenging pack was set, she got dressed, finished her smoothie, and then moved down the ladder and towards the armory. She slid on her trusted tactical vest that was a little too big (it had been her dad's) and then helped herself to some ammo for her trsuted Glocks. She couldn't help but shake her head and snicker a little bit at Holly. "You look like we're going straight into a mutant lair and not for a nice little walk out of the safe zone. Grenades? Really?"
Holly did look like she was going to war, but like the old saying goes, it's better to be safe than sorry. "You'll thank me later, and you never know what you're walking into. It could be a stroll in the park, or a mutant lair could come find you, you don't need to find it." Holly was ready with her guns big guns folding up on her back, her hand gun at her side along with her trusty bowie know. "So we need a radiator and an alternator. I will point them out and you will do what you do while I watch our backs. Just be quick about it, we will run into mutants or raiders while we're out there." With a deep breath and a little prayer, Holly leaves Olivia to finish getting ready as she climbs the ladder to the main room. "We need to get moving." She calls out to Olivia as she makes sure everything is off and locked up. She sets a few booby traps to make sure her place is safe before having a seat on the couch.

"Watch over me, guys." She looks up towards the ceiling, as if she were talking to lost loved ones. It was hard for Holly to be alone all the time, perhaps having Olivia around could cheer her life up a little, or having anyone around for that matter. Although the world went to shit, companionship was still a much needed piece in someones life. "Move your tits!" Well perhaps a faster companion would be better, but for now Olivia served as a decent partner but would need to prove her worth during this mission to the city.
Olivia arched a brow, still skeptical of the need for so many weapons. But if they made Holly felt safer, and if the other girl could carry them with no problem, she supposed that she couldn't complain. "Alright! Two more seconds!" She called down in response to Holly. Geeze, she was acting like they didn't have hours of daylight to work with! But before they left, Olivia made sure to test out her plasma torch and her flashlight to make sure both were working. Then she put both back into her backpack and head down the stairs.

"Hey, don't rush me or my tits! When someone shoots the hell outta you, you'll be glad I packed my kit so well." Olivia was always a little slow to get going; but once she was out the door, she was a speedy little thing. It was just hard for her to make sure she had every bare necessity she could possibly need. But once her boots were on and she was laced up, she followed Holly down the ladder and out into the town where they made their way past the gate.

Since she wasn't used to this area, she let Holly lead the way while she tried to sketch out their surroundings in a makeshift map.
Holly locks up her place before walking out with Olivia. "Lets get going, watch the trees and bushes for any movement." Once the pair hit the woods, Holly takes out her handgun and has it ready. "I don't know if you've been to the city, it's pretty overgrown with vegetation and the large buildings are a good hiding place for mutants. Some of the vehicles are covered with vegetation as well, so we'll need to clear that away before we can pop the hoods and see what we have." Holly had been to the city a few times, sometimes just to test out a new weapon with live targets. Although that got her into trouble one time and she had to run for her life after one of her weapons didn't work. "About this lab in Virginia, it's not guarantee that it's even there, are you sure you're willing to risk your life to follow me there?" It was a bit of a walk to the city which was one the other side of the woods, so making small talk made the trip easier.

"It's a long drive, a weeks worth since we'll need to make our own road in some places. We'll need to stop and scavenge, maybe even fight off raiders. It's a dangerous path we're going down, so I'll understand if you're not up for it, although I'll call you a pussy if you don't go." Holly smiles at Olivia before turning back to watch her surroundings.
"Not this city...but I have been to the one by my town. They sound about the same though." Olivia shrugged her pack into a more comfortable position as she traipsed along beside Holly. She drew one of her Glocks, just so that she was ready incase trouble came their way. Her eyes kept sweeping the area infront of them, as well as the sides. No movement yet...good. The last thing she wanted was a couple of raiders crashing their party.

"Well yanno...I do have -tons- of things I was planning on doing. I'll see if I can clear my very busy schedule to go on a wild goose chase for a couple of weeks." Olivia rolled her eyes. But she was smiling, she liked having company around. She had missed it in the week that she had been in the woods by herself. Sometimes it felt so surreal...last week she had been home, with her parents and her friends, and this week she was in a strange place with a strange soldier of a woman.

Well...if she'd learned anything in this life, it's that when your number was up, it was up. Grief was for the living. And if she wanted to keep living, she'd suck up her losses and deal.

"Pfffft...I'm not afraid of anything." Besides, what did she have to lose? "Someone's gotta make sure you don't get killed on your way to maybe save the world. Might as well be me." Olivia smirked.
The toned woman just nodded as she kept walking along side Olivia. "Something just doesn't seem right, usually I'll hear noises of animals but it's damn near silent out here." Holly didn't mean to ignore Olivia, but the strange silence made her uneasy. It could just been one of those days, or a mutant was around which would cause the animals to go into hiding. "Creepy." Holly mutters before looking back at Olivia. "Well you be sure to clear your schedule and let your friends know you're going to be away for a while." Soon the girls walk up onto a ridge that overlooks the city.

"If it weren't for the horrible flesh eating mutants, this would be quite pretty and fun to scavenge through, but I guess anything worth having is worth fighting for." The city did look pretty with all the vines and plants growing over the brick and concrete. "Come on, keep a look out and let me know if you see anything." Holly puts away her handgun and takes out one of her assault rifles, she sets it to single shot before making her way onto the city street.
Olivia looked around when Holly said that the forest was quiet. She had thought something felt a little weird...but hadn't known what it was until it was pointed out to her. But when nothing appeared to be moving in the forest, both girls went on their way. Olivia couldn't help but smile a bit as she looked out into the city. The tall buildings had always fascinated her...and this city looked even bigger than the one that was by her old home! There must be so many places to explore just within this small area.

Too bad the buildings were unsafe, she would have loved to check out the insides of them.

"Uh...Holly...?" Olivia whispered, stopping in her tracks and tugging on the other girl's shirt to get her to stop moving. She pointed towards a rabbit carcass that was strung up in some sort of elaborate snare trap. It was out in plain site, definitely designed to capture mutants and not people. Olivia was getting nervous that they weren't the only ones out here. "Please tell me you put that trap there..."
"What?" Holly whispers before looking at the snare trap that Olivia points out. "Raiders, I haven't been to one, but they capture mutants and throw them into a cage. They're used to kill hostages or someone who has broken a rule within the raider bands. Sometimes they're even used to empty a village, they'll roll a cage up and let the mutants loose." Holly shakes her head before walking around the trap. "I doubt any raiders are watching, but that does mean they'll be back, and in a group as well. So we need to hurry." Holly hated raiders, they were scum that made living out in this shitty world even harder. "We need a full size truck, keep an eye out." After walking around the trap, Holly heads towards an intersection where a bunch of vehicles are sitting.

Using her knife, Holly cuts away the vegetation around a large truck, nodding as she opens the drivers door and pops the hood. "The parts on this one should work." Upon further inspection, the parts did look perfect for her truck back home. "Cut this, and this out." Holly points out the parts before stepping down so Olivia can do her job. "Hurry up, I just have a bad feeling and it's getting worse." She adds while looking around the streets.
"Shhh...don't rush me!" Olivia hissed as she tugged on her welding goggles, forcing her world into darkness. Scavenging was stressful enough without your partner making you even more nervous than you already were! She was entirely helpless for as long as her goggles were on, but she was trusting Holly to watch her back if things got rough. "Don't look over here, this thing'll burn your retinas." she warned as she pulled on her gloves and then started up the torch, a bright white light coming out of the tip as soon as she turned it on and connected it with the metal joins.

She made quick work of the alternator; cutting off more than she really needed so that she didn't have to deal with the bolts right now. She set the lump of metal to the side so that the edges would cool enough so that she could put it into her backpack. Now it was time for the radiator...which was turning out to be a bigger pain in the ass because of how it was positioned in the truck. "Son of a bitch..." She growled, moving to lay flat over the engine so that she could reach down further. "Of course you save the most annoying part of the car for last." Olivia cut off the edges as best she could and then began tugging at the metal until it finally burst free with a loud CREAK!
All Holly could do was watch as Olivia melted and tore the parts out of the truck, although she couldn't watch for very long. "Oh great." She mutters since the noise was sure to attract any curious ears. "It's time to get going. Time to get going!" In the distance she could see mutants, maybe four or five of them crawling out of a tall building and making their way towards the ground. Holly adjusts her gun and slides a grenade shell into the lower chamber of the assault rifle. "Fucking shit." The mutants were charging the two girls before Holly shoots off the grenade, the shell landing under a car with other cars around them. It didn't take but a few seconds for the grenade to go off and send the cars flying as their gas tanks explode and the chair reaction sets the other cars off. "Grab the radiator." She tells Olivia as she grabs the alternator.

"Not good, not good!" The explosion attracts the raiders as they show up out of the forest. Luckily the smoke was black and creating a screen that covered the girls. "We need to hide." Holly grabs the radiator, holding both parts before darting off and over to a department store. She bursts through the door and waits for Olivia. "Come on!" She yells over to the girl, the mutants are surely dead but the explosion will attract more.

Well, that had been a lot louder than she had intended it to be.

"Okay okay okay!" Olivia quickly set the radiator down and scrambled back up. She ripped off her goggles and jammed those, as well as her tools back into her backpack while Holly took care of the mutants. "A grenade?! You needed to use a fucking grenade?!" She hissed as a chain reaction of explosions went off. "Just destroy all the gasoline in the area why don't you!" Olivia always lamented when there was good treasure to be had. Though now she wouldn't get to see just what that treasure had been since Holly was busy leveling half a city block.

She hopped down from the truck when Holly started running and chased after her, darting into the department store with her. She shut the door behind them and bolted it shut. "Give me that thing!" She took the alternator out of Holly's hand and shoved it into her backpack; but the damn radiator was so big they'd probably have to lug that part around. "Give me that're a better shot than me." She said before taking hold of radiator too.
"No shit I'm a better shot than you." Holly scolds Olivia as she sets her assault weapon to fully automatic. "And yes I used a grenade, the blast should scare off other mutants long enough for us to get out of here. But, I what I wasn't expecting was the raiders." Holly had a bit of a plan, a half ass plan but it was a plan no less. "There has to be a back door, if not we'll make one. I'm going to jump out and start firing, you take the parts and run your ass back to the town. Just run as fast as you can, don't look back and don't stop." Holly grabs her other assault weapon from behind her and sets it to fully automatic as well. The woman was armed to the teeth as she held both guns and looked back at Olivia. "Tell my family, I love them." It was a bit dramatic, and probably from an old movie, but she couldn't resist saying it even if she didn't have a family.

With a wink the armed woman kicks the door open and steps out, unleashing a fury of shells on the raiders as they jump for cover. "Come on you fuckers!" She yells as her finger stays on the trigger, the bullets flying out and hitting all around the raiders as they stay in cover. Soon the woman has to stop to reload so she sets a plasma grenade and tosses it near a raider. It was a bloody shower as the grenade goes off and body parts go flying all around.
"Holly, you are a fucking idiot." Melodramatic didn't even cover it. The other girl was nuts if she thought that Olivia was going to turn tail and run! Mostly because there were several things wrong with Holly's ingenious plan that involved getting herself killed:

1. Olivia had the sense of direction of a potato and wouldn't be able to find her way home; carrying the radiator and running for her life didn't leave any appendages free for holding the map she had drawn on the way here.

2. It was Holly's plan to go to Virginia. Not hers. What the hell would she do if she even got there?

3. They were a team now...that meant Olivia couldn't run away; it wouldn't be right.

And so for these reasons, and many more, Olivia put ideas of immediate self-preservation aside. She set the radiator down by her feet and grabbed a small scope out of her vest. She attached it to her pistol and started shooting from the cover of the department store; sniping off whoever the hell was still alive. Thank God her father had given her a scope with heat vision capabilities to make up for the fact that she was a small weapons girl. She was a good shot; though slow and meticulous.

Now that everything in the immediate area was dead and they were both covered in dirt, grime, and other people's blood, she could detach her scope and holster her weapon. "You're a fucking asshole. You're not allowed to do stuff like this and tell me to go run away. We're partners now, you're stuck with me on your tail." She glared at Holly and whacked her bicep. Then moved to holster her gun and pick up the radiator so that they could go home, -together-.
The once lone woman was definitely not used to being with someone else, and it showed that she thought of others before herself, even a stranger. "I had it under control, I just wanted you to run back to the village." She puts away her weapons after reloading them. "I guess we should get going, the blasts will keep the mutants away and I doubt the raiders want to fuck with what they just saw." Holly grabs the radiator from Olivia before walking out of the shop. "That was fun though, well it was for me." Fun yes, scary maybe. Holly enjoyed a good gun fight, a chance to show off her weapons and what they are capable of doing. "You did good, although we both need a shower. I have raider blood on me and I think an arm hit me." Bleh, it was a nasty scene when the explosions went off, blood and guts everywhere.

"Good job though getting the parts off so fast, even though you attracted the mutants by making a noise. You're a noob still." Holly was mostly joking, trying to get Olivia riled up so the walk back home would be more fun. "I mean, I could have done it without making a single peep, but I guess you're still wet behind the ears." She adds while the girls reach the forest.
"I'm pretty sure you have some small intestine on your shirt." Olivia made a face when she noticed the spongy looking entrails on Holly's vest. So...gross... Blood and guts didn't really bother her. She was very good at doing emergency life-saving procedures in the field, under pressure. But when body parts started flying and sticking to her, she kinda wanted to hurl.

And of course Holly thought all those explosions and gunfire were fun. Soldiers were weird. She seemed to perk up at the compliment to her skills...though seemed to grow more agitated as her taller friend started to pick on her.

"A noob?!" Olivia glared at the taller woman once they entered the forest. As small as she was, she was still pretty scrappy, and wouldn't take insults to her scavenging skills. She had been one of the best in her town! Able to get parts quickly without causing damage to what she wanted. And -usually- she didn't draw attention to herself while doing it. It was just...Holly had flustered her with all her 'Hurry up let's go!'

"I could have probably gut the entire car in the time that it would take you to just get the alternator out!" Her voice was a low hiss and she smacked the taller girl's arm again, not wishing to push their luck and attract something else to their position.
Holly lets out a light laugh when Olivia hits her arm again, it was like being pawed by a little puppy. "You're about as threatening as a little kitty, are you going to lick me to death next?" She teases as they walk through the thick trees. "But you did good back there." A compliment was due so the smaller woman wouldn't get too angry.

As the pair reach the other side of the forest and the town, smoke can be seen and it doesn't look too good. "Oh no." Holly whispers before running from Olivia and into the town, she stops as she reaches the town square and sees a pile of burning bodies. The muscular woman drops to her knees, dropping the radiator beside her. "Raiders." She whispers as she sees the clan marks all over the town.

It wasn't enough that mutants roamed the new world, but raiders had to make it even harder, killing for no reason. One shred of good news was that her shop wasn't touched, but that just gave Holly the clue she needed, the town getting raided was just for fun, they weren't after anything. "They'll pay." Holly grips her fist before standing up and walking to her shop, not a word is said to Olivia as the bodies of women, men and children continue to burn in the courtyard.
"You -wish- I'd lick you to death" The brunette retorted. Well...the compliment seemed to soothe Olivia's temper and she stopped hitting Holly. Though the smaller girl had the sneaking suspicion that her blows weren't even doing anything to harm her muscular friend anyways.

Olivia chased right after Holly when she started to run towards the smoking town. The acrid smell of burnt hair and flesh hung in the air; Olivia knew what they would see before they even got there. She skidded to a halt behind Holly, sighing softly as she saw the pile of bodies in the town square. It was disgusting, to say the least, how little raiders respected other human life. She placed a hand on the other woman's shoulder and gave it a soft, reassuring squeeze. "I'm sorry Holly..."

She just let Holly go when the other woman got up, to deal with her grief or plot her vengeance for a little while. Olivia took off her backpack and began gathering stones, shrapnel, and bricks to make a sort of grave-marker in the mean time. She surrounded the mass burial with a large circle in order to mark the place where so many people died. Even though she didn't know any of them, no one should be forgotten after they passed away; a grave marker would help show their spirits some respect even though they were gone.
Holly so much wanted to get back at the raiders for killing everyone in town, but she knew she needed to get the truck working and get out of there. Once in the armory she puts away her guns and heads back outside. "Come on, we need to work on the truck and get it working. The raiders will be back after realizing they left behind loads of supplies. Now come on." The woman was angry, more at herself since she could have helped everyone if she were home.

After locking up, Holly grabs the two parts and heads across the road to the garage. "Come on, you can help me get this truck working so we can load up and get out of here before the raiders realize there's stuff to loot here." Holly was still angry as she walks into the garage and turns on the lights. She takes a deep breath before walking over to the vehicle lift and lowering the truck down. "I will get my revenge." She mutters to herself as she pops the hood to the truck and opens a tool box.

By the time Holly came back, Olivia was finished forming the grave-marker around the burning bodies. She said a little prayer, then looked up just in time to see her muscular friend heading towards her. She nodded a bit and then trotted away to follow after Holly. She peeked into the garage, blinking a bit as she saw the giant police truck. "Whoa...where the hell did you get that thing from?" Olivia gaped at it. "My dad was a tactical cop...I've only seen trucks like this in pictures of him when he was younger." She said as she ran her fingers over the armor plated side of the SWAT vehicle.

" okay?" She asked as she pulled the alternator out of her backpack and brought it over to the toolbox. She needed to just remove a couple of bolts from where she had cut off extra parts from the adjoining pieces. Now that they were out of a stressful situation, Olivia was relaxed enough to make quick work of the alternator, stripping it down so that the part stood alone by itself.
"No, I'm not okay." It took everything she had not to pack her biggest guns and head to the raider camp, but she needed to get out of the town. Holly opens the hood to the massive truck before climbing up onto the bumper and bending over the engine so she could clear the wire hook ups from the alternator hole. After clearing the two spots she climbs back down and walks over to a work bench so she can strip the radiator down to what she needed. "Lets hurry up and get this done, I want to be gone before morning comes." If the raiders were to come back they would come as early as possible, probably when the sun was coming up.

"There's a road heading out of town and onto the highway, we'll take that and go on our little adventure." After thinking about it for a minute Holly gets an idea. "And we're going to leave a little present for the raiders." She adds with a devilish grin while she starts to install the radiator. "We're going to plant some of my biggest explosives around the town, I'm going to set up cameras and when the raiders come, BOOM!" Holly was happy with her plan as she fills the radiator with coolant and waits for Olivia to prep the alternator.
"Sorry for your loss...but don't let it get you too down. Grief is for the living, yanno?" Olivia had had a very...detached sort of feeling when it came to grief and loss. Her parents had taught her that it was a necessary part of life. They'd talked about it often, about how they wanted to be buried, or what sort of service to have for them. And so when her own town had been annihilated, Olivia hadn't spent that much time mourning. She'd just prayed, made a grave-marker on the outside of her old town, and moved on.

Besides, everyone was probably in a better place. And if they weren't, and there was nothing after this life, well...least they didn't have to struggle in this shitty world full of mutants and assholes anymore.

So for now she went to work stripping down the alternator with her tools, even cleaning it up a little bit so that it wasn't covered in gunk anymore. Then she set down the part by the truck. Taking things apart was her thing...putting them back together, not so much. She could probably figure out how to put something back into working order, it would probably just take her a looonnngggg ass time.

"You're nuts, you know that?" Olivia chuckled, shaking her head a bit at Holly's plan. Her new friend definitely loved to blow things up, that was for sure. "But I'll help you out any way you want."
"I am nuts, but only nutty people will plan a suicide trip across the country to find some lab that they don't even know exists. A nutty person would willing travel into a city infested with flesh eating mutants, so yeah, I am the nuttiest person you've ever met." Holly can't help but laugh at how she sounds as she grabs the alternator. "I would much rather pack up and leave this place booby trapped rather than going to the raiders village and killing every single one of them. I don't want to waste my time hunting down stupid killers when they can come to me. But, I will also NOT let them scavenge this town after killing so many." After getting what she needed, Holly walks back over and bends back over the engine compartment. "I need you to hand me the belt sitting by the red toolbox." Holly holds out her hand, waiting for Olivia to help her.

While waiting, Holly thinks back to some of the people she knew in town, it was a horrible loss and the raiders should pay, but time is wasted on vengeance and Holly didn't have much time. The raiders will be back soon, and she would rather bury them with the towns people rather than let them die in their village. "Come on woman!" She calls out after realizing she's been waiting for too long.
"Yeah well, lucky for you, I like nutty and I've got a lot of free time to make sure your ass doesn't get into trouble on your little adventure." Olivia teased with a bit of a grin. She went ahead and did as she was asked though, taking a couple of steps over towards the red toolbox. Belt in hand, she started to walk back over towards Holly...only to notice that the other woman was totally bent over the engine. It was kind of sexy...seeing a strong, athletic, stubborn ass of a woman fixing cars.

"Huh?" She asked after a moment of staring, shaking her head a little bit to clear it. "Stop bending over things! It's distracting..." The brunette grumbled as she walked back over to Holly. She handed her the belt, then backed out of her way. But her eyes kept roaming over the blonde's body. Olivia was easily distracted by treasure...and having Holly bent over the engine, sticking her toned rear into the air, was definitely a treasure that she wouldn't mind getting her hands on. But even though she was honest and would run her mouth and talk a big game, Olivia was a little shy. So Holly had nothing to fear of little Olivia attempting to get with her on this trip, the brunette was too much of a chicken to try anything...especially with the woman that held all the guns and could probably break her in half.
"Well stop staring at my ass then!" The woman laughs lightly as she finishes up with the alternator and climbs back down. "Geeze, I rescued a perv." She teases as she grabs the keys to the truck and walks around to the drivers side. "One time." She whispers as she slides the key into the ignition and turns the truck on, "So far so good." Holly whispers as the lights come on. Finally it was the moment of truth as she starts cranking the engine, it stutters for a few seconds before finally roaring to life. "Yes!" She yells as the truck runs smoothly, a little smoke puffing out of the back then it goes clear. "Now we pack, we need to pack weapons, first aid and some food. We need to get going, we probably have a few hours before the raiders will probably be here." Holly shuts the truck off before walking over to Olivia. "Thanks for helping, even though my ass distracted you, perv." She pats Olivia on the cheek before heading out the garage and jogging back to her place.

"Checklist, I need a checklist." Holly grabs a few pieces of paper before writing down everything she needs. Soon she heads to her armory and grabs some empty weapons cases and starts filling them with her specialty weapons and other items of destruction. "I guess I still have a nice ass." Holly smirks as she thinks about it, it was nice to still be seen as some sort of sexy, even if it was from Olivia.
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