The Queen and Smoak Connection (Myself, Vash_Bly)

He looks at the address, "Isn't this in The Glades?" He asks. He looks at her and smiles, "Hey don't be afraid of were are from... That special place shapes us into who we are," He looks at the paper, "Oh don't worry about me... I can handle myself Miss Smoak." He tells her. He blows her a kiss as he got into the elevator. As he went up he had the real smile on his face, he was glad that he had some one to talk to and he ran to his car and then drove home and once he got inside he was asked why he was so happy, but he told them that it was none of their business.
Felicia smiled, watched him leave her office. Once he was gone she looked at the clock, sighed she was done with her shift. She clocked out grabbed her stuff, headed toward the elevator. Hitting the button labeled garage she let it take her to the second level then she stepped out, hit the button for her car. As the alarm beeped she walked toward it, opened the door with a smile on her face. She climbed into her car, drove back to her apartment. It didn't take her long to get home, she was in her apartment before anyone could bring any harm to her. She locked the door, dropped all her stuff then walked back to her bedroom. Opening the closet she took out the only fancy dress she had, sighed laying it down on the bed.
Oliver tossed everything off and ran into the shower and came out with a towel around his waist. He walks to his closet and looks around his vast collecting of clothing. "Shit should I go formal or casual? How aboutthe casual playboy look?" He wonders out loud. He got Giorgio Armani and pink tie. He looks at himself and then takes off the tie and then takes the clock. He heads down and his aunt Thea stops him, "So what has you so happy?" She asks. He looks at the clock behind her, "Well I have found my intellectual equal... Well got to go pick her up." He says. Thea gives him a look, "The party is two hours away." She states. Oliver runs off, "And your point?" He asks. He jumps into his Impala and drives off. He dials her number and waits for her to answer. He stops at a light
Felicia was getting a shower, normally if she didn't hear her phone it went straight to voice mail she washed her hair rinsed it then finished with her body. Once she was finished she stepped out wrapped a towel around her body, her hair then walked into the bedroom. She put on clean under garments , then her dress. Once she was dressed she slid on a pair of matching sling back heals then brushed her hair into an elegant manner then pinned it back with a clip. She walked back into the bathroom put on a little eye shadow some foundation then after she brushed her teeth she put on lipgloss. Once she had that on she grabbed a small evening bag made sure she had her phone, checked it with a soft smile she called Oliver back then waited for an answer as she put in a few extra things including her keys.
He answers his phone and laughs, " Hi this is Mr Queen... Felicia I am on my way... I know its two hours till the party, but I am on the way to pick you up if that is okay," He pauses as he turns to the left, "I should be there in a matter of minutes maybe ten... Fifteen minutes." He says. He took his time and stopped at a flower shop and bought a bouquet of roses and then hopes in the car and drives off as fast as he could to The Glades. "Okay just calm down be yourself... Funny... Charming you got this Oliver." He says with a smile
Felicia smiled as she heard his voice, heard him say he was on his way. " okay see you soon." She said as she continued to smile, walked out of her bedroom into the living room. For the second time in her life she was really nervous, hoped that she looked okay. She'd never been very self conscious but all of a sudden she was just overwhelmed, she set down her purse then walked back to the bedroom to spray on a little perfume. Once she thought she had enough on she walked back into the living room picked up her evening bag, made sure she had her phone then waited patiently.
He looks around and parks the car in front of her house. He looks at himself in the rear view mirror and he grabs some Old Spice cologne and he puts it on his hands and then lightly smacks his face. He got out of the car and he grabs the bouquet and runs to the door and knocks. He takes a deep breath as he hides the flowers behind his back. "Good evening Felicia I will be your escort for the evening." He says. He practices the line as he waits for her to come to the door, "OKay that is cheesy just be your normal self and everything should be fine... Pressure there is none." He tells himself
Felicia looked in the mirror one more time holding her evening bag she took a deep breath, held onto the bottom of her dress so she wouldn't stop on it then opened the door. '' Oliver.. You look dashing! Very dashing.'' She said as she started to walk out of her apartment but had a feeling she would need to invite him in momentarily so she stepped aside, let him inside. The brunette wasn't psychic or anything she just knew that when a guy picked a girl up he normally had flowers in his hand, she figured they would be better in water. She set down her evening bag, walked into the kitchen to get a vase then set it down on the coffee table in front of her couch then waited patiently.
He walked inside of the house and then looks at her, "Well you have a very good house," He snaps out of it, "Oh I brought some flowers." HE tells her with a smile. He sat down and looks at her, "Well I was not sure what you would like so I got some roses." He tells her. He walks over to her and smile, "You look stunning Miss Smoak." He tells her. He hands her the flowers and looks at her. He looks down and then kisses her cheek and then looks away, " I am so sorry about that it just happened and well yeah sorry." HE tells her. He smiles and then sits down and twirls his thumbs as he looks at her with a worried look on his face
'' Their beautiful. My favorite color is pink, I also like lilies.'' Felicia said as she chewed on her lower lip, unwrapped the flowers. She set them down in the vase on the coffee table then looked straight at him, held her hand to him. '' You don't have to be sorry.'' The brunette said as she waited for him to take her hand, she would grab her evening bag then they could leave. She didn't expect them to go straight to the party, when he kissed her cheek she felt her stomach go from being knotted to being flooded with fluttering butterflies as her heart raced against her chest.
He heard her name the things that she liked and he took a little black book from his pocket and wrote the items down because he didn't to forget. HE put the book away and after the kiss he gave her a look. " You okay Felicia you seem a bit flustered." He tells her. He offers her his hand and smiles, " So my queen shall we," He smiles, "Been practicing that one... The pun is intended." He says with a laugh As the seconds passed he admired her and he smiles once again.
'' Yeah I'm fine. Just not used to a lot of things, well let's just say your my 1st.'' Felicia said as she chewed on her lower lip then reapplied her lip-gloss, took a deep breath as she hung the small wristlet from her wrist. She smiled at his comment, the pun was nice but what she had told him was the truth. Of all the times she could have gone out when she was in school she opted to stay in, study. Besides the only guys that really seemed interested in her were always really geeky looking, Oliver was very easy on the eyes. '' So lead the way.'' She said as she let him take her hand, lead the way out to his car she had a feeling her cousin might be there considering she worked for Oliver's father.
He got to the car and opens the door for her, "You know I really donI a't like looking like this, "He laughs, "Most of the times I would rather be in a X-Men tee shirt and jeans reading comics, but pare lots are like your taking over the business and I am to be dressed appropriately. Don't get me wrong suits are fine, but this isn't me Felicia abd I have no way of telling my parents." He rambles. He got into the car and drives ofd, "Well we got an hour so we're too?" He asks. He did have ideas but he was willing to hear suggestions as to where they should go on what considered a first date. He looks at her as he drove wondering what she woukd suggest.
'' I love x-men, I totally agree. This isn't me but I'm not allowed to wear jeans to work so I'm always in a skirt, some sort of fancy blouse. I dress like my cousin.'' Felicia said as she chewed on her lower lip, held onto her evening bag. She didn't really know where she wanted to go, just being with him was good enough for her. The brunette had never been a date she'd never even been kissed, she was a little nervous but it was expected since she'd never been to a big party. She was going to meet his father, his mother as well as the rest of his family.
"You know you can ask my father... If you ask nicely he tends to give you what you ask for." He tells her. He was not sure if she was nervous, but he puts a hand on her leg, " Hey relax you don't have to be afraid of my folks they are very nice I mean you have interacted with them right?" He asks
'' Once or twice but only during my interview.. This is my 1st date, my 1st party since my prom which bombed after ten pm. '' Felicia blushed when she saw his hand on her leg, she chewed on her lower lip as she placed a lose strand of hair behind her ear. She took a couple deep breaths, smiled she didn't feel so nervous anymore. For the 1st time in her life she felt comfortable, she looked forward to the party as well as whatever followed after the party. She would have a glass of wine or two, get into the party spirit but she wouldn't over do it, she would be out of her comfort zone but it was nice for her to socialize a little.
"You know how about we go to Big Belly Burger and hang out there for awhile or we can head to madhouse and talk there." He informs her. He removes the hand and looks at her with a grin, "Of course the choice is yours and I will do whatever you decide." He mentions. For one in his life he didn't have to be something he was not, "Or we can go to a comic book store and nerd out"
" Big belly burger sounds good but the comic book idea sounds awesome. I know I said I liked x-men but my biggest weakness is birds of prey, young justice. I also like teen titans, when I was a girl I had a rather large collection of comics, then my parents made me sell them at a yard sale." Felicia said biting her lip again, smiling she knew having her hair pinned up complimented her dress but she felt better with it down. She took out the clip, shook her hair slightly then let it fall around her shoulders then put the clip in her purse.
"Well how about this... A good friend of mine has a comic book store... I invested in the store.... So how about we get that collection of yours back," He smiles, "Before you say anything I am paying for it and I am not going to take no for an answer." He tells her. He drove and five minutes later he parks the Impala and gets out running to the other side and he opens the door. He smiles playfully, "Welcome to R and R comics." He tells her. He extends his hand out to her and waits
Felicia smiled as she climbed out of the car, chewed on her lower lip as she put a strand of hair behind her ear. '' I appreciate this.'' She said as she kissed his cheek, took his hand with the same smile. Once her collection had been sold she didn't think she'd ever get it back, here she was with the son of her boss standing in front of a comic book store. Her heart raced only because she was excited, so happy to be with Oliver that she didn't give anything a single thought. She would be meeting his mother, she knew his father but only from her cousin she'd never actually met him least she didn't recall meeting him.

(( Sorry I took so long to reply.))
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