The Queen and Smoak Connection (Myself, Vash_Bly)

Phoenix Rising

Like the phoenix rising from the ashes.
Sep 25, 2012

Felicia Smoak had just graduated from college, had been given a job at one of the biggest companies in Starling city. She'd never imagined herself being the IT girl for such a big company, as she sighed she placed a lose strand of hair behind her ear. She was wearing a khaki pencil skirt with a pink button down blouse, black high heals. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tale, a few tendrils framed her face but they didn't seem to bother her. Unlike her cousin Felicity she had contacts, didn't need glasses so she was pretty sure she could easily catch a guy if one ever paid attention to her.

The brunette young IT girl typed away at her latest assignment, really hoped someone walked through the door cause she didn't always have a lot of social interaction due to being in the basement Just like her predecessor Felicia was very talented, could hack into literally anything after all she'd gone to school just for computers so her degree was legit. She looked pretty young for her age but then again despite the fact she had the highest IQ in her high school class she chose to finish high school then attend college, it was all because she didn't want to be the youngest girl on the campus. All through school she was told she could skip grades but she stuck through it, found herself where she was now.​
Being the son of a billionaire had its perks, but what Oliver Jr want was normality. He was always viewed as the kid with the rich family and well he hated that. Behind all the money there was just a kid that wanted friends and hell maybe someone to call his own, but everyone seemed to focus on the fact that he was rich and that annoyed him. He was in an all black suit, it was something he ripped off The Matrix. He was in his father's off and his computer frozen. "Dad you know how to fix a computer?" He asks. His father laughs, " Go to IT that is in the basement." He tells him. Oliver smiles and got up, "Alright I shall be back soon." He says.

HE grabs his laptop and heads to the elevator. He touches the button and he got in and pressed the basement floor. He had no idea that his father was trying to set him up with someone. The elevator opens and he noticed the beautiful brown haired lady. He walks over to her and smiles, "Excuse me ma'am my father told me to come to see you if I had troubles." He tells her. He throws his right hand out, "Oliver Queen." He says politely.
" it's nice to meet you Mr. Queen! I'm Felicia Smoak. Anyways what seems to be the problem? " Felicia asked as she looked at his hand, smiled a little. She normally shook hands but today wasn't one of those days, she waited patiently for him to answer her question. It wouldn't surprise her if he asked if she was related to felicity, she would say she was but she was only a cousin. The brunette wasn't an impatient person, she had a feeling it would be a simple fix. It was her first day on the job, she was a little nervous but she was able to hide it very well.
He puts his hand down and smiles, "Any relationship to Felicity my father's secretary?" He asks politely. He puts his lap top on table and opens it to the frozen screen, " I have no idea what I did, but it froze for some reason... I asked for my father's help but he directed me to you." He smiles. He sits down and looks at her, to him she was beautiful. "Um it is almost time for lunch may I take you to lunch?" He asks her. "Shit did I just bite my own foot? What will she think?" He thought. He waited for her to say or do something.
" Felicity is my cousin. " Felicia said as she looked his frozen screen, she smiled a little then hit the control alt. delete keys which brought up the task manager, she ended several tasks turned it off with the power button. She would normally try several things but she figured he would want it back right away, she turned it back then let it boot up. " Okay should be okay now but if you have anymore problems you know where to find me.." The brunette said smiling as she went back to the assignment she was working on, waited for him to leave.
He takes his laptop and looks at her, " I take it that is a no for the lunch." He says out loud. He looks down and smiles, "Thank you Felicia." He says. He walks back to the elevator and presses the last number on the elevator. He sighs as the elevator when up. He was in deep thought, "Maybe I should ask her to dinner? Should I do it today or tomorrow." He wondered. The elevator stops at the floor.

As he walked out his mother walks to him, "Oliver where have you been?" She asks in Chinese. Oliver looks up, "Something happened to my computer I went to the IT room." He replies. Shado smiles, "Did anything happen?" She asks in english. Oliver smiles, "Got my computer fixed the lady looked cute." He replies. His father walks up, "So did the Queen charm work." HE asks. Oliver the son laughs, " I think she is immune to it. I asked her out to lunch and she did not answer." He says
Felicia felt bad because she had been so caught up in her work that she missed his question but when he thanked her she smiled, placed a tendril of hair behind her ear. She felt horrible, her heart sank when she realized that she had been rude it was to late. The brunette sighed, leaned back in her chair then went right back to work. She would just order something from one of the restaurants across town, hoped the delivered. It was new for her to be asked out especially on her first day, she hoped he tried to ask again because then she would answer him without hesitation.
"To be honest you guys I am not sure that was it... She was focused on her work and well that is why it might not have worked," He pauses, "Well you guys I am off to Big Belly Burger restaurant and then the Pizza Hut across the street... I have no idea what she likes so have to have options... I will see you guys when I get home." He tells them as he heads to the elevator. Shado laughs softly, "He reminds me of some one." She says. Oliver looks at his wife, "Me come on I was not like that." He tells her.

Oliver got to his car and he drove around running errands and it was almost time to close shop at the office to he rushed to get some Belly Burger and a pizza. He got to Queen Consolidated and he heads to the basement, the elevator opened and he was doing a juggling act. He made it to her desk and placed everything on the desk. "So forget lunch how about dinner... Figured you were busy earlier." He says
'' Wow.. Your a mind reader, I was. I'm so sorry it's just I was given this huge assignment, with it being my 1st day I um. I'm rambling sorry.'' Felicia said as she clenched her fist, smiled just like her cousin did. She was so much like her cousin it wasn't even funny, when she saw all the food she bit her lip then sighed. '' What's on the pizza? '' The brunette asked being brave, she saw the greasy food in the bag which looked really good but the pizza smelled so much better. It was funny cause as she was growing up her parents often told her she could be her cousin's twin sister despite the differences in age, everything. She had the same fashion sense the same hair styles, the same habits her cousin did but she also had her own quirks that Oliver Jr would discover over time.
He noticed that she clenched her fist just like Felicity and he recalled Felecity do the same thing, "Hey relax I get it... Or at least I think I do." HE says softly. He looks down at the pizza and smiles, " Well I was not sure of your particular tastes in pizza so I figured better safe than sorry... Its a plain old cheese." He tells her. He sits down in front of her desk, "Well we also got two burgers large fries and two two liters of root beer." He says, He smiles, " How about we start over," He puts his hand out, "I'm Oliver Queen Junior." He says
'' I like peperoni, peppers on mine normally but cheese is fine. I do how ever love burgers, fries are always a weakness for me. Now for the root beer love the stuff. Anyways I'm rambling again. So yes I know who you are, like I said earlier. I'm Felicia Smoak or you can just call me Felicia.'' The brunette said as she bit her lip, looked into the bag containing the burgers she smiled, licked her lips. She wasn't really sure which she wanted to eat first but she did have a fast metabolism so it was easy for her to eat whatever she wanted, then burn it off by jogging which she did daily before work. This time she shakes his hand, smiles softly she hadn't meant to be rude earlier it's just sometimes she could be very introverted which was another trait she got from her cousin.
He looks at her and smiles, "It seems I hit the jackpot with the burgers." He tells her. He shakes her hand, " You are a spitting image of your cousin.. But you have your differences." He says as he shakes her hand. He lets go of her hand and grabs a slice of pizza, "Shit I forgot to bring cups... Got anything around that we can use as cups." He tells her. He chews his food and swallows, " Is this your first day at Queen Consolidated?" He asks nicely. He ate his slice quickly, his liking for the food was apparent by the way he ate it. He smiles, "Oh that hit the spot." He says
'' Believe me I know.. my mother always told me that I could have been her twin when I was growing up. She's much older then me though I mean I'm only twenty four, she's the same age as your father. Oh yeah cups um.. hold on.'' Felicia said as she smiled, brushed a stand of hair behind her ear. She stood up, walked over to a small cabinent then pulled out a sleeve of cups. She was always prepared for things, normally she would just pour stuff into her coffee mug but she didn't feel like doing that this time. Chewing on her lip she smoothed out her skirt, sat back down then picked up a piece of pizza taking a bite she just smiled as she wiped her face with a napkin. '' Yeah this was my first day.'' She said as she took a few more bites each time she wiped her mouth so she didn't have pizza sauce all over her face.
"Well I got to ask Miss Smoak do you come prepared for every situation?" He asks politely. He opens the soda and pours them a drink, "Wow you look way better than your cousin.. Don't tell her I said that she might stop working for my father." He jokes. He smiles as he took a sip of his drink, "May I ask what made you want to work here at Queens Consolidated?" He asks warmly.
'' My dad took me camping a lot when I was growing up, well guess I just learned survival traits.'' Felicia said as she chewed on her lower lip, took a sip of root beer. She picked up another piece of pizza, practically wolfed it down then reached into the bag for the french fries. Of course she didn't meat to eat like a pig but she never really ate much of a breakfast, her lunch was just a salad. '' Oh um.. Sorry. Um.. Well I interned here while I was still in school, was told that when I graduated I would have a job. Feel free to ask your father.'' She said as she ate a few fries, washed them down with her soda. The complement about her looking better then her cousin made her blush, she didn't really know why people thought that. Despite her contacts which she wore a lot of time except for in the mornings she was the spitting image of her cousin.
"Hey what do you know are fathers are of the same mind... Oliver aka my dad does it all the time... It is his idea of bonding." He tells her. He smiles as she spoke, "Well I think my father has a think for the Smoak family, but I must say that he did a good job in hiring you." He tells her. He took some of of fries and ate them slowly, " So any hobbies besides computers?" He asks with a smile. He looks around and laughs, " This reminds me of a lair." He tells her
'' I like to curl up on the couch, watch sappy romance movies.. It's like a huge guilty pleasure of mine, that sounds so cliche. I don't get out much.'' Felicia said as she grabbed a few more fries, washed them down with soda she felt like a walking verbal time bomb, whenever he asked her a question she couldn't give him just a sentence she had to go into detail. One of her quirks was that she analyzed everything, always had to explain herself in detail it was like she just didn't know how to shut up. It was worse when she was nervous, she was certainly nervous around Oliver Junior there was no doubt there because her stomach was filled with butterflies, her heart was racing a mile a minute.
"Well you don't get out much... Well that needs to change... Umm my father is having a party at Queen manor... I was wondering..." He says. She was talking but he drew a blank. How could the smooth Oliver be so dumbfounded. He backs up and takes a deep breath, " Like I was saying my father is hosting a benefit dinner at the Manor and I was wondering if you would like to be my date, " He looks at her, " I am aware that it is sort notice, but you would be doing me a great honor." He tells her. He smiles, "Well to be honest it is a formal affair but I was thinking that maybe you and I can fight the powers at be." He tells her
( Sorry for the lateness..)

" Sounds great. " Felicia said as she smiled, ate a few more fries. She finished her soda, wiped her mouth with a napkin as she looked at him. Her heart jumped her stomach fluttered, she felt like she was going to be sick. Her cousin had told her about the crush she had on Oliver Sr, that she had never really pursued it. Now Felicia was falling for Oliver jr., it was only her first day, she looked forward to the party. It would be nice to dress up, get out of her one bedroom apartment for a few hours.
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((Sorry for my own))

"I am sure that you have a dress, but if not I don't mind taking you out to get one." He tells her with a laugh. He looks at her and touches the back of his head, " I hope that I am not being to forward Felicia." He tells her. For the live of him, he was glad that he was getting away from the CEO's and lawyers, the mere thought of being here just sent him chills, because his father would talk about the company being his one day and that was the last thing he wanted was to be a CEO of a multibillion dollar industry. He smiles, " So how does being picked around seven sound the party is not till around eight and it gives it time to do I don't hang around." He tells her. He waited there and after a while he thought that he was being an idiot. He ate a burger and he looks at her
'' I have a dress.. It's from my prom but it'll work for the occasion.'' Felicia said as she smiled, chewed on her lower lip. She was feeling nervous again, her stomach had tied it's self in knots while her heart pounded against her chest. '' Forward Please.. Not at all.'' The brunette said as she took the pins out of her hair, let it fall around her shoulders in soft waves. She knew it was wrong for her to send singles to the son of her boss but she had to admit the kid was cute, she'd never actually had a boyfriend. In school she was considered a geek because she knew a lot about computers, even in college she was labeled a geek. She'd never really been much of a party goer but Her boss's son had asked her, she wasn't going to turn him down, she looked forward to the evening.
He coughs lightly as he noticed the hair release, he heard her speak, but he could not formulate a single sentence. He snaps out of his trance like state and he just spoke his mind, "Someone like you should not be holed up in a basement." He says. At that moment he cursed himself in his head figuring that he had just shot himself in the foot. He had to recover quickly, "Hey I am sorry if I sounded a bit blunt.... I am so sorry... I mean shit I really shot myself in the foot." He tells her. He looks around and sighs, "Yeah sometimes my mouth gets the better of me." She says with a smile. He grabs a burger and starts to eat it waiting for her to say or do something. He grabs a cube and pours himself a drink and he chugs it and resumes his hamburger eating
'' It's okay, I actually kind of like it down here. It's quiet, well I like the quiet.'' Felicia said as she smiled watching him she laughed a little, she reached for his hand. She was hoping he would lighten up a little, she normally wasn't a bold person but she hated hearing him put himself down when it came to the way he talked to her. Her stomach was full, she couldn't eat another bite but she could tell that she obviously made him nervous. '' Relax.. you don't have anything to worry about. I've said things I shouldn't have plenty of times, well I just tell people my mouth moves faster then my brain. She said laugh again as she let go of his hand, placed her own neatly in her lap wondering if he wanted to go to a movie or something sometime.
When she placed her hand on his and that just made him melt in the figurative sense. He puts his other hand on hers and smiles, "Thanks for calming me down... Sometimes I tend to over think a situation." He tells her with a laugh. He moves his hand away and smiles, "Well I better get going you know... Have a party to get ready for... Oh I need your address if I am going to pick you up." He points out with a wide smile on his face. He takes a piece of paper and writes down Impala, "The car I will be driving." HE tells her. He kisses her hand and then heads to the elevator.
'' Um.. I don't exactly live in the fanciest part of town, well my apartment number is 321b. '' Felicia said as she chewed on her lower lip, despite her job she couldn't really afford a fancy place, the apartment she lived in was cheap. She hated the fact that she lived in the Glades but it's where she had been born, where she had grown up but she didn't wanna live with her parents. So as soon as she was out of high school she managed to find a decent apartment, was glad her landlord had held it for her while she was away at college, now that she was living in it again she made sure it always looked nice. She felt a little embarrassed, wondered if he could tell by the way she gave him her apartment number that it's where she lived.
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