Cats& Spiders (Myself, Mellowyellow)

"Yeah, it stinks. Trust me, most of the people aren't exactly crazy about Spider-man either." Peter replied. When their food arrived, Peter started eating slowly and carefully, keeping his manners in mind. he also let Kitty keep a hand on his, occasionally rubbing her fingers with his thumb. "Well you can if you want to. Honestly I kinda wish I could give you the real romantic stuff a girl as beautiful as you deserves, but...well I don't have the money for that sort of thing."
" This is fine. " Kitty said as she sipped her milkshake then bit into her burger, then ate a few fries. She liked romantic places but this place was perfect, she smiled as he caressed her fingers with his thumb. " So um.. Do you know a place I can stay rent free? I mean I don't really have that much money either." The brunette said as she continued to eat, it didn't take her long to finish leaving just her milkshake which she put another straw in so he could have some to if he wanted it.
After Peter finished his meal he scratched his cheek "Well my friend Harry, his dad owns a few different apartment buildings. He pulled some strings and got me one rent free place." he explained, managing a nervous laugh "But I'll be sure to ask if he can do the same for you. He'll get a nice place for you if I ask." he added, taking his wallet out to pay for their meal "Hell we might even become neighbours."
" being neighbors would be a good thing. " Kitty said as she finished her milkshake, shrugged hoping it was possible. She already had most of her stuff in the trunk of her car, planned on moving out pretty soon. The mansion was getting crowded, it was time she got a place of her own so she didn't have to worry about playing mother to younger mutants. It wasn't her duty to look after them, she could easily take care of herself.
"I'd like that. Only other neighbour I have is a Filipino man who doesn't speak a word of English. Keeps trying to sell me bibles." Peter explained idly.. He took Kitty's hand and walked along with her, into the cold New York streets. It was night time now, but for two people with superpowers there wasn't much to be afraid of. "Want me to walk you back to your place? Or did you...I dunno...want to come to mine?"
'' I drove here, well I don't really wanna go back to the mansion. I came prepared.'' Kitty said as she lifted the flap of her bag, showed in the extra clothes she had hidden behind her books. It wasn't like she had planned on something like this happening she really hadn't it's just she was prepared if she decided to stay some place, then she would head back in the morning. She was much older, she was no longer a student of Xavier's she hadn't been since she joined the X-men besides she basically had her powers under control. Of course she still took a few classes taught by the professor but they were just basic courses, she would always be considered a student because she could always learn more.
"Aha, a woman who plans ahead. I like that." Peter replied, managing to grin her way. Kitty was exceptionally bright, of that he was well aware, and it seemed that time had left her just as cunning as he was. "Still, I got plenty of room at my place if you need to crash there Kitty. If you want you could drive us there and I'll give you the directions, or I could just use the old webbing to get us there."
'' I think driving would be wise. It took me ages to get used to my being able to walk through walls, well I don't really like flying.'' Kitty said as she smiled, her car wasn't to far away from where they were besides she was appreciative of him letting her crash at his place. She would take the couch if he wanted the bed, well or she could sleep with him but not in the sense of what it meant romantically just actually lay down next to him then sleep. Deep down she wanted things to get that good for them but they were just starting to date, she didn't want to rush into things thinking it would jeopardize what she had with him as a friend/boyfriend. She wanted to take things slow, didn't really know if she wanted to move out of the mansion or stay then just drive into town for class plus a few dates every now and then.
Peter had been kind enough to give Kitty directions to his home as they drove along to his apartment, located in a rather tall dark brown building a few blocks away from the college. He led the way upstairs and into his apartment, a few boxes that still needed to be unpacked littering the interior. Still he had decent sized rooms and good view of the city here, and his kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedroom were all seperated into different wombs. " you want to take the couch or the bed? I mean I don't mind using the couch if you want the mattress. or we could share the bed. But not in like, you know, a sex way."
Kitty knew exactly what he meant, she smiled as she took her hair out of it's scrunchie then ran her fingers through it. She chewed on her lip slightly, looked straight at Peter wanting to kiss him so bad but she was afraid of what it might lead to. Taking a deep breath she walked closer to him as she dropped her bag then looked into his eyes, felt like she couldn't fight it any longer. So without hesitation she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him the pulled back. She stepped back a few feet, looked down at the floor as her stomached turned backflips.
Peter wondered what was on Kitty's mind, once he stopped focusing on just how cute she looked with her hair down, once she started moving his way. She was...what was she doing? When her arms laced around his neck and over his shoulders his eyes widened, and then he rather gladly returned the kiss when it connected with his lips. When they parted he grinned nervously "That was really nice..."
Kitty chewed on her lip as she looked down at the floor thinking she was a horrible kisser, she looked up into his eyes. '' Just nice? I know it was unexpected but it just felt right, I couldn't help it. Your everything a girl like me could want.'' The brunette said as she blushed a little, she was still holding onto him because she hadn't let go yet. She wanted to let go well part of her did but another part of her wanted to kiss him again, this time she refused to pull away. Without a single thought she kissed him again, added a little passion to it as she caressed his cheek with her thumb every word that she'd said to him was the truth. As far as she was concerned Peter Parker was her soul mate because he understood what it was like to be different, they fought for the same reasons except people didn't hate him, she basically had to be careful around humans because they would yell out words she didn't really like repeating.
"Well I, what I mean is, it was more than nice, it was really really-" he was cut short mid-stammer by those amazing lips, and this time Peter was much quicker to lean in and claim those lips, feeling that stroking thumb on his cheek push him on. He let his tongue lightly graze her soft lips and probe slightly into her mouth as this was meant to be a deeper sort of kiss, while his hands ran down Kitty's shoulders to rub her upper arms. When their lips parted he smiled sheepishly "You''re really great at doing that."
'' Yes I'm really going to do that.. That night has been playing back in my head like it was yesterday, well I don't know. I guess I just thought that after waiting to see you again I would be bold.'' Kitty said as she shrugged, chewed on her lower lip smiling at him as she looked into his eyes. She'd met him for the 1st time when she was sixteen or so, now she was in her early twenties so she was ready for a relationship. This was her chance to finally feel like she was free from all the speculation, all the stares. She figured she could hide who she really was a lot easier if she lived out in the open then if she lived behind the Iron gate that lead to Xavier's institute for gifted youngsters, she was still really confused about a few things but she knew she had feelings for Peter.
"Yeah well... honestly I've been building my self confidence up since that last time we met, because I had felt something for you when we first met without the courage to show it." That was certainly the truth, and he had wished so dearly that he could have been close to her back then. But, aside from his Spider-Man guise he lacked any real confidence. "But hell...we can be together now."
'' It's easy for us you know.. I mean we know each other's secret identities so we don't have to hide what we do at night, yeah we can be.'' Kitty said as she placed her hand on his chest, kissed him again there was something about her that drew her to him in that moment. She was just so happy she'd been able to reconnect with him, she had a feeling that one kiss or two kisses could be the start of a wonderful thing. The brunette mutant was certainly mature enough to make her own decisions, she was basically letting him know that she wasn't afraid to take things all the way if he wanted to go past second base. She'd never really felt anything this strong, it seemed like when she was dating Piotr things were some what complicated. Then there was a brief time when she dated Kurt but this was now, she focused on the present hoping that this time things would really work.
There was something odd about being intimate with someone who knew all about his secrets, about the whole... 'Spider-Man' thing. It was the sense of relief he supposed, that he didn't have to act so secretive, that this girl could protect herself and had her own secrets that he knew about. He smiled and leaned in to kiss her neck, letting his lips and teeth lightly graze along the pale and smooth skin. "I dunno if it's appropriate to ask or not... but I'd really like to... be with you tonight."
" Then be with me. Don't be afraid of anything. Were the same you, I. Living double lives just wishing we could be normal." Kitty said as she tilted her head, moaned closing her eyes. She had meant what she said, she knew what she felt for him was real. Her feelings toward him had been developing since their first kiss, now she felt like she was falling in love with him but she loved the sensation it gave he. She'd been so afraid to experience life because of her mutation but knowing that Peter accepted her for who she was made it so much easier, this was the first time she'd really felt loved in awhile.
"Well... if you insist. I'll do what I can to keep you happy," And that was most certainly something he intended to keep true to. Kitty meant an awful lot to him, and if he could keep her safe and happy, he'd do everything in his power to do so. Suddenly Peter swept her up into his arms, able to support her weight with no trouble despite his unassuming frame. "Then I'll give you all of me."
Kitty smiled when she felt him sweep her of her feet, her heart melted as she laid her head against his shoulder. She kissed him, then kissed his neck a little then smirked. Her dream of being with someone that understood her was finally coming true, she was falling hard for Peter. She'd never really given love a chance, now she was taking a huge risk in letting her guard down. This was the first time she'd ever felt a connection to someone, Peter made her feel like a simple school girl falling head over heals for a crush.
The soft lips teasing his neck made him shudder ever so slightly in a growing pleasure. She was amazing, the kind of woman he lived for. Peter kept his grip firm on her, letting their bodies press together and share heat "We'll let's get going then." He carried her into the bedroom and laid her down on the comfortable mattress. With that he leaned in and tenderly kissed her soft lips.
Kitty smiled when he kissed her soft lips, as she felt the comfort of the mattress her smile only widened. She wrapped her arms around his neck, deepened the kids a little then slid her tongue along his lower lip as it begged for entrance. Her heart was racing, her stomach was fluttering cause she was a little nervous. Technically it was her first time, she didn't really know how things would work considering her abilities. She knew she could kiss him but when it came to the other she didn't really know how that would work, she hoped it worked just cause she really like Peter plus she wanted to experience it.
Kitty's soft lips were certainly amazing, and when her tongue signalled for entrance Peter was happy enough to part his lips so the two of them could have the prestigious honour of exploring each others mouths. He pulled his head back after a few more moments and started to slowly catch his breath. "Hehe... Sorry, I'm a little out of practice here. Been awhile since I was in a relationship."
'' It's okay.. Despite the few relationships I've been in. This will be my 1st time.'' Kitty said as she smiled, caressed his cheek with her thumb. She didn't mind that he was a little out of practice all she knew was that she was in love with him, she wanted it to all work out. The brunette mutant felt closer to Peter then she'd ever felt to anyone, she hoped that the connection they had would last because she needed someone in her life. She couldn't handle being alone, yeah she was independent but she was like any normal girl she longed to be loved.
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