Cats& Spiders (Myself, Mellowyellow)

Phoenix Rising

Like the phoenix rising from the ashes.
Sep 25, 2012
Kitty was old enough now that she'd been given her own car, she left the academy with a smile on her face. She was taking a few classes at New York University, she didn't take much time to get their. Pulling into a parking place across the street she made sure she parked in a spot that didn't have a meter maid, walked across the street with her bag over her shoulder. She took a deep breath, walked inside looking around she took another deep breath then headed to her class glad she knew where it was. Her heart raced because she was very nervous since she hadn't been to a college for awhile, she took a seat in the back then prepared herself for the class completely unaware she was going to run into an old friend.
Getting to the university had been quick enough with web-swinging, an art that Peter Parker had perfected in the two years since he had become Spider-Man. High School had been a cake walk aside from all the superhero work, and with the grades he came out with it had been easy to get into a good college. As the brunette headed into the lecture hall he found himself sitting directly beside a rather pretty girl. He looked her over, his brow furrowed in thought. She seemed oddly familiar...Though without the X-uniform it was hard to tell.
Kitty was busy getting her notebook, a pen out of her bag that she didn't even realize someone had sat down behind her. She placed a strand of hair behind her ear, opened her note book to the 1st page that wasn't marked then wrote down the name of the class at the top then put the date in the corner. Her mind was all set for the class, other then a cell phone which was turned off she knew she couldn't be around electronics because a simple swipe of her hand could short circuit any kind of electronic device. She didn't like to use her abilities in public unless she was fighting with the x-men, when she finally licked to her left she tilted her head a little then shook her head. " No it's impossible." Kitty thought as she shook her head, turned her attention to the front of the class room where she expected the professor to be sooner or later. She didn't think anything had happened to her professor least she hoped nothing had happen because even though she had her x-men suite in her bag just in case, she hoped she didn't have to use it.
There was just something very familiar about this girl, but Peter honestly couldn't put a name to the face. It had been over a year since he had any sort of contact or involvement with the X-men, so as a result it made sense for him not to remember Kitty right off the bat. Still, he brushed it aside for now and took his notebook out, getting ready to take down notes for the day. He'd remember her soon enough. The lecturer entered soon enough and started the class, and Peter immediately got into the swing of writing, his hand moving with superhuman speed as it took down everything of interest.
Kitty started taking notes as the class began, she listened closely she wanted to make sure she didn't miss anything. She wrote down everything the professor/lecturer said, made sure she got all the key points of his lecture. Her focus was on the class, she was sure she would remember the guy sitting next to her soon enough. She looked at the clock, hoped the class didn't take long because she had one later on but in between her classes she wanted to do a little shopping. As she took notes a strand of hair fell over her left ear, she ignored it because she didn't really want to bother with it.
Peter proved himself to be the same diligent student as he had been all his life, taking down anything and everything that he felt was needed and condensing down the information into its easiest and most fastest to learn kind of notes, just for future reference when exams came at the end of the year. The brunette stood up when the lecturer told the group they were done for the day, and as he pulled his bag up his gaze ran over Kitty's face again. "Hey...have we met before...?" he asked finally. He blinked with a sudden realisation "Oh, you're...yeah um, I shouldn't say it out loud." The world wasn't exactly open minded towards mutants yet.
" Kitty.. It's kitty Peter." Kitty said as she smiled suddenly remembering who he was, she placed a strand of hair behind her ear, adjusted her bag so it over her shoulder. She didn't know if he thought she would forget his name or not but normally she had a good memory, she wouldn't use his code name. Yes she'd seen him without his mask, had made the connection. It had been a few years, she was a lot more mature then she had been when they met for the first time. Her stomach felt like it had bats flying around inside it, her heart skipped a beat because she still liked him.
"Aha. So I'm not as forgettable as I thought I was." the brunette said, grinning over at the mutant girl. He adjusted his bag and took a brief glimpse as he checked the time on his wristwatch. " you want to catch up?" Peter asked hopefully. He had a rather bashful smile on his face, still thinking on the crush he had on Kitty from when they first met. "I mean there's like, two hours before the next lecture, and a good coffee place nearby."
" sounds like a good plan. I could use some coffee anyways." Kitty said as she smiled, looked into his eyes. She had developed a crush on him from that first meeting, she chewed on her lower lip. Her relationships not that she had all that many of them, because her track record wasn't all that great she was afraid she might never be happy. It wasn't easy being a mutant, she needed to find someone that understood her situation. She'd been living at the academy since she was fifteen, it's all she knew but she wanted to live a normal life so bad.
"Glad to hear it. Come on Kitty, I've been there before." Peter said. He waited until Kitty had gathered up her things from her part of the long desk, and he started to lead the way from the lecture hall. He walked along with her and held the door open at the coffee place just around the corner from the college so she could enter first. He still viewed himself as a gentleman, after all. "Okay, what'll you have? I'll pay for yours too, if you want." he offered.
" The rich chocolate mocha sounds really good so I'll have that, awe you don't have to but if you want to go ahead." Kitty said as she chewed on her lip placed a tendril of hair behind her ear, looked down at the floor as she blushed. She could pay for her own but she figured Peter was just being a gentleman,she appreciated it. Her heart skipped a beat as her stomach jumped with all the butterflies or bats in it, she couldn't help but smile as she looked at Peter she had to admit he was very cute and certainly her type.
"You got it." Peter replied quickly, making sure to memorise the order. At the very least there was no line at the counter, so he was able to get Kitty's rich chocolate mocha and a sweetened ice tea for himself, returning to their table a few moments later. He saw across from Kitty and placed her steaming drink before her, while he took some leisurely sips of his ice tea. "So how's life been since the incident with the Brotherhood?"
'' Complicated.. life has been complicated.. I mean ever since the incident with the brotherhood Logan has had us training non stop, some of us would actually like to have normal lives. I've been at Xavier's since I was fifteen, well I'd actually like to live in the real world settle down that kind of thing. But when your a mutant. It's not easy to do those things. '' Kitty whispered as she blew on her steaming hot drink to cool it down a little, held it in her hands with a faint smile. She wanted nothing more then actually be able to have a relationship where she wasn't afraid of being herself, those weren't easy to come by. The brunette mutant had dated a guy who could turn his entire body into steel, an Elf known as Kurt though he wasn't really an elf he just looked like one. None of those relationships lasted very long, of course there was her crush on Bobby Drake but that never went any further then friendship because of Rogue but also because it appeared Bobby saw her as more of a little sister then he did girlfriend material, there for her track record was pretty bad.
"Yeah well I know what you mean. Our lifestyles are always gonna be complicated." Peter said, sighing and reclining back in his seat and balancing it on its back legs with his superhuman sense of coordination and balance. Though he had it a little easier as he wasn't a natural born mutant, but at the same time he had to deal with the Daily Bugle smear campaigns against Spider-man. "But, hey, it's easy to talk about it with someone who can relate, right?"
'' Yeah. I'm glad I decided to take the classes, well this is gonna sound totally unlike me. But do you remember the brief moment we had during that battle after we thought we'd won? '' Kitty asked as she chewed on her lower lip, took a sip of her rich chocolate mocha. She didn't know if he would remember it or not but she certainly did, for the longest time it was all she could think about. Her heart was skipping a beat because Peter made her feel like she was normal, that's all she'd ever wanted. From the time she discovered her abilities all she wanted was to be normal, having coffee with Peter Parker made her feel normal because he understood what it was like on some level.
"I wanted to get the qualifications that this class could give me, you know? Help with the job hunt and get me where I want to go." Peter explained. His aunt and uncle had always wanted him to be happy and to be successful, and he imagined his birth parents would have wanted that too. "Oh?" Peter said, looking up at the cute brunette "Well do tell. I think about...well I think about that time kinda often too."
'' Well it was right after we thought we won the battle, I think we snuck away momentarily. You let me remove your mask, our lips met in a kiss.'' Kitty said as she sipped her coffee, chewed on her lower lip blushing a little. She didn't know what had prompted her to kiss him on that day a few years ago but now it's all she could think about from time to time, at the time it had felt right. The brunette really hoped that he felt the same cause she didn't like putting her heart on the line for rejection. Placing a strand of hair behind her ear she took another sip of her coffee, looked at the time. '' We should get back our next lecture starts soon.'' She said as she finished her coffee, stood u placing the cup on top of the trashcan so it could be washed.
Peter remembered that all too vividly. Kitty was his only female peer in the whole superhero business and as a result the two had really bonded back then. He wished he could have seen her more often, but the Xavier school was very hard to get close to. When Kitty stood he rose too, and suddenly he was holding her hand from behind in an affectionate gesture. "Hey, wait..." he said, gulping to suppress his nerve "Are you...well are you single now?" he asked. "Because...well I am, and...maybe we could try dating now that we have the chance to?"
" I am single, I would like that very much." Kitty said as she smiled, looked down at his hand inside hers. She chewed on her lip, couldn't stop smiling. The brunette was very happy, her heart melted it even sank a little knowing that she had just said yes to being peter Parker's girlfriend. It was a good thing she knew who he was at night, she would make sure she got into town more often now that she had her own car. Being his girlfriend was a dream come true because well she just felt very comfortable around him, he didn't mind that she was a mutant which made things even better.
The remainder of classes took up most of the afternoon, fairly dull by all standards but Peter was still eager to learn and took down all the notes that he could during those classes. It was half four in the afternoon by the time classes were finished, and the young man slowly rose from his seat and stretched his arms above his head. "Wanna get something to eat?" Peter asked, glancing Kitty's way. His way of askin for a date.
" Yeah. I'd like that." Kitty said as she gathered her stuff, smiled. She thought about looking for a place of her own, looked at Peter wondering if he knew of a place she could stay. Placing a strand of hair behind her ear, swung her bag over her shoulder then smiled again. It was time she moved out, got a place of her own. She could take care of herself, she'd been taught how to cook well she'd taught herself but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that she would be closer to Peter, within walking distances of the campus.
Peter didn't really know any fancy places to go out on dates, nor did he have the money to go to such places even if he did know them. Still he knew a good sushi bar nearby, sitting up at one wooden table with Kitty and placing his own order. "So...Are you still in on the whole superhero thing?" Peter asked, the bustling noise of the sushi bar loud enough to prevent others from noticing or listening in on their conversation.
'' Yeah... It kind of comes with being a member of the x-men, well I mean even if I left the mansion I would still be a member of the x-men no matter what. If that's what you mean. '' Kitty said as she placed her order, ordered a glass of water because she didn't really feel like drinking tea. She didn't really like sushi so it was nice that the place had other things, she wasn't really sure what he meant by his question. Reaching for his hand across the table she caressed it with her thumb, looked into his eyes. She wanted it to work between them she really did, being able to reconnect with him after a few years was nice because she was able to really express her feelings toward him. If things worked this would be her 1st real relationship that was based on more then just well that was just genuine.
When she gripped his hand, Peter smiled softly and looked over at the attractive mutant. "Well I was asking if being a superhero has been any easier or harder for you recently." he asked with an awkward shrug. Still if she was happy, then he'd be happy for her too. "Things have been pretty nuts on my end. Six of my villains teamed up a few weeks back, had to fight them all at once. It was pretty tough." he said, before slowly drinking his soda.
" Being a superhero is never easy. Sorry I misunderstood the question.. Were always having to rescue a new mutant from the mutant defense system or whatever.. " Kitty said as she caressed his hand with her thumb, smiled. She was willing to let him lead the way to a good burger joint, she was craving a chocolate milkshake. This was the first time she'd really been outside the mansion, it was nice that she was able to spend the day with Peter. " so should I consider this our first date? " Kitty asked as she smiled as she chewed on her lower lip, just enjoyed being with him.
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