Its About Elfen Time (with AlphaZero)

The Ranger perked his brows as he turned to the prisoner, surprised at her outburst, "That's the most she's said in the last few days."

Vareesa was more aggressive towards the prisoner, she sized the bonds that held the other woman's hands and pulled her to face her, "Lie all you like traitor," she spat, "Even if you never where with the Alliance, you choose to fight against your own people in our darkest hour."

Karith was suddenly between them, shoving his second in command back, "Stand down Ranger, you're in the pressense of royalty and I would expect you know how to conduct yourself in such a situation."

Slowly the ranger woman backed away, mingling in with the rest of the unit as the captain turned back to the prince, "I apologize for my second in command your highness, she's been on edge since we took the prisoner. "
A look of surprise crossed Rinnisia's features briefly as the ranger woman forcefully turned her, only to harden into an icy glare as the woman's accusations came spewing out. "That's funny, coming from you," she replied through gritted teeth, green glowing eyes boring into crystal blue. Then, suddenly, the captain was between them, breaking them up.

"It's alright, Captain," Arthas assured, hoping to calm the situation before the prisoner's escort became lynch mob. "I can sympathize with her concern for her people. However, we obviously don't have the full story. So, we should set about questioning her and investigating her claims," he said, his training as a Paladin coming through. His delivery was a little stiff, though, as he was obviously acting against his often decisive and impetuous nature.

His words seemed to cause the prisoner to deflate slightly, though, and her expression turned sad. "You wouldn't believe me, even if I told you my story,"was her reply. "You might as well execute me now," she added, her back straightening stoically as she made the pronouncement.

The young prince felt uneasy at her words. The thought of ordering the elf's summary execution just didn't sit well with him. "Be that as it may..." he replied, trailing off uncertainly before turning back to the captain. "We'll ride with you back into the city and turn her over to the Kirin Tor for holding. Then, we'll see about getting temporary billets for your men. This obviously falls under Alliance jurisdiction for the moment, so I'd like you to take charge of questioning her, Captain. You seem to have a level head in this matter," he told Karith, listing off each point in an authoritative but not overly imperious tone. Turning back to his riders, he motioned for them to take up positions on either side of the formation.

"Shall we, then?" he asked, his wry sense of humor returning, as evidenced by his amused little half smirk, once everyone was in position.
The captain fell into step next to the prince, feeling a twinge of relieve at his orders for Karith to handle the interrogation himself. It would prevent anyone from deciding that less....civilized methods to get information from her.

From behind he could feel Vereesa's eyes glaring at the back of his head, the only thing stopping her from killing the prisoner was her commander and it had become abundantly clear to him that his actions where being taken as a deeply personal insult by the elf woman. He would have to deal with her later, once they arrived at the city he had things to do, messages to send, a lost comrade to mourn. There was a time not too many years ago when a lost comrade would end it Karith getting dead drunk and carried back to bed by his comrades.

But that was before, when he had been a different person, and the realities of command wighed heavy on his shoulders, which sagged now under his cloak as he marched on wards.
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