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Running Away ((Blair1216&&Lady_Squall_Lionheart))

“Vera.”Anthony scowled down at her, looking over the woman, annoyed that the woman had made things so difficult for so long. Looking around the house he sneered at the obvious worn and well used furniture, before focusing on gwen and vera again, eyebrows raising. “May I come in?We have things to discuss”He said before stepping forward, crowding her just enough, knowing she wouldn’t want to touch him before stepping into the house, looking around with obvious distaste.
There was one man that truly scared Vera more than anyone, and it was the brother in law who had raped her and (unintentionally) gave her Gwen in the first place.

Holding the baby close, she stepped back and swallowed hard. "What are you doing here? Clearly you know want nothing to do with any of you anymore. It would... It would just be best if you leave, Anthony."

It was clear she was nervous, reaching up to tuck her hair behind her ear. She was hardly the girl who he had seen last - her natural blond hair dyed dark, and instead of holding a designer purse, she was holding a sleeping baby.
Anthony sneered as he looked at the baby, his stance on the child that she’d clearly had with some backwoods idiot clear. “Your father wants you home. And when I discovered you were here, I thought I would come to try and reason with you, so you could come home peacefully before I told your father where you were.”

His look was pitying, and condensing. “Don’t make me call him vera, just leave now.”
Vera was defiant as always, shaking her head and giving him a glare. "I will go no where with you, especially home," she snapped, "I left there, not just because you are a disgusting pig that my sister was dumb enough to marry, but my father as well. I want nothing to do with him, but you can send my condolences about the presidential election I am sure he is about to lose."

She clenched her jaw. "And don't you even start to believe I don't know what he'd doing," she said, shaking her head, "Mutating innocent people for the governments use. It's sick."

The baby began to stir, so she gently started to rub her back. "Get out, Anthony. You won't want to be here when the baby's father gets here."

Of course, she was all bark and no bite. She knew he was not afraid of her, but she was going to try.
Anthony sneered at her, shaking his head, “You know nothing. Your father is still winning.”he said frowning annoyed at him before sighing as he sneered at the house. “No. You are coming home with me now, and you will obey me. Just because you are a foolish child who doesn’t understand the rules, doesn’t mean that your father doesn’t want you home.”The man said looking annoyed at being threatened.

Frowning at her words he tried to figure out how she knew about the testing before frowning harder as he moved towards the door, gripping her arm.”We’re leaving now vera.”
"I'm not a child, Anthony!" Vera said, tears welling up in her eyes. She knew that he could easily over power her. His grip on her arm proved that. There was no use in fighting him... She just had to hope that Jason would know that something wasn't right - that she left unwillingly.

"At least let me get the car seat, you asshole," she sneered, ripping her arm from his grasp. The baby started to cry, and Vera did her best to console her as she grabbed the baby's car seat. Fearing that Anthony might hurt Gwen, she decided it was best to not fight him. Jason would find her, right?
“Cant we leave the child here?”Anthony said as he stared at he babe, wondering what he going to do with the crying child, not liking this idea but knowing he had to get her home. Frowning as he sneered at the child, “Let me hold her while you get ready to go.”He said holding out his arms, not realizing he was offering to hold his own daughter.
Vera tensed when he offered to hold Gwen. At first, she wanted to scream at him for just asking, but she realized it might anger him. He had a temper, always had, and it wasn't like Jason's. It wasn't a temper that came from his protectiveness. Anthony's temper was violent. "Fine," she said, frowning, "But... just be careful."

She swallowed hard and moved up the stairs to grab the diaper bag. Her eyes were rimmed with tears, and in a desperate attempt to let Jason know something was wrong, she dialed his cell phone number and tossed the phone on the bed. She hoped that her calling, but not talking, would freak him out enough to check on them...
Anthony smirked at her.”I’m perfectly capable of holding a child. Don’t worry.”he said gently holding the baby, though looking disgusted with the idea that she had one. He had no idea what to tell her father about this.

About ten minutes later the man tensed looking up at Jason came into the house in a flurry of activity, the child cradled in anthony’s arms which made Jason freeze, looking around for vera. “Vera?”Jason said his voice coming out in a soft his as he tried to figure out what in the world was going on.
Vera stumbled down the stairs. "Jason!"

She moved over to him, swallowing hard. "They found me," she murmured, shaking her head in disbelief. "Anthony is here to take me home, but I don't want to go anywhere. I want to stay with you." Her lip quivered, and she winched as Gwen started to wail loudly. The baby's cries worried Vera, and she moved over to Anthony.

"Give me my baby back, Anthony," she snapped, looking down at Gwen worriedly.
Jason snarled quietly careful to not show his fangs, because he knew if the man was aware that she’d found one of the mutants, he’d fight even harder to get them both to go home. “You’re not going anywhere.”Jason reassured frowning slightly.

Anthony winced as he looked down at the child, shaking his head as he shifted the child in his arms.”I think not. You’ll do whatever I want as long as I have her, and Jason, was it? Wont risk me dropping her as long as I’m holding her.”

Jason snarled quietly,”Give her back.”He said his hands fisting at his sides.
Vera was in tears. "No, please, Anthony. Don't you understand? I don't want to go home. This is my family now," she said, swallowing hard. However, she knew it was no use. She knew that one way or another, she was going to have to at least make him think that she was going to go home. She'd have to face her parents before devising a way to get away again... In fact, she was definitely willing to fight her father with blackmail if that's what she had to do.

"Give the baby to Jason, and I'll go with you," she said, putting the diaper bag on the couch. "I won't try anything funny. I'll go to New York and do whatever you want me to do, but only as long as you hand the baby over to Jason. She's better off here with him."

Reaching up, she wiped her eyes and swallowed hard. She knew that if she had to be gone for an extended period of time Gwen was safer with Jason than anyone else, especially with Chad and his family near. The baby didn't belong anywhere near Anthony or her father. The idea of it made Vera sick to her stomach.
Anthony shook his head, “I understand perfectly, I just don’t care. Your father wants you home.”Anthony said simply looking down at the baby in his arms, “Well, I didn’t want to travel with a child anyways, and the brat is his…”Anthony mused watching her before nodding, handing the baby over to Jason.

Jason looked surprised and hurt that vera was leaving before getting himself a mental shake to focus, quickly checking over the baby to make sure that the babe was fine before looking at vera, that coiled power waiting to explode, the assassin wanting to strike out but knowing he couldn’t without setting gwen down and he wasn’t about to do that. “I’ll take care of her vera, and then I’ll come looking for you.”he muttered quietly watching her, swallowing hard because he knew this was one fight he couldn’t win right in this moment, for the simple reason that gwen was in the room.
Vera sniffed a nodded, walking over and pressing a kiss to Gwen's head. It physically hurt her to think about leaving the two of them, but she knew it was their only hope. If she wanted to get away from her father, she had to leave the baby behind. Once she left with Anthony, Jason could start figuring out what he was going to do. Right now, she just needed to keep him calm and keep Anthony happy.

"I know you will," she whispered, leaning up to kiss his cheek before grabbing the bag she had packed off the floor. "Come on. Let's go."

She swallowed hard. There were so many people who were going to go insane when the realized she was no longer missing, and she wasn't sure she was ready to face that.
Anthony smirked as he followed her out of the house, tossing her back into the car before walking with her to it. waiting until she got out of the house, glancing over at her before picking up the cell phone that was in the cup holder, dialing her father. Now that she was actually coming home with him, he decided it was time to inform the man that she was indeed found again.

Jason growled quietly watching them leave trying to keep his cool, desperate to stay calm as he tucked gwen into her carseat, before heading to chad’s. arriving in record time the man swallowed hard as he walked up the steps, schulyer taking one look at the two as he opened the door after Jason knocked, then before yelling for chad.

looking worried for both father and daguther as he settled them onto the couch, fussing a little because he knew something had happened.
Vera stared out the window of Anthony's fancy car, tears streaming down her cheeks as she watched the little town disappear behind them. When he started to call her father, she glared at him and sniffed. "Fuck you," she spat, and crossed her arms over her chest.

Chad came out of his study, took one looks at Jason, and frowned. "Jason, what happened? Where's Vera?"

He sat down beside the man on the couch, but didn't touch him. Knowing that it was always better to let Jason come to him (not the other way around), he kept a space between them. Gwen was already fussy, for she had yet to be away from Vera since the day she was born, and could sense her absence.

"Schuyler," Chad said, "Why don't you run down to the store and grab some baby formula?" With that, he pulled a bill out of his wallet. For some reason, Chad knew something was very wrong, and well.... the baby was going to get hungry.
“Vera’s gone.”Jason said hollowly, the fact that she was gone, was starting to sink in. the man was starting to let shock sink in, for the moment to surprised and startled at having her gone, that he couldn’t think. He’d be fine in a bit, but for the moment, he was losing it. whimpering quietly as he bounced gwen a little, trying to calm the baby.”Her father found her.”

“I’ll be back.Call if you want me to pick something else up.”schulyer said looking worried as he took the money and heading for the store, looking anxious because he knew whatever was happening, whatever it meant that vera’s father found her, that it was going to be bad for them all.
"Did he say anything about you or the others, or was he just there to fetch Vera?" Chad swallowed hard, shaking his head in disbelief. He knew Vera well enough to know that she didn't leave willingly, and she was doing what she thought was best... He also knew that it was going to be very hard on Jason to be apart from her. The poor guy looked lost.

"You can stay here for as long as you like," he said. When Sara came down the stairs, he asked her to fix up the guest bedroom for Jason and the baby. She did as she was told, getting blankets for the bed.
“He was just here to fetch vera. He didn’t even know who I was.”Jason said pale and shaking a little, staring down at the baby in his arms. For the moment at a loss on what to do, how to focus. He’d become so used to having her there, that he couldn’t even think through the emotional loss yet to see about getting her back. “I need to get her back. I’m going to bring her home.”he said gently rocking gwen as she fussed, trying to stay calm in his shock, because he knew the moment he shook off the shock enough, he was going to be to dangerous to be around as his temper strained the leash.
Chad nodded and reached over to put his arm around Jason. He couldn't help it; Chad was a fatherly guy, and right now, he could tell Jason needed someone. The man had went without parents for so long, and Chad thought it might be what he needed - some sort of parent figure to rely on. "We will figure something out," he said, "Until then, remember that she left Gwen with you because she trusted you more than anyone else. You have to do Vera justice by putting that baby above everything else, including Vera." He looked sad while he said it, but he knew it was probably what Vera wanted.

When Schuyler returned with the baby formula, Chad went into the kitchen to fix a bottle, then came back in the living room and gave it to Jason. "I have no doubt we can get her back," he assured, "You just have to give it a little time. Running after her right now will do no good. They'll be expecting that. We need to have a plan."
Jason frowned as he looked down at the baby, looking annoyed because he knew chad was right. He had to keep gwen first, even before vera. Because vera would want that. Taking the bottle from chad he leaned back, staying calm as he fed the baby, smiling slightly when she gripped his fingers over the bottle as he held in, biting his lip, wincing as his fangs worried the stitches in his lip.

“We’ll think of something. We can plan.”he said liking the idea, because it meant he wasn’t just sitting around doing nothing while vera needed him. He was finding the best way to do it.
Chad nodded, looking down at the baby with a thoughtful expression. The little girl was hungrily drinking from the bottle and looking up and into the eyes of her father. There was no doubt that, while she would sense Vera's absence, she was content with her father's presence.

Chad just hoped that Vera was safe, considering her family turned their cheeks to her rape in the first place. However, he didn't bring this up to Jason. It would make the man even more worse off.

Gwen started to fall asleep with the bottle in her mouth, her eyes closing so that her pretty eyelashes tickled her chubby cheeks.

"You can lay her down upstairs in the guest room, if you'd like," he said, "Sara's room is next door and Schuyler is across the hall. They will let you know if something's wrong."
Jason smiled slightly as the baby fell asleep in his arms, rocking her a little, gently burping her, making sure that she wouldn’t get sick on herself before carrying her upstairs. Checking in with schulyer and sara, letting him make sure that they knew that gwen was there before heading back downstairs, needing to talk, needing to figure out what he was going to do.

“Anthony didn’t know who I was, didn’t know where any of us. Is there any chance that they found out, and are just faking?”He said looking at chad, looking worried. Because he was worried about leading her father straight to them.
While Jason got the baby settled down, Chad went into the kitchen and got them both a cup of coffee. Sitting on the couch in front of the fire, he sighed. "Jason, I don't think you understand... The government is desperately trying to find you. In fact, you were a bigger priority than Vera. An escaped mutt is a big deal. You have a heavy price hanging over your head, dead or alive." He frowned a bit. "I have a feeling that Anthony simply didn't put two and two together, or he would have been calling the CIA the moment he knew who you were. Because of that, I think your safe. He obviously didn't recognize you."

He leaned back in his chair. "You charmed the guard into letting you go up at the government headquarters," he murmured, "Do you think you could charm someone to forget something?"
Jason frowned at that, tilting his head.”I guess I never considered that….I mean, I know they were looking for me, but I never considered that they’d be that desperate to find me.”he said frowning a little because he felt like a idiot. Of course he should have thought about it, frowning as he sipped his coffee before tilting his head thinking about it.

“Maybe.I’d need to practice. I mean, I did it the first time by accident, I haven’t tried since I walked out. I’m not entirely sure how I did it.”he said frowning as he considered that, because he knew that he didn’t have the control he’d need to make a plan around the idea of him getting someone to forget.
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