A Duel Between Ladies. (Pokemasterj x Squishypink

A thin layer of bright red fuzz came into view as the panties slipped off of Aurora's body, revealing her most juicy of fruits, ripe for the picking. Maeve buried her face into the slippery crevice, her nose nestling between those velvety soft folds. As she dug her tongue in for the first long, slow lick, she had to stop and consider the flavor of her partner. Another experimental lick, this time with her mind focused on her palette. "Dafuq?" she asked, looking up at Aurora with a sheen of sex juice coating her lips and chin. "How come you get to taste like mangos? That is so not fair!"
No answer was gave for a few moments, Aurora's mind practically imploding from the contrasting sensations- utter agony from her breasts, divine pleasure in her nether regions. She found her tongue after seemingly an eternity, steadier than before. "S-Summer. Fruit. Work it out..."
Muttering something under her breath about winter crops and squashes in general, Maeve spitefully drove her tongue back between Aurora's labia. So much creme, was she always this wet? A low moan escaped her lips unbidden as she gorged herself on this surprisingly sweet prey, the slippery love secretions smeared across her face obscenely. She worked her tongue deeper and harder into the soft canal until the tip of her tongue brushed the rigid, fragile ring of her maidenhead. So, the Summer Lady also had that little "problem" that came with being an immortal. Interesting, Maeve thought.
Aurora whimpered and moaned as Maeve continued her assault upon her womanhood, lifting her hips upwards in a weak attempt to get it over with, unsure if she could handle the pleasure she was being dealt much longer. She was barely keeping it together with healing her body, feeling that an orgasm would render her truly powerless.
After a final lick to savor the fruity taste of the Summer Lady, Maeve adjusted her body once more so that her hips rested against her partner's, the jewel adorned swell of her pubic mound pressed against the swollen entrance to Aurora's sex. Summer warmth and Winter chill caressed one another as Maeve began to roll her hips back and forth, gently brushing against Aurora's privates with her own. The jewels acted like studs on a sex toy, each little diamond providing a delicious spike of pleasure as it passed over Aurora's lips and clit, back and forth for what seemed an eternity. The pale white flesh of her sex took on a rosy hue as more blood flowed into her sensitive regions. The effect was not unpleasant for Maeve, either. Her icy eyes rolled back into her head as she savored the feelings washing over her. Giving in to her predatory nature, she bent forward and wrapped one dainty hand around the other girl's neck. A hard squeeze shut off Aurora's air, clamping her throat shut as Maeve kept humping with her pelvis. The motions increased in speed and force. Maeve wanted to win this little game and take from the Summer Lady all semblance of dignity and grace.
Aurora shivered once more, a pleasant and rather elegant motion considering the state she was in- bleeding from her chest, skin pallid and breath weak- that would've caught the attention of anybody who would even glance her way. For now, though? She was simply moaning and groaning as Maeve moved atop of her body and started to move against her, mewling whimpers of pleasure fleeing her plump lips. She was in pure ecstasy, eyes closed as power slowly returned to her body, weakly knitting the ravaged flesh of her breast. She was finally enjoying it, though holding back from orgasming.

At least, she was enjoying it till Winter asserted it's cruel and unyielding grasp around her throat. For someone so lithe, so tiny- whilst Aurora could pass for eighteen, despite being immortal, Maeve looked like her younger sister, fifteen at her eldest guess- she had a harsh grip, a gagged cry escaping Aurora's lips with some of her last air. She panicked and thrashed wildly beneath the Winter Lady, terrified of her power leaving her upon the cold slab, of death finally meeting her even as pleasure continued to flood her mind.
Maeve humped harder and harder against Aurora's privates. At her mental command, the jeweled studs on her sex began to vibrate and warm up, turning the stimulation all the way up to eleven as she ground the studs against her partner's clit and cunny. Panting with passion and exertion, she squeezed even harder on Aurora's windpipe, until the other girl's eyes started to go red with burst blood vessels. Just as the light started to flee Aurora's eyes, Maeve let go and the air rushed back into her lungs. If that sudden endorphin rush didn't push Aurora over the edge of orgasm, Maeve would have to resort to drastic measures.
Maeve gagged and moaned as she was denied precious air, her orgasm approaching with inhuman speed as she was humped, an odd sense of pleasure filling her even as her vision blurred. "Maae..." A weak cry escaped her lips as she near passed out, practically gushing as the small figure choked her. That is, until her grip was released. Aurora cried out loudly and sucked in air,vision returning. She shivered, oh so close to cumming, before rage filled her and she slapped Maeve, hating the pleasure the Lady was having. "YOU BITCH!"
Maeve's own arousal spiked as Aurora slapped her, gasping as her pussy quivered under the stimulus. Once that little spike had passed, she couldn't help cackling like a maniac at her partner's plight. "You're holding on much better than I imagined. But admit it, you're loving every second of this." When Aurora didn't respond, there was only one thing left for Maeve to do. Drastic measures. "What I'm thinking," Maeve purred, sliding her hand down into the wet valley between Aurora's thighs. "Is that you need that one last push."

Not one or two, but three cold fingers stabbed deep into Aurora's cunny. She stretched immediately and the fragile shield of her hymen gave way, robbing Aurora of her current body's virginity. Even as bright virgin blood flowed across her hand, Maeve was not content to stop. Her final finger and, at last, her thumb formed a wedge that plunged forcefully into the Summer Lady's body, all but punching her in the cervix. "Cum for me you little slut! Cum!"
Aurora was drained. completely and utterly drained. Her magic had failed her, gone to knit the last of her flesh- and even now, there was an ugly scar upon the gingers chest. Her mind had failed her, the ordeal too taxing for her to last any longer. She could barely breath, windpipe nearly crushed, as a whimper escaped her lips. She gazed at Maeve and shook her head, terrified at what she could to- so, so much she could do to break her.

And break her she did. At the insertion of Maeve's three fingers Aurora screamed in agony, already sensitive from the days ordeal. Coupled with hating the loss of her virginity, always so painful for the broken maiden, she couldn't cope. Her body was being stimulated to much as she was fisted and, limbs spasming weakly, she came- rather violently, a burst of Summer fire rising from the ground around her.
"OHFUCKSHITSTACKS!!" Maeve scrambled as the surge of fire erupted all around the Stone Table, narrowly avoiding severe burns as tongues of flame lapped at her toes. Catching her breath, she suddenly realized that Aurora finally came...albeit with the force of a thousand exploding suns, but whatever. She looked the spent Lady over, at all the sweat and drool and every other conceivable fluid dripping from her body, and the tangled patch of pubic fuzz that was now matted with her arousal goo. Her eyes fell to the pink lips below and the trickle of maiden blood still leaking amidst the flow of sexual juices. "Waste not, want not," she said with a smile, and set to lapping up the rare and exotic treat.
Aurora babbled weakly as pain and raw arousal filled her mind, limbs twitching weakly every few seconds. She'd lost all control, lost any semblance of sanity, she lost the bet. No energy was left within the Summer Lady's body, barely breathing minus a whimpering breath every now and then. Whilst she did squirm slightly as Maeve set upon her blood, she couldn't react anymore, too overwhelmed by the pleasure, the pain and by shock that Maeve had defeated her.
Finishing her delicious treat, Maeve sprawled out across Aurora's body, intertwining their limbs together and delivering soft kisses to her conquered foe. She nuzzled softly into Aurora's neck, savoring the scent and taste of her aroused sweat while kissing and licking tender spots. "You're mine now," she said. Her fingers stroked the mess she'd made of Aurora's orange fuzzy lips. "Now the only question is what to do with you first? Are you angry, I wonder, now that you have become a creature of Winter for the remainder of the season? Or do you accept me eagerly as your mistress? I doubt your mind is even in a state to care what happens to you now. It may be I could kill you and you wouldn't even notice." This situation was so interesting to Maeve, who had long fantasized about taking Aurora's flesh in whatever ways she pleased.
Aurora sobbed weakly and twitched against Maeve, emotions overwhelming her- the passion of Summer always a stark contrast to the coldness of Winter, this was never more visible than the defiled ginger contrasting the ecstatic Maeve. She tried ot move and failed, still devoid of any power- a simple child could overpower her right now, no magic heeding her call. "Fuck... Off." An old, old curse she remembered from her time as a human and visits to the mortal world, she meant every word of it, hating what her counterpart had done to her.
"So that's how it's going to be, eh?" Maeve immediately ceased her tender ministrations and swung one leg up and over, straddling Aurora at chest level. "By the laws of our contract, I name thee a creature of Winter, beholden to our laws and subject to my commands." She paused a moment as the power swelled within them both, their Fae nature manifesting to bind them physically to the terms of their contract and rendering Aurora an Unseelie Fae for all intents and purposes. "My first command as your sovereign is that you enjoy what I am about to do to you. Enjoy it, revel in it, and beg me for more."

With that, Maeve shifted herself backward, raising her pelvis up. She concentrated for a moment, before releasing a golden river onto Aurora's chest, neck and face, filling her open, panting mouth with amber wine.
Aurora's eyes shifted open wide in true fear as Maeve moved, terror freezing her mind for a brief second as her mouth moved, enchanted words escaping her oddly succulent lips. She shook her head and tried to move, a siletn scream escaping her own lips. It wouldn't be permanent- the power imbalance would surely be fixed soon by the other Fae who commanded the pair, the power given to Winter deadly to the other world. But, alas, her protests were for nothing. Her base nature changed as a mewling cry fled Aurora's lips, changing suddenly to look like Maeve's older sister- mostly the same body as before, but as blue as a corpse, hair steely blue with her magic flowing into her.

"Maeve, plea-" She went to plead before her urine entered her mouth and across her chest, drinking it greedily, as delicious as nectar to a honeybee. She squirmed and squealed for more, unable to deny her Lady, her superior, her everything.
Such release! Those Summer prudes would never know the joys of such unlovely sex as this. Even sweeter were Aurora's gleeful squeals as she drank of Maeve's bounty. The Winter Lady shifted herself again, holding her stream back for a moment so that she could push her vulva down into Aurora's greedy mouth before starting anew. "That's it, sister, suck me, suck me! Ah!" No longer forced to hold back, Maeve allowed her body to hold her in thrall, a flood of thick white goo spilling out to mix with her golden urine in Aurora's throat. She came and came, her slimy spend coming in great volume as her orgasms were ripped from her by Aurora's suckling mouth.
Any and all thoughts of resisting had vanished from Aurora's mind by now, a slave to her Arctic lover, her lips, her ever last essence. She moaned quietly and drank loudly of Maeve's waters, feeling as if a million orgasms were rocking throughout her body for every little drop she swallowed. Despite the source, it tasted sweet and cold, like a fresh glass of lemonade, although one born from something much lewder. Her own lips slowly dribbled fluids, born of arousal rather than wicked lust. At least, until she tasted the slight Fae's cum, screaming in pure ecstasy, the temperature around the two plummeting as her magic weaved into Maeve's, inspiring lust in the handmaidens that she used to own.
Maeve commanded Aurora, the Lady of Summer and through her, her handmaidens and all lesser Fae of the Seelie Court. To her own Wintery handmaidens, she issued a short order, though the words themselves dripped with the twisted sensuality of what was to come. "Lay them upon the Table," she said. "Sacrifice them to Winter." The Winter maidens moved quickly to seize the Fae of Summer who, owing to their convoluted allegiance, did not resist as they were dragged and bound upon the slab. Some of them held one another's hands for comfort while others simply wept, and Maeve righted Aurora and began to play with her sex from behind as the scene unfolded. "And you, my little pet, watch and gush as they convert to my icy realm."

Long bladed athame daggers slid from silken sheathes and garters, plunging into the hearts of the five Summer maidens. Each cried out in anguish as not only their lived, but their very essences were stripped from them by the blades and the Table. They died quickly, without struggle, and as their bodies went still they began to chill and turn a light shade of blue. Winter claimed them, and as Winter maidens they awoke from their brief sojourn in oblivion. Their first act was to turn to their murderesses and embrace them, still bloody from their recent wounds. Vital fluid and creamy arousal passed between them in great quantity, and other fluids entered the fray as the maidens explored their newly taboo sexuality.

"Is this not better?" Maeve asked. "Can you not feel the rush of taking life instead of always creating it?"
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