A Duel Between Ladies. (Pokemasterj x Squishypink


Sep 12, 2012
Liverpool, Britain.
Winter and Summer. Cold and warmth. Death and life. Opposite concepts, right? Only technically. After all, some things thrive in Winter, others suffer. Some find joy in the silence and cold of Winter, others sadness in Summer warmth. Even the personifications of Winter and Summer aren't just Evil versus Good- far from it. Take the Winter Lady, draped in debauchery and lust half the time, coldness and death the rest. Take the Summer Lady, loving and gentle half the time, cruelty and pain the rest.

Maeve, the aforementioned Winter Lady, was pretty much the most promiscuous of the Sidhe Courts, even taking mortal lovers most of the time. Take Aurora, the Summer Lady. Warm and kind, she could be even crueler than Maeve at times. Now wasn't one of those times- in fact, the two were talking. Friends wouldn't be right, but it's the closest we can think of.

Aurora sighed and crossed her legs as she listened to Maeve's challenge, barely paying attention. "I'm sorry, what? You... Want me to have a competition with you?" She asked, finally settling on her appearance. Many Sidhe could change appearance, and as one of the strongest she often did so with ease. As of now, she was ginger with long hair in delicate, glowing tresses, vibrant skin that could catch the eyes of any with the slightest pulse, pleasantly skinny figure with five foot four inches of height on her.
Maeve couldn't have been a more perfect opposite to Aurora, her skin an almost translucent pale tinged with blue, her vibrant, ice blue hair cut in a short bob. Where Aurora chose a slightly provocative outfit that showcased her femininity, Maeve's choice of dress was downright vulgar. Everything was too tight and see-through, ripped in all the wrong places and cut to reveal rather than hide. "Competition?" Maeve asked, scoffing at the notion. She ran her hands down her scandalously clad body. "We both know you can never compete with all of this. But if you want to try, I'd be willing to let you. We fuck. First one to come loses. Loser submits to the most degrading sex acts the winner can devise." Maeve slid a hand down the front of her lycra hot pants, caressing the elegantly sculpted camel toe. "And it *will* be degrading. I plan to drag your high-class ass to the glory hole and make you take it from everyone who wants a piece of you. And not the classy glory hole with the nice carpet and the beverage service, the *nasty* one. Not that they know me there by name or anything."
Aurora sighed and shook her head, the light dress she was wearing seeming almost plain in comparison to what Maeave... Wasn't wearing. "Really? You will never change, Maeve." She went to refuse her, to say it'd waste her time. But... Eternity can be a long time, and even the Fae can wish for change, can wish to see what it's like for their opposite number. "One condition, then. It's only the humanoid fae. No ogres, trolls, gnolls, anything like that. Understood?"
"Oh, fine," Maeve huffed, blowing a strand of hair from her face like a petulant child. "Just take all the fun out of it." Of course, if she could think of any way to skirt around the spirit of the agreement in favor of the letter, she'd jump on it in a heartbeat. That was just the way of the Fae, both courts included. Of course, they would need an audience, if only to judge the winner and loser. Of course, a goody goody like Aurora could never hope to win, but the rules of the game would have to be observed nonetheless. She raised her hands together and clapped them gently, summoning a few of her retainers. Five maidens of the unseelie court, whose choice of dress made Maeve's look positively prudish. "My handmaidens will...observe, among other things. And they will know precisely when your orgasm takes you, sot that I may be declared the winner of our little game." She rose from her seat like an uncoiling serpent, stripping her top in one fluid motion to let her tiny breasts feel the kiss of the cool air. "And then, Summer Lady, you'll be all mine."
"Say that as you will,Maeve. We both know it's foolish bravado." Aurora smiled as she stood up herself, stretching. "SO long as my handmaidens observe, I am content." She sighed and flicked her hand for a brief second, an assortment of women appearing the next- all beautiful, beyond the beauty find within humans, but with one difference- it was devoid of kindness in all their beauty, it was uncaring in the end. "Now... Where is our venue?"
Maeve thought for a moment. "You know, I've always wanted to fuck on the Stone Table." She raised a hand and snapped her fingers, transporting the lot of them to the sacred site of the Fae. The Ladies and their handmaidens sat upon the rough hewn slab that was the legendary Stone Table, the ritual site where the Fae would give and take power from one another at the changing of the seasons. Maeve giggled and rocked onto her back so she could strip her shorts, the skin beneath shiny with perspiration and arousal. She spread her skinny legs, showing off a perfectly hairless vulva adorned with precious stones, her ample lips flush with azure blood and swollen with arousal. "Just to be fair, I'll even give you first lick."
"Disrespectful..." Aurora sighed as she stoop up herself, shedding the dress she wore to expose her modest c-cup chest, body bare of any piercings or tattoos unlike Maeve minus a small rose on her left thigh, a remnant of a time long past. Moving slowly, Aurora got into place, unable to deny the chill in the air- it was December, one of the strongest months for Winter, and that was very evident here. Rolling her eyes as her nipples hardened slightly, the ginger Fae knelt before her counterpart, tongue tracing her lips for a moment.
A low purr rose from Maeve's throat as she watched Aurora's shapely tits fall into view. The pale orbs wobbled enticingly on the other girl's chest, but it was what waited further below that Maeve truly longed for. As Aurora knelt and lowered her head between her legs, Maeve reached out and took a handful of ginger locks in her fingers. The gesture of control over her counterpart sent a shiver of excitement up Maeve's spine, and a thick drip of white creme leaked from between her pussy lips. "Go on," she urged, her lower lips twitching slightly in anticipation. "Let me know how I taste."
Aurora blushed slightly as Maeve took ahold of her hair, unused to being in such a position- not that she was a virgin in the slightest, but with another powerful Fae? That was new. Gently, trying to ignore the fact that her own lust was beginning to stir at the closeness to Maeve, the Summer Lady gently traced her opponents outer lips, tasting her for a brief second as a tingle shot through her mind. "Rather... sour, actually."
Sour? Oh hell no. Maeve grabbed two fistfuls of Aurora's delicate hair and shoved the Summer Lady's face into her blue lips. The pressure squeezed a large amount of her liquid love out from her swollen sex to smear all over Aurora's face, and she groaned at the stimulation, even if it was her doing and not her partner's. She wrapped her legs tightly around the other girl's head, trapping her against the hot, leaking entrance. "Well then I hope you like sour, because you're going to get a lot more of it."
She really, really should have realized Maeve wouldn't like being compared to something sour. Hell, maybe bitter would've been better. Aurora didn't think of that, however, as her lust redoubled when she got used to the taste- the taste and scent of her Winter counterpart being rather... Effective in arousing her. She had no time to express this, however, as Maeve forced her face down, causing a whimper to escape her lips. Whilst the two were mostly similar in build, Maeve was worryingly effective at keeping Aurora trapped.

Deciding it'd be best if she simply got it over with as soon as she could- make Maeve cum, lock her in a chastity belt for a year and go back to her Court, she wanted- and began to tease her entrance tentatively, tongue darting in cautiously, inexperienced with women still.
Maeve smirked as she felt Aurora's tongue begin to tease the tender softness of her hole. Finally, the little prissy bitch had started to play in earnest. Unfortunately for Aurora, she was absolutely terrible at eating pussy, no passion at all. Taking matters into her own hands, she pushed Aurora's head down hard and started to grind her pussy against the Summer Lady's face, stimulating herself with the girl's lips, nose, chin, anything and everything with no regard for Aurora's own enjoyment. She eyed the Summer handmaidens and grinned maniacally. "That's right, I can take your Lady however I want, and I'll do far worse to all of you when I'm through."
Aurora squeaked in shock as Maeve became more physical, struggling to focus as her face was abused. A whimper escaped her lips and she tried to move away,knowing her hand maidens couldn't help- she commanded them to not interfere, no matter what. So, instead, she was forced to do as Maeve wished, ashamed at her arousal.
The sounds of Aurora's whimpering were like blood in the water, the quiet show of weakness by the Summer Lady awaking Maeve's predatory instincts as a Winter Fae. Gripping with her thighs, she twisted her hips and toppled Aurora onto her back, rolling on top of her in a smooth motion and continuing to grind her cunt into the goody goody's face. Copious amounts of her creme leaked out of her, far more than anything a human girl might produce, threatening to drown Aurora in arousal if she couldn't swallow enough of it.
Aurora struggled violently as their positions shifted, glad that Maeve was as lithe as she was. EVen still, she tried to shift the azure girl off of her. Her strength resided within magic, but right now? She was useless. Devoid of her standard power due to the seasons, all she had was very weak magic, almost as week as a mortal. Focusing as she swallowed noisily, tring not to choke, she sent a tiny ball of fire upwards, alighting upon Maeve's visibly aroused nipple.
"Gaahh!" Maeve yelped and beat at her breast to extinguish the tiny flame that scorched the tip of her tiny mound. The pain was delicious, stoking her lust even as it snapped her out of her mindless predation. She let her gaze fall on the helpless girl beneath her, locking eyes with Aurora's panicked gaze out from under her blue snatch, and smiled. "How rude of me to hog all the fun," she said maliciously. Rocking her hips backward, she freed Aurora's mouth and nose from their sour, slippery prison and slunk down the ginger's body to rest her lips upon the supple bosom. For a moment there shone a spark of jealousy in Maeve's eyes at Aurora's much larger bust, the Summer Fae being much more naturally inclined towards such luscious attributes with their tendency toward creating and supporting growth. First a lick, then a nibble, and then a soft bite of the perky flesh as Maeve inflicted the mingled sensations of pleasure and pain. She sucked at Aurora's swell like a newborn, idly wondering if the Summer Lady would naturally provide milk. In truth she wondered about a great many aspects of Aurora's anatomy, and would not rest until she'd sated all her curiosities.
Aurora moaned weakly as Maeve moved and used her, an odd shock of pleasure shocking throughout the lithe gingers body. She struggled to move away as she could finally breathe, beaten away as Maeve's soft and oddly gentle- though cold as a corpse- lips alighted upon her breasts. She moved gently beneath her and whimpered, trying to resist it as her teeth slowly sunk into her, shaking her head. Of course, summer provides, and so she slowly, slowly began to lactate- more than a human would, and so much sweeter than could be imagined.
The first splash of hot, sweet milk washed over Maeve's tongue and she felt the heavenly rush of Summer's life-giving energy. Aurora's milk was pure magic in the most literal sense, with strange hints of exotic fruits in the aroma and flavor, as though drinking of her somehow transported Maeve to a lush, overgrown jungle. A sound half way between a purr and a growl rumbled up Maeve's throat as her own nature asserted itself again, teeth sinking deeper into Aurora's flesh. This was no longer the tantalizing mix of pleasure and pain, but the act of a predator sinking its fangs into a piece of prey. Maeve's canines pierced the sensitive flesh and plunged into the rich meat beneath, the sudden wash of blood miking with the exotic milk to form a sweet nectar that she drank with gusto.
Aurora had done her best to cope with Maeve's treatment of her breasts, the teeth soft enough for her to not suffer any lasting damage. Well, lasting for the Fae differs from you and I- so let's just say any damage was healed in a moment. But now? The aurora, so to say, of her milk was filling the Winter Lady with the power of summer and cruelty of winter, a mixture never done in nature. She cried out in agony as her breasts were pierced, a small chunk of her flesh pried from her. She writhed beneath Maeve, desperately trying to get her off of herself.
The rush of power was intoxicating. Maeve had been a predator of Winter for so many years, but she had never before preyed upon something so pure as the Summer Lady. All that life, all that nurturing and growth, it overwhelmed Maeve's wits as though she were drunk on Aurora's milk and blood. Her free hand crawled down her victim's body and grabbed a rough hold of her privates through the underwear she still wore. As expected, they were soaked to the point of ruination. She pulled her lips away and gasped for air as she swallowed the last of the blood and flesh she'd torn from Aurora's chest. Though tears ran down the girl's cheeks and blood flowed from her wounds, the squelching as Maeve squeezed her cunny told a far different story. "You're enjoying this. Whore. You filthy Summer cunt!"
Aurora was whimpering and writhing, doing her beast to struggle against Maeve once more, the tainting of her Summer beauty burning her badly. By the time Maeve pulled away from her she couldn't focus enough to heal herself, Maeve's corruption bringing her magic down to mortal levels for the time being. And, of course, any power she could bring ot herself was disrupted as her pussy was groped, an animalistic moan escaping the Fae's lips. She'd never been touched by another of the Fae in such a cruel way, and... She enjoyed it.
Maeve's grip on the slippery mound of Aurora's vulva tightened, the fragile flesh deforming under the pressure as she twisted and wrenched the tender organ. This was not some kinky sex game any longer but a desire to inflict real and lasting harm on the vulnerable ginger girl. She ground her hips and left slimy trails of cold juice across Aurora's tummy, stimulating her own genitals as she tortured her partner's. Wanting to escalate it further, Maeve let go of Aurora's cunt long enough to ball up her fist and drive a hard punch into the swollen, needy muffin. She did the same to the girl's breasts, pounding them violently with her knuckles and then dragging a sharp fingernail vertically down the injured mammary. The nail parted Aurora's skin with ease and drove a deep slash along the fleshy globe, dividing her left breast completely in half all the way through the sacred milk glands within.
Aurora wasn't naive, but she thought that she knew Maeve well enough that her... Game, so to speak, would be safe. She was wrong. She had never expected the cruelty she was inflicting, the pleasure diving into agony. The initial teasing of her pussy drove her mad, turning into vivid agony at the groping, escalating into full of torture as she assaulted her. She cried out and tried to move, finding her limbs as responsive as a lump of wood, Maeve's winter magic doing all it could to keep her powerless. All she could do was scream at the pain, only vaguely aware of her breast leaking a mix of blood and divine milk, creating a twisting pattern down her left breast.
Maeve looked down at the pain and cruelty she had inflicted, at the look of confusion and agony on Aurora's face as her mind fought to come to terms with the mix of pleasure and pain, and smiled. "I like you better like this," she said. "Not so pompous and arrogant anymore. I think you've earned a little rest, and a reward besides." She relaxed her all-out assault on Aurora's body, and moved to turn the hell she had just endured into twisted foreplay. Shimmying down between her partner's legs, Maeve pried those creamy porcelain thighs apart and nuzzled at the soaked crotch of Aurora's panties. "I think we should get these off, what do you think?" Maeve wondered what she would find as she slid the conservative garment down over Aurora's hips.
Aurora struggled to think as she felt the demented Fae move down her body, every second inflicting a tiny little agony as more blood fled her body, flesh feebly trying to knit itself together. Any other time she could have healed, but she was in one of the most dangerous places for all Fae- they could gain power here, change from their usually stagnant balance. But this balance meant that they could die.

"Stop, you... Insane..." Her head lolled back as a mewling cry brushed past her lips, fighting to even think and talk at the same time. All she managed to do was moan quietly at Maeve's oddly affectionate touch, trying to focus her body, feminine an every possible way- not that it always was, though she'd rather Maeve not know.
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