Even spiders should beware webs. (with Pokemasterj)

Peter winced slightly at her words, cottoning onto the biblical subtext only just then. He nodded and smiled as she gave him her trust, hand having moved to hold her to him as her head rested on his shoulder- an oddly sweet, disarming move. There was no way that Holly was hostile. She might be extremely powerful in regards to teleporting, but not hostile.

"Well... I'd like to get to know you, Holly. It'd be nice to know the girl I've found so..." He paused for a moment, not wanting to sound like a stalker. "So beautiful, but know nothing about minus her name, especially asI had to find your surname myself." He allowed himself a brief smile, thinking. "And, of course, in the spirit of fairness you can question me also."
Inchuriel closed her eyes, steeling herself for what would come next. Peter's request to know more about her was a great opportunity to give him a glimpse of her true self, which would be necessary to stir up his Faith. Humans had closed themselves away from the divine in the millennia since her imprisonment, shying away from it like a child that had stuck its hand in a fire. They were simply too jaded, too sure that the world only functioned in set limited ways.

She was a bit worried about it though. Humans had built up a great capacity for self delusion, of reasoning away uncomfortable thoughts. They had become so good at it that reality itself often bent to their collective will, making it harder and harder for the miraculous to occur. It made the earlier comparison to the boy's biblical namesake all the more relevant. She had to take the chance, though.

When Inchuriel finally opened her eyes and looked up at Peter, they were much different. Where they had once been warm honey brown circles set in milky white orbs, there were now tiny galaxies spinning in a void the color of the night sky. "Do you really want to get to know me?" She asked, her voice ringing with power despite the fact that it didn't increase in actual volume.
Peter wasn't entirely sure what he was expecting when he asked the question. Maybe something about her personality, what she did, that kind of thing. What he didn't expect was for a voice to resonate within his mind, the kind that would command the primordial forces of creation with the slightest effort of will. Life being what it is, that's what he got. He almost stumbled from the force of her voice and gulped, an icy shiver of fear running through his mind.

That was the original Peter, the one uncorrupted by the symbiote, thinking however. Within a second it reasserted itself, desire for power overcoming the fear within the young superheros mind. After that brief bit of hesitation he nodded, meeting her gaze. Before just now, they were rather beautiful. Warm, kind with a rather sultry undercurrent, suggestions of a lovers hands around you on their lips upon yours.

Now, however, it was like looking into a telescope, gazing upon something far greater than yourself, truly incomprehensible. It prompted only a single response. "Y... Yes."
Inchuriel smiled at Peter's response, a genuine heartfelt smile that radiated relief at not being rejected. With a quick blink her eyes returned to normal. "You're something special, you know," she told him in a soft whisper, her voice also, having returned to normal.

"Most people wouldn't have been able to handle that. Their minds would have closed in on themselves like the proverbial ostrich sticking their head in the sand, but you..." she trailed off, trying to find the appropriate words. "You've got that something that I first saw in humans so long ago. That's what made me grow to love your kind, originally. You throw yourself into danger to protect others despite the fact that they'll never know you. Many of them even despise you, saying horrible things about you," she continued to muse, gaze losing focus as if recalling some terrible memory. The suddenly her eyes snapped back to the present to gaze searchingly into Peter's.

Whatever she found seemed to soothe her, though, as she smiled contentedly once again. Slowly, seemingly drawn by some magnetic force, her face moved closer to his until their lips met in a soft kiss.
As her eyes returned to their previous, chestnut brown state, Peter blushed and blinked, coming to his senses. Blushing? Now that was something he hadn't done for a long time. Then again, he'd never gazed into the eyes of something truly and utterly incomprehensible, something that was truly greater than him. So something like that happening wasn't too surprising.

He listened to her as she spoke, that undercurrent slowly becoming more audible in her voice until the original tone, the sweet,kind tone, became the undercurrent. "You don't... you're not just talking about me, are you?" He whispered, feeling sudden sympathy with the alluring waif, a kinship between the pair. His question was unanswered, however, as his lips met hers. He blinked a single time in surprise before smiling, a pleasant current running through his spine as his arms slid to hold her.
Kissing was a novel experience for Inchuriel, novel and altogether pleasant. She had Holly's memories of kissing, of course, but had never actually done it herself. Guided both by those recently inherited memories and more than a little instinct, her lips parted and the kiss deepened. The effect was more than just pleasant. It became downright intoxicating. The entire world simply ceased to exist for Inchuriel in that moment, leaving just her and her chosen champion. She could feel his arms wrap around her waist and she was lost.

The demoness hadn't felt anything but hate and sorrow this intensely since the first days, the days before the Fall. Even during the war, she had mostly grown detached and numb, feeling only sorrow as the conflict poisoned her heart and a gulf of despair seemed to grow between her and her charges. Compared to that and the torture that followed in Hell, she almost felt as she did when the world was young. For a brief moment, she had regained the Paradise that she was sure had been lost forever. She felt innocent again and surrounded by wonder.

When she finally broke away, there were tears in her eyes and she was staring up at Peter in awe. Then, realizing what she must look like, she turned away in embarrassment. "Sorry, I got a little carried away," she apologized sheepishly as she wiped the moisture from her eyes.
Peter wasn't new to kissing. Far from it, actually. He wasn't nerdy, more just... Quiet, and even that had changed lately with the symbiote. He'd had a few girlfriends in the past, and the kissing that comes with it. It was quite pleasant, he always thought, and ever since his mostly amicable break up a few months ago he'd missed it. But he hadn't expected this kiss. Rather, the intensity of it- he'd caught up on most of the signs given to him by Holly, the flirtation, the contact, that ever so mysterious aura she practically radiated.

He hadn't expected the intensity of this kiss, however. It was... Transcendent seemed fitting, although if he knew exactly who he was kissing the word would most certainly change. It wasn't the soft touch of a lover that filled you with people, not alone. It wasn't the quick and dirty kiss you give when lust fills your mind, the more savage aspects of humanity. It wasn't even the shy, hesitant kiss given on a first date or to your first love. It wasn't any of them. It was the sum of them all and something more, elation filling his soul as blood rushed as it was wont to do. He held Holly close, appreciating the warmth and comfort of her body, a quiet, needy groan escaping his lips.

Till the kiss broke, at least. Then a quick blush crossed his cheeks for the tiniest second, surprised at how quick it had actually been, embarrassed at the strong effect Holly had on him. "Holly? Are you okay?" Peter asked, catching the slight sparkle in her eyes, a rather melancholy sight given by the girl with such a mellifluous voice.
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