Even spiders should beware webs. (with Pokemasterj)


Feb 11, 2009
Soft golden light poured out of the roof access door as it opened to reveal, not the dark stairway that it normally would have, but what appeared to be a tidy girl's bedroom being dimly illuminated by a desktop lamp. The silhouette of a young woman, framed by the glow, partially obscured the oddity, but not enough that any witnesses would fail to notice that the room's dimensions were easily four times the size that would be able to fit in the space provided by the little outcropping that constituted said access. Such facts didn't concern Inchuriel, though, mostly because she already knew there wouldn't be any witnesses, not yet anyway. Only one person would be here tonight besides her, and it was a few moments before he would arrive. She had foreseen it.

It had taken quite a bit of time and effort to sort through the shattered mess that had become of the Great Pattern to find a time and place where she could meet the mortal that had piqued her interest through the memories of her host. Holly had been quite the fan of his, reading in wonder the articles that the various media printed about the mysterious masked man who swung through the air like an expert gymnast could only dream of doing on gossamer strands he seemed to conjur from nowhere. At times he struck quite the romantic figure, either saving damsels in distress or, if the Daily Bugle was to be believed, playing the dashing rogue in daring acts of skullduggery. Well, that's how Holly had interpreted it anyway and, because Holly was a part of her now, she couldn't help but think of him in that light as well. She knew better than to let that image intrude on reality though.

She calmly stepped out onto the roof, closing the door behind her. Oddly, now that the door was closed, it was easier to make out her appearance. Despite the fact that they shared the same features, the long elegant raven hair and chestnut brown eyes set in a slender yet subtly heart shaped face, Inchuriel left a much different impression than had Holly Masterson. Where Holly had been cheerful and bubbly, Inchuriel was poised and confident, always with a mysterious twinkle in her eye that seemed to say, "I know something you don't know." At first, the change had been a little unsettling for her family and friends, but eventually they had decided that it was simply a case of a girl finally maturing into adult hood. Well, the ones that hadn't simply started avoiding her had decided that anyway.

With a couple minutes to go, Inchuriel meticulously smoothed out her skirt. She had purposefully selected subtly alluring yet unsuitably, even jarringly, mundane clothes to contrast against the scenery of a New York rooftop in the middle of the night. She wanted to leave an impression, wanted to make it so she would keep popping into his mind when it started to wander. So, she had chosen a short black skirt and a white tank top that emphasizes her rather slender form and and long legs that were covered up to the knee in white socks. The look was completed by a pair of simple black Mary Janes. Satisfied that her outfit was in order, she leaned back against the door with her arms crossed beneath her chest to wait for her 'guest'.
Three weeks had passed since Peter had donned his new... Suit would be fitting, technically, but it was so much more than that. More a new set of skin, one that empowered him, filled him with strength. A mass of black that covered his form when on duty- his standard spider logo more elongated, small strands of whiteness darting out of the legs to create a chaotic spread. His muscles emphasized, the young vigilante had found himself gaining more strength and success than he could every imagine, filling him with confidence in his actions.

The circumstances over obtaining it were somewhat murky in his memory- whether it was a crashing meteorite or in a facility to aid his recuperation he couldn't remember- but he didn't care. He'd found that he was beginning to shrug off some of the more silly concerns, eliminating petty thugs and the more stereotypical super-villains with ease. Of course, this did attract even more ire from the Daily Bugle, but that wouldn't matter much longer, simply requiring Parker to give more flattering pictures of himself to JJ Jameson, as much as he'd hate them.

By tonight, he was wanting to see where his skills could take him, willing and wishing to push himself even further. The second skin, symbiote, aid, whatever you wanted to call it, was influencing him without Peter even realizing it, as it did with anyone else it'd be associated with. Tonight, however, he was frustrated. The city was rather peaceful despite his searching, no muggers to defeat, rapists to stop or delusional megalomaniacs to thwart.

It was just his luck- positive or negative luck is up for debate- that he landed on that rooftop, a a somewhat stunning figure catching his eyes. Even without the suit he'd be paying attention, bored of being single, but with his more primal urges being urged on the sight of a young, attractive woman was utterly irresistible. She was rather lovely, somewhat above average height with the kind of face that would drive men to extremes, a cheeky glimmer in her eye that let on she was aware of a joke only the most privileged would know.

That wasn't all that caught his eye, however. It was the clothing. By herself in the middle of the city on an isolated rooftop, it was truly unique. The suicidal dressed much, much more reserved than her and she certainly didn't have the air of such a person- the opposite, someone wanting and waiting for someone specific. That was the most important thing, the kind of looks that would attract Peter Parker, the air of strength that would intrigue the symbiote.

Landing on the rooftop with more grace than usual- the stick black webs the symbiote had an unlimited of supply of were much easier to manipulate than his artificial webbing- Peter strode over the the girl, eyes flickering over her form under the mask. "What's a girl like you doing in a place like this without company?" HE asked, cocky tone he seemed to always have more obvious than usual.
"Oh, but I do have company," Inchuriel quipped playfully. "And you're right on time," she added, sounding more than a little cryptic. Using her hips to push herself off the wall, she began circling the wall crawler , letting her hips sway seductively as she openly admiring his form beneath the new, dark suit. She had been puzzled when she had seen the outfit in her vision, and had half-expected it to be some kind of fluke, but here he was. She had to admit, the black look made him seem both more dangerous and more alluring at the same time. She couldn't help but revel in that attraction. Until she had, more or less, fused consciousness with Holly, she had never experienced feelings like this and they were intoxicating. They could also be dangerous, Inchuriel warned herself. They often threatened to cloud her judgment.

"I've read a lot about you, Spiderman," she explained as she finished her circuit and made her way over to the edge of the roof, staring down at the city streets. "But the papers don't really know the first thing about you, do they?" the demoness mused in a seemingly sympathetic tone. "All their stories about you contradict one another, and in the end, they make themselves look foolish and make the whole world wary of an imaginary monster that's prowling the rooftops and alleyways for victims."

Abruptly, Inchuriel turned back to face the black clad man, her expression friendly and warm. "Somehow, I don't think that's right though, is it?" she asked rhetorically. "So, I thought I would come see for myself. I hope you don't mind," she added in a silky voice, as she once again approached him, coming a little closer this time so that she was just inside what most people would consider their personal space.
Now this... This was intriguing. Such an alluring voice she had- the hints of the standard NY accent with an undertone to it, like she was whispering sweet nothings in your ear, whether she was in your face or across the room. He'd never heard anything quite so sensuous as her voice, and it was matched by her lovely movements- she knew how to move her body, how to get the attention of whoever she wanted. And she had Peters.

He appreciated the focus she was giving him, nodding at the appropriate times in her speech- that he'd been portrayed as some sort of menace, that his own boss hated him and his alter-ego, the fact that the people he protected seemed to be running from him even after rescue now. And, on top of all else, the girl was right. They were all wrong. He protected them, he kept them safe. Spider-Man kept them safe, with Peter Parker getting no thanks whatsoever.

His instincts were telling him the girl was someone to pay attention to, to listen to, to let her silken voice filter through his ears- the wills of the symbiote, intrigued by this mystery woman who seemed to knows its host so well. "What right minded person would object to having someone like you interested in them?" He smiled, knowing it'd be visible beneath the skin-like suit.
Inchuriel giggled melodically at that. "Well, let's leave right minded people out of this shall we? I mean, what do they have to do with people like us?" she teased, a twinkle of humor in her eyes. "Speaking of..." she added, a touch more seriously, before she began to mutter what seemed to be a string of gibberish under her breath. There was something about the sounds, though, that just seemed to resonate. One could just feel the power lurking behind them and suddenly the background noise of the city slowed to a halt. It wasn't just the noise though, the entire city just stopped moving as if the entire world beyond the rooftop was somehow frozen in time.

"There," Inchuriel chirped happily. "Now we won't have to worry about any of those pesky right minded people bothering us," she added in a playfully conspiratorial tone. Truthfully, that hadn't really been a concern. She knew no one would be coming up here tonight. The display of power was simply meant to hint at her more than human nature without stating it outright. She would have to walk a tightrope here, hinting at her depth of power while carefully concealing its origin. Those horrible books had given humanity such a distorted view of her kind, that most would turn hostile if they learned too much too soon.

"Now, where were we?" the girl asked sweetly, not wanting to immediately go back to flirting. When revealing that there's more to one than meets the eye, she mused, it's best not to make someone suspect manipulation.
Another smile crossed Peter's face at the woman's' words, his eyes roving over her rather pleasant body as her tone faded, just before... He couldn't think of how to explain it, although he felt like his skin was trying to crawl away from it. The standard hubbub of the city below them dulled for just a moment before vanishing entirely, rather similar to the final flicker of a dying light bulb.

Peter stared at the woman for a few moments, unsure how to react. She wasn't human then, or... No, that was wrong. She wasn't fully human. Entirely possible she was a mutant, although he'd never heard of any who could silence the whole of a city, or deafen someone outside of such a small range. Magic was another possibility, like Doctor Strange. Still, the girl didn't have the look of one who could use magic to her. Completely and utterly curious.

And yet, he didn't feel threatened by this new show of power. Far from it, actually. He was even more intrigued by this show of new power, the symbiote edging him on to listen to her, to find out who- or at least what- she was. "Usually, I rescue the damsel stranded on the rooftop, find out her name and go away. But..." He smiled, feeling cockier than usual. "I'd rather skip the first step and leave the third for a while, Miss...?" Names would help, at least. Even just in talking.
"I suppose that's for the best then, considering I don't need rescuing," she returned playfully. "Unless you're thinking of doing something naughty that is," she added in a sultry tone, taking a step forward to place a hand on his chest and smile seductively. If she was surprised by the texture of the costume, she didn't show it.

"As for my name..." the demoness began, cheekily. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours." Here was another tightrope, or perhaps a better analogy would be a minefield. Any true student of the occult could tell you that names have power, and that was especially true of her kind. She had several that could potentially be used against her, some to greater effect than others.

Inchuriel would give him one, though, if he gave her one. It would be an even trade. Holly's name was more or less hers now. It would have the same potency if used against her that his would, at least. She doubted he would go for that deal, though. The man was nothing if not secretive. After all, he hadn't even given a whisper of a statement to the media in an attempt to clear up any of the misunderstandings.

"Or maybe just a glimpse of whatever's under that mask?" She ammended smoothly. It wasn't quite as useful as far as information went, unless he was someone famous. It was much harder to search for a face than a name, after all.
Peter froze for the tiniest second as she touched his chest, feeling as if there was no pure black suit covering his body, warm and yet... it was like being near an electrical current, a quiet hum of power he could feel. That said, it was desirable. Peter smiled at her words, nodding.

There wasn't a chance in hell he'd give the woman his name, not yet. She might be the most alluring person he'd met, the most mysterious person, but he wore a mask for a reason- to keep him and those close to him safe. At the cost of the fame he rightfully deserves, a bitter thought added. "My name? Well, that's more of a third date thing, y'know? I don't want you thinking I'm a slut." He did want to know moer about her, though. Anything to give him a hint to learn more about her, this magical illusionist.

"But my face? No harm there." It'd be hard as hell to find him through a glance at his face- a picture might let you find him in his university's database, but he doubted she'd remember him fully after a few hours. He smiled and, exerting his will slightly, had the mask portion of the symbiote retreat, showing the youthful face he hid so often, a dark bag under one of his eyes.
"And here you were, trying to get a name from me. What must you think of me?" Inchuriel retorted, feigning offense. The playful smirk on her face showed she hadn't taken it personally, though. "However, a deal is a deal, as they say. My name is Holly," she conceded. Internally, she was exulting. While a face wasn't quite as good as a name, it was still something. With a face to go along with it, 'Spiderman' would be a good enough name to locate him through the pattern in the future.

"Such a handsome face, though," she cooed, searching his eyes intently. Silently, her hand came up to slowly caress his cheek. She took a step closer as she did, lightly pressing up against him. "I hope you'll let me see it again some time," she added in a seductive whisper before breaking away.

With a confident stride, she made her way over to the door she had originally come out of. "See you later, good lookin'," she called with a saucy wink before opening the door, despite the fact that it was actually locked. As before, it opened to reveal a room that it shouldn't. Turning away from Peter one last time, she entered, closing the door behind it and breaking the link between the two.
A grin crossed Peter's face at the womans words, the smirk playing upon her face truly delightful to see. "Holly, huh? Wouldn't have guessed it, but it's fittiing. A beautiful face for a beautiful woman..." His voice trailed off as she closed the distance to him, feeling a strange stirring within him at the meeting of their eyes- as if he was looking into someone incomprehensible, ancient and beyond all of his knowledge, like an ant seeing a human for the first time.

It was over as quickly as it ended, however, replaced by a brief surge of lust and attraction at the touch of her velvety-soft hand, clearly cared after. It was something he wanted to relive, to feel that sensation over and over again till he couldn't bare it no longer. Knowing her name gave him a... Almost a sense of excitement at what could happen- a name and knowing her face could help in a quick search. Spider-man may not have relationships, sure. But Peter Parker? He was just human, after all.

Still, he couldn't hide the brief look of dissapointment as the beauty took her leave. "Speak for yourself, Holls." He grinned and waved slightly, mask returning to cover his face just as the sounds of the city below returned in time with the door closing, halting his thoughts of this mystery woman. As alluring as she was, as much as she had piqued his interest, he had a duty- even if it was unwanted as of late. With a sigh, the super hero took a running leap off of the building followed by the extension of a black web, mind plagued with thoughts of Holly, and how to find her.
It would be a little over a week before Inchuriel would find another opportunity to meet her chosen hero. Surprisingly, it seemed fate was leading him to a place that Holly had known quite well before her unfortunate end. As she opened the door to the cozy little pub down the street from her apartment, smiling cheerfully, all eyes turned to her as their owners fell silent. On an evening like this, it was usually only regulars since it was the middle of the week, and they all recognized little Holly Masterson from when her late mother had worked there. Lately, things had changed though. Shortly after her mother had died, Holly went from being the cute little neighbourhood kid that would drop by the bar after school, to being... more distant. Everyone simply assumed it was the shock of losing her mother, and they weren't completely wrong, but there was something else too.

She just seemed to know things. Things that no one should know. She would place a bet on a weekend game now and again with Sam, the bartender/small time bookie, and when she did, she would win every time. The freaky thing was, she wouldn't just bet whether this team or that would win or whether they would beat the spread, she would give the exact score of the game. If that wasn't bad enough, one night she had called out after Mike Stearns that he should go by his sister's place on his way home. He had thought it a bit odd at the time, but he did it anyway, only to find his sister's boyfriend standing outside her door holding a baseball bat and screaming threats at her. Seeing Mike round the corner, the asshole had run off. Needless to say, the story got spread around the neighbourhood, and people started getting a little nervous when she would come around.

"Heya Sam," Inchuriel greeted the bartender like one might greet a favourite uncle, with a warm smile and a note of affection in her tone. He had always been kind to Holly as a little girl. When she would stop in to check in with her mother in the afternoons, he would have a snack waiting for her. The cold days were her favourite, when he would make her a hot bowl of tomato soup. They were some of her fondest memories.

"Hey Holly," Sam replied, his tone just as affectionate but tinged with a bit of unease. "This ain't your usual night, " he noted, sounding casual, but it was obvious he was building up to something. "If you come to bet on the game this weekend, you can forget it. Jojo is getting a little antsy about your winnin' streak and I don't wanna see you get hurt," he chided firmly. Not wanting to seem to harsh, though, he teasingly added, "'sides, I'm getting tired of havin' to pay them out. I can barely break even with you around."

Inchuriel merely rolled her eyes at the man. "Don't worry. I'm not hear to bet," she assured. "I'm actually just meeting some one here," she explained, before adding a quick, "Be right back," and heading to the bathroom.

Just as she was coming back out, she saw a very tall man come through the front entrance wearing a strangely bulky trench coat and matching hat. If that hadn't been enough to recognize the man from her vision, the little splashes of green peeking out around his face and underneath the coat certainly did the trick. "Right on time," Inchuriel mused humourlessly under her breath.

Not wasting a moment, the man walked up to Sam and leaned in close. "I need to talk to Bobby. Where is he?" the figure asked in a gravelly voice that brooked no argument.

Sam was clearly shaken by the man's appearance up close as he grew visibly nervous. "Calm down, buddy. Bobby ain't here tonight," Sam told the man. Obviously, that answer failed to please the man, though, if the sudden tightness of his jaw was any indication.

"I didn't ask you where he ain't. I asked you where he was," the man growled, his hand coming up to grab Sam by the collar threateningly and revealing an armored green glove tipped with a small, sharp claw on the end of each finger.
Eight days had passed since Peter had met Holly, and it'd been nearly all he could think about. The mysterious woman's features and voice had been etched into his mind as he went away from that rooftop, and had been repeating ever since. His focus had faltered often when he drifted to thinking of her, of when he'd imagined when they'd meet next. His work had faltered in college, he'd missed a few muggins and various people to rescue. All over this one girl.

His work to find her had barely worked, managing to pin it down to two people. Obsessive? In all likelihood, yes. Extremely so. But he couldn't help himself, even the symbiote was compelling him to find this powerful mystery. It was either Holly Masterson or Holly Diorno, each looking remarkably similar. The latter was at his own college, and would be remarkably easy to find. For the sake of ease, he decided to check out Masterson first. Now an orphan, she seemed to be about his age from Peter's research, having a fairly stable schedule. Friday night, for example? A small little pub in one of the quieter areas of the city, staying there most of the night. Most likely had family there, he was guessing.

Now, Spider-Man wouldn't have a reason to stop in there, would he. But Peter Parker? Nobody could fault an overworked student with a job to juggle for wanting a quiet drink at the end of the week, not unless they were particularly cruel. He'd taken it upon himself to wait their for her, if only to catch another glimpse- if not more. He'd waited for the better part of two hours in the corner of the bar, nursing the same drink for the majority of the time he was there.

Fate would have it, however, that just as he stepped into the bathroom he noticed Holly walking in, removing all his doubts over which Holly was the one he met that night- Masterson, without a single ounce of challenge to it. Ruining any plans he had for the night, sadly, was the entrance of a man. Washing his hands, Peter's spider senses- as odd as they often are, never truly consistent on when they'd warn him- triggered, warning him of imminent danger within feet of him.

"Damn it..." A quiet grumble was all he murmured, admittedly having looked forward to drinking if not talking to Holly, and switched to his suit, glad there was nobody about. If he was lucky, this would be over in a matter of seconds. Taking a deep breath in, Peter stepped out of the bar and shot a quick web out to the mans hand around the bartenders throat, managing to whip it away for a moment. "Easy, buddy! Can't you wait for a drink like the rest of us?"
The man whipped around quickly, dropping Sam as he turned to face this new threat. "You!" he growled angrily, wild yellow eyes showing through the green mask fused to his face from underneath the hat. Taking advantage of the man's sudden distraction, the pub's patrons scrambled out the door, all except Holly.

As the man slowly began to pull of his coat to reveal the green plated armor beneath, including what appeared to be a giant metal tail tipped with a blade hanging down from a hollow chamber, she calmly made her way off to the side and wrapped herself in a small time bubble, causing the world outside to move at half speed to her senses. Even moving at normal human speeds, the time dilation would allow her to dodge any crossfire or attempts to take her hostage. She probably could have helped more, but that would be counter productive. Her hero would be more malleable after the conflict. It would present her the perfect opportunity to feed his ego and use it to lead him around by the nose.

Mac Gargan, however, was oblivious to the girl's presence. All his attention was focused on Spiderman. "What happened? Your grandma make you a new set of jammies for your birthday?" he asked venomously of his opponent. "Well, a new Halloween costume ain't gonna scare me," he added, punctuating his declaration by launching forward at the black clad super hero. His arm was cocked back to throw a haymaker, but as he threw the fist, he followed through with a tail strike for when the initial attack was inevitably dodged.
It isn't simple, is it? Parker was hoping this was simply a disgruntled customer, someone who'd had a bit to much to drink and needed a quiet night at the drunk tank. Instead, it was Mac Gargan- more commonly known as the Scorpion. Not his worst foe, he had to admit, but he was tougher than the average one. Strong enough with his brute strength, his suit- similar to Peter in that it was part of him, although he couldn't even remove it, melded to his skin. Thank god for small mercies, at least. He wasn't the smartest.

The bar was devoid of people, from the look of it, although he didn't feel like they were alone, the kind of feeling that tells you there's an unknown presence there. Peter smirked underneath the symbiote and lurched to the left, away from his fist with a cry, smirking. "Speak for yourself, you giant green siss-" And, of course, was cut off as the tail slammed into his chest, knocking him back a fair few feet. Painful, but he'd live. Parker grit his teeth and clenched his fists, taking advantage of the momentary gloating Gargan allowed himself to send a brief spray of web into his eyes, blinding him.

With a grin, Peter wasted no time and hurled himself forward to launch his fist into Gargans face, taking the greatest of care to avoid his tail this time. Normally, Peter would pull his punches even when fighting his more esoteric foes. But not now, not when the suit was egging him on, removing his restraint. Peter's superpowered strength rocketed into the Scorpions nose and slammed him into the floor, nose audibly breaking along with the table behind him as he crashed backwards.
Inchuriel raised a single eyebrow in surprise at the brevity of the fight. She was about to step out of her little cocoon until she noticed Scorpion stirring from his position on the floor amongst the shattered debris of the table. Struggling to his feet groggily, he took a moment to steady himself after the unexpectedly brutal hit. His appearance was more savage and monstrous than ever with blood flowing down over his mouth combined with those unaturally yellowish green eyes that almost seemed to glow with a toxic light. Those same eyes, however, showed he was in no condition to keep fighting. They were fully dilated and obviously confused. The demoness would be surprised if he knew his own name at this point.

Mac wasn't quite ready to give up though. Stumbling forward, he took a clumsy swipe at his enemy, all sense of coordination gone. The swing went wide and he nearly lost his balance, only just barely managing to stay on his feet. "I'm gonna... gonna get you," he stammered out drunkenly, the effort of speaking making him feel nauseous.
Peter sighed as he stepped to the side, mostly a customary effort- Gargan was going to miss him either way, the difference being of him missing by a foot or by two feet. He rolled his eyes and stepped up to the dazed man, grimacing. He didn't realize just how strong he'd hit him, but he didn't regret it. Not in a private place like this. The sooner it was sorted, the better. He'd already ruined Peter's evening, the best he could do was get it finished.

"Seriously, Mac? Know when to quit." Peter sighed one last time before poking him in the center of the forehead, being all that he needed to crumple to the floor, face a bloody mess. "Lightweights should avoid bars..." He murmured, mask peeling off for a second as he breathed in, appreciating the second of calm, not noticing Holly's presence still.
Inchuriel did step out of the bubble this time, causing the distortion to dissipate. "Fancy meeting you here," she quipped with a knowing smirk as she walked up beside him. "He wasn't a friend if your's was he? I don't think Sam would appreciate it if you brought him around very often," she teased.

"Speaking of which, I bet he's already called the cops. We should probably leave," the raven haired woman surmised, grabbing his hand as she began to guide him over to the women's restroom. Opening the door with her free hand, it revealed a completely different bathroom than it had before and she quickly pulled Peter in after her. She took the time to close the door fully before immediately opening it again to reveal... a library. It was a rather large, public library to be exact, though it was practically abandoned at the moment. She quickly peeked around to see if anyone was in the area before ducking back in.

"Looks like the coast is clear," she told the boy with a mischievous smile before pushing the door open and walking out. It appeared they were on the second floor, which was pretty much just a wide balcony that wrapped around the edge of the building and left a wide open area in the middle through which the ground floor was visible. It gave one the impression that it might have once been a grand ballroom that had been converted into its current form.

Inchuriel loved this place. The architecture was stunning, as far as mortal architecture went, and the atmosphere reminded her of the observatory from which she had once monitored the heavens. It was as nostalgic to her as Sam's place had been to Holly.
Peter smirked for a small second, the symbiote encouraging him to appreciate his handiwork for a brief time- that is, until he was interrupted by the sudden rejoining of Holly. Where she had came from, the masked man had no clue, but he wasn't displeased. "Friend of mine? Please, I might dress in all black and get beat up for a living, but I have standards, Masterson." Peter smiled at her, not realising he used her name.

Of course, any further discussion between the two was halted as she took him by the free hand, more strong-arming him than leading him. Were Peter of a sound mind right now, he'd realize just how... Strange it was that she could move him so effortlessly, although the simple presence of the beautiful enigma dulled his senses. He was happy to go with her, however, and stayed mostly silent. That is, until they stepped out of the bathroom and into the library.

Now that gave Peter pause for thought. He'd suspected she was more than your normal human, but this confirmed it. She had teleported the pair- hell, maybe the world had been moved around them- into a miraculous building, one of beauty and splendor that seemed strangely familiar yet entirely foreign at the same time. His mouth ran without any input from his brain, shock evident on Peter's face through the mask. "What the fuck.."
The Demoness's only reaction to the sound of her last name was a winning smile. That he had bothered to investigate her betrayed his interest. That was the first step accomplished at least. Now she had to wow him.

Judging from his reaction, she achieved just that though her House Lore. "What's the matter handsome? Never thought about doing something naughty in the library?" She whispered teasingly, as she slid up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaving her face only inches from his. Best to keep him off balance, not give him enough time to rationalize what happened. She needed his Faith, not his logic.
This place was amazing to Peter, infinitely more regal than anything he had ever seen before. Even the various museums and libraries around town paled in comparison to it, especially in one area- this had Holly in it, and they didn't. He couldn't step a blush crossing his cheeks for a small moment as he was pulled in by the beauty, mind struggling to think. He wasn't the bashful teen he used to be years ago- not that he was too shy, especially since getting the symbiote.

Now, though? He was stunned. He hadn't expected the sudden display from Holly or the contact, her words setting his mind ablaze with various thoughts and images, his lust rising once more. "Not, ah... Not as of late." He murmured, mask peeling back slowly. "And not with someone as beautiful as you."
"Well, I'm thinking about," Inchuriel told the man, grinning playfully. "Its too bad, though. I don't even know your name. It just wouldn't be proper," she added with a theatrical sigh. A moment later though, the sigh gave way to a mischievous smirk. "I mean, I wouldn't want you to think I was a slut or anything," she explained before quickly brushing the tip of her nose against his teasingly before disengaging from the embrace.

Inchuriel quickly stepped over to one of the bookshelves and, seemingly at random snatched a book down off it. She idly flipped through the pages, not seeming particularly interested in what it had to say, holding up enough to reveal that the title was written in French. "Do you like to read?" she asked idly, sounding only mildly curious.
Peter smiled weakly at Holly's words, actually struggling to keep up with someone for once in his life. He was known for his words- just ask anyone he knew, friends or foe alike, they'd say he never shut up- and he was damn near speechless. Holly was a mystery that continued to amaze him, interest him and above all else confuse him. He did his best to follow her, eyes focused on her body- mostly her face, but you couldn't blame him for looking elsewhere.

"Uh, yeah. But not in French. Too much 'Qui a coupe la fromage.'" He smiled, thinking. It couldn't hurt. It was a single girl, one who was benevolent. He'd know if he was being fooled, his spider-sense had helped with that in the past. "Peter. It's... It's Peter."
"Fart jokes? I bring you to one of the most romantic and culturally significant cities in the world, and youre telling fart jokes," Inchuriel replied, though her eyes betrayed her amusement both at the comment and at the little hint she had inserted into her retort.

When the boy finally gave her his name, she closed her book and seemed to consider it. "It suits you," she decided with a nod. Then her expression turned impish once again as she absently placed the book back on the shelf. "So tell me, Peter," she purred as she slid up to him seductively. "You won't deny me, will you?" she asked, leaning forward against him with her hands resting against his chest. She couldn't help but make the reference. It was just so perfectly appropriate.
"I'm more sophisticated than I look, I know." Peter smirked, the corners of his mouth upturning somewhat pleasantly as he looked over Holly, thinking after a few seconds. Another city? She confirmed it for him, then, that she was most certainly not a vanilla mortal. He wasn't displeased, mind, just... Surprised he hadn't heard of her before.

"You're too kind." He smiled as Holly returned the book to it's resting place, loving how oddly lyrical her voice was- there was a certain undercurrent to it, a sultry whisper that ran down your spine. His heart pounded slightly as the lithe, ebony haired beauty rested her hands on his chest,blood rushing through him in a rather pleasant manner. "Holly, I don't think I could even dream of denying you..."
"Careful, you're not the first Peter to make that claim," she warned, looking a little sad at the thought. They might be using a different meaning of the word deny than the story she was referencing, but the thought was still sweet. Almost without a thought, she leaned her head forward to rest on his shoulder, giving a soft sigh of contentment. "I think I believe you though."

"So why do you do what you do, Peter?" she asked after several comfortable moments nestling her face into his neck. She found herself intrigued by this mortal that she had chosen to pursue. Now she wanted to find out what made him tick. It would sate her curiosity as well as give her insight in what to offer him when the time came to seal the pact.
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